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The hosts of a podcast discuss their experiences with social media and online comments. They talk about the mixed reactions they receive on TikTok, including positive and negative comments. They also discuss the recent wildfires in LA and how some people are using the tragedy as content for their social media platforms, which they find manipulative and yucky. Hello and welcome to Stuff I'm Stuck On. I'm Ruth. I'm Juliana. And every week we meet to talk about stuff we love, stuff we hated, and everything stuffed in between. But sometimes we don't start with stuff we love or stuff we hate. It's weird times. Just start with perplexing things apparently. I'm so sorry. Can we do that one more time? Because I know I moved my microphone and it made like a weird sound. I looked up and you're just like slowly getting redder and I'm like what's happening? Sorry about that. It's okay. Okay. Hello and welcome to Stuff I'm Stuck On. I'm Ruth. I'm Juliana. And every week we meet to talk about stuff we love, stuff we hated, and everything stuffed in between. And it's just one of those in between weeks I think. I mean we're lucky that we're, I feel like this is a medication thing being medicated enough where I'm not just stuck in hate, right? Yeah. This has been a wild couple of weeks. I mean as far as like world, of course, country, what's going on. And then personally for myself it's been a weird start to the year as I did have a video go mini viral on TikTok. And overall I feel grateful that like, right, like the medication, I'm like mentally prepared for like what comes with having a video go mini viral. But like, oh my, the TikTok comments sometimes, it's tough. It's tough. It's perplexing. It's confusing. I don't know what the hell people are thinking and why this energy, I think about the amount of energy that's going into these TikTok comments. If they could redirect this energy into like creative writing, art, something, like it's just, I'm perplexed. So I did see like your initial couple videos that I've kind of been at a point where I can't open TikTok for longer than like 20 seconds at a time. And the initial comments I saw were like so positive, people just resonating the things that you think. And just like being in agreeance or like in support of your experiences and your opinions. And of course, commenting on how funny you are, how amazing your skin looks. And then I must have just dropped off after that because I just, I'm like, what's happening? What are these TikTok comments? What, like, do you want to share just like the general gist of like the perplexing ones? Yeah, I mean, I know this is also what's perplexing too is right, like, but overwhelming majority are positive, are supportive. And like, but, and I'm so grateful. And it's like, I wish I could absorb those the same way that these like, more like rude comments, like are able to penetrate. Oh, it's maddening. So I feel like the ones that like really grind me are the ones where it's like, people telling me what to do, people telling me what to think, people telling me what to feel, people telling me like, oh, that's not really how it went. This is how it went. And it's like, this is my story. Why do you think you know more about my childhood than me? Like, that's the shit that I like. It's really like, you need to write a short story, because you obviously have creative energy that needs to go somewhere. Okay, creative is a very kind word for it. I don't know if that's the word that I would use. But again, I think that's like, just like such a nice reflection of how positive that you're actually feeling so that you are calling it creative and not just like, bumfuckery. I don't even know. Like, I think this is why I just don't read the comments. Because I'm like, I like dampens my faith in the world. And also, I ultimately think that it's because somebody wants attention, they want other people to agree with the things that you are, are that they're saying, but then using your, I guess, like your platform, as like a space to do it. I don't think people understand that, like, when you specifically are posting your videos and your thoughts, it's not an opening. You're not inviting people to come and like, argue with you or correct you or like, really dump anything on you. That's not just your like, support or grants. Yeah, I mean, I guess, and then the argument is like, that's what that's what you get for posting on the internet. And it's like, why has why do we just default to like, oh, we got to accept like garbage, right? Like, oh, it's just like, we don't it doesn't actually have to be this way. Actually, like it does it just because this is historically how it has been, like doesn't mean it's not possible to change. And luckily, yeah, it's not the majority. Oh, man, I'd like I had somebody. So I made like a video, basically about how like, a lot of these videos are like about my family, my childhood growing up. And one of them was basically about like how none of us like are upset with my dad. You know, currently, like we're all like, past it and stuff. And someone's like, you need to hold your dad accountable because you didn't hold your dad accountable. He got to go on and hurt other people. And