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julianne hartman part1 of 3-t20

julianne hartman part1 of 3-t20




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The speaker shares her personal experience of dealing with chronic pain and illness, including a diagnosis of lupus and fibromyalgia. She describes the emotional toll it took on her and her family, as well as her frustration with traditional medical treatments. She credits her healing journey to her faith in God and the support she received from Andrew Wommack's ministry. She and her husband now have a ministry of their own, offering daily live streams and conferences focused on healing and sharing testimonies. They also run a family-focused entertainment platform called Oaxis Entertainment. The speaker emphasizes the importance of giving back and helping others through their healing journeys. She introduces her husband and daughters, who are also involved in the ministry, and expresses gratitude for the impact of Karis Bible College on her life. The speaker's husband, an award-winning artist and creator of popular Nickelodeon cartoons, joins her on stage. The speaker humorously shares There was so much pain in my body and it came out of nowhere. I started with a lot of lower back pain, started with pain in my legs, pain in my hands, and then it felt like I had the flu 24-7. They said I had lupus, they said I had fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia just doesn't come on you. It comes from a lot of years of a lot of emotional abuse on yourself. I chose exercise to rid me of anxiety and fear. I just kept running faster and faster and faster. The older I got, the faster I would run. When I started not feeling well, I couldn't do any of that. So it was really shortly after she stopped, I started noticing a huge change. The word despair is a word I would use. It was like a despair that came around her and I don't know where that came from. In the mornings, he would lead me as my head would be in my hands and I'd just be crying. And then he would come home and he would find me in the same position. When the girls would come from school, I'd say, okay, what'd you do today? Like, tell me about your day. I don't think I heard any of it because I was in so much pain and I was feeling so sick. And then the fear always because I wasn't feeling good and I was like, God, I hope I can make it through this day kind of thing. My day planner was filled with doctor appointments. $300,000 on alternative doctors, holistic doctors. They just kept saying, we don't know what to do. Here, take this pill. Here, take this. The healing wasn't coming. The medicine, whatever she would take, wasn't working. She was crying every day. I would say, God, why am I not getting healed? What is wrong? Why are you not healing me? Why? What I do? What do I need to do to get healed? I don't understand. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage, Butch and Julianne Hartman. We've got Butch, the husband out here, and Carly and Sophia, the daughters, they're out here with us. And man, God has done an awesome work in you. I have to tell you, I'm standing over there crying already. And it's what has happened since 2008, when I got there. So I know you're going to be sharing some of your testimony and stuff. I'll let you do that. But tell them what's happened since your healing, and you are getting opportunities to minister. You've got daily live streams. Tell them what you're doing. So because of Andrew, with all the healing journeys, and how this whole ministry has encouraged us in every way, from our entertainment that we do, to now what we've just literally at birth, and this is all God. Andrew and God. So I just had this idea. I think the order ought to be God and Andrew. Well, Andrew, I have to say, when I was sick and I would see you on my screen, I'd say, if I could just touch the hem of his garment, of Andrew's garment, not God's, that I would be healed. That's where I had you in my heart. Anyway, so fast forward that now I had this idea. The Lord gave it to me. Trust me, it was not my idea. I'm not that smart. But in 2009, I had just come back from going to a neurologist, and I really wanted them to find something wrong with my brain, because they couldn't find anything wrong. And I'm like, why do I feel this way? I was really actually depressed about it. I was sitting on my mom's couch, and she goes, what's next? I said, I don't know. But I had this dream last night. And I said that God gave me this dream that I would tell my story with other people on video. And that was it. That was before? This was in 2009. I hadn't heard that. Yeah. And so, and I didn't either until a month about, about six months ago, I'll tell you how. So now, fast forward 2009. And now we're going into July of 2019. And God just gave me this idea of doing healing journeys today, which is taking people from the healing journey, and having them