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Real Love?

Real Love?




Its expressed through music, through plays, movies, enacted at home with family and friends, often time neighbours but what is really meant by real love? Let's explore the perspective and experience of Love.

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The speaker discusses the concept of real love and its importance in relationships. They believe that real love is shown through sacrifice and the willingness to give up things for the people you love. They also mention that forgiveness is a crucial part of love. Love can reveal parts of ourselves that we may not have been aware of, and it is necessary for human beings as social beings. The speaker expresses their desire for love in all aspects of their life and encourages others to do the same. They acknowledge that people make mistakes and that love sometimes means loving from a distance. The speaker concludes by inviting listeners to reach out with any questions and signs off until the next episode. Hello, it's me again, Scholar. I'm back. Thank you for tuning in to listen to this podcast. I haven't really given it a name just yet. I'm waiting for, you know, inspiration on a name to give this podcast. But until then, I'm going to keep recording. And hopefully, in my recording, I will just know what to call this podcast. But for now, let's talk about the topic. Today's topic is going to be about real love. I know the last topic was about singleness in your 30s. Today, I'm going to talk about real love because it's all within the same theme. Effectively, real love is something that you, I mean, only time will tell you how it is perceived or what it is. It's difficult to understand what it means without people expressing the different love songs or the movies or the videos or how they feel about their partners or whatever. But from my inspection and my understanding and from understanding it from various points of view, I would just like to share my opinion on what I consider real love to be. Okay, so for me, real love, what does it mean? What does it mean, real love? Based on the various sources that I have, so I'm Christian, and by that I mean I worship one God. I believe in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. So therefore, for me, real love to me is sacrifice. It's what are you willing to sacrifice for those that you say you love. And I believe that goes into everything. It's not just loving your spouse or your family members or your children or your friends or your neighbors or whatever. The sacrifice that you give up or the things that you give up to express your love tells the people that love you or that are in receipt of your love that you love them. So I believe it's sacrifice. In a romantic sense, it's I will do this for you despite the fact that I'm angry at something that you've done or you don't appreciate me or I don't feel loved or I don't feel appreciated, considered or acknowledged in this relationship. But I still do these things for you because I love you and this is the things that I do for those that I show my love to. Same with your children. My son has no idea the things that I do for him. He has just this expectation that it will be done. He doesn't know that graft and hard work and money, the sacrifices that I have to do, time, all goes into me expressing my love for my young child. I'm sure in time he will know. He expresses his love as well. There are times that I can actually see him showing sacrifice for doing the things that he wants to do in order to find ways to give me pleasure or to please me as well. I can see it being returned to a good degree. What does love actually look like? Yeah, I mean I expressed it just now, like sacrifice. It can only be sacrifice in my humble opinion. How can it be accessed? Hmm, that's a good question. How do you access real love? I really do believe it's a choice. I don't believe it's a feeling. I mean, I can feel like I love somebody and choose not to express my love for them by deciding that loving them might not be a good idea for me in my future. Or loving them could cause me too much grief. So there is a choice with love. So therefore it's a choice. Accessing love is optional. It has to be with intention. It's a doing word. Love in itself is a doing word. It's a verb. You can't say you love someone and not do something to show them that love. The Bible clearly says love your Lord your God above all things and then love yourself and love your neighbours as you love yourself. That is where it becomes difficult. It's difficult to say you love God but you don't like your neighbour or you don't like your husband or you don't not like but love your husband, you don't love your children, you don't love your neighbour or the person that did something bad to you that just seems so unforgivable. But someway somehow you have to choose love above all things. And I think part of love is coming to the idea that forgiveness is also quite a huge part of showing that love. And that's where I'm like, that's where the sacrifice comes in because it doesn't always have to be money, time or emotion or doing physical things for people. Forgiveness in itself is such a huge part of loving your neighbour that people often miss that point or that element. To access love is to know that you will forgive this person no matter what they do. It may take you some time, you might need to process it out of your system, you may need to pray about it but ultimately you have to find a way to forgive. Because without it you can't be forgiven and without it you fail in a commandment that's very clearly written in the Bible which is to love your neighbour and to forgive them. Because we always sin against our God, against each other, just doing each other wrong, sometimes knowingly, sometimes unknowingly and the part is that you always have to prevent yourself in the best way possible which is to show love, give love, be loving, be love and forgive. Okay, so let's move on. Where does love take you? Hmm, I don't know. I believe love makes you realise who you are to be honest. Real love anyway, it breaks down walls and barriers that you never thought you had, it breaks down the knowledge of who you think you are, it reveals and exposes parts of your nature that you never thought you had or you had and wanted to keep it a secret. But where real love is concerned, these things are revealed, people that you love and love earnestly and have in your presence often get to know parts of you that you didn't even know existed or it gets revealed or you may have known again and you kept it secret but all the same, real love is exposure. It's exposure, that's what I think it is to be honest, you get exposed. Why do we need it? Hmm, I don't know, from my perspective I guess it's on the premise that we are social beings, we need each other, we all need one another to exist in this world. The mere fact that it took two people to create you shows you that it's social, a sperm and an egg needed to be present in order for you to become, and a sperm and an egg became one in order for you to become. You know, everything always seems to go back to the trinity, two becomes one, two becomes one and that one is that third person which is the relationship that is built within that real love. Even down to children, like the process of having a child is again three, mum, your dad, then you, it's amazing. So, why do we require it? Again, it's because we need it, it's a necessity, we are social beings, we can't do it without one another, we can't express love, we can't have love, we can't give love without first having someone to give, have and you know, reflect it to. You can love your animals, love your clothes, love your food or whatever it is that you do, but it's never going to be the same as loving your person, loving a human. Because every group has their repertoire so to speak, has someone that looks like them and acts like them and is like them, every denomination, race, group, category, it's all broken down in all these different elements. But really and truly, it's an expression of that whole, you are like me, so you give love. Okay, I didn't want to make this long, but I just think that love is a beautiful thing and ultimately I want that love always in my friends, my family, my spouse, my children, my employees. My employers, my clients, I just want love in every element and aspect of my life and I hope you guys want the same. The only reason why you feel hurt is because you felt like there was a lack of love in the expression of someone that had hurt you. But again, remember human beings are human, they make mistakes, like we all fall short of doing the right thing, saying the right thing because of so many different elements and we all have to give each other some grace and show love no matter what. Sometimes love also means loving someone from a distance because they're not quite ready to receive the love that you have to give. But in all things, trust that love will see things through, it's not the be all and end all, yet it is all that you need. Anyway, it was really nice speaking to you today and I hope you guys really enjoyed this conversation that I've just had with you all. If you have any questions, feel free to send me a message, my email address is scholazie at gmail.com, scholazie at gmail.com. Until next time folks, see you next Monday.

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