Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker discusses the importance of calling on the Lord for guidance and wisdom. They emphasize that God can give us new and creative ideas, inventions, and plans that we may not have thought of ourselves. They use examples from the Bible, such as Noah's boat and Moses' tabernacle, to illustrate how God provided wisdom and knowledge for these projects. The speaker encourages listeners to seek God's guidance and trust that He will show them what to do when they don't know the way forward. They also highlight the importance of prudence and carefulness in our actions and decisions. Overall, the message emphasizes the power of seeking God for direction and relying on His wisdom and creativity in our lives. And we've been talking recently, one of the effects that we have is that we are behold, what man of love the Father has given unto us, that we should be called the sons of God. And we've just been unpacking what are the privileges, what are the responsibilities as sons. And today, just by God's grace, I want to pour out what the Lord has been pouring in this week. And so are you ready? Amen. Are you ready? Let's pray. Oh, mighty heavenly Father, grateful and joyful this night for that which you speak. And when you speak, you, wow, worlds are created, things move, and mountains are displaced into the sea. Oh, mighty God, when you speak, Lord, even when your sons speak with you, and speak what you're speaking. So God, as we share together this night, I thank you for the spirit of revelation to rest upon each one. I thank you to clear up networks, so God, you be the network if need be to communicate and to share together. God, this time, in the wonderful name of Jesus, we pray, amen, amen. So, Brother David, since you're here, do you have light? Can you read tonight? Yeah, I can. I can read. Okay, fantastic. Hallelujah. So, let's just begin then with a verse that we're familiar with, but do we know what it says? It's one of those verses I love to unpack because it's so familiar that we forget what it is. You know what I'm saying? We've heard it so many times sometimes that we just only know what we've been told that it says, but when we dig in to the verses themselves, all of a sudden, we begin to see new things. Oh, come on, the class is saying new things. Amen. That the Lord wants to show you, hallelujah, and as he's speaking to my heart from the book of Jeremiah 33, for one of the places, Jeremiah 33, and we'll begin at the beginning of the verse of this chapter. Jeremiah 33, verse 1, moreover, the word of the Lord came unto Jeremiah the second time while he was yet shut up in the courts of the prison, saying, Tosses the Lord the maker thereof, the Lord that formed it, to establish it, the Lord is his name. Verse 3, call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not. Should I continue? No, I think that's enough for what we want to begin with. First of all, I want to say, when studying the word of God, pay attention to how God introduces himself before he speaks. You know, sometimes he introduces himself, I am the God of peace, I am the God of shalom, I come to bring peace and not a sword, and then he talks. And other times he says, I am the one whose eyes are like a flame of fire. He introduces himself, if you notice, through the churches in the book of Revelation, each one he introduces himself differently, and if you pay attention to the introduction of himself, you get a sense of what he's going to say. So let's take a look at how he introduces himself, first of all. I think all of you have heard this Jeremiah 33, some call it God's phone number, God's phone number. Call upon me and I will answer you. So many times I try to call someone, they don't answer. But this one, he says, who is it that we are calling, all right, let's take a look. He says, therefore, the Lord that formed it, the whole world, the whole situation, the whole nation, he's talking to the nation, he says, I'm the one, I am the one who formed it, who created it. I was there at the foundation of this nation, of this world. I am the one who planned this. This is the one who's going to speak. I formed it. I formed it to establish it. What does it mean, establish? Well, it means to put something on unshakable ground, you know, a business, when it begins, it's a novice business. But as it's formed, it needs to be what? Established. It means it grows from a seed of formation and it becomes established and strengthened and built upon a certainty. It's not fragile anymore. And the Lord is his name. When you see this in your Bible, the Lord, this is Yahweh, this is the I am, the Lord, the Yahweh is his name. So when God introduces himself here, he says, I was there to form you. I've been there to establish you. I am the I am who spoke to Abraham. I am the I am who spoke to Moses. All right. Hallelujah. And then what does he say? He says, come upon me and I will answer thee. And so many times we heard this, and I think it's wonderful. We think and we feel like God is going to show up and he's going to show us something