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Pryor to the Snap Radio Show Episode 1

Pryor to the Snap Radio Show Episode 1

Shaun Pryor



The first episode of the Pryor to the Snap Podcast, we set expectations, talk some sports, and outline the podcast network and our special sponsor. Join us on this wild journey of sports discovery, as we get you ready Pryor to the Snap!!

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The speaker introduces the podcast "Prior to the Snap" by Drama Llama Labs and discusses another podcast called "Distracted Discussions". They also mention their flagship sponsor, Sugar Llamas Westmore, a restaurant. The co-host, Cassie, is introduced and they talk about their excitement for the podcast network. They briefly mention some recent sports news, including Bill Belichick and the Patriots parting ways, Pete Carroll leaving the Seahawks, and Nick Saban retiring. They also talk about canceled games due to cold weather. The speaker asks Cassie what topic they should discuss next and Cassie mentions being surprised by the choice of coach at Alabama. They discuss the challenges the new coach will face and the competitiveness of the SEC. They also mention other teams in the league and conference changes. Welcome to the inaugural episode of prior to the snap powered by drama llama labs we couldn't be happier to have everybody out there with us here today thank you so much for downloading streaming listening to us it means the world folks you know I think what's most important is that we set the tone in this first episode for what we want to accomplish and then dive deep into the world of sports first I want to talk just a little bit about what we are we are drama llama labs drama llama labs is our family network created a podcast we have two podcasts right now in the network of course prior to the snap that you're listening to our sports podcast and distracted discussions distracted discussions is extraordinarily special I will tell you that it is rated R just because of course language you know just different topics but distracted discussions is myself a barely Gen Xer the amazing Cassie an elder millennial and it's us having conversations about so many different things that have happened throughout the course of our lifetime we cover topics like politics history current events we get distracted along the way I mean it just goes above and beyond all of that we have a blast and we hope that you'll join us on that journey as well so distracted discussions part of the drama llama labs network while we're talking about llamas I would be remiss if I did not talk about our flagship sponsor one of our favorites sugar llamas Westmore that's right sugar llamas Westmore is an absolutely just amazing restaurant I like to call them a sweet shop folks they have everything from mini donuts they do drizzles on them I mean like cinnamon sugar powdered sugar chocolate drizzle peanut butter they have ice cream and who doesn't love some nice ice cream right even though it's winter there's times ice cream is amazing they got coffee cappuccinos they can make a caramel macchiato that I'm going to tell you right now rivals any place I've ever been delicious they also have amazing sausage rolls cheese or jalapeno get out there check out sugar llamas in Westmore now I tell you I gotta bring in our amazing co-host she is the best Cassie has got such just sports knowledge you know she's so knowledgeable she's got her favorite teams she keeps up so well with what's going on in the world of sports and if there's anybody I know that makes a fire hot take it's her let me bring in the amazing Cassie Stevens there she is hey Cassie it's good to have you with us here today thank you yes yes so tell me tell me how excited are you about drama llama labs this whole this whole podcast network that we have the two podcasts that we've got going just I just want to hear from you I just what does all this mean to you I honestly feel like the part I'm the most excited about is for distracted discussion just because I feel like that is such a Gen X elder millennial even even mid-range millennial I feel like saying just because we're all just kind of all over the place and nobody wants to admit it sometimes you know the discussion can go from government to history to politics to religion to what's going on every day I think it's just going to be a smattering of a little bit of everything so I'm super excited to start that the sports obviously that's you know anybody who knows us knows that that's a conversation that happens in this house on a daily basis more often more than daily multiple times a day so I'm really just excited to see where this takes us yeah this is quite the journey quite the journey and I I think I should also make mention of course that this particular podcast prior to the snap is not just available on your streaming platforms this is the podcast that will also be on the radio as you guys know I currently do a sports show so this is going to be a extension of that of course there'll be more information as we go I'm kind of I'm kind of being a little bit vague on purpose you got to be following us on Facebook on all of our different pages so prior to the snap is P-R-Y-O-R to the snap okay make sure you follow prior to the snap make sure you follow Distracted Discussions and make sure you follow Drama Llama Labs each one of those of course is on Facebook while you're there type in Sugar Llamas Westmore okay M-O-O-R-E make sure you follow all of those on Facebook it is so important to us now that we've explained who we are what it is we're doing why all of it matters I think there's so many different topics in the world of sports folks today is January 13th it's a Saturday it is freezing cold all across America so much going on you know this has been a week packed up with change in the sports world we have so much we can talk about it's almost difficult for me to pick a certain topic right now so but I'm gonna just shoot off a few of the things that we know of that have happened Bill Belichick Robert Kraft the Patriots organization obviously they found their way to a mutual agreement to kind of part ways I gotta say I thought it was really interesting I've always called Bill Belichick like a Sith Lord you know he's the guy that you know he wears the hoodie he's kind of dark and you just don't know what's gonna come from him you know he's known in a press conference to be very vague kind of a jerk if you will and so it's kind of weird to think that a character like him is going to be going away not just him Pete Carroll announced that he is calling it done with the Seahawks it's kind of a mutual parting of ways now he will be staying on as a consultant so we're still gonna see Pete Carroll I guess we won't see him as much more than likely but Pete Carroll will still have something to do with what's going on the next guy I'm going to talk about is in the exact same situation Nick Saban announced his retirement the other day just that really set the sports world on fire because what a powerhouse you know love him or hate him everybody knows about Alabama everybody knows everybody knows that Alabama is known for churning out champions and so hearing that Nick Saban had decided to