Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The podcast is announcing a rebranding to "Level Up and Live" with Ewan Heinemeyer as the new co-host. They explain that the change is due to Ewan's strengths in monetization and scalability. They want to reach a larger audience and help more people. The hosts believe in becoming the best version of oneself and working on personal growth every day. They express gratitude for their listeners and announce a free mini-course for their audience. Welcome to the podcast, my co-host, brother, friend, brother from another mother, they already say that. You and Heidemeyer, the man, the myth, the legend, my co-host, what's up, brother? How you doing, man? Thanks for having me back on. If you're listening to this, it's because you want to level up and live. You want to live a life of fullness, prosperity, happiness, joyness, and you're wanting to work on becoming a better version of yourself. I've got some exciting news for you today. I'm super pumped to be able to share this with you. When you build a business, when you build a podcast, when you build anything, sometimes you evolve. Sometimes you have to adapt. Sometimes you have to realize, and listen to your own advice, that we have strengths and then we have weaknesses. We have struggles, we have obstacles, we have challenges that I personally face. And with knowing this, and being mindful about this, I was able to spot this right away. As you all know, my audience, my listeners, for the last eight or nine months, putting in the time, the energy, behind the scenes, and because of you, we have grown to several thousand listeners and downloads over the last, in a short period of time. You may have heard his voice. His name is Ewan Heinemeyer. And he has been my co-host over the last few, what, months? Weeks? Yeah, maybe six weeks. So you may have heard this, where are you from, Ewan? Where's that voice from? I didn't know if this was ever gonna come up. I'm from Scotland originally. So I've been in America for 20 years, so people think I'm from Canada, Russia, Ireland, but officially, I'm from Scotland. So you've heard his voice, and there's a reason for that. It's because there are certain things that I'm good at, and that I'm aware of, that I'm good at, right? And there's certain things that Ewan is very good at. One of the things that I struggle with, that I need help with, is monetization. Monetization, did I say that right? Yeah, that's right, monetization. And scalability, reaching the masses. I've always done a good job at my ecosystem, my friends, my family, my community, the people around me. They've wanted to level up, and they have leveled up, in those areas of life. What I've realized with Ewan is, he does this on a bigger scale, right? And we wanna go global. Why impact 100 people, when we can impact thousands, hundreds of thousands of people, right? We have to reach more masses. Ewan does such a good job at asking the questions, at slowing things down. Go slow, to go fast. And I've known Ewan for 13 plus years now. He's my best friend. Like I said, he's my brother. He is going to be able to bring so much impact, so much value, to you, our listener, our audience. And I'm super excited to be able to share with you, drum roll, that Ewan Hinemeyer is officially on the road, on board, and we are rebranding to, from Level Up with Sean Myers, to Level Up and Live. Well Sean, what is Level Up and Live? And what does that mean? Level Up and Live, to me, and I'll let you in and talk here in a second, is becoming the best version of yourself. Working on being 1% better than you were yesterday, in all areas of life, not just one, not just neglecting the other areas, but leveling up and living on working, on becoming the best version of yourself. Not just once in a blue moon, not just once a week, not on a one year New Year's resolution, but every single day. That is Level Up and Live. We're on a mission. We're here to impact and serve you, listening to you, to this. What is Level Up and Live to you? Yeah, well this, first off, thanks so much for asking me. You know, what you have built here is just staggering. Me and a number of the other guys in the Mastermind have watched you build this thing from nothing. I remember just watching like, how is he gonna do this? And what about when he gets to this position, how is he gonna answer that question? Because he would have to know to be able to do this. No normal person is gonna do what he's doing, and the way that he's doing it, and each week, Mastermind, he'd keep coming back. Alright, I did this, I did that. And he's like, but now I'm here, and I need to figure out how to get to here. And we would talk about it, we'd work on it, and then he'd go and do it. I'm still thinking to myself, that's not how you do this. No, you need to plan more. You need to be more insightful. You need to get the stats, the data. And he's like, he just keeps moving forward. I'm like, this is beautiful to watch, PS. I've watched Sean do this so many times, so many different things, and he just always gets results from this backwards kind of position in my mind. He sees it as going forward, and that's exactly what he's doing. He just keeps moving forward. He fails very quickly, and then he now has the information to move forward. So, it's just been beautiful to watch, and I just want to say thank you so much for asking me to come on what you have built from scratch, from nothing, and invited me to partner with you on this. And it's just been, really, it's been a dream come true. And I want to just attest to the fact that you didn't do this lightly. When you asked me on, it was like, let's see if this works. Let's not make this official. And I was like, man, I'm completely on board with that. We're big personalities. It's funny, I think we've only ever had maybe one argument before in 13 years. I think we made up real quick, which is very rare. We've