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Harvard has conducted a study on aliens, proposing a third hypothesis that cryptoterrestrials, underground-dwelling aliens, are responsible for UFOs. The paper discusses the controversy surrounding this theory and criticizes the All Domain Anomalous Resolution Office for downplaying unexplainable UFO cases. The author also mentions testimonies from government officials supporting claims of reverse-engineering extraterrestrial technologies. A bill for the disclosure of government documents on UFOs was introduced but heavily modified. The paper concludes that the bill still provided evidence and that more information may be released in the future. When we think about Harvard, we think of a place where the wealthy and the prestige go to study to rule the world. You think about presidents like George W. Bush or Barack Obama and other powerful leaders. But nobody really thinks about Harvard studying aliens. Well, today we have a study about the very thing we didn't think they studied, aliens. And I read the whole study, so you don't have to. And I will go through every single page of this study, page by page. So here's my SparkSense version of the study, so you can use it for your own research paper or whatever you got to use it for. But now that we got that out of the way, is this paper really out there as everybody says it is? Well, let's find out. Page one, we have our abstract, like every research paper has. Now the purpose of the paper is to explain away UFOs. And the paper mentions that there's two popular hypotheses for the phenomena of UFOs. The first is a conventional terrestrial explanation, which just means that UFOs are human-made technology that we haven't seen or misidentified in some way. The second is the extraterrestrial explanation, which means that an advanced civilization from far out in the... The second is the extraterrestrial explanation, which means that... The second is the extraterrestrial explanation, which just means that an advanced civilization from somewhere in outer space is piloting these UFOs, and they use non-human intelligence, which he calls NHI here. But in the paper, he wants to propose a third hypothesis, which is the idea that cryptoterrestrials are responsible for the UFOs. And he defines cryptoterrestrials as aliens that live underground and have always lived there, they've always been there, nothing's changed. Now in this paper, the author mentions that this is a very controversial theory, but that as scientists, we should have... Now in this paper, the author mentions that this is a very controversial theory, but that as scientists, we should be open to every single option out there. So it's kind of like a disclaimer saying, hey, I know this is crazy, but I'm posting it anyway, which I understand why he put it in there, especially since they took down the paper after it got so much popularity and everybody started memeing it. So that's page one. Page two, he starts talking about this theory. Page two, he starts talking about how this is like a very silly theory, but it's also the most probable. And he outlines his paper as he writes, we explored the CTH over five sections reflecting on A, limited historical and geological knowledge, traces of a lost civilization, two, traces of a lost civilization, three, choices of underground civilization, four, traditions around magical cryptoterrestrials, and five, UAPs related activity underground, underwater, and nearby, i.e. the moon. Now you know this paper is going to be good when one of the sections is traditions around magical cryptoterrestrials. Also I should mention that CTH means cryptoterrestrial hypothesis, and UAPs means UFOs or unidentified anomalous phenomena, you know, the legal term, you know, the official term, but I'm just going to call them UFOs. From here he goes on a brief history of the UFO phenomena, and he starts talking about the Tic Tac video, saying that UFOs were never taken seriously until the Tic Tac video came out, and it was authenticated by the defense until the video, until this video came out, which was authenticated as real by the, from here we go on a brief history, from here we go on a brief history of the UFO phenomena, and he starts talking about, from here he goes, from here, from here he goes on a brief history of the UFO phenomena, and he starts talking about the Tic Tac video, saying that UFOs were never taken seriously until this video was authenticated by the Department of Defense as real, okay I don't like the way I said that. From here he goes on a brief history on the UFO phenomena, and he starts talking about the Tic Tac video, saying that UFOs were never taken seriously until this video came out, which was authenticated by the Department of Defense as real, and this led to the creation of the All Domain Anomalous Resolution Office, which is something I didn't know, I didn't know we have like a department for UFOs, but in a way he's also criticizing the department for a couple of reasons. He mentions that the All Domain Anomaly Resolution Office, or the AA, or the AARO, has roughly around 800 open cases of unidentified flying phenomena, and that most of them can be explained away, but only around 2-5% can't really be explained. Now the paper criticizes the AARO as downplaying the amount of UFOs that are actually unexplainable, and he quotes Rear Admiral Helene Koetter, who was the first director of the CIA from 1947 to 1950, and in this interview he got from the New York Times, he quotes the man saying, and in this interview he quotes from the New York Times, he quotes the man saying, behind the scenes high ranking Air Force Officials, behind the scenes high ranking Air Officers, behind the scenes high ranking Air Force Officers are somberly concerned about UFOs, but through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense, which is kind of unbelievable. I didn't know that this was just out there, but, which is kind of unbelievable, and I didn't know that this was just so open out there, but it could just be the LSD they slipped in, and I didn't know this was so open out there, but it could just be the LSD they slipped in his coffee that morning, but that's page 2. Page