go and well, first of all, start off with a conference. Then all we do is what you guys have seen up here. And we just we talked about our testimonies, we minister, and then the next person comes up. And at the end of the night, everybody gets prayed for. So that's what we started doing. Well, then COVID hit. And I was really upset because I had a scheduled Phoenix conference, and that got canceled. So I'm like, Lord, what do I do? And my girlfriend goes, just do it online and walks away. And I went, No, I'm not going to do this online. We've got to be with the people. And well, I went to the Lord about it. And he said, do it online. And I said, How do you do this? And he literally showed me the whole thing. But as I was planning this whole thing, I said, God, why is this so easy? I put on a lot of events. I am the event queen. And they're always so hard and so exhausting. But this one was so easy. So I asked him, I said, Why is this so easy? He said, because I showed it to you in 2009. And so just because we think it's supposed to happen right away. So you have a daily live stream. We have a daily live stream. It's called Healing Journeys Today. It's on YouTube. Where are my girls and my men out there? Monday is the amazing Nikki Ochezky-Weller. Tuesdays is me. Wednesdays is Nicole Marbach, the amazing woman. And Thursdays is Mike Heche. He's so awesome. Fridays is Jeremiah Class. Then we go back to Sundays, but we are live every day. Every day. And it's the easiest thing to do. You know why? Well, my commitment is a little bit more, but everybody else's commitment is an hour a week. Think about it. And you also need to let them know about Butch. He's an award winning. Tell them who your husband is. Well, my husband is Butch Hartman, who is the most amazing man I've ever met in my entire life. And honestly, we've been in entertainment art. Well, my whole life, his whole life, he created four cartoons on Nickelodeon. Family Oddparents, Danny Phantom, Tough Puppy, and Bunsen was a Beast. And we left two years ago to start our own streaming platform, a platform for family focused entertainment called Oaxis Entertainment. And this is no dark, no nothing. You can hand your kids your iPad or whatever and say you can watch anything on Oaxis. And so that's what we are currently doing now. But we also have a kids network. We do a lot, Andrew. We do a lot. But when you've been healed, how do you not give back and want to see other people healed? So that's just a little bit of background on Julianne Hartman. And she's a very capable minister. So I'm going to turn her loose. And you're going to be blessed tonight. Well, I also have to introduce my two daughters that are also Karis alumni. So we have Sophia Hartman is my my youngest. And she actually does all of the healing journeys, social media, everything. And then I have our beautiful daughter, Carly Hartman. And she is also she's taught our she's a social media queen who taught the whole family how to do social media. So they both went to Karis Bible College. And this place means a lot to me like you guys can't even believe. But I have to bring up my husband because my testimony of healing could not be my testimony without my amazing husband. So but can you come up here for a minute? All right, so I've got nine pages of notes, just to tell you. Also, as you can tell, I do get really excited. Okay, now here's the problem. I can stay up here and control her if you want me to. So here's the thing. We've been married 28 years. So when I leave this stage, you're all on your own. Okay. Alright, so I like interaction with the audience. So please don't go to sleep. All right, I'm going to keep you awake because I'm going to yell a lot if you don't. All right, and audience all over the world because I know you are I need interaction from you too. You guys, you know, we're a small group here, but this is going out to millions of people and you're just as close as if you were sitting right here in this auditorium. So don't think that it's well and listen, right now, I'm gonna give you about two seconds to go get some water, go to the bathroom, but be back because I've got some great things to say. And I don't want you to miss it. All right. So as I said, we've been married for 28 years. And I was a fitness person, love to work out my whole life. I was an actress and she wasn't a fitness person when I married her. She became that after I married her. So it kind of wasn't fair. Like, you know, we have to go work out that we didn't know about working out before we got married. It was like then that I had to start working out too. So that was where you're supposed to laugh. Yeah, that was a joke. Okay. Look, we're really trying up here, everybody. Okay, so help us out. Let me just give you a disclaimer. Now. I did stand up comedy. All right. I'm used to drunk people with no expression. All right. So this is no problem for me. Okay. But I started off I want to be an actress like everybody. I mean, I'm from LA, right? I'm a native from Los Angeles and Burbank, California. Pray for me, please. That's another place to laugh. Okay. Anyway, but I wanted to be an actress. I was. I didn't do so well. My mother said you better get a job. So I she said, you're never going to be the one who's going to wait on tables. You better learn to type. So I did. And because of that learning how to type, I typed 90 words a minute. And because of that, I got a job on the game show Jeopardy. 