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Monsters - Robot Conversation

Monsters - Robot Conversation




Just a conversation between 2 monsters and a robot

Voice Overspeechwhisperingsighinsidesmall roomMonstersRobotVoiceoverVoiceacting

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A new security unit named X7-3000 arrives and asks the inhabitants about their purpose. The unit confirms they are authorized and will enhance security. The inhabitants warn not to boss them around, and the unit agrees to coexist peacefully. They decide to leave the unit and continue their activities. How does it act? Is there a nurse that sounds like Mr. Cranker? Yakko, I heard it too. It might be that new robber that sent you guys again. Greetings, creatures. I am X7-3000, your new security unit. State your purpose here. Our purpose? We live here. Will I return in a land then? Yeah, this is our home. We need a robber telling us what to do. Affirmative. My programming indicates you are authorized inhabitants. I am here to enhance security attention to this. Please proceed to your activities without concern. Hmm, this thing is too dangerous for this kind. Yeah, just don't start forcing us around, or there will be trouble. Understood. Initiating coexistence protocol. Have a pleasant day. Well, that was polite. Let's get out of this packet of foes, those out of hand links are always better than we do.

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