number 3, we start talking about, page number 3, we start talking about a man named David Grushk, a former official of the National Reconnaissance Office and National Geospatial Intelligence Agency. David testified in front of Congress as a whistleblower that the U.S. government had been working on private, David testified in front of Congress as a whistleblower that the U.S. government has been working with private companies to reverse-engineer crash retrievals, and Grushk has gained support from Admiral Tim Gull... And Grushk has gained support from Admiral Tim Gullodet and retired Army Colonel Carl Nell, and Nell has said his assention, and Nell says... And when Nell was questioned about... Let me say it again. Break, break. Let me see. Page 3, start. Page 3. Okay. What is it? Nine minutes? Nine minutes? Page number 3, we start talking about... Page number 3, we start talking about a man named David Grushk, a former official of the National Reconnaissance Office and National Geospatial Intelligence Agency. Page number 3, we start talking about a man named David Grushk, a former official of the National Reconnaissance Office and National Geospatial Intelligence Agency. Page number 3, we start talking about a man named David Grushk, a former official of the National Reconnaissance Office and National Geospatial Intelligence Agency. Page number 3, we start talking about a man named David Grushk, a former official of the National Reconnaissance Office and National Geospatial Intelligence Agency. David testified in front of Congress as a whistleblower that the U.S. government had been working with private companies to reverse engineer crash retrievals for years. And Grushk has gained... And Grushk has gained the support of Admiral Tim Gallaudet and retired Armored Colonel Carl Nell, with Nell saying his assentions concerning the existence of terrestrial arms race occurring subrosa over the past 80 years focuses on reverse engineering technologies of unknown origin are fundamentally correct, which is a weird way of saying that he's right. I mean, just say that he's right. All these government officials are always talking in code, which I know why they do it, but it's kind of dumb. After David's claims were taken seriously, an Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Disclosure Act was introduced to the House of Representatives, which involves the declassification... Which involves the declassification of government documents about the matters of UFOs and extraterrestrial matters. Chuck Schumer is saying that the American public has a right to learn about technologies of unknown origin, non-human intelligence, and unexplainable phenomena, which is good for him. I know some people probably don't like him, but if you like aliens, he at least did one good thing for you, even if it was low effort. The bill was passed but gutted in the House of Representatives, and only a small part of the bill was kept in place. I wonder how many dirty secrets were thrown. I wonder how many dirty secrets were... I wonder how many dirty secrets were thrown in there. I wonder how many dirty secrets were thrown into the House of Representatives just to stop this bill. Makes me wonder. But a new resolution was added, calling for a board who would determine what can and can't be released. And the bill is supposed to be voted on. And the new resolution is supposed to be voted on June of 2024, so around this time. Now I did some research on this, and this doesn't have anything to do with the paper, but I did some research on that bill. And according to archives.gov, it says, by October 20th, 2024, each federal agency review, will identify or organize each unidentified anomalous phenomena record in its custody for disclosure to the public and transmission to the National Archives. Which sounds good on paper, but when you take a closer look, you realize that they can decide not to release certain information if they have a valid excuse. So they can just make up an excuse for everything, and we'll just never get any info on that. But yeah, politics is kind of hard. So page number four. The main idea about page four is that even though the bill wasn't passed or it wasn't passed in its entirety, it still gave the world proof. Page number four, page number four, page number four. The main idea about page number four is that even though the bill wasn't supposed to, page number four, the main idea about page four is that even though the bill wasn't passed or it wasn't passed in its entirety, it still gave proof to the world that there's something called non-human intelligence. The bill outlines that UFOs will fall under two categories, conventional terrestrial origin, which is human technology, or terrestrial origin, which is aliens. Now he focuses on this bill because the Disclosure Act defines non-human intelligence. The craziest part about the bill is that NHI is mentioned 22 times with a specific quote from the bill saying what NHI is. And the quote goes, any sentient, intelligent, non-human life form, regardless of nature or ultimate origin, that may be presumed responsible for unidentified anomalous or which the federal government has become aware, implying that there are more than two cases, implying that there are more than two classes of explanation for UFOs. So the author is saying here that, so the author is saying that there could be more than one type of alien, and the author then goes to talk about some eyewitness accounts of non-human intelligence and how it relates to UFOs, with one of them being a researcher named Ross Colhart, who gave an interview in News Magazine in 2023 when asked if he was concealing the existence of this planet of alien life. And he says, I don't necessarily want to denote origin. I don't think we have all the data to say, oh, they're coming from this. I don't necessarily want to denote origin. I don't necessarily want to denote origin. I don't necessarily want to denote origin. I don't think we, I don't necessarily want to denote origin. I don't think we have all the data to say, oh, they're coming from this certain location. He then talks about a different interview saying that these aliens, he then responds saying, I don't want to denote origin. I