and he's going to do something. But so often, I believe that the Lord is going to show us things that we do not know to have an understanding of it, to have it revealed to us, to conceive of something and to meditate on something. But God said in this verse, call upon me, pray to me, ask of me, and what? I'm going to show you something that has never entered your mind. Come on now, somebody, has never entered your mind, something which has never been conceived in your heart, something which is of God, something which will work, something which will succeed. Oh, and God says, if I'm in something, it will succeed. Amen? Amen. And so many times our issue is we don't know what to do. And we are still trying that which we've already tried so many times, which hasn't fully worked up to now. We've already experienced that. And we've tried everything which we know. At that point, we've tried everything we know and we are not successful. We become discouraged. Yes. But have we tried, have we tried to ask him, say, God, show me something I don't know. Show to me, oh, God, a mighty God, begin to open my understanding and show me great and mighty. You know something about the word mighty, it's powerful. Something about the word great, it's not just small. We're not to despise the day of small things, but God is not a small God either. And if we're faithful in the least, give an opportunity for God to bless us with greater things. Amen? Amen. At the point when we don't know what to do, we become frustrated. And that's the point we begin to murmur and complain. We begin to be frustrated and we run out of ideas. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Amen. Amen. This is the point. This is the point. A prayer of faith, calling upon the Lord, is the prayer like, God, I don't know what to do. This situation has exhausted all of my resources and ideas and I have nothing left to try. God, show me something great, something mighty. Show me. Amen. You know, the other thing that hinders us, there's a teaching, it goes something, I could probably preach it the way that they preach it, but I won't. It goes something like, the wealth of the wicked are laid up for the righteous. And just invest in the kingdom of God and it'll come back to you one fold, turn to you a hundred fold. Now these principles are true, but it's not fully what the understanding of the Word of God is. That's not all that must be done in order to be blessed and to prosper. When we call upon the Lord, he will show us something, something great, something mighty. It's the God who forms things. It's the God who lays foundations for things. It's the God who establishes things. It is the great I Am who is speaking to us even tonight. Let's read another verse. I just love that whole chapter. I'll give you his homework, if you will, the remainder of the chapter of Jeremiah 33 and watch what the Lord does with Jeremiah. There's so much that just jumps off the page to me. Maybe we'll get back to it, but for now, let's go to Proverbs chapter 8 verse 12. Alleluia. All right, Emanuel, favor, brother Zebedee, one of you unmute and let's read Proverbs chapter 8 verse 12. Please read it from the King James Version if you have that too. It says, I wisdom dwell with prudence and found out knowledge of witty inventions, provides it's best work. I'm reading. Amen. Verse 13 says, the fear of the Lord is to hate evil, pride and arrogance and the evil way and the forward mouth do I hate. That's far enough. And it's actually wisdom that's speaking. And we know wisdom is the spirit of God who is speaking. It's Jesus speaking there in the Old Testament. Did you know that wisdom can speak? We had a lesson on that once. Wisdom can talk to you. And when wisdom speaks to you, wisdom will show you something which you don't know. And first of all, wisdom dwells with prudence. Somebody help me out. What is your understanding of the word prudence? Is this a word that's challenging for you or do you understand this word prudence? Would you do me a favor? What is this word prudence? Well, Reverend, the word prudence is carefulness, carefulness with understanding and insight. So it's not just being careful, but careful, careful with understanding and insight. So I think it's how you say carefulness is wisdom, yes. So almost always would you not say that prudence shows itself in an action? It's not just your attitude, it's how you behave and behave prudently. You speak prudently. You work with prudence. So wisdom itself works with someone who is prudent and behaves carefully, actively doing what is the best thing in each situation. A prudent person in conversation, they know how to be gracious and how to be exactly correct in every situation. They discern the situation correctly. They know how to respond. They are prudent. Someone who's prudent with money, well, they know how to behave and behave wisely with finances. All right. So wisdom dwells with this kind of prudence. It doesn't dwell with foolishness. It does not dwell with rash actions, does not dwell with out of control flesh. It dwells with