it's like, just because I didn't blast my dad online doesn't mean I didn't hold him accountable. Like in this for that's where you what you got from this video. I'm perplexed. Yeah, I think people are just using it as a reflection of what they're going through. And also you stated that your dad has passed away. So it's really weird to me that there's this like, almost judgment of somebody who's already passed away and not saying that like, oh, we can't make comments about behaviors of people who have passed. But in this sense, like you're talking about something so personal, like it's your family. And I can't imagine looking at somebody like in real life, like sitting here across from each other, like face to face and being like, Oh, your dad passed away, you should have done this. And this is how you should have held them accountable. Because I think if you had that conversation in person and not between like a screen, that would, it would just it would be insane. People will be like, that's not an okay thing to say. Yeah, it is. It's so it's interesting. It's interesting. But that's enough. Enough about that. Tell me what's been perplexing you. Oh, my gosh, what has been perplexing me aside from just like, literally, everything. I'm trying not to be like in this mired state of like, everything is awful. At best it is perplexing. But like, yeah, I guess I'm like, kind of trying to see what has been something that is at best perplexing. I think probably something that's closest to that, I think your TikTok comments kind of reminded me is that LA is currently on fire, been on fire. And like something great that has come out of that is like people coming together and like supporting their communities, like people have lost their homes and their businesses and their like places of employment. So others are coming together like offering their like food and clothes and shelter. Like restaurants are handing out free meals. People are putting up strangers in their home so that they have places to live. But I think like because we are living in this like TikTok, like TikTok driven state, it's now become kind of like fodder for content. Like people are making it a point to be like, okay, I need to like film whatever it is I'm doing and like take that and like edit it and like put it out or like make these like grandiose statements. You know, just like usual color background, white font, talking about how they're like so heartbroken. And this is what they're doing. And this is what we should all be doing. And I'm very, of course, supportive of people who are expressing themselves and their emotions and what they're going through. But I think we also are seeing like, oh, this is like an opportunity for us to, I guess, like market ourselves as a business in response to something with the fires. And I find that to be, at best, I think it's a little odd. At worst, I think it's like oddly manipulative in a way where we're just like using tragedy to market ourselves. But at the same time, like, do I even have any right to be upset by that? Because they are supposedly like helping people who have lost everything. So it's this constant like having a reaction, like an emotional reaction to something I see. And then being like, was that reaction valid? And then just shutting it all down, like just immediately like putting phone face down. And then of course, because I'm like addicted to my phone, it's like an endless circle of like, picking the phone back up, like seeing something about how like, things are like being put together in a very content forward way, feeling weird about it, putting the phone down, picking it up in the next like minute because I'm addicted. It's like an endless, endless circle, truly. That gives me like the heebie-jeebies a little bit. Yeah, a little bit. The purposely making content out of like good deeds. It is like, it's like, okay, yeah, so you're showing people it's like you're being a good example. Like, oh, maybe I could go do something like that, too. But I don't really feel like, I don't know, I don't really feel like that's what what happens. Like, it doesn't feel like that is the intention. And then a lot of times I see people who are like, filming, like the recipients of these good deeds. Like they're helping people who have lost everything, but they're, they've got like a phone or a camera to their face. And I'm like, do these people agree? Like to be filmed? Like to be a part of like your content? Or are you putting like their faces and like their raw emotions out there? As I don't know, I don't want to say clickbait because I feel like the word's overused. But yeah, like as something for people to click on, drive engagement up. Yeah, just like, improve your branding. This feels like less perplexing to me and more yucky. Oh, is it like, just creeping towards the hate a little bit? I mean, for at least for me, I don't want to tell you how to feel about anything. But like, yuck. Also, I really love that Buffy, your kitty cat has joined us. Yeah, I think she's very interested by your voice because she does not do this ever. But she's currently sitting like to the left side of my mic and just staring at like us talking. And the conversation has absolutely nothing to do with you. But I think in her