think we have all the, he then responds, I don't necessarily want to denote origin. I don't think we have all the data to say, oh, they're coming from a certain location. But then on a different interview, he starts talking about, but then in a different interview, he starts talking more about aliens, and this is what he says, these aliens are not much more advanced than us. If he says, these aliens are not much more advanced than us, he says, if I was a betting man, some of these NHIs, they're similarly advanced as us, but they just have an asymmetric evolution, or whatever they, or whatever they went, or whatever they went a different, or whatever, they went the different path. These aliens are not much more advanced than us, he says, if I'm a betting man, some of these NHIs, they're similarly as advanced as us, but they just have an asymmetric evolution, or whatever. They went a different path. Where we made nuclear weapons and stuff, they ended up making civil propulsion kinds of equivalent discoveries, where they're able to do this now, which is kind of funny because it's kind of like these aliens just went down to one side of the tech tree and just rushed intergalactic travel. I guess they were just going for the alien invasion. I guess they were just going for the alien invasion. I guess they were just going for the alien invasion. I guess they were just going for the alien invasion wind condition, you know, the classic. He then talks about another researcher who's an, but then he starts talking about a different researcher who's an immunologist, and his name is Gary Nolan, and he says that he's been working with his UFOs for 10 years, and he kind of describes his UFOs as out of this world. The reason I say this is because in his interview, he says that we have to have an open mind about the possibilities of UFOs, because he says that in all his research, he's noticed... Let me just do it over. And the reason I say this, and the reason I say that is because in his interview, he says that we have to have an open mind and the possibility of UFOs, because he says that all his research, he noticed that UFOs have something to do with consciousness, and that we should be open to the idea that they're just beings outside our realm of comprehension. And yeah, that's page number four. I thought this one was very interesting, hearing about all these officials talk about how UFOs... I thought it was very interesting hearing all these officials talk about these crazy UFOs that no one seems to know that exist. No. I thought it was very interesting hearing all these officials talk about these crazy UFOs that no one seems to believe exist. I thought it was very interesting hearing all these officials talk about these crazy UFOs that no one seems to believe exist. But that's page four. Then we get to page number five. Now, page five is a continuation of page four, where he explains that Nell is studying... Where he explains that Nell is studying... Then we get to page number five. Now, page five is a continuation of page number four, where he explains that Nell is studying the inter-dimension hypothesis in which Nell offers 14 different variations of different beings, and he basically is just saying that an alien could be any one of these. I couldn't really understand the chart, but here's a chart that he used. But he's basically just saying that all these alien beings live adjacent to our reality or dimension. Now, I had trouble deciphering what he meant here, but he has this nice little chart for identifying all these different aliens, but maybe someone smarter than me could kind of explain this little section on top of page five. Let me go over. Then we get to page number four. Then we get to page number five. Now, page number five is a continuation of page number four, where he explains that Nell is studying these inter-dimensional hypothesis in which he Nells... Then we get to page number five. Now, page number five is a continuation of page number four, where he explains that Nell is studying the inter-dimensional hypothesis in which Nell offers 14 different variations And he's basically just saying that all these alien beings live adjacent to our reality or dimension, whatever you want to call it. Now, I had trouble deciphering what he meant here, but he has some... Now, I had trouble deciphering what he meant here, but he has this nice little chart kind of identifying all the different aliens that could be, but maybe someone smarter than me could kind of explain this little section on top of page number five in the comments. But from here, we're finally getting into our hypothesis, the cryo-terrestrial hypothesis. That the theory suggests that NHI... But from here, we finally get into our hypothesis, the cryo-terrestrial hypothesis. That the theory suggests that NHIs are responsible for UFOs. Wait, what? The theory suggests that NHIs are responsible for UFOs. And from here, we finally get into our hypothesis, the cryo-terrestrial hypothesis. Now, the theory suggests that NHI is responsible for UFOs and that they are already present in the Earth's environment in some sense, as opposed to having it extraterrestrial. What? Now, the theory suggests that NHI is responsible for UFOs and that it's already present in the Earth's environment in some way or another, as opposed to having to explain extraterrestrial explanation. He explains that this is probably the most ridiculous idea because it's a far-fetched idea, but that it's also the most plausible because it explains away one very important part about the extradimensional beings. It explains away the fact that interdimensional beings would have to find a way to travel all the way up to our planet. Now, he explains that this is probably—should I just do it over? Now, the theory suggests that NHI is responsible for the UFOs. Now, the theory suggests that NHI is already present in the Earth's atmosphere in one way or the other, and that—now, the theory suggests that NHI is responsible for UFOs and that NHI is already present in the Earth's environment in some sense, as opposed to having the extraterrestrial explanation. He explains that this is probably the most ridiculous idea ever because it's so far-fetched, but