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Kneeling in Repentance in a Boat Full 0f Fishes

Kneeling in Repentance in a Boat Full 0f Fishes

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Interactive Teaching Podcast Message When Peter, a disciple of Jesus had fished all night and caught nothing, Jesus asked him to throw out his net again. Peter and his friends who became Jesus disciples caught more fish than their nets or boats could hold. Peter found himself overwhelmed by God's grace which led him to fall at Jesus feet in repentance.

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Wow, welcome again, another Friday fellowship with Nigeria, different countries in Africa, and here I am in Arizona. We just love the Lord tonight and appreciate the word that he's given, and appreciate that God has been so faithful in sharing and giving an awesome, life-changing word through us as we fellowship. One with another, I just enjoy really seeing how God has used each of us, and how he's blessed and anointed us as we come together, and it's been so rich, and I enjoy it. Today, at the moment, we together favor Alan Wolko and myself, and we're just going to be sharing of the goodness of God today. Oh, bless the Lord. Let's go to the Lord with a prayer of Thanksgiving tonight. Hallelujah. Mighty God, we come before you on this day. Jesus, we're grateful for your kindness, your love, your precious goodness to us. Yes, Lord. A goodness that goes beyond our comprehension. Yes, Lord. Overwhelming preciousness, such mercy that you are. God, we're thanking you for this day, and Lord, we're praying as we look into your word, minister to all of those who will hear this word and participate together today. God, we ask you, Lord, we confess we need you, and we're confident that where two or three are gathered, that you're with us, and you love to reveal your secrets, and your mysteries, and your love to a people. You love to fellowship with your people. God, as we draw forth your word this day, speak to the people of Nigeria. Lord, prophesy over that land by your spirit. Speak forth your word, O God, that you would have a people in that place. God will be ready when you pull down the powers and the principalities, and as you said in Psalm 2, be wise, O kings, lest the son become angry, and he destroys you in a moment. O mighty God, we're looking for the day of your judgment, the great joy. And we're thanking you, Lord, that you have not prepared wrath for us, but you covered us in a time of wrath, that you would draw us near to yourself. O Jesus, we dishonor you in your goodness today. Lord, as we look into this interesting title, Kneeling in Repentance in a Boatload Overfilled with Fishes, O mighty God, let us just comprehend your goodness in Jesus' name. I'm excited for you. Thank you, Revin. Yes, you know, the words, overwhelming, I love those words, because from the topic you shared, the scripture where the Lord comes into Simon Peter's boat and performs that incredible miracle, and he falls to his knees and says, depart from me, for I am a sinful man. And that is the sort of goodness that is beyond description, overwhelming, beyond comprehension, because Simon Peter wouldn't understand how that he could benefit of such immense goodness of the Lord when he didn't see himself as qualified. And we see also from that, that God sometimes, and oftentimes, I would say, oftentimes he brings us to repentance by his incomprehensible goodness towards us. And there are other instances in scripture, you see. So, I think about the case of Zacchaeus. He wasn't the best of persons. He wasn't the most righteous of persons. But the Lord says, come down, I'm going to eat at your house. Zacchaeus wouldn't understand for a second why the righteous one, the holy one, the master would choose to eat at his house. He wouldn't understand. The master comes to eat at his house. The master wouldn't say, oh, Zacchaeus, I know all the bad things you've been doing, and I just want you to stop. The master didn't say any of those. He just identified with Zacchaeus. He had a good time fellowshipping with him. And Zacchaeus was all the while just wondering, me? And nobody, people don't even recognize me as good, but the master just wants to have fellowship with me? He didn't understand for a minute. He just kept saying, me? And then he began to, it brings him to repentance. He says, you know, master, I'm going to restitute. So, when I think about such goodness, it's overwhelming, it's indescribable, it's incomprehensible. And Simon Peter just captured, and I think that's, that reaction is, it's the same for many of us. You know, it's mind-boggling. He just goes like, depart from me, Lord. I am a sinful man. Like, how did I, I didn't qualify for this. But that's who, that's who he is. Undeserved goodness, hallelujah. Amen. And Raymond, maybe, let me ask, let me ask you this. Maybe, maybe you can have, the Holy Spirit would give you a word, you know, in wisdom in response to this. Because as I think about this, you know, I'm wondering, why do you think the Lord uses the tool of goodness sometimes to bring us to repentance? Why do you think he uses the tool of his immense goodness? Because the scripture, especially in the New Testament, where the Lord is lavish with events where the Lord, you know, showed acts of goodness without, without bias, without any requisite requirements. He just did it, and the people often thought, wow, I didn't, I don't qualify for this. You know, the Samaritan woman wouldn't have anybody want to speak with her, let alone the King of Kings, let alone the Righteous One, let alone the Messiah. And when, when he, when he opened himself up and he says, I who speak to you, I am he. The Bible says, in John 4, the Bible says, she lets, she drops her water pot and she runs into the city. She couldn't understand it. Like, the master, the Messiah is speaking, speaking to me and speaking with me. So I am, I'm wondering, Reverend, what would you think is the reason why the Lord would choose to sometimes come at us with the tool of his immense, overwhelming, indescribable goodness? Now, the first goodness that is so overwhelming is that he sent his own son. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. And if we realize he sent for me and personalize that, that Romans 5, 8 says in that while we were yet sinners, God proved his love for us in this, that Christ died for us, the godly for the ungodly. So while undeserving, he sent his son. And I know in Romans, again, in the second chapter, he says, despite of his goodness and forbearance and long suffering, don't you know that the goodness of God is supposed to lead you to? To repentance, yes, sir. To repentance. Remember that Romans 2, 4. And so the purpose God has is clearly put there in that verse. And also later in Romans 11th chapter, it says, let's consider, therefore, the goodness, both the goodness and the severity of our God so that we could, if we would, I forget the exact wording, but if we would, we would continue in his goodness. And then he says, otherwise you would be cut off. So he not only shows his goodness, but he shows his goodness and his severity. And even as easy to say, whom you will serve. And often people favor don't realize fully that God is good. And so how can they choose when they see the things going on in this world? And all they see is the frustration of the evil and all of this. There's no choice to make. You know, you could choose this party or the more evil party. They're both not good. And so God would say, you know, I'm showing my goodness so that you would know that there is a God in heaven who is good, who loves you. Oh, bless the Lord. Hey, Brother Jerry. Welcome. Hey there, Brother Gordon. Long time. We haven't heard from you and we're so happy to see you come on. Favor just dropped out and his network took him somewhere else, but he'll be back. Okay. I'm glad to be back. Welcome, Brother Jerry. Nice to see you, sir. Thank you. Thank you. Join in even if I'm on the road. Ah, that's exciting. I'm better than listening to the news. Hallelujah. Oh, what's the news? You know, Favor, you were asking and why God shows his goodness. And one of the things I don't know when you dropped out is simply that people would have a choice. They see already the severity. They believe God to be a God of judgment and he's angry and all of that. But we need, what is it? Hebrews 11, 6 says that without faith, it's impossible to please God. And those who come to him must first of all believe that he is. But second, it's so critical. They must believe the kind of God he is. He's the kind of God with enough love and justice that he will reward those who diligently seek him. There is such hope in seeking God. He has made a promise that he is good. He is merciful. He wants to reveal himself. The God who created us because he wanted fellowship with the people who loved him. And he will fully reward those who diligently seek him. Hallelujah. So, these two things are key to walking with God and operating in faith. Is knowing that he is, that he exists. He can be trusted. And second, the love that he has that he will reward in a loving way. So, Brother Jerry, we started out talking about Peter. And the title today is Kneeling in Repentance in a Boatload of Fishes. And so, let's go to that story, if you don't mind reading Luke 5. We can read verse 1 to 11. And there's some just really, really notable things in there that we can have fun discovering some nuggets today. Luke 5, 1 to 3. 1 to 11. Okay, 1 to 11. Thanks. And it came to pass that as the people pressed upon him to hear the word of God, he stood by the lake of Genesaret and saw two sheep standing by the lake. But the fishermen were gone out of them and were washing their nets. And he entered into one of the ships, which was Simon's, and prayed him that he would thrust out a little from the land. And he sat down and taught the people out of the ship. Now, when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, launch out into the deep and let down your net for a drought. And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night and have taken nothing. Nevertheless, of thy word, I will let down the net. When they had this done, they enclosed a great multitude of fishes and their net break. And they beckoned unto their partners, which were in the other ship, that they should come and help them. And they came and filled both the ships so that they began to sink. When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus's knees, saying, depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord. For he was astonished and all that were with him at the drought of the fishes which they had taken. And so was also James and John, the sons of Zebedee, which were partners with Simon. And Jesus said unto Simon, Fear not, from henceforth thou shalt catch men. And when they had brought their ships to land, they forsook all and followed him. Amen. I think they left their fish there. They would have taken it home. Could you imagine all night? They're like, man, we have to feed our families. Lord, the work is hard here and nothing is happening. And we're frustrated. We don't even have breakfast to eat. And we work all night. I'm hungry. I've got to bring something home so my wife could cook. You know, and then Jesus made a request of them. He said, Simon, can I use your boat? Would you give me what you have? Could you give me what you have? And now, then he said to Simon, hey, Simon, I'm done talking, speaking to these people. Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch. Just for a catch. Peter was thinking, yeah, but yeah, but Lord, we've been working the whole night. Taking nothing. But then he said, nevertheless, that's thy word. Yes. Two things Peter offered. First thing he offered was his boat. He allowed his boat at Jesus' request. The second thing he offered was his obedience to the word of Jesus. So at your command, it says in some other versions, I will let down my net. It wasn't even Jesus' net, right? Yes. It was Peter's net. And he offered what he had and he obeyed. So it's so beautiful because Jesus met Peter where he was, fishing, cleaning his net. And then after, when this, when they had done this, their net enclosed a great net. Multitudes of fishes until the nets were breaking. And so they called for the other boat and they both were sinking. And so when Simon Peter saw it, he fell down on Jesus' knees saying, depart from me. For I am a sinful man. Oh, Lord. Hallelujah. Just the goodness, the abundance, the blessing. You know, if it would have been 50 fish, they would have been blessed. They would have been happy. You know, they could have had breakfast and sold some and it would have been good for the week. But no, when God pours out, he poured out abundance. So he began to show the kind of Jesus that he is. Oh, I'm not just a Jesus of 40 or 50 fish. I'm a Jesus that I love to abundantly pour out upon my people. And