heart, she's like, I completely agree. This is bullshit. Oh, Buffy, thank you for the support. She's just here for the tea. Yeah, I think like, in the midst of everything, I am trying to like, think of, we don't just talk about things we hate, and things that perplex us, we do usually find something good. And like, something to love in the world. I'm having a hard time this week. I'm really trying. This morning, I was like, I love, I love bread. Should I just talk about how I love bread? And then I was like, well, I gotta, I gotta get it together. Well, number one, there's always room for bread talk. Number two, this is great, because actually the thing I love, I was introduced to, or I guess not introduced to, but recommended by you. It's a book, I'm Laughing Because I'm Crying by Young-Mi Nair. And I was a fan of Young-Mi, her comedy and like, her videos that she posts online. She is also mixed Korean and white. So I was actually kind of like a little bit hesitant to listen, because I don't know, sometimes I like worry like, similar-ish identity stories, like I'm going to get triggered. But after hearing from you that you really enjoyed it, I like, did go ahead and listen to it. And I enjoyed it so much. Like, because it still has her voice of comedy, I think just like thrown throughout the book, and she's not trying to take herself so seriously. I think something that I see lately is like this, again, like marketing consumption of Korean drama, it seems to be very popular, you know, lately, and I was kind of afraid of being like, oh, am I gonna just be, am I just like, also responding to this need to like, consume drama porn? And then I was like, I don't care, I'm buying the book. I'm showing support at this point. I don't think she really gives a fuck what my interpretation or my takeaways are. So just based on that, but yeah, I was really glad that I read it. Were there any parts in particular where you were like, this is really resonating with me, or I find this particularly funny? Oh, man, like the whole thing. I actually, I feel like I want to listen to it again. Because I feel like I could enjoy it just as much. A few things that I'm thinking of, like, well, I learned a lot, frankly, just about like Korean history, because she did grow up in Korea, which is like a different experience than me. And for, I mean, you grew up a little bit in Korea. And her, she, we also differ a lot where she like, people like clock her as Asian, right, where people like will not clock me as Asian, necessarily. But how she still feels the responsibility of like that white blood in her body. And like that, you know, like white people need to stop being fucking racist all the time. And when she says that, she's also saying that to herself. I really like related with that. And then like how she was saying, you know, but then when she does make these jokes about white people, like they'll laugh so hard at her jokes about Korean people. But then she makes a joke about, you know, white people liking ranch or something, and they get so offended. And I've been like, I've posted like a couple of videos about my mom being like, this is how an American eats. And then she just does like something like it's silly. And it's like, not it's like, the most like offensive thing I think she said was like, boring. You know, it's like, so tame. And I've had to block so many angry people. Like how this was like, this isn't right. If we did this to about Korean people, like, blah, blah. Oh, I only know, classy Korean people, they would never do that. Like, oh my god, I know. To be clear, that is like one of the videos that I saw. And it's fucking hilarious, because your mom sitting there eating her food, and then she'll just be like, this is how she doesn't even say like, why I think I think she knows. Yeah, which feels like really respectful to me where I was like, oh, she didn't even want to say white. She's just denotating American and that like, as a reflection of American culture, and not just like a specific, like color in itself. But she really is just like, miming the use of a fork and knife. In the sense of like, being very dainty and like taking small bites. And essentially, I think not like relishing the food as like, I think Koreans do. I think, like, the quintessential Korean experience for me is taking either a handful or a spoonful of food that's just been like, mixed up or wrapped, and shoving it in your mouth in a single bite. And like, you got to make like the, like the, just to like show that you're having a good time, you're like enjoying the meal. But I think in American culture, that's like, oh, that's really rude, or like whatever. And she's just poking like the tiniest bit of fun at it. And it's only funny because like a mom, it's not somebody who's like young and like just trying to get clicks on TikTok. It's like somebody's very funny mom just had some commentary. And I like cannot believe that people were offended by that. I know, but you can believe it, can't you? I know, I said those words. And I was like, I can't fucking believe it. I can. But also, if that's what's getting you riled up, like what else is getting you? I know, like, it's, has nobody ever said anything mean to you before? I don't know. It's just like, I