that it's also the most plausible because it explains away one very important part about the extradimensional beings. It explains away the fact that interdimensional beings would have to find a way to travel to different dimensions, and it would also explain away the fact that aliens would also have to cross the cosmos. So it's just saying that—so it's just saying that you don't have to explain why aliens can travel back and forth if they already live in the Earth. So it's basically just saying that you don't have to explain why aliens would travel all the way across the Earth. So it's basically just saying that it would explain away the fact that aliens would have to travel all the way from their planet to our planet, or that they would have to, like, jump dimensions to get to our dimension. And he says if they're—and he's basically just saying that with this hypothesis, you wouldn't have to explain why—and with this hypothesis, he's basically just saying that you wouldn't have to explain why aliens would travel all the way from their planet to our planet, or their dimension to our dimension, because they already live in Earth and they don't have to travel anywhere. So you would explain away the pesky little inconvenience of space or dimensional travel. So if somebody—so if anyone comes up to you and asks why would—so if anybody comes up to you and asks why would aliens come to visit us, we're just like—so if anybody comes up to you and asks why would aliens come visit you, you're just these—so if anybody comes up to you and asks why would aliens come visit you, we're like this little planet with, like, these dumb apes that no one wants to know anything about. We're violent and we do all these things. You can just tell them, well, it's because aliens live underground. They always live here and they can't leave, so they got to deal with us. But then you would have to explain away why they live underground. But then you would have to explain away why they live underground. But according to this theory, it'd be a lot easier to explain away. But now we have page number six. We get to our first case about underground aliens or THC. But now we get to page number six and we get our first case about why—but then we get to page number six and we get our first case about why aliens—about aliens underground. But then we get to page number six and we get to our first case about underground aliens or TH—or CTH. But then we get to page number six. But then we get to page number six where we get our first case about underground aliens or CTH and he starts talking about how UFOs are mostly seen underwater and also mainly around waters. And he mentions that the Disclosure Act would also include UFOs underwater because a majority of UFOs are actually seen by the submarines—are actually seen by—and he—and also—but page number six we get our first case about underground aliens or CTH and he starts talking about how UFOs are mostly seen underwater and also mainly around water. And he—and he mentions that the Disclosure Act would also include UFOs underwater because a majority of UFOs are actually seen by submariners—is that the right term for a submarine captain? But he starts talking about how a former Russian Navy officer named Vladimir Azaha who states that around 50 percent of all encounters—who states that 50 percent of all UFO encounters are connected to the ocean or bodies of water in one way or another and he quotes two different incidents to show this. With one being Lou—with one being Lou Elizondo, a former intelligence officer closely linked to the UFO investigations for the U.S. where he describes an incident involving a circular object rising from the deep near the Caribbean islands. With one being Lou Elizondo, a former intelligence—with one being Lou Elizondo, a former intelligence officer closely linked to the UFO investigation for the U.S. where he describes an incident involving a circular object rising from the deep near the Caribbean islands. Now this object was the size of a small island and rose up in two separate occasions which I wonder if there would be like a phot—which I wonder if there would be like a photograph of that like that would be pretty cool if like a whistleblower were to find that and just show us this large island rising from the ocean. I mean I'm sure there is but—but yeah a picture of that would be pretty cool. Now his second case—now his second case is that UFOs are mostly seen around volcanoes and he starts talking about a volcano named Popocatépetl which is located in Mexico and he says that this volcano is a UFO hotspot and believes that these UFOs go into the volcano to go underground and he starts talking about this guy named Ray Palm—and in the—in the volcano—now he says that this volcano is a hotspot for UFO activity and believes that these UFOs go into the volcano to go underground and he starts talking about Ray Palm. Now Ray Palm talked a lot about underground city—now Ray Palm talked a lot about the underground city of Lumeria that was located on the ground—now Ray Palm talked a lot about an underground city of Lumeria which was located underground and you know—which was located underground—I should probably read—now Ray Palm talked a lot about—now Ray Palm talked a lot about—now Ray Palm talked a lot about an underground city of Lumeria which was located underground and the paper is implying that aliens actually lived underground. Now Ray Palm—now Ray Palm talked a lot—now Ray Palm talked a lot about an underground city of Lumeria which is located underground and the paper is heavily implying that it could be possible that these aliens are going to that underground city and that Ray Palmer was actually very insistent about this—and that Ray Palm was very insistent about this—and that Ray Palmer was actually very insistent about the city of Lumeria which—which I'm doing some research on since I—which I am doing some research on Lumeria since I've never really heard about it since a couple of days ago and I don't think a lot of people are actually talking about it, but let me know if that would be a good video to make. I want to just stop here. Let me just stop here.

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