got big personalities, but we just have a synergy together. But in business, though, we just wanted to make sure that we were doing the right thing, and so we tested it out, and lo and behold, this timeframe that we've been working together, we've loved it, man. I felt more alive than I have, and I can't even put my finger on it. As far as business and just doing something, getting together with a friend, this has been very special for me, and I'm just so grateful and glad that it worked out. Sean, thanks so much. So to answer the question, level up and live, and it really ties into existing is what you do before you really start living. You're just existing, what is existence? You're just existing. When you have to drive yourself to do something, when you don't want to do it, and you're making yourself do it because you don't enjoy or love it, and you're just going through the motions, you might have even gone numb to what it is that you've been doing in your life, and you know there's something else out there, but you just haven't gone after it. You've tried before. It doesn't work. I'm just gonna keep doing what I've always done. So what is living, then? It's getting out of that mode and getting something. It's not driving you because you have to. It's pulling you because it's just something that you want to do. You might be tired, but you do want to do this thing so badly that you do it anyways, and that's what living is, when you just are pulled in that direction, no matter what happens, you are joyous. It doesn't matter if it's tough, right? The other thing you're doing that you've been driven to do, it's not really much different than what you're doing by being pulled, but how you view it, what you want to do in your life, how you want to live is the difference. So to stop existing and start living is to be aware, to be present. Love it. Value my drop. I'm amused, and as you can see, that is why we are partnering up on this, and we are super excited. So be watching out for Level Up and Live, and then we're also, too, aligning this with our Facebook, and we're super excited. Should we share the cherry on top on what we're really bringing out? I know this is kind of a tongue twister on the partnership, but. Well, and real quick, you know, before you jump in, I know what you're about to say, and I just want to say to the audience here, like, man, you are the only reason we're doing this. You hear that a lot. Oh, you guys, couldn't have done it without you. I don't know if I always believed that, but we would not be doing this if it wasn't for, we ask ourselves, like, what do we love to do? We love to help people. We want to inspire and have people aspire, and what's crazy is the people that we're having on the show and seeing out there, they inspire, and we aspire to do some of the things they're doing, and we want to bring that to people. That's joy. That's what pulls me. I know that's what pulls Sean. If it's a tough day, tired, whatever, before you gotta go to work, or after, or you don't feel well, the pool is there so delicious, it's so tangible, and that for us is wanting to help people, to just pass on what we've found. To be the people that weren't there for us, the things that we've learned over the last 10 years, we had to figure those things out the hard way, man. Think about how hard some of the things we, like, only someone had told us, and we want to help the people out there so that we could help them get to where, they want to go faster, and in a way that they are doing it out of joy, and not get there and realize, oh man, I'm at the top of this mountain top, and I'm miserable. We don't want people to get to where they think they want to go, and end up being miserable. You have all the money in the world, but if you didn't enjoy, or take time to enjoy it, then what's the point? That leads right into what Sean's about to bring here. So without further ado, because you have been fantastic listeners and audience of ours, and you have continuously leveled up, applied a lot of these benefits, and tips, and tricks, and stories, and everything that we continue to share, and show up for you, and do in our own lives as well, we want to provide something free for you, and we're super excited to offer this, because it's kind of like our first time offering a free little mini course. And it's, how many questions, Euan? There's, it's four days, so four days, and it's basically, me and Sean decided to put our thoughts, and minds, and hearts, and souls on paper of the elements that have helped us get to where we are today. The things that we've done, the difficult things, man, they were not easy, they were so very, very hard, and it wasn't like we just went out and did them. Like, you build these businesses, it's not just something you did because it was something that came natural. You had to, blood, sweat, and tears to get there. All, everything I've ever accomplished, you know, coming to America, and it's on its own. Like, sometimes I don't even know how it happened, but if I have to think back, man, I had to do a bunch of things that were very difficult, and I had to stare down some demons, some inefficiencies in my life that I was not prepared to handle, and yet I pushed through somehow, in the same way you pushed through, and so that is what is gonna be on paper, our hearts and souls. You can know right off the head. And so, with these four, with this mini course, we wanted to offer that to you, to help you, we call it Stare It Down. When we weigh everything out and reflect on what the experiences that we've been through, the ups and the downs, and the obstacles and the challenges, and what's allowed us to continue to move forward in these different areas of life is, it really comes down to just staring it down, right? Being mindful, being aware, and this mini little course that we have for free for you is available in our show notes, and I believe