control, careful, wise, excellent results, actions. Hallelujah. And then wisdom dwells with prudence and wisdom finds out knowledge of witty inventions. Brother David, talk to me. What is wisdom finding out? What is witty inventions? Do you know, Brother David? I didn't get you, sir. What is? Witty inventions. At the end of chapter 12, verse 12, wisdom finds out knowledge of witty inventions. I don't know, I don't have any idea of that. Don't know how to put it in words. Maybe you know something about it. All right. Somebody else want to answer to that? Emmanuel, do you have an idea? What is witty inventions? I think from what I sense within me, that is something that has to do with personally devised actions that you want to undertake without the backhand of the spirit of God or a proper, prudent evaluation of that action. Witty invention is something that you craft out of your mind or out of a concept to implement or to work with. That's what I think it is. Aha. So it's a positive thing to you? Brother Emmanuel, so it's a positive thing? Not really, but I would not say it's negative. I am thinking in the direction that it is not positive, but it may not be completely fruitful to the person that implements it. Okay. Brother Favre, do you have any thoughts about this word, witty inventions? Well, the word wit, I see the word wit coming from more of a natural smartness, natural display of smartness or natural display of, sometimes it could be cunning, you know, but then... Maybe humorous even. Yes, sometimes humorous. So witty invention. So my intake, my imputes rather, is just like my brother said, I don't think it's entirely bad, but the word witty, I don't think it's from a spiritual standpoint, so to say. I don't think a witty person depends on the spiritual ability, you know, God's spiritual abilities. So that's just all I have to put in. Sometimes we need a little bit of wit in business, we need a little bit of wit in things that we do, but I think wit is not coming from the place of the spiritual, you know, just like wisdom, it's like understanding. So that's what I think. Okay. All right, let's look at the original Hebrew word for it. There's one word which is translated into two words in the King James. There are other translations which translate this word differently, but I'd like to go back to the original, which is Hebrew, and it means to have a plan, a thought, or counsel. Um, to devise, invent, scheme, or design. To devise, invent. So invent is something to be the originator, the first person to make a product or an original service to people out of your own, this word ingenuity. Ingenuity is wise and creative and positive thinking out of your experimentation or out of what you have thought up in your mind. It is to produce or create with the work of your imagination and your experience. However, in this verse, I wisdom dual with prudence and I have knowledge and witty inventions. So in this case, I find that maybe they're using the old English definition of witty, which is more of a meaning of ingenuity and sharpness and brightness. Could it mean that the Holy Spirit and wisdom wants to give us and show us new creations, new inventions? Could it mean that a new plan and a new scheme or a new design, a new thought, which we never thought before, oh, you know, we're sons of a creator God. If we're created in his image, brother Zebedee, which we are, we are created in his image. Which we are. We are created in his image. Are we also creators in our own way and working together with our father? Look at what God gave to Noah. The first boat never before invented. Noah, the first boat. Like, what is rain? Noah said it never rained before. Lord, we're building a what? A boat. I don't think ever a boat was built of that stuff also. And it wasn't built with the rooms like it was built. God gave Noah a witty invention, a creative idea, a plan. Something that he would invent with his ingenuity. But not Noah's ingenuity alone. God gave that plan to Noah. Who gave the plan for the tabernacle? Was it Moses who decided how everything should be and how they could carry a building with them through the wilderness? No. It was God who specifically. He exactly gave a scheme and a plan and dimensions for building a tabernacle that could be set up in a very short time, could be removed and carried away in a very orderly fashion and organized according to the plan that God had given to Moses. And God said, be very careful that you do this thing exactly as you have seen it. Exactly as I've shown you. Who showed Moses? Well, God showed Moses. They never had a tabernacle before. They never had a tent of meeting like they had before. They probably had never seen one just like it. But God gave them the plan, the scheme, the idea. And not only that, who gave the people the skill, the skill in order to do the metalwork over the wood and this and then the gold coverings? Who gave those people? How did they get that? Did they learn it in Egypt? Let's read Exodus. David, I'm glad that you're back. Exodus 31. And let's just read verse 1 to 11. David, if you're able to hear and unmute, see if you can read Exodus 31, verse 1 to 11. Exodus 31, verse 1. And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, verse 2, See, I have called thy name, Basileo, the son of Uriah, the son of Huah, of the tribe of Judea. Verse 3. I have filled him with the spirit of God in wisdom and in understanding and in knowledge and in all manner of workmanship. 