Happiness is man's goal, but there is a God size hole which will not be satisfied by the world.
Happiness is man's goal, but there is a God size hole which will not be satisfied by the world.
Happiness is man's goal, but there is a God size hole which will not be satisfied by the world.
The speaker discusses the concept of happiness and its relationship to our purpose in life. They argue that true happiness can only be found in God and that seeking happiness through worldly possessions and achievements will ultimately leave us dissatisfied. They encourage listeners to turn to Jesus and find fulfillment in Him, emphasizing the importance of recognizing our weaknesses and surrendering to God's will. The speaker urges listeners not to lose hope and to use their talents to serve and love God. They emphasize the need to seek God above all and not give up on Him, even in times of anger or despair. The speaker concludes by encouraging listeners to surrender their suffering to Jesus and to give their lives fully to Him. Alright, get ready with me. Ready to go where? We're going to heaven, at least I hope. Now, when we say we're going to heaven, what does that mean? What does heaven mean to us? It's really something that has a significance of happiness, I suppose we can say. Because what is man's ultimate goal? Well, happiness on earth, certainly, but also it should be happiness in heaven. But happiness is something so vehemently sought for that we seek for it in different places that are not always to our benefit. And why do I say it's not always for our benefit? Because it tends to clutter our minds, it can cause these ways of happiness that we see in the world. For example, wealth, fame, our own intelligence, the culture, what it says that we have to do in order to gain happiness by trending the most recent, the latest clothes. And all this we are promised will lead to happiness. And yet here we are, still dissatisfied. And why is that? Why do you think that is? Well, to say the least, man not only wants happiness, but he needs a purpose. He needs happiness, he needs a purpose, and that happiness, ultimately, he is hoping, will lead to his purpose. And if that purpose means getting enough wealth so that you can be financially settled, whether that means you get famous and make a name for yourself and influence people, or you go by your own understanding of intellect, like I can educate the world and reveal all these truths that I found out on my own. But ultimately, this will pass. These things pass over time, and what's so sad is that man knows it. That's why he's trying to grasp it and cling to it so hard, because he knows how temporary these things are. And then why in the world pursue them? Well, it goes back to that happiness and purpose. Hopefully, man is hoping that these happinesses, these temporal happinesses, will give him the purpose, but then he forgets what his true purpose is, which is, according to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, to know and love God. Why is this that man must know and love God? Because God created him to love, to be loved. So ultimately, these happinesses, whether tangible or spiritual, is for the purpose of love. Honestly, I think a lot of us have forgotten this, and so we point fingers at each other, not listening to one another, having arguments rather than conversations. We start the blame game, and it is damaging not only others, but ourselves. And it shows us that, why am I not happy with this person or this thing? And so I need somebody to blame, I need somebody to be my outlet, to point the finger at. So it must be their fault. Well, what goes on from there? It just becomes discontent, disdain for oneself. There comes a time where we even doubt our own capability of being compassionate, perhaps? Perhaps we doubt ourselves and the gifts that we thought we had, and are we using them properly? How do we use them? We have all these questions. And what is so sad is that we don't decide to discern what guidance we need, or if we need guidance. Instead we go by our own ego, and we decide, hey, I know exactly what happiness is. I know exactly what it is, and I'm not getting it. That means somebody doesn't like me. That means somebody else has to, it must be somebody else's fault. And so what do we do? Again, we go back to, it's like goats and sheep. My side versus your side, left versus right, Protestant versus Catholic. It is a disharmony that is so tragic because we forget what happiness is, and not only that, but we tend to forget where true happiness is, if that makes sense. Now, what we also need to remember is that there is one source of happiness, and we have a choice of whether to grasp that happiness. It is a God-size whole lack of happiness that we have. All this happiness that we can get on earth, this wealth, this fame, this intellect, and what the culture says we need, all of this goes back to trying to fill that God-size hole in our souls. And so what do we do instead of going to God himself so he can fill that hole? We continue to grab onto these tangible things and add to it, and