it's this goodness. It's more above and beyond what was deserved, what could be comprehended, what was expected or could even be hoped for. In Peter's wildest dreams, he probably had never caught a load like that. It was supernatural demonstration of the abundant, generous, wonderful love of God. Generous, wonderful love of God. You know, God is a God of generosity. And I want to stop here and challenge some people. You know, often because of fear, we lack generosity. It only takes faith for a man and a woman to give generously and to live generously. Can you live generously? Oh, but we haven't caught anything. But our boats are empty and all we've got is weeds in our net and we have to clean that out. We've got nothing but problems here. But generosity unlocks the blessings of the Lord in such a way. God is a generous God. Hallelujah. Welcome, my brother. Welcome, brother. It's often the generosity of God. And it's God's generosity through us when we can learn, oh Jesus, help me, to be a channel. A channel of God's generosity and God's blessing. You've just unlocked your own blessings. Yeah, wow. Because God doesn't want to just pour into you. He wants to pour through you. And so often when God has been good to the children of Israel, they would not consume it upon themselves and still complain and still look for other treasures and pleasures. Like the scripture says, contentment with godliness or godliness with contentment is great gain. Generosity and the appreciation of God's blessing through you. Don't hold on to it. Let it flow in the goodness of the Lord's generosity. Anyway, it was the goodness of Jesus and the amazing generosity. He saw this God who is good, maybe for the first time in his miserable life, toiling hard. Hmm. Life is full of toil. That was his, you know, his motto. Yes. And verse 9 shows the fulfillment of the word Jesus said in verse 4. Jesus said, let's go catch some fish. And Peter said, yabba, yabba, yabba. And yet in verse 9, we see the fulfillment of Jesus' word. Wow. Hallelujah. And Jesus addresses their fear in verse 10. Because fear is, go ahead brother, take it. Yes, I was going to ask that because he said, fear not. He said to some of the people, he said, fear not, from henceforth thou shalt catch men. So now I'm seeing something, but I also want to ask it as a question, Reverend. And I also see that you are already about talking on, you know, saying something on that. But I want to ask it as a question. It's okay though, if you want to just share what's in you. Go ahead. Okay. So now I'm looking at it and I'm seeing after this generous miracle that the Lord performed, the time of Peter was that he was definitely overwhelmed. And now it is interesting to see the Lord Jesus said to him, he said, fear not. So meaning what I'm seeing is the Lord is saying, don't be overwhelmed. And it's too much. You cannot believe it. You cannot, you know, it's beyond what you could have ever imagined. But don't be afraid of that because this is not even like the big, the bigger thing I want to do in your life. The next thing I want to do is to cause you to begin to catch men. So I'm dealing with the issue that, just like you said, I believe that his motto up until now was that this life is miserable. Oh, love, suffering, all this and that. But now the Lord says, and if that is his motto, which I believe it was, you know, maybe not exactly in this words, but it would affect him psychologically. If he had that mentality, that thought, then it is safe to say it would have affected his self-esteem, right? It would have affected his self-esteem. His whole outlook on life would be affected, definitely. Absolutely. And if his whole outlook on life was affected, then his confidence would have been affected as well. So he probably wouldn't have the best of confidence reaching out to people, sharing with people. And the Lord says, don't be afraid of what you've seen. Fear not. This is not all I want to do. This is not even the big thing I want to perform. I also want to perform a work in you that would make you to begin to reach out to men, that would make you a leader amongst men, that would make you a light amongst men. And that is huge. So I'm seeing this and I'm seeing something here. I'm seeing the Lord saying, you see, he doesn't want us to get, let me use this word, he doesn't want us to get freaked out by what we've seen. He doesn't want us to say, oh God, this is too much, or we freak out. No. He's saying, put your stuff together because I'm about to do a bigger thing. And so this is just what I wanted to share. Because it's interesting how he told him, you know. The results of Peter offering his vote, obeying the command of the Lord, and then his repentance and his realization that he had met the Lord. And that he had in that moment said, I'll follow you, Lord. It's a word that a disciple would use for a master. It's someone who is a teacher and above. And Peter said, just leave me. And Jesus said, I'm not going to leave you. You follow me. Yeah. And so what happens in the very last verse that we read is that they had the faith and the determination, something had so changed that they weren't going to need to pursue fishing. They were going to, their profession would now be following Jesus. And they forsook all. I don't know who got the fish. Maybe the wives and the kids came and got them. I don't know. But at this testimony of the goodness of God, that they left everything and they followed him. It's an amazing story. Hallelujah. And now unto him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we ask or think according to that power, which is working in us. Unto him be glory through the church, through ages, throughout all ages, world without end. Hallelujah. Oh, mighty God. God responds to trusting in him. He responds to a people who believe that he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him. He's a rewarder of those like Peter, who obeyed at thy word, who Abraham, who was called out of his land and he went into a land he knew not at his word. Many have moved at the word of the Lord and have received such blessings and such increase and such wonders. When God first revealed himself to Moses, what did he tell Moses? He said, I am the Lord, the Lord God. I'm merciful. I'm gracious. I'm long suffering. I abound in goodness. I abound in goodness and I abound in truth. I keep promises for thousands. I forgive iniquity and transgressions and sins. I don't count men's sins against them. Oh, just