4. To devise corny works, to work in gold and in silver and in brass. Verse 5. In cutting of stones, to set them in carving of timber, to work in all manner of workmanship. Verse 6. And I, behold, I have given him, I have given him Haliab, the son of Ashimelech, of the tribe of Dan. And in the heart of all that are wise, that are wise-hearted, I have put wisdom, that they may make all that I have commanded thee. Verse 7. The tabernacle of the congregation, and the ark of the testimony, and the messy seat that is thereupon, and all the furnishings of the tabernacle. Verse 8. The tables and his furnishings, and the pure candlestick with all his furnishings, and the altar of incense. Verse 9. And the altar of burnt offering, with all his furnishings, and the lava, and his foot. Verse 10. The clothes of the service, the holy garments of Aaron the priest, the garments of his sons, to minister in the priest's office. Verse 11. And the last, the anointing oil and the sweet incense for the holy place, according to all that I have commanded thee, so that they do. Amen. Thank you, David. Verse 3. I have filled him, Bethel, with the Spirit of God. Do you know this is the first recording in the Bible of the anointing? You would suppose that the anointing would be on singing, on ministering, would be on God's mighty presence coming down. But far before any of that, anointing came in the Word of God is here in this 31st chapter. Chapter 30 as well, I believe. And then also chapter 36. And he talks about anointing and the Spirit of God came upon him in wisdom, in understanding, in knowledge, in cunning or witty workmanship. Who gave them the skills? Well, God did. By the Spirit of the Lord. I just want to emphasize today that when we don't know what to do, we call upon the Lord. And he will show us great things, mighty things, witty things, cunning things, which we do not know. So often when we don't know, we become frustrated, upset. Thank you, Jesus. All kinds of emotions happen to us when we don't know. But when you don't know, this is a perfect opportunity for the divine wisdom, divine inventions. Oh, if we could only open our spirit, open ourselves to this God of love and God of creation, God who formed it, God who loves to establish. Do you feel that your life is always fragile and about you? You're just riding a bicycle that's being chased by all the taxis in Lagos. Hallelujah. And your life is just barely making it at all times. Oh, Jesus, help us that we would be established through witty, wisdom, prudence, inventions. May God help us to know what to do. God said, call me and I will show you what to do. So often, this is one thing which is a complaint in my heart. It's so often we're preached to that if we just have faith, God will pour out from heaven upon us a blessing that we cannot contain. But it doesn't talk to us about the practical part, that we need to be actively working together with the Holy Spirit to invent something, create something, be faithful with the little. Oh, God, help us. I'll preach it from the mountaintops that people would hear. God wants to give you all work to do. God wants to give you a task which will turn to a blessing by the spirit of wisdom, by cunning inventions. Oh, you cannot leave part of the Bible out which talks about stewardship, which talks about faithful, which talks about so many of these things, witty inventions, skills. You know, those people worked, I think it was a year and a half to do all this work, and not one sound of a hammer was heard upon the construction site. Well, now that's a new invention, construction without the sound of a hammer. Not one hammer sound was to be heard in all of that construction site. Oh, read it for yourself. It's interesting. They had to do everything off-site. It had to be broad, and it had to fit. And they put it all together. It's the witty, witty inventions. And Noah's boat that floated, Moses' tabernacle that God came and filled with his presence. And yet, when this was lifted, they would pack that tabernacle up and they would all carry it away. How did they do that? All the curtains and all the things. Everybody had their assignments. Hallelujah. The first time, anointing is mentioned, first time that I can find is here. Oh, God desires to show us. You know, I'm thinking about some of the examples in my own life, that plan, in that vision. And I know that, step by step, I felt his presence. I felt a quickening in my spirit that God was gifting me with the ability to create. And how to do it, and how to do it quickly. God wants to give us business plans. God wants to give us business ideas, ways to invest. Ministry, ministry plans, ministry ideas. Even how to help people better, how