14 and a half years, I spent at Jeopardy. Bet you didn't know that about me, did you? What is where did Julianne work? So anyway, so I did that. But plus trying to be an actress and all that. And but I did have something that really haunted me most of my life. And that was called fear. And fear literally was was behind me, and around me and in front of me my whole life. So I chose physical fitness, because I didn't know Jesus. He was a cuss word to me. And I'm serious about that. That's all I knew. I didn't know all I knew was anybody that I saw that said anything about Jesus was somebody I didn't want to be like. So I was like, well, I'll just be who I am now. So I didn't know anything about the Lord. So I chose physical fitness to exhaust myself every day. So that I when I went to bed, and I was by myself, and here come the thoughts and the bombardment, I would be so tired, I would just fall asleep. So I would work out a lot. But I have to tell you, I do love working out. That's one of my favorite things to do. It kind of clears my mind. But I use working out as my Jesus. And that's a big problem. Because working out is great, but it doesn't comfort you. He's not he's not the comforter. It's not it's not the Prince of Peace. Right. And it was it was, you know, a lot on my body. Again, loved it. But years and years of doing it, and it starts to break down your body. And so I went from from that to always working out. I tried everything, you know, in the acting world, from, you know, stand up comedy, like I said, doing theater, everything that I could. But I always had this thing that kind of chased me, which was fear. I met my husband. And when I met him, you know, he would notice that I would have like these dips. You know, what's wrong with you? Oh, I'm depressed. Why? I don't know. I don't know why I was sad. There was a lot of things that were, I wouldn't tell because I didn't know how to, I didn't know how to speak it. I didn't know how to talk about it. And so I would just say, I was depressed. Why? Because that's what every actor says. Because we deal with our business as emotions. So we're like this, we're up, we're down, we're up, we're down. And so my friends and I would get together and we'd be like, Hey, how you doing? Oh, I'm depressed. Yeah, me too. Yeah, you're depressed. Yeah, I'm so depressed. Because that's how we felt that if we stayed in those emotions, we'd be really good actors. Isn't that silly? So physical fitness was my, was my God. And so the good news about it is it kept me in shape. So that was only one good thing about it. So we're married, everything is going great. We have our daughter, awesome wife. And now I become, anybody remember Billy Blank's Tyvo? Raise your hand. I need the interaction. Okay. Well, have you ever seen the videos? No. Okay. So it's Billy. I was on this side and his daughter Shelly was on the other. Do you recognize me now? Okay. I don't have the same abs, but trust me. You have a lot more clothing on right now too. Yes, a lot more clothing than I used to wear. So I became a Tyvo instructor. I also became a third degree black belt in martial arts. And what I did with that was, I thought that's how I would fight. Because I love to fight like physically. It's so fun to fist fight or whatever, to fight, you know, martial arts and stuff. So I chose that on when I first got diagnosed or got sick, I chose that as a way to fight, was physically fight. But again, I kept, you know, exhausting myself. And this is prior to us even getting saved. We're not even saved at this point. Yeah, neither one of us grew up in a Christian home. I think we were in our mid 30s. I was in our I was 35 when we got saved. So we've only been saved 20 years. So you know, that's not a long time. We're like a 20 year old right now. Right. But what we did do, though, is we were so desperate, that we dove in headfirst. And there were people that were in the ministry for, you know, 40 years, and, you know, wasn't growing anymore. I was like, that's really weird. I wonder why? Well, maybe it's been sitting too long, getting fat on the word and not doing anything with it. And I didn't realize what that was until later. But we really did not have a clue how to do anything. Honestly, I am telling you, we were just I thought when we walked into went to Crenshaw Christian Center, when we walked in there, I thought everybody was perfect. I thought everybody