what a mighty God. I clear the guilty. And yet he says, I'm still a God of justice. At the end of that revelation to Moses, he said, I am goodness, all goodness, and yet I'm justice. So behold, both the goodness and the severity of our God. Hallelujah. When God revealed himself to Moses, what a wonderful thing. Uh, Moses needed that revelation as things became difficult. He needed to remember that God is good. Amen. He had to remember Psalm 77 verse 10 says, I will remember the mighty works of God, your wonders of all that he goes into a whole, what he's going to remember. Why did David need to remember? Because he was facing some things, right? I see. There's other examples, you know, favor how that they didn't remember the goodness of the Lord and how they consumed it on their self. Even in that one in Psalm, uh, Romans two verse four, he says, uh, are you going to despise the riches of his goodness? Is he going to despise his long suffering and his forbearance? Oh, Jesus. I just pray that we allow the goodness of God to draw us to our repentance, touch our hearts. Hallelujah. You know, favor, I'm just, I'm asking the Lord as we're sharing, I'm asking the Lord, you know, I'm thinking about this, this recording going to someone who is really struggling, uh, financially and just their own feeding and their own care, insecure. Favor, can you try and apply this? What we're sharing to somebody, even in that condition, you understand my question? No, sir. Favor, take this, what we've been sharing and apply this. Somebody's listening to this recording or somebody online right now, they're really struggling. And how does this apply to them? Yeah, well, well, the, it applies to them in a way that, uh, this way. A lot of people, the challenge that a lot of people have and that we have, we struggle with. Some oftentimes we think maybe it's, um, maybe it's connected to a failure on our heart. Maybe, maybe it's something that I didn't do right. Maybe it's done and, uh, you know, maybe from this teaching tonight, what we see tonight, we see that, we see that the Lord says, I can still reach out and show you my goodness in spite of whatever you think. Hello? Yes. Okay. I can still show you, I can reach out to you and pour out my goodness and all his generosity in spite of your flaws, in spite of what you think. In fact, it doesn't have to do with what you think. And, and that's the encouragement for somebody today. I want somebody to know, somebody left me that the Lord's goodness is not, he doesn't segregate with his goodness. He doesn't have, there is no bias attached to his goodness. And he is saying, I can, he's saying that he's reaching out to somebody today in his goodness, in all his goodness, in the generosity of his goodness, in spite of whatever they think they may have done wrong, in spite of whatever challenge they may feel, oh, maybe this is my fault. He's saying, no, in spite of your fault, I can show you my goodness. And you see, I see that in the scripture we, in the scripture, we, uh, the, the, the, the base scripture for tonight, Simon Peter says, depart from me for I am a sinful man. And yet the Lord says, don't be afraid. Fear not. Don't be afraid. Don't, don't, don't, don't, that's, don't, don't be bothered about that. Don't worry about that. Don't be afraid. I'll still do more for you. I'll turn you into a fisher of men. I'm going to make you a light. And that is something the Lord would want somebody listening tonight to hear. That there is nothing that disqualifies us of his goodness. Whoa, that's beautiful. Nothing disqualifies you of God's goodness. And we should just put our heart. We should just let that sink in and know that his goodness can get to us at every point of our need, can get to me, can get to everybody at the point of our needs and nothing, nothing is a disqualification for, for nothing disqualifies us for the goodness of the Lord. And this, this is just how I feel it. Amen. I agree. I agree that we can just share that word. The enemy's a liar. And I'm thinking back favor of the, the, the friends of Job and how they were searching so hard to find who was at fault. And certainly Job must have sinned quite greatly some way in order to have this, these horrendous things happen to him. You see, our circumstances often will tell us that God is not good and cause us to believe according to the lies of the enemy and our own convictions, our circumstances can be our circumstances can be interpreted saying, God doesn't care about me. He's nowhere around. He's not good. And if he is out there, he doesn't know me. But this word tonight would encourage you that God is indeed good. He's good unto men. And if we will allow him, he doesn't ask that we become good on our own. He asks, will you loan me your boat? Will you do what I say? And he begins to demonstrate his generosity. And then he begins to train us to be servants of his generosity, servants of his word, servants, hallelujah, of the living God. Because, you know, even we be in difficult circumstances, unless we put our trust in God in the midst of it, what hope do we have? Psalms 37, 40, and the Lord shall help them and deliver them. He will deliver them from the wicked and save them because guess what the because says? Because they trust in him. Yes, sir. You know, these trials, the children of Israel went through such a desert time. There were sincere dryness. There was sincere evidence that they would starve to death, that other nations would destroy them. There was sincere feeling that they were defenseless, but they had a trust in God. And the Lord will help them and deliver them and deliver them from the wicked and save them because they trust in him. You know, physical deliverance is calm when our trust is in God. Yes, sir. It becomes a very practical, personal thing. Psalm 78 says, therefore, the Lord heard this. He was furious. So a fire was kindled in his heart. So a fire was kindled against Jacob and anger came up against Israel because they would not believe in God and they did not trust that he'd save them. You know, you don't need saving until you're in a desperate situation. And at the point of desperate situation, the question is, will you trust him? That he is good and he will do good. When we're in crisis, in desperate situation, it's often our mind tries to find a fault. Who's at fault? What's, yeah, this man, you know, why was he born blind? Did his parents sin or did he sin? Just, you know, we've been talking about that. They're