to see people discipled, how to teach more clearly. I always need the Lord to help me. Give us awesome illustrations to demonstrate, unlike my last one, to demonstrate what it is that God is speaking. This is God-given Holy Spirit wisdom in practical ways. How many of us have tried an idea, two or three, and miserably failed? It was a struggle and seemed to accomplish nothing. Except spend our efforts. But it wasn't a waste. Let me say, it was not a waste of time. I believe we need to call upon the Lord and expect with a keen expectation, a joyful expectation. Although we've tried seven times that God would give us a divine, witty invention, a cunning idea, and not only that, the skill to accomplish it. I believe that the Lord has spoken to me to encourage those in Nigeria, in Uganda, in the areas where we work, in the Philippines, in India, the only difference sometimes between someone who's wealthy and someone who's not, that the wealthy one had an idea and had the wisdom to implement that idea. Some of the nature of God that he gave to Adam in the beginning, he says, Adam, take dominion over it. Adam, nurture it, culture it. Some of these abilities of management, of culturing, nurturing, and building up. These are abilities that is part of the image of God that he's created us. Many times it's been drained out of us, but God wants to restore to us of his goodness. As sons, he wants to restore his spirit of wisdom, which works with prudence and gives us witty inventions. Hallelujah. We know in 1 Corinthians 12 very well how it says to us, we haven't received the spirit of this world, but we have received the spirit of the Lord. The spirit which is of God, it says, so that we, let's just read it, so that we might know that are to us by God. I know we've emphasized spiritual things, and I think it's important, but why do we would we leave out the natural things when God gave in the beginning natural things to Adam and Eve? Natural management of natural things, agriculture. If you look at all the talents of those he gave to make the clothing for the priests, to make the metal work, all of the instrument, wood overlaid with gold. That was a new technology. All of these things, God gave so many talents. Why do we leave the natural things out of the blessings of God? Why are we only focused on spiritual things? Are not these natural things also a blessing from God? Not to take our attention away from the Lord, but to fully bless us. Go ahead for the favor. Talk to me. What are we? Yeah, go ahead. We are. I'm happy. We are blessed. Yes, sir. They are blessings from the Lord as well, because he blesses us in these things, so that we can also bless others. When we are enriched by physical blessings, we can also reach out and fulfill the ministry of reaching out to the poor, to the needy, to the widows. These are very much viable blessings as much as spiritual blessings. God also wants us to walk in them and to have them, like you said, but not as distractions, not for self-seeking or self-exalting ourselves, but for his work. Yes, sir. Amen. All things belong to him. Amen. Brother David, can you read from 1 Corinthians chapter 2, verses 12 to 16? 1 Corinthians chapter 2, verses 12 to 16. Okay, verse 12. Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit of which is of God, that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God. Verse 13. Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Spirit teacheth, comparing the spiritual things with spiritual. For the natural man receiveth not the things of the spirit of God, for they are foolishness unto him, neither can he know them, because they are spiritually designed with God. Amen. Verse 15 and 16 as well, please. Okay, 15 and 16. Verse 15. But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet himself is judged of no man. Verse 16. For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he might instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ. Praise God. Amen. The God who formed, the God who created, the God who formed, the God who established, the God who is our God, chooses to make us back again into his image. That which the devil has stolen from us. You see, in the most godless places, they live in the greatest of poverty. In those places where God is present, there is construction, there is beauty, there's music, there's order, there's law, there's righteousness. Righteousness exalteth a nation, but wickedness tears it down. You see, God wants to give us back again, make us back again into his image. Give us abilities, give us courage. How many times do we need courage to try again to receive a vision, a plan, a concept that comes from God? In the faith chapter, Hebrews chapter 11, we're not going to read, but almost every example in the faith chapter, I want you to notice one thing when you read it. When God showed Noah something, he believed God and he did it. This was faith. When God showed and spoke to Abraham about having as many suns as the stars in the sky, as the sand of the seashore, his faith did not waver. But who initiated these things of