Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker talks about their sister, Judy, who was always on the go and started working at a young age. They mention a program for kids without fathers where they would hire them for the summer. The speaker also talks about their own experience working for the Salvation Army and using the money to buy school clothes. They mention starting to work at around 16 years old, but they're not sure of the exact age. The speaker then talks about their rebellious phase and how they wanted to go live with their aunt who practiced witchcraft. They mention their aunt teaching them about witchcraft and how they would perform spells for people. After living with their aunt for nine months, the speaker's mother allowed them to come back home. They talk about their mother's involvement in white magic and their aunt's involvement in black magic. The speaker then talks about their party life, using drugs, and smoking. They mention going to Catholic Church to confess their sins and seeking freedom. They So, um, where was Judy in all of this, how was, was she around, or she's older than you, or she's the old, but how old is she? Like, she's um, was she around when you were looking at her? She's Jamie's age. Okay. Was she around when you were looking at her? Uh, yeah, but she was, she was always on the go. She was hardly at home. Yeah, she started working when she was a youth. Okay. They had a program for kids that didn't have fathers. Okay. And they would hire them for the summer. Oh, thank you. So, she, and I, myself, I worked for the Salvation Army, and I worked at a pool. Really? A pool. Really? And they would give you, you know, a job, and then that's what we bought our clothes with for school. Wow, how amazing. So, when you, how old were you, do you think when you started working? Probably 16. Yeah, so you were still in school and everything at the same time. Mm-hmm. So, maybe I was younger. Yeah, because we can work. Yeah, I think I was younger. You were only 13 years old. I think I might have been 14. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. They passed that law that you couldn't work when you got older, when you got older. Mm-hmm. The kids never learned that one. So, you went to school, and, um, did you graduate school? What happened? Oh, well, uh, okay. So, I was about 14, and then I worked, and then I was going to school, and then I became very rebellious. Mm-hmm. Just, uh, under the conditions that I was under, um, I started rebelling, and, uh, I got in my thinking, oh, I want to go live with my aunt, which my aunt lived in Tucson, Arizona. Okay. And, um, you know, I, you know, when a child gets something, they push for it, and then my mom just didn't know what to do with me, so she says, okay, I'm sending you to Arizona. So, I think I was, uh, 15, 16. Mm-hmm. And she was the witch. Oh, wow. Tell me about it. What was that like? But I think that, um... So, that was her sister? Her sister, but her half-sister. Okay. Because all my mother's siblings were half-sisters. That's right. Mm-hmm. So, I think she was doing witchcraft against us. Mm-hmm. Because when I went to live with her, then she began to try to teach me and train me, and she would actually, uh, people would pay her to, you know, put spells and kill people, you know. So, I stayed with her for like nine months, and then, um, my mom said I could come back home. Um, so, I got... So, she was actually teaching you how to cast spells and things? Yeah, and she told me that, uh, she would leave and go visit my mom and put things against my mom. So... But she would physically do it, or in her spirit? In her spirit. Her spirit would leave. Right. You know, in the Mexican culture, they have, like, uh, uh, they call it white magic, where, you know, you, you dissemble, dissemble, uh, powers or spells that have been against you. Okay. So... So, like if someone... My mom would do all those things. So, if someone throws a spell on somebody... Yeah. Then... She would come and cleanse it. Cleanse it off. Okay. Okay. Dispel. Okay. So, that was a spell. Anything... So, there's two kinds of... And so, your mom was into that, too? Yes. So, she did the white magic and your... Yes. Other aunts that you stayed with did the black magic? Yeah. Wow. So, then I came home, and then, uh, I was just a mess. Did you feel like that's what you wanted to do, was to continue, or did you feel like there was anything different about it? It was just the way of life? Uh, it was just something that was taught to me, but deep down, I always said, if there's a God, I want to know him. Mmm. Mmm. Wow. No wonder. And then, my mom, at 14, I remember her taking me to the priest to find out what it was to become a nun. So, here you got... And that was before you learned the witch thing? Mm-hmm. So, here you got her wanting to become a nun, and then you were being rebellious, but she wanted to become a nun, and then she allows you to go be with this aunt who wanted you to become a witch like her. Mm-hmm. Did she have kids? Yeah. Were they involved in the same thing? Yes and no. Because it was probably just the way of life for them. Exactly. No. Her daughter, actually, one of her daughters gave her life to the Lord. Mmm. