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20240515 Podcast Unidad 6 Tarea 2

20240515 Podcast Unidad 6 Tarea 2

Rubén Trillo



The Journey of Eneas, a epic podcast to Technical English task 6.2

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In this episode of Time Travel Tales, we follow the journey of Aeneas, a brave warrior who was the son of Aphrodite. Aeneas was raised by nymphs and became an exceptional warrior. He married Fiusa, but their happiness was interrupted when Prince Pallas kidnapped Helen of Greece. This led to a war between the Greeks and the Trojans. The battle was long and complicated, involving both humans and gods. Eventually, Troy was destroyed, but Aeneas survived and fled with his father and soldiers. They faced many challenges and dangers on their journey, including famine, storms, and the death of Aeneas' father. They sought refuge in Carthage for a while, but the gods told Aeneas that they had not yet reached their final destination. Aeneas had to travel to the Thunderworld to reveal the future and receive wisdom from his father. Eventually, Aeneas and the Trojans arrived at the River Tiber and Welcome to Time Travel Tales, a mission through time and space to explore the past. Today, we accompany Ineos on his journey, a story based on Vigil's Pale Age. Almost three thousand years ago, Aphrodite was a goddess so beautiful that even the gods gasped at the sight of her. She was a young girl with snow-white skin, long wavy blonde hair and eyes that sparkled like the stars. She was always dressed in a fine transparent robe and was to the world surrounded by flowers and birds. Anchises was a handsome shepherd who lived in the city of Dazmus. Aphrodite met him and fell in love with his beauty, so she disguised herself as a princess and used her goddess powers to fool Anchises, making him fall in love with her as well. They had a son together, whom Aphrodite secretly took away and raised to become a brave warrior named Ineos. But Aphrodite dear, what's all this about you and Ineos going on holiday alone? And what am I doing in the meantime? Nothing, nothing, Uncle Johnson. You stay with your little goat. It's a great summer and we'll talk about it when I get back, okay? Come on, go on and don't worry about anything. You've got enough with the goats and all that stuff. Unsurprisingly, Ineos, raised by the nymphs and loved to hunt by the center of Ceylon, became an exceptional warrior. When he grew up, he married Fiusa, the daughter of King Brian of Troy, a city with gigantic walls and strong warriors. Fiusa had a rather conceited brother, Prince Pallas. Pallas, neither son nor lady, went to the neighboring city of Mycenae and kidnapped Helen of Greece, who was like the Miss Universe of ancient times. So Helen's father sent his best armies to attack the city of Troy and rescue Helen. Poor Ineos had to go out to defend Troy against the super kings, the super heroes and the super smart, kind of like the Greek Avengers. Argamemnon, king of Mycenae and leader of the team, the strong and brave Achilles. Odysseus, famous for his cunning and intelligence. Patroclus, who was Achilles' close friend. Anodele, king of Mycenae and angry husband of Helen. Gaius, king of Mycenae and one of the fondest and wisest Greeks. Amphalambus, a brilliant inventor and strategist. The Greeks arrived in Troy and as the city was heavily defended, the battle was very long and complicated. Not only humans fought, but also gods like Athena, Oedon, Apollo or Aphrodite intervened to help one side or the other. After the death of Patroclus, Achilles confronted Ineos who had to be protected by the god of the sea, Poseidon. Poseidon then predicted that Troy would be destroyed, but Ineos would survive and found a new city. The Greeks were unable to enter the city of Troy. Athena, the goddess of war and wisdom, had a great idea to win the war. So, one night she spoke to a Greek carpenter named Ephio, and while he was sleeping, she said to him. Ephio, Ephio. What's the matter? I'm sleeping. You've got a really good idea. This is decent. We are going to build a big house like this, like a really big one, to allow a lot of people to stay inside. Ok, ok Athena. I'll build it, but please let me sleep. I'll let you sleep now, Ephio. I'll keep an eye on you. I'll go to the Trojans and tell them that the gods are going to give them something so they can win the war. But I don't understand. Aren't the Trojans our enemies? Why would they give them a gift to win the war? Wait, I haven't finished. Our best Greek soldiers are going to get inside the big house. We leave it at the gate, and they, as they believe it all, are going to put the house inside with soldiers and everything. At night, the soldiers come out, open the gate of the walls and that's it. We have won the war. Oh, Athena. How clever you are. Good night. Tomorrow I build your house. As Poseidon had said, Troy was destroyed. The poor Creusa died, but Aeneas survived and fled the city carrying his father and his soldiers and his son by the hand. Aeneas started a long journey with the Trojan survivors and guided by the gods, they travelled to Thrace, Delphi, Crete and finally to Italy. But before reaching their final destination, they, and especially Aeneas, had to face many problems and dangers such as famine, plagues, storms and the death of Aeneas' father. They also had to fight against harpies and against gods and goddesses who did not want the Trojans to form a new Troy. One day, a great storm pushed their ships to Carthage, where the Trojans thought they had found a new home, because the Carthaginians helped and welcomed them into their city where they lived for a while. Aeneas married with Queen Dido of Carthage, but the gods told Aeneas that this was not the place and the Trojans had not yet reached the place where they should live, so they set out again on the journey. Dido was very unhappy because Aeneas abandoned her and, in tears, she cursed Aeneas and his offspring forevermore. Night, the son of Aeneas' father appeared and told him that he had to travel to the Thunderworld to reveal the future. Aeneas had to convince the civil to open the gates of Hades and Chiron to allow him to cross the river Styx. He had to touch Cantharberus, the Iron Three-Headed Dog, meet the spirit of Dali and the souls of the Thunderworld, and finally reach the Elysian Hills, where his father offered him the wisdom to set up the new Troy. So the Trojans traveled to the River Tiber, where lived the Elysians. This king knew of a prophecy that stated one day his daughter Davinia would marry a foreign king and together they would establish the most powerful kingdom. But Davinia was already betrothed to King Tumnus of Rutulians and the goddess Juno, who did not want to allow the marriage between Davinia and Aeneas provoke a new war between the Rutulians and the Trojans. Although Aeneas and his friends were tired of so much war and trouble, he had to fight again, this time with the help of magical weapons that the god Vulcan fought for him at the request of his mother, Venus Aphrodite. The battle was very tough, but Aeneas managed to defeat Tumnus in a singular fight, married Davinia and formed the city of Lavinia. Together, Davinia and Aeneas happily ruled Lavinia and united the Elysians and Trojans into one people, fulfilling all the prophecies. When Aeneas died, his son Julo began his own journey and not far from Lavinia founded the city of Alba Lonca, where a few years later Romulus and Remus would be born, but that's another great story. Well well well, this was a great tale about the journey of Aeneas to, little by little, reach almost the foundation of the eternal city, Rome. Here, Vizier wanted to teach us the importance of duty, responsibility, love and family. If you liked it and want to continue learning about the past, don't miss to get to our next Time Travel Tales.

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