looking for a fault. That's not even the answer. The answer is, will you trust and put your faith in this thought in the midst of everything? You know, it brings us such peace. Isaiah 26 says, and thou will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on you because what? Because he trusts in thee. Trust in the Lord forever, in the Lord is everlasting strength. Such peace, such strength are there, is there available for those who trust him. So though, what is faith? To believe that he is and that he's a rewarder of those who diligently seek him. This is the kind of God he is. He's a good God, a generous God, and in the worst of circumstances, it's trust that releases the generosity of God towards us. Trust. And peace, you know, you're not trusting if you're anxious and torn up and worried. That's the symptoms of a lack of trust. You know, you go to the doctor, you've got a cough and your nose is running and your face is red. He says, oh, I think you have a cold. I think you have a cold. Symptoms tell you that you're not trusting and not believing that he's a God who is good and he cares about you and he's willing to intervene. And Lord Jesus, I know, I understand that we may be talking to people who are seriously struggling. And I have travailed in prayer to say, God, give me a word for that one who's sitting in a half-flooded house somewhere in Cross River State or somewhere where they're still flooded and saying, God, are you good? Are you still good? Can I still trust you? I just want to say, unless you trust me, unless you trust me, you're on your own. Call out to him. Trust him. Says, as Job says, what did he say, favor? No, though he slay me, yet will I trust him. Right? Oh, Jesus. I'm thinking of the verse in Isaiah 31, woe to those who go down to Egypt for help. They rely on horses, they trust in chariots, because they have so many horses and chariots and horsemen because they're strong. But they don't look to the Holy One of Israel nor seek the Lord. Ah, and so he's wise. He'll bring disaster. He won't call back his words, but will arise against the house of evil doers and against the help of those who work iniquity. We're not trusting in chariots. We're not trusting in horses. Trusting in the Lord, our God, that he will deliver us, that he will protect us. He'll give us peace in the midst of all hell breaking loose, that God's hand is upon us. Amen. Amen. Brother Favor Legos, talk to us, my brother, to hear what you have to say tonight. I was thinking of another story. What else do you have, Favor? Do you have anything else in your heart before we move? No, I just wanted to remind you that you were going to share your thoughts on what the Lord said, fear not, Peter. I also wanted to hear that. Okay, I know that you had shared that. You know, there's a realm that men live in, and without realizing it, they live in a lack of trust in God. And they're trusting in even and only in their own ability. And we've reached a point in our life where our ability is not enough, where we're overwhelmed by circumstances. And if we're trusting in ourself, we'll begin to fear. If, like Peter, had been reliant on his own self, he was probably the breadwinner in the family. He was probably the leader of the group of fishermen. Yes, sir. And so, as such, he's a self-made man, and he doesn't need to depend on anyone. And yet, he came to this point, just spoken and saying, depart from me, I'm a sinful man. Yes, sir. And so, this whole realm of depending upon ourself, can we be shifted out of the realm of fear into a realm of trust, and generosity, and faith, and confidence? We're not confident in ourself, or even in our circumstances, but confident like Job saying, I trust my God. Though he slay me, I will still trust him. I know him to be good. I know I have not sinned in such a way to turn God against me. He's the God of mercy. I know him. And he declared his faith in this. Peter is up against, as often we see this picture of Peter, depending on his own self. Lord, though others leave you, I'll never leave you. I would never deny you. I'll defend you with my life. And three crows later, he finds himself that he cannot trust himself. And it's such a time of fear that Peter goes back to fishing, because he has to go back to depending on himself. And at the point, we lose our trust and our dependence in a God who is near and dear is when fear comes in. And yet, Jesus called him, hear me now. I believe the word of the Lord. Hear me now. God is calling you out of fear into a life of dependence and trust in a loving God. He's calling you out of a self-made life into a life led by him. Oh, you might still work, but the whole motivation has changed. It's a life of giving what you have to the Lord. Lord, my boat, my nets, and my obedience. It's a life of following him day by day and doing what he shows you and letting him make you a fisher of a man without fear. Oh, God loves to show his goodness. And he loves to lead you to repentance where you step out of fear and you realize that you can trust that living God. And you can realize how much he loves you and how good he is. And everything changes when you're not leaning on your own strength. You've learned. You've learned to trust him. You've learned that he is a good God. Faith must believe that he is. And he rewards those who diligently seek him. Don't stop seeking him if you've begun. Be diligent about it. Double your efforts to seek the Lord. Oh, he's trustworthy. I can speak this word with the confidence that wherever your circumstances, God is good. He is faithful. He'll meet you. Many stories, people locked in prisons and tormented and tortured, and they still come out saying, such a good God led me through this. He was so near and so dear to me. I almost would like to go back in a way. No matter our circumstances, we can declare that and put our trust in him. And he's good. He's good. And he'll give you that perfect peace when your mind is fixed on him and stayed on him and you trust in him. And you'll find that everlasting strength and generosity. I wouldn't be surprised if he begins to use you as a channel of blessing. Amen, brother. Favor Lagos. I see you checked in and we're welcoming your comments. Thank you. Amen. Can you say it again? I didn't catch it. Okay. I'm glad to be available to you tonight. Amen. I work every Friday evening. I didn't go to bed. I'm sorry. I missed you. I missed everyone too. The page of New Year's night. And I would say for sure that I'm pretty blessed