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Yeah. So, then I came back, and then I just started, like, going out, party life. I learned a little bit of that in Arizona, because I looked like I was 18, so I could go into the bars. Right. And I looked at age, you know. So, then I started the party life, and then started taking drugs that I said I would never take. Mm-hmm. And then I went, and then I was smoking, because my mom was a smoker. Right. And I would pick up her glass, and then I started smoking, and then I would go to Catholic Church, and I would confess my sins, and I really wanted freedom. Right. Right. So, I would do the Hell Fathers with our fathers, you know. So, were you one of those people that would go into that little room where the priest was, and tell them everything you did? Uh-huh. Uh-huh. And then the priest would tell you how many Hail Marys you needed to do? Uh-huh. Wow. So, I would do that, and then I would go back and do the same thing. So, then a friend of mine invited me to church. Mmm. To a Christian church. Mmm. And that night, I went to the service, and the pastor said, does anybody need prayer? And I raised my hands, and they were baptized. They were filled with the Holy Spirit, but it didn't really, it didn't, yeah, I'd never seen it, but it didn't, it didn't make me feel, oh, gosh, you're speaking in, I didn't feel uncomfortable. Right. Right. So, then I went up to the altar, and I, the pastor said, say this prayer, and I repeated the prayer, and I asked Jesus in my heart. Mmm. And then I noticed everybody hugged me, and, and I felt different. Wow. And I said, wow, I've never experienced this love, because my mom was an affectionate person. She, I don't remember her saying, I love you, or anything like that as a child. Right. So, then I said, wow, I really like this, and then I realized that the desires for this world were not there anymore. Mmm. God just took it, just like, after that prayer, at the altar, He just took all the desire, Yeah. Yeah. So, all the desire for drinking, drugs, alcohol. Mmm. And also, I, I was in a place before I received Christ that I didn't want to live. Right. So, I would, like, cut myself, or take pills, try to take my life, but was never successful, you know, at it. And that lifted as well. Wow. So, then, when I came home, my mother knew something happened to me. This, and she said, you cannot leave the Catholic Church, and if you do, you will go to hell. Wow. And it was like the demons, the spirits, knew that what had happened to me. So, at that time, I started spiritual warfare, increased, like doors were just shut. I, I had a lot of demonic visitations. Wow. Because they didn't want to let go of me. So, what does a demonic visitation look like? Well, it's as if I could feel, like, spirits flying around in the room and stuff like that. Right, right. Uh-huh. And then, it was amazing because I used to watch a lot of TV, and I said, I don't want to watch that anymore. You know, I don't want to watch scary movies. And, and I never did. I just would go to my room and read my Bible, and then I would go to any church I could. Because I would feel peace there. Because when I would come in my house, I could feel torment. And I could feel the demonic. That's intense. Wow. So, I, if my church wasn't having a service, I was looking for one that did. Mm-hmm. Yeah. And then, uh... Did your mom ever try to stop you from going to church? Uh, not physically, but they would say, I think Diane has gone off the rocker, and I think she needs to go to a mental institution because I don't think she's there. Because I didn't want to go to the parties. I didn't want to do what the world was doing anymore. So, they told you you were crazy. Uh-huh. Yeah. Yeah. And that was at 16 years old. Yeah. Wow. Yeah. And I still needed a lot of deliverance. And I don't think the pastors that I went to believed in a lot of that, you know. I mean, they, I don't think they knew how to get me any further than I needed to go. Oh, well, you probably didn't have an answer to deliver. Yeah. So then, um... After that, uh... I really didn't know what to do with my life because I told my mom, my... Because when I was in the world, I did so much that... And plus, I just was not academically... I just didn't have it in me academically. So, I told her, um... Mom, I want to go to a Christian school and I'm going to work to pay for it. And she wouldn't let, she refused to let me go. So then I decided, what am I going to do? I'm so far beyond school. I don't know what to do with my life. So my brother at the time, my best friend, that brought me to the Lord, was a runaway. Her mother was Christian, but her stepfather was a molester. So, my mom took her in. My brother and her were... He had a boyfriend and girlfriend. She lived there with us. And she would tell me, come on, Diana, let's go to the party. She's the one that brought me to church. And I said, Tammy, I'm tired of that. I'm done with that life. I don't want it. You know? So then, um... They had a baby together. And then my brother, to get out of the gang, he joined the army. Because he needed to get out of Victorville. And he needed a new life. Right, and that's what he wanted. So he had a child now. They married. And they were living in El Paso on the base. And she asked me to come and stay with her. Because my brother would be out all the time on boot camping. So I went there, because I didn't know what to do. And, um... Then, the first thing I did was I got on the Yellow Pages and I looked for a church. I found one. And I started going to that church. And my brother's friend, which was Christian, would take me to church. And we actually started