Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker discusses their thoughts on Minecraft, particularly the updates. They believe that the game was great in its earlier versions, but the updates have worsened it. They talk about the appeal of Minecraft, the immersive world, and the importance of the music. They argue that the updates have negatively affected the core gameplay and suggest that instead of adding new content, the developers should focus on improving what is already there. They mention the expansion of The End and express a preference for the older combat system. Overall, they believe that the updates have taken away from the game rather than making it better. Minecraft's a topic I've wanted to discuss forever, particularly the updates. I'm going to try conveying my full and entire thoughts on the game, it's history, and why I believe it's worsened. Let's start at what made Minecraft great. I'll be starting at 1.8.9, as I don't think previous versions are worth covering since they're mostly just betas, and this is the most complete version of the game to me. Now I'm sure you know what Minecraft is already, and here's my piece on it. Minecraft's really a mixture of a lot of things. Not only are you exploring the terrain around you, but also building off the very ground that you're walking on. Minecraft has so many aspects of it that make it so perfect. I've always thought of Minecraft in the way of having you tell your own story. I've heard that said a lot, but it's true. Minecraft's appeal is that it really makes it about you. Build your house in practically nothing apart from a couple trees and stone. Progress through the game while gaining stronger armour, tools, and the like. Fight the vast number of mobs, and eventually reach your end goal of defeating the ender dragon and beating the game. What makes Minecraft so special to me is also its world. Iconic locations such as Nether, the end of your adventure, and of course, just the overworld. Such locations have such an atmosphere accompanied by their music, it feels like a second home to me, visiting them. After you've spent as much time in Minecraft as I have, I think you'll begin to understand how special the environments can be, and how immersive the world is. Now, you may look at me and laugh at that. Something along the lines of, it's just cubes. No, that's Minecraft. Something about Minecraft's world is that it doesn't try being as realistic as possible, like other games. Instead choosing to go with, since it's fantasy, why make it look so realistic? We don't need that. Minecraft's world, you cannot deny, will never be mistaken for any other world, unless the game is just ripping off Minecraft. I'm sure you could blend in a lot of the generic gritty shooters on the market currently sold. I guess my point here is that Minecraft's visuals aren't ugly, but they're iconic. But I guess looks are a very subjective thing to point out. I briefly touched on the soundtrack, but I do want to expand on that. A lot of what makes Minecraft's world so great is the music that accompanies it. Overall, Minecraft's world is deserving of most sold game ever, with its instantly iconic world, gameplay that you can't- Okay. Overall, Minecraft's world is deserving of most sold game ever, with its instantly iconic world, gameplay that you build around you, story that you craft yourself, and the music wouldn't be the game it is with. Fucking. Overall, Minecraft's world is deserving of most sold game ever, with its instantly iconic world, gameplay that you build around you, story that you craft yourself, and the music wouldn't be the game it is with. Overall, Minecraft's world is deserving of most sold game ever, with its instantly iconic world, gameplay- Overall, Minecraft's world is deserving of most sold game ever, with its instantly iconic world, gameplay that you build around you, story that you craft yourself, and the music wouldn't be the game it is without. I loved Minecraft, and for whatever it's worth, this version of the game is still my favourite game ever made. So, why hasn't the video ended? I think it's time we get to the updates. That wasn't bad, that wasn't bad, that wasn't bad. We're just gonna have to edit my voice to sound less loud, I'm assuming, because it sounds kind of loud right now. Verse 2. With each passing update, this game's core gameplay has been unnecessarily affected in ways I think take away from it. Starting with 1.9's expansion of The Ends. Self-explanatory, is it not? Updating The Ends I mentioned just generally goes against it being The End. I see people suggesting more after The End, but I think that kind of goes against being The End. I'm not going to go into the combat changes, since that's a bit of a dead horse debate, but I do for the record prefer the older system of combat. All I just dislike is the idea of The End I mentioned expanding, named The Ends for a reason. New content can be done well and great, but I've only seen it done incorrectly with Minecraft, or subjectively of course. New content can be done well and great, but I've just seen it done incorrectly, or subjective of course. Nothing's perfect, and I can see the need to best your work, but developers generally see more problems than players when playing their games. I want to improve Minecraft has only taken away from it. The game isn't getting any better from all these updates. I think of a metaphor here. Think of it as a cake you've left in the oven to bake. It's all done. Instead of it having sprinkles, you add ketchup, mustard, pickles, and mayo. What I'm getting at here is that the way Minecraft should update shouldn't be through new content, but simply improving what's already there. By doing so, this only makes the original experience better, and not bloated. The cave update could have been done better, but I still think the direction was the right one to go into. The cave update could have been done better, but I still think the direction was the right one to go into. The cave update could have been done better, but I still think the direction was the right one to go into. The cave update could have been done better, but I still think the direction was the right one to go into. The cave update could have been done better, but I still think the direction was the right one to go into. The cave update could have been done better, but I still think the direction was the right one to go into. The cave update could have been done better, but I still think the direction was the right one to go into. The cave update could have been done better, but I still think the direction was the right one to go into. The cave update could have been done better, but I still think the direction was the right one to go into. The cave update could have been