and I'm still receiving the blessings and as the message keep coming on. Thank you very much. So tell us a testimony. Is God good and can he be trusted? God can be trusted. A hundred percent. God can be trusted. God can be trusted. It's just that sometimes we might be too impatient. We might not have the patience to wait. But each time we trust God, despite what is happening around us, he has always come through. He's always on time. He's always on time. I was on the Crisis Amp Pack. Remember? When I was on the... Yeah, please. When I was on the project in my final year, something happened in my department and the only way I could graduate, the only way that I could graduate was compromise my faith. So I stood before the lecturers and I told them I can't do this. And I said, you are not graduating. It was a big glow, tears were flowing through my eyes after 25 years in the university. Wow. I went outside. I went out of the hall and I said something. I said, God, even if I did not succeed now, that was what I said. I said, God, even if this doesn't go in the way I want it to go, you are sick. And it didn't take five minutes. I was called back. Yes. It didn't take five minutes. I was called back. Okay. We agreed to your terms. That was how I escaped and I graduated. Yes, I cried. Tears were all over my eyes. But I still have some courage to say that was God, I trust you. It's not easy, but each time you pass through that stage, your faith is being strengthened. Yes, and it gives you the courage to believe God a little more. Yes. Thank you for that good story. Excellent. Amen. You know, I have one last area I'd like to share about, and I think it brings a balance to what we've been talking about as well. We're not living for this world's advancements and approvals and this world's wealth. I think Jesus said, lay up for yourself treasures in heaven, not on earth. We're not living for this world. We're not living for this world's advancements and approvals and this world's wealth. Where moth and rust can corrupt and consume. But lay up for yourself treasures in heaven. He said also, as examples of Abraham and those who were looking for a city which has foundations, whose architect and builder is God. And I think about this word, for he's looking for a city which has foundations. I think it implies that so many things of this world are so temporary, so temporal. Nothing eternal you could bring and put in my hands. In fact, Hebrews, what is it, 4, verse 18 says, we do not look at things which are seen, but we look at the things which are not seen. For the things that are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal. Even as Jesus said, seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. He said, I'll add these things to you, but don't seek them. And we find ourselves disappointed sometimes because our expectation is that God's payment of a hundredfold or thirtyfold, sixtyfold will be in this world's goods. But I believe Jesus wants to give us true riches, true riches, riches and wealth of his kingdom, of knowing him. The favor of God is worth more than millions, he heard me say. And he will give you of himself, of his gifts, of his authority, of his blessings, of his peace, of knowing his love. When we leave our boats and we follow him, they left all behind and obeyed his command. So they no longer were building on a temporal foundation. This kingdom, this city that they look for was designed and architected by a living God. And the builder is God, building through his people. Hallelujah. Hebrews 11 tells us that they desired a better country that is a heavenly one. So therefore God is not ashamed to call them his children, his sons. For he has prepared a city for them. Maybe Job had that in mind when he says, though he slain me, I'm not going to lose my trust in him. Maybe others who, you know, like Moses. It says about Moses that although he lived in the palace, he didn't count the things of the palace as something to be held on to. But he gave up all of those things in faith in order to serve and follow the Lord. I'm not quoting it. Well, maybe somebody can do better. Hebrews 11. I've had it memorized. It just doesn't come to my tongue tonight. Hallelujah. He forsook the things of Egypt, being a prince with all that came with it. And he sought for a city. He sought for a people who belong to the Lord. He desired a better city. For we look not at the things which are seen. So the balance is often, we believe our faith will produce physical evidence. And often God will bless us. He says, seek first my kingdom. Let your faith operate in heavenly terms, not in temporal things. I wanted to share that as a favorite comment on that, would you? Praise the Lord, for he is good, and his mercy endures forever. Praise ye the Lord, for he is good, and his mercy endures forever. There's a whole psalm that just says that every second phrase. Go ahead. Go ahead, brother. I just like reading a scripture. Yes. Okay. Actually, this is a thing that is so striking to me. But if not, this 18 is very striking for me. But I think for them to have made this comment, if not, be it known unto thee. That means they have a hope in another place. Yes. You can't just make a comment, be willing to die for nothing. You are dying for something. Yes. Yes. So, they believe that God will save them. But if God chooses not to, I have a better place than that. Hallelujah. I think it's in line with what you're saying, that our hope is not just on earth. Yes. So, when we are talking, this scripture does change my mind a bit, to read it out. Thank you. Oh, that's a great addition. Thank you, Faber. That is a great addition to what we're talking about. That's a great example of someone who didn't even count his life to be something to be grasped. But he knew, they knew that they would never deny the Lord. What a beautiful example. Brother Cassandre, welcome, my brother. Hey, excited to have you join us tonight. Good evening, Daddy. We'll have breakfast for a week. I'm able to join. Hallelujah. Yeah, there's a few that would like to welcome you, I'm sure. Well, I guess I am so excited to have you here tonight. Thank you so much. There's no way to join in here. Hallelujah. We're grateful you're out of prison for a day. You know, the good news is, Cassandre, brother, about that is that we now have the recordings that they are permanently on that group, and you're welcome to listen. A couple of the latest ones have been astounding. The word of the Lord has