don't know. That kind of like was my takeaway where I was just like, if this is what it's offensive to you, I don't know how you can exist in the world. Like, I just had to watch Elon do the Nazi salute over and over again this morning. And I was like, and this is why I can't get past like two videos on TikTok. Going back to Youngmi's book, tell me what were your favorite parts? Oh my goodness. I think a lot of it was really educational for me. I'm not biracial and just hearing a Korean experience that's not directly connected to my own. I always love seeing those just because like, we're out here. I want to know how we're out here. Hearing about her life in Korea, like in the school school years where she's just talking about girls being so petty and mean. And I'm like, oh yeah, I, I feel like these are like facets of my life that I knew existed, but like completely shut off in my brain. And then she also talks about meeting her ex husband and her kid's dad, starting a restaurant business with him and then describes like the working relationships and like the ups and downs and just like how she is perceived when actually things are going really well. Like she writes, you know, when things were going well, like her husband was buying her like luxury bags. And then when shit kind of hit the fan, people really chose that aspect of her life to comment in a negative way about. Like, I distinctly remember she was like some of the complaints from the employees of the restaurant or that like young me doesn't do anything, but she walks around with her Celine bag. Um, and I was just like, oh man, I forgot that that's something you can't really escape regardless of what your experience is. I feel like because she is Korean, because she was successful, because she had like the outward markers of success, people really hate seeing that. And I think that if she was just like completely white, that I don't think would have been the thing that people really picked apart. Um, that really like stuck in my head and just like how frankly she talked about really traumatic experiences. Um, to the point where I was like, I'm laughing, but should I be laughing? Um, I'm gonna laugh as I know, but yeah, just writing about traumatic experiences in a way that doesn't particularly center the trauma of it. Um, I don't think she's trying to make it like very like bombastic and, um, like traumatic for the point of selling the book. I think the things that are traumatic, she just states very frankly, and then it's her commentary on it that I felt like, um, were either like funny or, um, just like really depressing, but in ways that like still, you know, brings you, brings you back to the book. Yeah. Like, although she talks about a lot of like heavy or like darker topics, never did I feel like dragged down or like lose, I lost energy while like listening to the book where there are books, you know, where it's like, oh my God, this is so heavy. Like I need to take a nap afterwards. Um, so I like really appreciated that about the book. Also like, uh, she does like, she does like bring back a lot of her like actions or thoughts or the things she says, like directly to Korean culture. Like this is why what I said, like makes sense in Korean culture, but like people don't get it. And, uh, that really helped me make sense of stuff where like the laughing because I'm crying, that does make sense to me. And I didn't realize the Korean roots of that really. So I appreciated that as well. Like the hairy butthole roots. Exactly. Yeah. I think the first time that I said that to a group that wasn't Korean, I was very young. I was, I think I was like under 12 for sure. And they were just like, what the fuck are you talking about? And I was like, oh, you guys don't know that one. Do you want to, do you want to tell everybody else what you're talking about? Yeah. It's like a very Korean common thing that I'm pretty sure originated because parents were tired of seeing their kids cry or like dealing with any emotions from their children. Um, but the saying is if you start laughing, basically if you're crying and then you start laughing, then hair is going to grow out of your butthole. You're just going to have a hairy butthole. And I feel like that is really funny to me because that's what people were using to like scare children about. And young me actually writes on the book. She was like, I do have a hairy butthole. It's not because I was laughing and crying. It's just because I'm white. I died. I was like, oh my God. I like, I don't know why I found that so funny. I found that so funny, but I think it was just calling back all the times that I've heard that and being like, oh, I better not do this because then I'm just going to have a hairy butthole. I like that it is like a warning to children. Right. Like this is something you're not going to want. Um, uh, moving on, this is actually kind of tying back to we were talking about how Koreans eat to like, they, they show their enjoyment of eating. This is kind of old news, but it's something I only recently discovered and hate. Do you, are you familiar with the mukbonger? I can't, it's like the double G at ooh, Sam young. Oh, this person is Korean. Yeah. I know. It's like a weird way that they Romanize her