dating. Oh, okay. We started dating. And we got engaged. Wow. Because I thought, well, what am I going to do with my life? What else is there? So then, um... You were about 18 at that time? Yeah. Okay. We picked out where we were going to live. And I was really struggling. I heard a voice. And the voice was, go see your mom. So I told them. I had our engagement rings. I said, I need to go visit my mom. I just had a feeling I need to go see my mom. So I take a bus. I go to my mom. And when I get there, I heard the voice. Don't marry him. Wow. And you don't. I don't remember if it said, don't marry him. You don't really love him or something. I don't remember exactly. But I know the voice said, don't marry him. And so I said, okay. So what am I going to do? How am I going to tell him? So then he called. And he said, when I'm coming back. And I told him, you know what? I don't want to hurt your feelings. I'm going to send you these rings back. But I don't want to marry you. I don't feel like I love you to marry you. And he got very, very angry. And he started punching the walls out. He was in the army. Wow. And then I found out that he was abused as a child. And I probably would have been a punching bag for him. But God is so good. Wow. You know? And then a friend came and said, why don't you. She was my next door neighbor. And she said, why don't you go to beauty college? And because of my dad, I think I lied. And I said I had my diploma. I went through the course. And then I started like. I started like, oh, before. In a period of time, I could feel the demonic. I don't know the time frame. But I could feel the demonic. And I could feel the enemy wanting to pull me back into the world. I was really struggling. And I was like. I could feel that spirit of rebellion coming like on me. And like trying to like run away from the Lord again. Even after all that. But it was the environment. And so then I said. I was invited to a church when they were playing the rapture. Oh, really? Uh-huh. Okay. And I had another guy friend that he kind of liked me. And he took me. And I said, get me out of here. Get me out of here. I felt like there was a war for my soul. Wow. And he took me to. There's a place in Victorville where everybody would go. And it's like a mountain where the hospital is. And then you would look down and see the city. And people would go up there. It was kind of like where boyfriends would take their, you know. Right, right. And he turned on the radio. And it was preaching. And I said, shut that off. Take me home right now. And he takes me home. And the Lord tells me, you come now. Wow. Because if you don't come 100%, you will not be alive. The devil is going to take you out. Right. And then I said, that's when I completely, completely said, my life is yours. Wow, wow. Amazing. And that's when I met Jane and Ray. Yes. And then they said that's when Blanca was at Summer Haven. Where did you meet Jane and Ray? Like how did you meet them? I think I met them at the church I was going to. Okay. So they lived in Victorville? Yeah, they lived in Victorville. Yeah. And somehow they kind of gave, they like became my spiritual parents. Because, you know, I was needing guidance. And I needed somebody. That's when I got into the Kenneth Copeland. And then I was like, and I would just repeat. And yeah, imagine this. And it was, yeah. And then I got on all the tapes. And they were, I think they might have been into that. Some other friends of mine were. And so I got all involved in that. Trying my best to serve, to walk with God with all that I knew. And then that couple, they would bring milk to Summer Haven. And I think they were coming to visit. And I don't know if they had milk at that time. But we came in the big camper. Right. Yeah. And then we were coming down the road. And Jamie was with white overalls with a bag of raisin bread. And I heard the voice. This is your husband. I was not looking for one. I really wasn't. And I just kind of rushed it. But that night, everyone prayed for me. And I fell under the power. I think I was out for two or three hours. The presence of God began to touch me. And then that night, people would be washing dishes. And I'm listening to my tapes. Sister Agnes comes over. And she says, Honey, why don't you let the Holy Spirit do it? And then it broke that off of me. Like, get rid of this. I actually threw the whole cassette, everything away. And then she said, Why don't you come and learn to hear and move in the Spirit? Or something like that. Right. She said that I was the first person that she had asked. Because normally people ask her. And then she said to me, But finish your schooling. It's because I had never finished things. I needed to finish. Right, right, right. Like, accomplish. So, I finished the school. I packed my bag. So, did you go to school? Yes. And I moved to Summer Haven. Wow. Yeah. I remember you coming. And I think I asked you how you were doing. And you said, I'm blessed coming in. And I'm blessed going out. Right. Something like that. Okay. Yes. And you had, I remember you had beautiful, your hair was really blonde. Or just very perfectly cut. Or just very gorgeous. I remember you. Well, I remember that we were practicing dyeing. And somehow I, my hair got dyed a different color. And then they had to dye it another color. But, yeah. It was really pretty. Oh, it was really pretty. Yeah, that's neat. So, okay, that's great. So, I'm going to take a break. Okay.