been astounding, and the fellowship has been amazing. So you're welcome to, anytime, listen to those. They're a blessing. Brother Jerry's traveling. Brother Jerry, are you able to duck in and have comments? You know, one of the blessings of this group is, sincerely, above and beyond what God gives us in the word, is the fellowship, and the sweetness, and the closeness of the brotherhood that we have together. I love it. Yes, sir. We miss you when you're not here. We love you, and we miss that input that God pours through each of you, and we thank God for it. Amen. Wow, brother, a favor. I'll turn it to you. I don't know where you want to take it. Reverend, I've been blessed, and I thank God for Brother Thibodeaux's contribution tonight. It was just wonderful, and he brought his contribution, his testimony, further highlighted what you just said. When you're talking at the beginning, you place an emphasis on trusting the Lord, and when Brother Favre-Lagos made reference to the three Hebrew men, and how this, even if he doesn't deliver us, we still would not bow to this golden image. Then, the trust, they just had this absolute trust in the goodness of God. So, even if he doesn't bring them off out of the fire, he's good. He is very good, and there is a reason for that, and we can trust his goodness. That was surprising, because if we have this understanding that the Lord is good, then we can look at the situations of our lives through a whole new lens. We can look at it through a whole new perspective. No, it doesn't matter what they see. The Lord is good, and there is probably a reason for this, a better reason for this, a reason that aligns us with his overwhelming goodness. A purpose that aligns us with his overwhelming goodness, and that was such a wonderful reference to scripture from Brother Favre-Lagos. Absolutely. It was just a blessing. Oh, thank you, Lord. You know, Brother Favre, we could read about Joseph's life, and it's, again, so meaningful, because Joseph encountered so many things that looked like it was for evil in his life, and could have been taken like that. But, Brother, would you read Genesis 50, 5-0, verse 15 to 20? Okay, sir. Genesis 50, 15 to 20. And when Joseph's brethren saw that their father was dead, they said, Joseph will perventure hate us, and will certainly requit us all the evil which we did unto him. And they sent a messenger unto Joseph, saying, Thy father did command before he died, saying, So shall ye say unto Joseph, Forgive, I pray thee now, the trespass of thy brethren, and be a sin, for they did unto thee evil. And now we pray thee, forgive the trespass of the servants of the God of thy father. And Joseph wept when they spake unto him. And his brethren also went, and fell down before his face, and they said, Behold, we be thy servants. And Joseph said unto them, Fear not, for I am in the place, for am I in the place of God? But as for ye, but as for you, ye thought evil against me. Oh, God meant it unto good, hallelujah, to bring to pass as it is this day, to save much people alive. Perfect. Yeah, that's a good example. What do you say, Brother Cassander, on this one? I love that. On Joseph, I think what happened to Joseph was he grew up to understand what was from God. That's why he didn't retaliate against his brothers. Well, I don't know whether I'm speaking with regards to the topic. It's okay. Go ahead, Cassander. Just speak to this story. It's just fine. So, especially you mean evil against me, but God meant it to good. Yes. Like, while here now, I'm beginning to look at things, and I'm beginning to see maybe why God didn't permit some things. I felt it was not comfortable. So, but I see that even what I felt was evil was for my good. And I'm beginning to understand that scripture that says all things work together for good. That is correct. We may not know everything. We may not see the end from the beginning. But if we can trust God's love, then in every situation, we can actually rest and not be bothered. Yes. I've seen some things play out. And I say, oh, that's why God didn't want this. That's why God didn't allow that. That's why God didn't want this. Oh, that's why God decided to hide me. That's why he didn't allow me to get this or do this at the time. So, if we can trust God enough, we will not bother about any situation. You know, somebody said Joseph's brothers sold him so as not to fulfill his dream. He said, let's see what becomes of his dream. But they actually sold him to the fulfillment of his dream. Yeah. Their intention was to take him out, but they actually took him in. So, that's how. Yes. Their intention was to take him out, but they took him in to the manifestation. So, that's how powerful God is. I don't know how to explain it more. Even my arrival here. When I came here, somebody called from home. Introducing me to somebody who had already become my roommate. He was saying, Joseph is from my home church. Take note of him. Help him and all that. But he didn't know that when they were moving me to the room, they sent me to the room of this person. He's ahead of me. And they have been of great help. Yeah, they have really been of great help. And I understand her. It was through them that by God's grace, I have been saved. If not, many times I would have been stranded. So, God already arranged for me to be in the room, so to say. And when I came with the way, look at how we do. You know, I was feeling one kind. This way we should not come and be feeding meal. But they said, no, look, don't be ashamed. We are brothers. And that's how I've been helped. Yeah. So, I didn't know which room I would be in. And even though somebody from home was trying to call, God had already arranged. I told him that the person you are speaking with, I'm actually in the same room with the person. Yes. So, what I see is that no matter what the enemy does, God is still in charge. So, if he thinks that this is if I'm going to deal with this guy, it will not become a process. The thing so far is God processing us to become that which he intended us to become. Like if God says to somebody, I'll make you a father. The pathway to becoming a father may not be sweet. I have had some experiences that made me scared of having children. These children can turn out like this. I'm not sure I like the idea. But recently, I remember that many years ago, not so many, but that was 2013, while praying, the Lord had talked about fatherhood to me. I didn't read it yesterday. I'd already done it in my