name. Yeah. Like never. Yeah. Yeah. But it's, I think she has like some reason why she does that, but, um, are you familiar with her at all? I'm not, I'm not old. You guys, I don't know anybody on Tik TOK except for Spencer Pratt. I'm older than you, but, and I'm not old. So let's just stop that. Um, anyway, she, she is a huge mukbonger. She has like 10 million followers on YouTube and she can eat so much. She has like some sort of like metabolic, not this, something going on where she can just eat. The amount of food she can eat is just shocking. And she's just so enjoys every single bite so much. And, um, she's always like wearing white too. And like is clean. It's just like, it doesn't make any sense, but it turns out, um, while she was been, you know, making all these videos, absolutely blowing up on the internet. She had a boyfriend who was totally abusing her and like, um, like physically, uh, sexually like blackmailing her. And it's just like, it's so heartbreaking. And the only reason why we ended up like she ended up coming out about it is because another YouTuber, um, like the boyfriend like gave, uh, I think like sex tapes to like another YouTuber. And so that YouTuber was like blackmailing her. Like, if you don't pay me, I'm going to like release these tapes. And so she like, she was paying for a while. And then she finally came clean and was like, Hey, this is like, what's been going on with me. Her, the ex-boyfriend himself, um, good riddance. But, um, she just, so she took a long break, uh, from making mukbangs. Also everybody it's called mukbang, not mukbang. If I hear one more person, it's white people. It's white people who don't watch Korean mukbangers, you know? Oh, that's another thing. It's okay to like say stuff wrong, but like, it's so prevalent now. Like at some point you have to correct yourself. You have to learn anyway. I think it's like the, the attitude in which they're, they're talking about it as if it's something that's like familiar to them or important to them or like something they know about. And then they pronounce everything wrong. And it's like, Oh, embarrassing. But this, it took such a turn. When you were asking like, Oh, this is something I hate about them. I thought you were going to be like, Oh, she just pretends to eat her food. She doesn't actually eat it. And I was going to be like, Oh, deceiving, but no, no, much worse, much worse. Yeah. And so she took a break and she's just now starting to make videos again. And it's just so wonderful to see her now, like making these videos, like, cause he was like forcing, the ex was like forcing her, he controlled all her money. She had like, and she, but she still was like, so she had such a like wonderful glow and like presence about her. And to know that she's like, was getting abused like this behind the scenes. And now like people are going back and looking at her videos and you're just seeing her bruise covered in bruises like that. They like, yeah, I guess like, Oh my God, it's just, Oh, it makes me angry. It makes me angry. I'm glad. I mean, it looks like it's on the up and up for her now, but this still, it makes me very angry. Do people seem like they are supportive of her or like, are her comments getting crazy? No, I think people are very supportive. I think it was like, I think it sounded like they were supportive, like, cause she was so beloved or she is so beloved, you know? And there was just so all of these YouTubers like ganging up on her, blackmailing her for this like abusive situation. And there's, I mean, there's so much evidence. There's so much evidence there's so much evidence of what was cause like the abuses on tape and stuff like that too. It's terrible. I am so shook. Just so shook because I feel like the nature of these videos are like, it feels very lighthearted, you know, like watch this cute girl, like eat a bunch of food and people are watching it because it's like such a nice way to, to just tune out. And then you remember that there's like an actual human being on the other side of this video. And sometimes that human being's life, like is not as, as great as it seems, but I just cannot believe that this was happening. And people just didn't know about it. It makes me so sad. It's so sad. Cause yeah, she, she, anytime she like wanted to like leave him, he threatened about like releasing the sex tapes that she taped without her knowing. Oh, and it's just nuts to be like, oh, there's 10 million people following her just to like watch her eat. And she just feels like she can't really do anything because this person is just being awful. I'll send you some of her videos. Um, because like, honestly, she is just such a joyous eater. Every single bite. It's like, she's just so full of joy. I don't, it's, I can't, I, I, it is, it's heartbreaking, but I'm just, yeah, I'm so glad that guy's gone. Oh my God. Oh my God. Was it very dramatic? So he committed suicide and was it related like to the situation with her where he was just like, not well? Yeah. Where he, it was released, uh, that he was like abusing her and stuff like that. And like blackmailing her like that news was, was publicized. And then he cut himself. Fucking chicken shit. Yeah. I was like, what a weenie way to go about things. Like you