only to burden ourselves with unhappiness and dissatisfaction, because we know this is temporal. We know this world will end, and our lives will end, and the pleasure is temporary and in the moment. There is nothing deep in these tangible things that the world offers. And so happiness cannot be given from the world, but we choose to be happy with what God gives us, what God has given us at birth, and what he has given us, what he has planned for us. So I have a very serious and compassionate suggestion to all those who have found this podcast and episode. I hope it gets out there because it is so important that we address what happiness is, where we can find it, because everybody wants to be happy in this world, and nobody seems to be satisfied, because God is not there. We need to find Jesus. Go to Jesus Christ, and he will give you happiness, the happiness that you truly want, the joy that you have been waiting for. Now, that is my challenge to you today, is to go on your knees wherever you are, and repent and say, Lord, I am so unhappy right now. Only you can make me happy. Only you can fill this God-sized hole that I have in my soul. And there is nothing that I can do to make me happy. I wish there were, Lord, but I am so weak. That is the key, to recognize our weakness. And if you recognize your weakness, if you recognize that you do need God, that you do need Jesus who saves us on the cross, then you will see that he will give you an instant grace. Out of his abundant mercy, he will give you an instant grace to seek him and to find him. He is waiting for you because he loves you. He has given you a purpose. And this life is not something to waste. Your time is not something to waste. Use the talents that you have been given, that you have been blessed with, to serve and love and know our Lord Jesus Christ. There is something so precious in you. And he knows it and he sees it. Even though you don't, there has to be some sort of drive that gets you to God. Alright, I know there is a drive in you. I know there is a purpose. Don't even think about dying. Don't even think about ending your life. You have a purpose. You are a beautiful child of God. And if you bump into this podcast, it must be because you are having a hard time in your life, trying to find happiness and finding dissatisfaction. So please, please, don't rely on the world to give you happiness. Go to Jesus Christ. Go to heaven and seek him. Knock and the door will be open. The door will be open. He loves you so much. You are such a beautiful child of God. Whether you are his daughter or son, do not lose hope. Do not lose that hope that happiness is around the corner, that it is right next to you, that it is in Jesus. Go and proclaim his name. Proclaim the gospel. We love you. Oh, the Holy Spirit just loves you so much. I anoint you with the Holy Spirit. Oh God, please, please, come upon this individual who hears these words. And Lord, just bless them with abundance. I can't... Okay. Seek God above all. There is a need, there is a need that we seek him. We seek him and not give up hope, not give up the thought that happiness exists. Because it does. But it doesn't exist down here. It doesn't exist in this world. It can only exist in heaven. And that's what we have to aim for. We have to aim for heaven. Don't give up on Jesus. Don't give up on God. If you are mad at God, there is a reason why he is asking you to face him. Even in your anger, he will listen to you. Even in your despair, he will listen to you and guide you. He will give you what you need. He will give you what is necessary. He will give you what is so, so necessary to bring you to him. And you just have to cooperate. Just give him your fiat. Give him your yes. Give him your love. And submit to him. Surrender every single hardship that has been given to you, that has been granted to you for a reason. Don't waste your suffering. Don't waste your suffering. It needs to be used. It needs to be used. And Jesus wants to carry that cross with you. Don't deny him access to your heart. You can do this. Surrender. Just breathe in the Holy Spirit. Breathe in the Holy Spirit. And come. Come and see that happiness. Oh Lord, come down upon these individuals. We beg you Lord. By the Holy Spirit. And Lord, we give you this abundant willingness to give you our lives. Pray with me individual. Pray with me. Pray with me. Give our lives to Jesus Christ. We need you to give our lives to Jesus Christ. Lord Jesus. Lord Jesus, we love you. We love you so much. There is nothing that you cannot do. Now come over this individual and tell them that they are loved. They are a child of yours. They have given you so much. They don't even know it. They don't even know that they have been living for you. Because they breathe in the Holy Spirit. They breathe in the Trinity. And you give them life. Lord, give them the grace to speak for you. To live for you. To love you. To give you everything back. Even their suffering. Even their pain. Even their hardships and their sins. Help them. Give it all to you Lord. We just ask this in Jesus' name. Amen. Amen.