faith? Was it Abraham's idea that by faith he convinced God and accomplished it? You know it's not true, but so many times we say we fail because we don't have enough faith, and the kind of faith we're talking about is faith in ourselves. We need to hear something from God. Call upon him. He'll show you something. He'll show you a ministry concept that'll blow your mind, and step by step he will fulfill that by faith. Oh, he allows it to look impossible. For so long, like he did with Abraham and Sarah, it was a promise. It was a revelation. It was something God said that he'd have sons and children that would fill the earth, but God allowed it to look impossible. So we would know that it's God that did it and not Abraham. Oh, Sarah tried to fulfill the promise of God. Amen. May God help us to call upon the Lord with an eager expectation that he wants to show us something we don't know, something new. Oh, we don't know where it leads to, and we don't know where we'll end up, but we know that if we call upon him day after day, and we walk with him, we allow him to renew this limited thinking, to begin to be connected with the thinking of God, downloading ideas, we can have the mind of Christ, the mind which Christ had, was inspired by the Holy Spirit, which was led by his Father. Oh, may God help us, even in this day, to understand, hallelujah, that he wants to give us inventions, plans, he wants to speak to us in our spirit, that we would, that we would become leaders. The person who knows what to do should be the leader. Come on, hear me. Too many people don't know what to do, and yet they still want to lead. When we call upon the Lord and cry out to him, God, show me what to do, and he shows us what to do, then we should lead others, share our vision, have others pray with us over that vision, have them buy in and want to walk with us in that vision, we become a leader, and God is the one who will fulfill it. Brother David, what's stirring in your heart today? Ever since you gave the explanation of witty invention, my mind has been running through pains, situations, and what came to my mind is the part of the Bible that says, trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding, as in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path. You know, when you are faced with challenges that, just like what you said, you've put every effort you've tried, as a man, you think you can do it, you think you can face that challenge and overcome it, but you see yourself, despite every effort and everything you've done, you see that challenge is so much higher than you, then at that point, I think what you need to do is to trust in God. Like, when you trust in God, God releases wisdom, the spirit of wisdom that will direct your path. That spirit of wisdom will usher your footsteps into the right direction, and you'll see that problem get solved. There are times in my office I will be faced with challenges and I don't know what to do, I don't know who to talk to, I don't know how to face this, and I'll be like, God, help me out. I just make a very simple prayer, oh Lord, help me out of this, and God steps in, because when you fight, without calling him, he sits and watches you, until you are tired as a man. Then, if you can recognize him, father, this is your fight, he steps in and the victory is yours. So, this witty invention is very, very, very important to me personally, because I have experienced it with God. You did such a beautiful summary of the teaching today. Thank you, David, it was beautiful. Thank you, and favours, speak to me brother, what's talking to you today? Well, yeah, this is just, I believe this is timely, this is what the Lord would want us to hear. I think my brother and brother David, they just shared it. Yeah. Yes, I agree 100% with all that you said, and just like my brother said, at this point in time, the Lord is bringing ideas. I've been following this message, the Lord is bringing ideas, the Lord is bringing ideas, the Lord is causing us to remember certain ideas that he has brought to us, and you know, witty inventions, if God is giving you an idea, key to your walk in financial security, he would, if you forget that idea, or if you neglect that idea in his mercy, he would bring back that idea to your mind. He won't bring something entirely new, he doesn't always bring something new, because he knows that this is a testament on the right side. As long as he wasn't on the right side, they were not going to make it count. As long as he, we don't walk, he told Moses, he says, be careful to build according to the possible. Yes. So, you know, so I think, just like my brother said, with this message, I believe the Lord is giving us a lot of promise, and I know that in the days and in the months to come, I am pretty sure that many of us will have testimony as to the witty inventions that the Holy Spirit dropped on our hearts, that became key to financial or economic tolerance in our lives, by which we can also become blessings to others. Thank you so much. Yes. And many of us have heard the teaching and the preaching