that was a Christian had no problem. They were perfect. And I was the big sinner walking in. What I mean, that's what when you don't know, I mean, does this sound crazy to you guys? Somewhere? Well, I really did. I thought, well, they're perfect. How do I become perfect like them? You know, then they would talk about these things called faith. Well, what's that? You know, and so we really did not have a clue. But we really literally, we dove into what what the Word of God said. And thank God that the pastor, Frederick Casey Price, they may know. Who knows Fred Price in here? But yeah, by the way, Fred Price's church. We stood out in the church of you guys. It was from predominantly African American church. And we it was really fun because they just adopted us like we were just part of the family was awesome. And you want to hear the really freaky thing, you know, Raquel and Herman. We knew them from Crenshaw. And back in the day and lost touch with them for years until the first the first year you had in the barn here, the summer family and this woman's on stage going. And she was like, they were rehearsing. And we're back here going, who is that? Like, that's Raquel. Oh, my God. What's she doing up here? That's how we reunited with Herman. We thought we were the only LA folks that ever came up to the top of this mountain. And then there's Raquel and Herman too. Yeah, this is like our secret place. So anyway, so now we're going to fast forward into 2008. Something very traumatic happened in my in our all of our lives, but my life particularly. And I just everything I was doing with Tybo ended. So I was very, you know, we did a lot with Tybo. We went all over to every country you can imagine. I got to go to Iraq and Afghanistan and and work out the truth. I mean, we were flying high. And then it all ended one day. And there went Julianne's identity. And that's really what happened in 2008. And then from that point forward, it just went like this. Imagine going from working out five, six days a week, six, seven hours a day, traveling everywhere, doing Tybo, sweating, sweating, sweating, your life is working out a minute all stops. And not just emotionally, where do you go? Because your job suddenly vanishes, but your physical body, the body that's been going 1000 miles an hour suddenly goes down to zero miles an hour. And so that's part of what happened. Well, that's funny, because that's what actually a doctor said to me, they said, you know, really, a lot of this happened, because you suddenly stopped. And what happens is when you're not letting those endorphins come out, then you know, other hormones are coming in, which is, you know, bringing on depression and all this other stuff, which brought on so much pain in my body. I woke up one day and I had the flu. And it was like, okay, well, the flu didn't go away two weeks later, three weeks later, four weeks later. And I was like, well, I guess I'm just gonna have to figure it out, like live with this. What the heck is this? And so we had had gone to a Western doctor. And, you know, they said, Well, I don't know, not a guy with a cowboy hat, not that. No. But he said, We really don't know what this is. But he goes, but here's some medication so that the pain will go away. And so I was like, Well, what's this? And I'm reading it. And then I went home and I studied and I came back and I made an appointment with him just to tell him I said, Do you know that this causes cancer? And he goes, Well, yeah. And I said, So you would give it to me. I've got two young daughters. And you would give me a pill that might cause cancer. He said, Well, it's one out of 1000. I said, Well, what if I was one of those that one that one out of 1000? How could you live with yourself? He was like, Well, it's really not that dramatic. And I'm like, Yes, it is. So I said, That's it. I couldn't go back to a Western doctor. And then started my journey with holistic alternative doctors. We live in Los Angeles. So they're everywhere. Yes. So a lot of times, there's a lot of new age going on in these doctors. You guys know what I'm talking about? People at home, you know what I'm talking about? Because it's a real thing. And one other note, insurance does not cover holistic doctors. So we ended up spending, like she said in the video, but it was even more over $300,000 to try and get her healed. And we knew the word at this time, we were like eight, nine years in the world. At this time, we'd been, we know how to confess, we know how to believe we do faith, we knew this, we knew that. But, but it wasn't working. And I'll tell you why. This is one reason why we're going to get into the other stuff. I didn't know Jesus. I didn't know Jesus. I knew about him. I knew, I knew all about him. I would read his words, but it was just that. It was like reading a novel. Okay. I even prayed for people and they got healed.

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