done better, but I still think the direction was the right one to go into. The cave update could have been done better, but I still think the direction was the right one to go into. The cave update could have been done better, but I still think the direction was the right one to go into. The cave update could have been done better, but I still think the direction was the right one to go into. The cave update could have been done better, but I still think the direction was the right one to go into. The cave update could have been done better, but I still think the direction was the right one to go into. The cave update could have been done better, but I still think the direction was the right one to go into. The cave update could have been done better, but I still think the direction was the right one to go into. The cave update could have been done better, but I still think the direction was the right one to go into. The cave update could have been done better, but I still think the direction was the right one to go into. The cave update could have been done better, but I still think the direction was the right one to go into. The cave update could have been done better, but I still think the direction was the right one to go into. The cave update could have been done better, but I still think the direction was the right one to go into. The cave update could have been done better, but I still think the direction was the right one to go into. The cave update could have been done better, but I still think the direction was the right one to go into. The cave update could have been done better, but I still think the direction was the right one to go into. The cave update could have been done better, but I still think the direction was the right one to go into. The cave update could have been done better, but I still think the direction was the right one to go into. The cave update could have been done better, but I still think the direction was the right one to go into. The cave update could have been done better, but I still think the direction was the right one to go into. The cave update could have been done better, but I still think the direction was the right one to go into. The cave update could have been done better, but I still think the direction was the right one to go into. The cave update could have been done better, but I still think the direction was the right one to go into. The cave update could have been done better, but I still think the direction was the right one to go into. The cave update could have been done better, but I still think the direction was the right one to go into. The cave update could have been done better, but I still think the direction was the right one to go into. The cave update could have been done better, but I still think the direction was the right one to go into. The cave update could have been done better, but I still think the direction was the right one to go into. The cave update could have been done better, but I still think the direction was the right one to go into. The cave update could have been done better, but I still think the direction was the right one to go into. The cave update could have been done better, but I still think the direction was the right one to go into. The cave update could have been done better, but I still think the direction was the right one to go into. The cave update could have been done better, but I still think the direction was the right one to go into. The cave update could have been done better, but I still think the direction was the right one to go into. 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The cave update could have been done better, but I still think the direction was the right one to go into. The cave update could have been done better, but I still think the direction was the right one to go into. The cave update could have been done better, but I still think the direction was the right one to go into. The cave update could have been done better, but I still think the direction was the right one to go into. The cave update could have been done better, but I still think the direction was the right one to go into. The cave update could have been done better, but I still think the direction was the right one to go into. The cave update could have been done better, but I still think the direction was the right one to go into. The cave update could have been done better, but I still think the direction was the right one to go into. The cave update could have been done better, but I still think the direction was the right one to go into. The cave update could have been done better, but I still think the direction was the right one to go into. The cave update could have been done better, but I still think the direction was the right one to go into. The cave update could have been done better, but I still think the direction was the right one to go into. The cave update could have been done better, but I still think the direction was the right one to go into. If you have any differing views on anything, or agree with me, leave a comment down below to engage with this topic of debate. If you have any differing views on anything, or agree with me, leave a comment down below to engage with this topic of debate. If you have any differing views on anything, or agree with me, leave a comment down below to engage with this topic of debate. If you have any differing views on anything, or agree with me, leave a comment down below to engage with this topic of debate. If you have any differing views on anything, or agree with me, leave a comment down below to engage with this topic of debate. If you have any differing views on anything, or agree with me, leave a comment down below to engage with this topic of debate. If you have any differing views on anything, or agree with me, leave a comment down below to engage with this topic of debate. If you have any differing views on anything, or agree with me, leave a comment down below to engage with this topic of debate. If you have any differing views on anything, or agree with me, leave a comment down below to engage with this topic of debate. If you have any differing views on anything, or agree with me, leave a comment down below to engage with this topic of debate. If you have any differing views on anything, or agree with me, leave a comment down below to engage with this topic of debate. If you have any differing views on anything, or agree with me, leave a comment down below to engage with this topic of debate. If you have any differing views on anything, or agree with me, leave a comment down below to engage with this topic of debate. If you have any differing views on anything, or agree with me, leave a comment down below to engage with this topic of debate.