of blessing without a balance, and as if, you know, in the last days, all of the riches of the wicked will be poured out on the righteous, and somehow, without doing anything, it will just be in our bank account. Somehow, it will just fall out of heaven, windows of heaven will be open, and yeah, as many years as I've walked with the Lord, I have been provided for. It will work like that, yeah. But often, often, I'm provided for only as I obey, as I walk faithfully, as I press in in doing things that are difficult for me, learning new things. People ask me, how do you know how to do these things? Well, the answer is simple. I invested the time, the research, the effort. I started out not knowing and not doing very well, and I practiced, and I worked at it, and after some time, somebody taught me something, and I learned how to weld and steel. I learned how to work with wood. I learned how to record and engineer in music. I learned in the Word of God, as the Holy Spirit taught me. How do I know these things? After 62 years of experience and applying that and managing what I know and appreciating what I know, God has brought me to a place where I know something about many things. Master of none, but able to fix most anything by God's grace. Understanding of some agriculture, able to teach in disaster relief. How can I know these things? Because God has given us an ability that if we are open to it and we're not afraid. So, what are the things that most limit us from receiving? Maybe we can each answer personally just before we close today. What are things that you feel most hinder you from receiving? Something we know not. Something that God would give us in an impossible situation that we face. I'll start with you, Faber, and if you can think of something, what most hinders you? I think two things. One is fear, and the second one is doubt. I mean, they are very connected. First is fear. The feeling, if you feel, if we feel that this situation, nothing can come out of it. We are in the worst situation. Nothing can come out of this situation. I don't think anything can come out of this. We are afraid. Yes. Afraid to even believe. I think that keeps us out from receiving from God and receiving insight, receiving ideas. The second one is doubt. And I know this pertains to many of us. Anyway, sometimes God gives us an idea that is wonderful, that is going to turn our lives around, help us, help many people connected to us and even generations after us. But we doubt it because we allow our logical minds to contemplate. And just like you made reference to Noah, if Noah had every reason to doubt, because such a thing has never been done. But he chose to walk in faith. He chose to follow, okay, he followed the idea. And that lines up, that is synonymous with the word beauty. It's ingenuous. It's original. It doesn't have to be, you don't have to do something that somebody, it doesn't have to be something that somebody else has done before. And so you have to have that faith and the courage to say, okay, I believe this enough to fly. I believe this enough to, you know, walk in it. And then you see it work out. So I think when we doubt the ideas that God gives us, keep ourselves out. How much our imagination is tied to, if our imagination is tied to fear and doubt, we can imagine every hindrance, every terrible outcome, every failure that might happen. And we've allowed our imagination, which is one of the most powerful parts of our mind and our soul we have. We've allowed our imagination to rest on lies, on half-truths, on fear. Our imagination, God works with an imagination that is creative, that is expecting beautiful things. Go ahead, Brother David, you'll be next. Okay. One of the things that hinders God's movement, God's wisdom, is not fully trusting in him. Whatever thing God drops in us makes us an outstanding being. It makes us an achiever. Or sometimes, just like what my brother Fever said, doubt, especially. When you don't believe who sent you. Yes. You don't believe who gave you the idea. You don't believe what you have in mind. But when you trust in God, in all your ways, lean not on your own understanding. Forget about how this thing is going to work. Just do it. God called Abraham to leave his father's house to unknown destination, no direction, no map, nobody to lead the way, just follow me. Abraham obeyed and followed God without asking where am I going to, which country am I heading to, what am I going there to do. I don't have this, I don't have means of settling down, I don't have this. Abraham followed God just the way God wants him to follow him. So Abraham never leaned on his understanding or the circumstances around him for one second. So when you, while following God and you are applying your non-verbal human sense in following God, you will fail. Follow God the way God wants you to follow him. You to follow him. And he will take you above your measure. Amen. Thank you David. Brother Emmanuel, what hinders you? Are you thinking of anything? Yes sir. One thing that popped up in my mind as I was thinking of an answer. I