book. So, when the responsibility of my family fell on my shoulders, especially last year, and I started understanding it a bit. So, there were not, that day, of course, you know, and many of us know, one of my friends, there were not pleasants. But it made me relate with the term of fatherhood. So, that's God for us. So, in all, somebody said God is more interested in his purpose. Yes. Than, how do I put it? Whatever he may take, what God is interested in is his purpose. He's not interested, like, some of us pray to come out of a situation. But what God is looking at is his purpose. If that situation will produce his purpose, he's not bothered. When I look at the Garden of Eden, I know for sure that the Tree of Life was still there. The problem of death could have easily been solved. How do I say, well, let them go and eat the Tree of Life and be alive. But you become a devil. But what God said, if we allow Adam to go and eat of the Tree of Life, he will live forever. But Adam will not be saved. So, the plan of redemption was better than long life, as far as God was concerned. Or living forever on earth. Redemption was far more important to it. So, God had to put a stop to the way to the Tree of Life. Chase them out so that they can be redeemed. And live forever with him. Not live forever on earth, separated from him. Forever. So, what somebody says, whatever it will take God to keep you away from sin, that's how you put it. Even if it means that God will not mind, that's how you put it. Even if it means that God does not mind. So, that's our God for you. We are looking at the situation and saying, God is looking at the purpose. He's working at something. Working at something. There are many things I've passed through that are cutting off things from my life. I begin to see clearly, it was an excess. This was an excess in my life. God needed to prune me. So, no matter how I shouted and said, somebody actually in one of the teachings here on campus, because we do this college prayer service, and graduating students preach the kind of structures in a particular way of their thoughts. So, he explained the vine to us and the pruning process of the vine. And so, he said in the pruning process, some of those excess leaves are cut off. The branches with those excess leaves. That's part of the pruning process. That the pruning process is not necessarily cutting off something that is completely bad. So, but it can prune and remove some of those things that are good, healthy, you know, leaves everywhere. But the pruning, I cut it off. So that the productivity of the vine can be properly directed. Don't need too much flamboyant display of leaves everywhere. So, that's pruning. I say, wow. So, God can cut off some things you think, maybe they're not bad in a way. Just to make you more effective, more profitable. Thank you, sir. Yeah. Thank you, Cassandra. Thank you. So faithful and so good, this Lord God Almighty. Thank you. What Satan meant for evil, the Lord turned it for good. You know, somebody asked me, why did God allow the devil to be here on this world? And how is that the love of God? A loving God would leave this evil in the world. And an answer came to me, how else could God show mercy unless we deserve judgment? How else would a God of forgiveness? You see, when God revealed himself to Moses, he said, I'm a God of mercy and loving kindness. And I forgive. I don't hold these iniquities. You know, how else could he show that he has such love as to forgive? Not only a God of justice, but a God who loves. And a God of mercy, a God of forgiveness. How else could we understand redemption? How could we understand somebody else paying our price? Because in the Old Testament, every man had to pay for his own wickedness, right? And yet, God introduces redemption and mercy, forgiveness and grace. These are abundances and extravagances of God's love that we can't comprehend. It's undeserved. And when Peter was kneeling in that boat, and the extravagance of God was demonstrated to him, he began just to repent, saying, I'm an evil man. I'm an evil man. Just, you should leave me. Jesus said, I'm not leaving. I'm not afraid of evil. I'm not afraid. I'm a redeemer. Hallelujah. I'm a savior. I came for the law. I came for the evil and the broken that would repent. Peter, I'm choosing you. Follow me. Oh, Jesus, what a wonderful God. And I was thinking, you know, Cassandra, how you must have felt at the failures and the assumed failures, and how that you were not chosen for key positions in the bank and many things. I mean, the emotions, human emotions that a person can experience during those times. And yet, God will comfort you. And yet, it was a necessary pain out of his love. And how would, if God had not allowed the evil to be there, would we be people of choice that actually had a choice? Now, you can choose good, or you can choose good. Which one would you choose? Right. You can do good, or you can do gooder. And that's all you've got, right? Yes. But when there's sincerely a choice, you know, if you have only one woman in the whole world in which to marry, you don't have many choices. Yes, sir. You could choose this one, or you could choose this one. And there's none other. And so this is, you know, can we serve self? Or will we serve God? Will we love ourselves? Will we love this world? Or will we love the Lord, our God? And it's when he shows us his goodness, that we have that choice. You know, often the world is full of struggle. And it's when God demonstrates his love, we realize, I want this God who is full of mercy, and love, and kindness, and justice. Amen. Well, thank you, Lord, for this time. Thank you, God, for your word, and understanding that you continue to open our eyes to understand you and understand your word. And God, you prune us and cleanse us and bring us to a place of repentance so that you can do more in our lives and cause us to be more fruitful, cause us to be fishers of men, cause us to be those building together with you in a kingdom, building a city. Oh, God, we thank you. Forgive us, Lord, for looking to this world and looking to these things, our ambitions being for a worldly gain. God, help us to seek first your kingdom, your righteousness. Help us, God. Often we don't trust you. Lord, we desire to trust you. Oh, mighty God. We believe, Lord, but help our unbelief. Amen. In Jesus' wonderful name, we pray. Amen. Amen. Amen. Thank you so much, Beverly.

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