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Lie down on a comfortable surface with your forehead on the mat and toes on the floor. Put your hands straight up over your head with palms touching the floor. Raise your hands in an I shape, then in a Y shape, and finally in a T shape. Exhale as hands come up and inhale as they come down. Repeat each set of movements and breathing. Lift to where you feel resistance without straining. Repeat as needed. shoulder I, Y, and T's. Lie down on the floor on a comfortable surface. A yoga mat on a hard floor is ideal. Lay face down with your forehead on the mat and toes on the floor. Put your hands straight up over your head with your palms touching the floor. Begin raising your hands in an I type letter form, straight out on top of you, and then back down to the floor. Exhale as the hands come off the floor. Inhale as they return. Do approximately 10 repetitions. Then move your hands downward into the letter Y position. Repeat the repetitions and breathing. And for the third set for the T, hands straight out side to side, and begin raising them, exhaling as they come up, inhaling as they come down. Lift to where you feel resistance on the muscles that do not strain. Control the movement. Repeat as often as necessary.