was able to summarize it in two things. One, over planning. And two, trusting in people. Not that to trust in people is wrong. Right. When you move your eyes from God and then your whole mind and your hopes are on people, you limit God from moving in the dimensions he wants them. Right. And then when you over plan, God has given you a framework. But you in your own human-witty invention, you kind of overdo it or try to, you know, invent something of your own. You also kind of limit God from manifesting the dimensions he wants for you. So for me, those things are what I think I have encountered limitations by reason of them. Yeah. Very good. You know, many of the inventions that people have come up with, they've received in a dream or God has revealed to them in some way that is really quite surprising how that they came by these ideas, you know. There are many examples I was reading. I don't see it in front of me and it doesn't really matter. But we know Einstein and his theory of relativity. He received it in a dream. He saw the completion of it working in a dream. I think that's part of what God is speaking about is that in the book of old, your young man will dream dreams. You will see visions. Your old man will dream dreams, however it goes. I believe that it's more than simply spiritual, prophetic things. I believe that God desires to give his people ideas and plans. And most of all, God wants to walk with you step by step in this plan. So we're not, like you said, leaning on ourselves. He desires that we learn to move, live, and move and have our being by him. Just flowing together with him. He wants to be a part of every part of our life. Adam was so connected with God that life, he would never die. He had all the wisdom he needed because he was connected to God. Desires that connection. You know, my father on earth and myself, we used to enjoy building things and doing things together. And we'd build ponds and sheds and fences and oh wow, lots of things. Even some picture frames as a hobby. But my dear friends, I believe our heavenly father just loves us so much that he wants to work together with us to do something. Something that's in his heart, but also something that is in our heart. How do I say that? We share. He already put it in our hearts many times. And we went and worked together with him. We're the most fulfilled of anything. This is what I had to share today. The most that I can put into it today. And there's far more. And yet, this is an excellent beginning. Hallelujah. The gifts of the Lord. The image of God. The blessings of a son. Hallelujah. Bless you, each one. David, lead us to the Lord in prayer as we close tonight, would you? Amen. I want us to ask God for his mercies. And ask him to release unto us the spirit of wisdom. Yes. Ask God to bless us, our soul, with the spirit of wisdom. So that we can be able to understand his timely invention in our life. The direction he wants us to follow. Where he wants us to go. How he wants us to follow him. Let us not deviate from his plans. Yes, Jesus. Tell God to help you. Let his word sink deep into you. And let his word bear fruits. Fruits that will glorify God. Lord, we're calling unto you. Show us. Speak to us, Lord. Listen to us. Your spirit of wisdom, God. Speak, Lord. God, I praise you. Ministry ideas, Lord. Creative ideas. Personal ideas, God. So many things. Yes, Jesus. Praise you. We thank you, Lord, for your word today. God, we just thank you that you're speaking to us by your spirit, Lord. Not what I have to say, but God, your spirit is speaking. Spirit of revelation coming upon these people, each of us. Lord, that we would be lifted above the doubts and the fears and the limitations. God, that we be open to receiving from you. That which you would love to speak to us. God, that we'd be again refreshed and renewed. God, that we would not count on how things happened in the past. Lord, that disappointments would not hinder us today, God. But Lord, that we'd be released. Those disappointments and those failures. God, just simply to believe that if you're in it with us, Lord, we can step through it confidently. And believe you and walk with you. That even if we fail again, it appears, Lord, we can never fail. For you'll teach us and we will grow and we'll expand, O God. Thank you, O God. Oh, thank you to release the spirit of joyful expectation and witty and vengeance upon us, Lord. God, wisdom and prudence, O God, is your spirit. And God, you're again making us back into that image. You created for us, God, that we would be full of abilities. Lord, and those abilities would be a blessing to others and to ourselves, O God. Thank you. Lord, that we would not, but God, we'd have enough in everything. And we'd have contentment in all things, God. We just ask you, Lord, to help us, O God. Bless your name, Jesus. Help us, Lord, to measure things well in Jesus' name. Amen, each one. I've enjoyed your attentiveness and hearing what it is that the Lord put in my heart to share. And it's very enriching and fulfilling to me. And I thank you all for that as well. Amen.