make this person's life an absolute hell. There's not even like a chance to hold this person accountable in any way. Cause he's like, no, I'm, I'm not, I'm going to go. They're both Koreans. Are they like Koreans in Korea? Yes. Yes. I love how this has just come full circle. And I feel like we've just proven like, see, it's really hard to find anything that you love in this world because it will be tainted by, um, well, basically reality. Oh my God. Yeah. You get to know, you like learn something besides like what surface level. Oh, I know. I think people should like approach social media, like Instagram or Tik TOK with the understanding that this is like, um, like curated content. Like we don't know what this person's life, we don't know what this person's life was like. We really don't know. I think I keep mentioning sensor Brad because he's really like the only person that I've been seeing on Tik TOK. But I was like, he is, I think I texted you. I was like, Oh my God, this person who's a little unhinged. I don't know why he's on live right now. And you were like, because it generates money and it completely blew my mind that I was like, Oh, I guess this is something that you can do. You can just like have a little, a little cry slash on Tik TOK and people will pay, um, to make you just look unhinged. And that's the way to like generate income for yourself and your family. Yeah. He's hustling. He is hustling for his family. I have a lot of respect for him. Honestly. Me too. Honestly, it was just like the, the villain of the 2000s era becoming like a family man. Who's just trying to house his family and like get his wife a nice life. I don't know. Sorry, go ahead. I said, I love this for him. Yeah. I love how everyone's like posts, uh, making posts with their song and like, everyone's waiting to see is like, Elsie going to ever post with her son. Of course she's not because Elsie sucks. And I even knew that while I was watching the hills. Oh, that's very funny. Yeah. Christian. I think just knowing you as a person and like looking at the show, I feel like I could tell like which people that you're not going to like, and Elsie is definitely like way up on that list. Dull, dull wants to rain on everyone's parade. I just remember like the slow montages of her, like blinking her huge blue eyes. And it's just like a single tear falling and like the mascara here. Oh, so dramatic. It was so dramatic. But again, we, we have no idea what this person's like, or what it's true. Yeah. So true. That's so true. I mean, she got to marry somebody from something corporate. So I'm like, Hey, you got your, you got your team fantasy, or at least my team fantasy, actually. Dream big, dream big. Oh my God. You married somebody from the band, something corporate. Good for you. Good for you. I just feel like I'm going to be thinking about this person. Oh my gosh. Yeah. You can, you can really go down a rabbit hole. Yeah. I'll send you some videos. Oh, she sent me a public because she made it public. She's like, Hey, I just can't do this anymore. Yeah. She ended up like making like a statement on our YouTube channel. Oh my God. Yeah. And then like, I'm not sure how they were released, but it might've been from her team. There's like videos of her lawyers, like watching video of her getting abused. No. So we don't, so we don't see the abuse, but we can like hear it. And we can see like the reactions of the lawyers and it is, it's like, it's so heartbreaking. Oh my gosh. Like, I hope she's okay. You know, she cut her hair. She had to get a haircut. She's really like trying to be on the up and mend and hitting these are the times where I'm like, I hope this person with 10 million followers is actually like getting something beneficial from this following that she has. I don't know how YouTube money works, but I'm hoping that she's okay. I hope she's raking in all that YouTube money and like treating herself well and living a life beyond, um, this awful ex-boyfriend and like getting the help and healing that she clearly deserves. I also wonder like she is promoting and like providing so much joy for other people. I'm like, what is doing that for you? Wow. Yeah. It sounds like she was able to finally like stand up because like she has a good team. So I was like happy to hear that. Yeah. A bummer. Just like a real bummer. Where are we going now? I mean, hey, we thought we were going to talk about stuff we loved and hated. I think when we started conceptualizing this, it started off much lighter. You know, the things that I think we hated and loved, I like think about the things that we talked about were just, um, I don't know. I think like reflective of the times. And this is just a week where the things that we are loving and hating, or it feels a little more like heavier and darker. And that's probably because it feels like the world is like figuratively on fire and literally on fire. So I'm kind of looking forward to seeing like how, like what the iterations of this looks like in the upcoming weeks, months, years, et cetera. Also, do we think that there are going to be, um, like huge changes in the things that we love and hate down the road? Hmm. I don't know. I'm 40 now. So I feel like, honestly, this is who you are. Yeah. And looking