they, what do they have to do? Just go to our show notes, and? Yeah, just they'll get sent to your email, and you'll have some questions in there, and just a breakdown of how we stare that demon, that dragon down, that little voice that tells you, don't do that, or this is dangerous, or I'm afraid, I'm not even gonna bother trying, because I just don't think I can do it. If there's something out there that you've wanted for a long time, or something you've maybe even forgotten, because you just didn't ever think you could get it, this will help you get that thing. It will help you look at what is that fear in your life that's stopping you from doing it, and so, yeah, taking this little mini course, it'll just guide you through. We're gonna be talking about this on future podcasts, so we'll be there as accountability, and believe us, we're still staring things down. There's still so many things. We're building this podcast, this journey, and we're having tons of success doing it, but man, there's so many things. We're gonna be out of our comfort zones. We're along this journey with you. We're gonna be using our own advice. We're gonna be leaning on the thing that is in the show notes. We're gonna be leaning on those very skills to keep going in all the things we're gonna do in the future. We're gonna need to use those things, and you can come along and do that with us, too. What is it in your life that you want to achieve, you want to accomplish, the thing that you've been stopped from doing? This will help. This will help get you there. And you guys always, you guys always told me, like, man, you're a doer, you're an action taker, and so, we spent a lot of time together, several hours, several days, and even several years now, and we've been able to break that down, and that's what this little mini course will do is it'll allow you to stare down as well, and that's, like Ewan said, these things that I've applied in my own life, that's how I've been able to, if I face an obstacle or a challenge, and you follow me on my journey, I'm just looking at it as a stepping stone, not, you know, not anything else, and this will be one way to get you to where you want to be, which is becoming the best version of yourself if you're listening to this podcast. We're super excited to be able to offer this because, to be completely transparent with you, we have spent hundreds of hours, several years of our life, conforming this, you know, to a mini little course. Yes, that's a great point. And it'll always continue to tweak over time, always continue to improve, like you had said, I couldn't agree with it more because it's not a destination, it's a journey, and the beautiful thing about it is, if you're listening to it, you're in that journey, you're in that community with us, you're in that tribe with us, you're a part of that, and as long as you continue to show up and show out, we're gonna level up together and live life. Let's go, man. Yeah, that's another My Drop moment, you know? So, we're so happy to have you a part of our business and we are excited for the future, we're excited to see where this goes. We've got a lot of big things happening behind the scenes, so make sure you stay along for the journey, continue to level up, and live your life to its fullest. Head to the show notes, go and send your email, get that free course, give us feedback, we like to hear feedback. Love the feedback. Yeah, from our listeners, from our audience, any feedback, you can reach us on our social media platforms, on Facebook, Level Up and Live, we'll be in the transition phase on aligning all the names and everything that comes with it behind the scenes. You, any final thoughts? Yeah, just so excited to be doing this officially together, man, the future is so bright and the impact that we wanna have with people to do something, you know, is it your fitness? Are you struggling with your weight? Can you not control yourself when you're eating candy at night? My hand is raised, you can't see it, it's on podcast, but that was something that bothered me for so long and I never thought I'd be able to get a handle on it. That is for you. Is it money? You're trying to make more money in your life? Man, this is, you're in the right place. It's what we've always been good at doing. We've just gone on this journey together. Is it your relationships? We're talking about all the elements of life. Is it your faith? Whatever it is, that's what we're, that's all the things in our lives that we've put down on paper here, so I'm just so excited for people to get it. Thanks for bringing me on board, man. It's gonna be so exciting and yeah, can't wait to hear how it impacts everybody out there. Boom shakalaka, and I'll leave you with this. How you do one thing is how you do everything. So the way you show up, whether it's fitness or any area of life that Ewan mentioned earlier, how you do one thing is how you do everything. So if you can focus in, level up, and live in that one area of life and build on those foundations and principles and concepts, you can do that in all the other areas of life. And the reason, I'm not just sitting here saying this, but I'm actually doing this in my own life. So who am I to be selfish and hold this behind the scenes? I wanna share it with you. I want to see and be a role model, me and you, I want to be a role model for this, and this is gonna be the platform that we're gonna do it. So if you have any friends or family that could use this message or need to hear this message or that could be, they could have some kind of value as far as a free mini course that are going through the same trials and tribulations that we've, as far as the struggles and obstacles that we've all faced here together, please share it with them. And thank you so much for your time, energy, and effort. We love having you listen to us, and thanks again. Look forward to the future. Thanks again, Sean.