back to stuff that I liked and hated as a kid, it's like pretty much the same. Really? Yeah. Huh. What about you? No, I think they were like totally different. Oh yeah. I, I was looking at my own, like archived posts on Instagram, um, last night and I was like, Ooh, this person is lost and annoying. Um, and I think it's just because I didn't really know like how to formulate my own likes and opinions. I feel like you've always been really good at that, like sure of what you like and don't like and what your opinions are. Whereas I kind of was just like floating around and like probably outsourcing a lot of my own thoughts to other people around me. And like, now that I've stopped doing that, I'm like trying to figure out like, what is it that I love and hate? And I'm perplexed by from even like a week to week basis or like a moment to moment basis. This format that we have here is like a personal learning experience for me. Oh, I really, I'm excited to see where it goes. Yeah. I kind of, it made me wonder you saying like the floating around outsourcing your likes and dislikes, whatever to others. Does that feel like an immigrant experience perhaps? Um, well, I feel like I can only talk for myself, but probably right. Cause I came when I was five. I spoke no English, didn't really know anybody except for my family and the people who also knew my family who were also Korean immigrants. Um, and then you're thrown into school where people are, you know, everything else, like not everybody is a, is a Korean immigrant. They have things that are, um, just different to your own life experiences. But I think I also grew up in a household where it was very clear, like the adults knew what is right and wrong. And there is no opportunity to kind of figure it out for yourself. Like somebody's telling you what is right and wrong and like what you should be doing and what you need to be doing all the time. And then all of a sudden you hit a point where you're like, Oh, I need to be able to like formulate these thoughts for myself. Um, but I never really learned how to do that. So I think now at like 35, uh, I'm like, Oh, I should have this figured out. But it seems like, it seems like a lot of other people are trying to figure it out for themselves. And, um, yeah, it's, it's definitely interesting to see how, how things go about. I think I, I was talking about it recently because I was looking at like, you know, how Spotify does this, like top songs of the year and two songs like of the year. And I was looking back at past years to like 20, like 14 or 15 or 16. And I'm like, I don't like this music now. And I could tell you exactly like who I was hanging out with and like what we were doing based on the songs that I was playing, um, for myself. Wow. Wait, even just songs you might've been listening to a few months ago. You don't like anymore. Uh, no, this is 2014. So this is like 10 years ago. Yeah. Okay. Sorry. Sorry. I was thinking of like the unwrapped, like that you were getting the end of the year. Thank you enough music because my most recent unwrapped was just like, there's a song that I've only played once on there. And they're like, these are your top songs. Well, yeah, I, so I can't wait to hear more of the stuff you like. Cause also you turn me onto a lot of good stuff. Give me a lot of good recommendations. So I also am excited for everyone to learn those as well. Very valuable. I'm like trying to think of like what those recommendations were, but I do love, I do love a book and I do love eating. I think that's something where I feel like I have strong preferences. Um, but hopefully that's going to like expand out and then I get to hear about the things you like and hopefully other things people like something I'm going to learn how to do is, um, actually care about what people like. Cause I feel like I just got to a place where people just feel very passionate about something. And then I feel like if something is like too overhyped or something, somebody is like just too passionate about something. I'm like, I'm not going to care about those. I just will not. Oh, I'm the same way. It's like, you like it enough for both of us. My brother like has turned me off from so much stuff. Oh my God. Like I've never watched Star Wars cause it's like, Oh my God, dude, you like this too much. I am never going to watch these. Wait, you haven't seen a single Star Wars movie? And I never will. Oh my gosh. Yeah. That is one of those things I just kind of like got stuck into cause everybody loves it. So I was like, I guess I should go see it too. And I am completely indifferent. I don't have a single opinion about Star Wars other than I guess it's really popular. I don't think that's an opinion. I feel like that's fact at this point. Yeah. I think it's just the fact of this point. I don't have an opinion because apparently everybody else has their opinions and they're really happy to just shove it in people's faces. But yeah, I'm excited to learn like what the things are that you are going to love and hate and are perplexed by. So that is it for this week. We'll be back next week with more stuff we love, stuff we hate and stuff like who knows. Thank you so much for listening. Bye.

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