hang it up I think really put us back on our heels again for a lot of people you know they were excited and it set us all just really let everybody start guessing who's gonna be the next coach you know who's gonna be that guy and we have that guy now of course which we'll get to that but so many different stories again that's just this week heck that's taking the weather out of things I you know there's games that have been canceled on CBS because they were too cold which if you are basically any place but California or Florida you are probably freezing right now so you know all about it and I'm trying to get you out the Steelers-Bills game that was decided to be canceled from what I understand the governor actually stepped in and helped to make that decision I believe that game is going to be scheduled now for Monday at 4 30 p.m. Eastern on CBS so excuse me very interested yeah the governor was in communication with Roger Goodell and said essentially that it was just dangerous conditions in Buffalo so probably best for everybody I know Kansas City is playing a game I believe right now and also just crazy conditions out there with that game being against the Dolphins who we had to wonder you know can a bunch of guys from Florida play in games in these like sub-zero windchills it's currently 10 to 7 with the Chiefs ahead second quarter with 12 20 left before halftime so I know I've rattled off a lot of information I've talked about several different stories that have broken this week and I know there's even more to go through let me kick it over to you Cassie what what what out of what I've said or haven't said are you interested in us kicking off right now that's kind of hard it's been a busy week this week I feel like the biggest thing that has got me twisted this week would be the choice at Alabama really really you're really surprised at that that blew my mind absolutely out of left field I would never have made that pick but that's just me personally okay okay well I think I think we're gonna have to expound upon that so Caelan DeBoer is the coach at Alabama he is the one that's been chosen to take the reins what a tough act to follow you know I mean never there's no way you know and Alabama fans are fickle it's an expectation my exact concern is are we going to see the ruination of Alabama are we gonna see Alabama fall oh my word you know you have to wonder so obviously Alabama is probably not going to get a championship out of the gate especially in the SEC where parity reigns I mean you got Georgia right there Lane Kiffin has put together one of the absolute best recruiting classes that I've seen in years as we look ahead for the season I mean there's just a you have Texas you have Oklahoma I mean there's parity everywhere throughout the league so you have to wonder with I mean that's that's gonna be a really tough hill to climb also as recruiting goes you know Caelan's gonna be out there Caden Caelan I Caelan okay he's gonna be out there trying to get his name his brand all of that out there and really he has to get the kids and I hate to use a buzzword but he's gonna have to get kids to buy into his dream to his mission to what he believes that he can do and you know he's got a virtual unknown to them beside the fact that while he was at the dance they didn't win in the dance and they came from the Pac-12 a conference that of course was falling apart I'm gonna say it right now with the hands of Kulivakov their commissioner but a conference that was already known they were falling apart Washington was headed to what the Big Ten yeah you know so many different changes I did Oregon commit I think Oregon did I I was gonna say no no no no Oregon's definitely not going to the Big 12 the two teams that are left that were granted ownership of the Pac-12 I thought Oregon State was staying and I can't remember for some reason is it Calvin staying okay for some reason I thought it was Washington that was gonna be staying I'm gonna check that we have an engineer here who would normally be checking these kind of things but he is noshing down that's gonna be Riley so he's eating so he can't check right now I think I just wanted like one of my biggest things on this is the fact that I have some major concerns of style of ball that he's gonna be bringing to Alabama and will that style work in well now you say that but here's my thing is you know you say will the style work what makes you believe that he's gonna bring the same style that he had with the Pac-12 to the SEC because that's what he was using in his work and it got him where like you said it got him to the dance you're right so Alabama fans are gonna put up with that they're not going to put up with anything but an Addy every single year my hope and here's my hot take tonight my hope is that we watch Alabama fall and burn why why it's just time just like watching the Patriots fail so same thing I just like to see them burn and fall I know every Alabama fan out there is having a meltdown but it's time for Alabama to know what it feels like to be a Nebraska fan oh my word you know now I don't wish that on Alabama by any stretch myself just because again I love seeing a lead with parody you know you got to love it because you bring up Nebraska I don't want to completely switch gears but I feel like Nebraska is a shining example of what happens when a league lacks parody the Big Ten West has been a it's been a cesspool guys I'm sorry it's it has been a cesspool of I mean Iowa who at this point I think they're just proud that they make punts and what a sad situation to be the head coach and have to really face having to let go of your son I mean what a bad deal but I digress I feel like you know that's a league that doesn't have parody you know I mean you have team some teams are decent other teams not but at the same time they flounder so bad you know now of course that's not going to be the case next year because I think they're going to more of a pod or not next year next season rather it's going to be this 2024 year but I think they're going to more of a pod style much like the SEC is so we're going to see a lot of different teams I mean we're going to see USC my word we're going to see USC in the Big Ten I do believe as well yes well you know it is and after watching Michigan which that's a whole nother story I didn't bring up our ball in in the start and the question of what's going to happen to Harbaugh but you know you have to wonder so I know that Michigan plays Texas next next year it's just a scheduled non-con game it'll be really interesting to see what next year what next season's Michigan looks like against the Texas how Michigan plays against a UFC how Michigan plays against an Ookla you know just all of that it's just gonna be really interesting because that's a league that's needed more parody you know and here they are they're getting it in a big way I think this is all just leading us to what we've always said is mega conferences that's all it's gonna lead to and it has to happen it's really interesting because we've had that conversation for years for years I feel like we've been on the forefront of that even before it happened you know we've been discussing mega conferences just because the writing was kind of on the wall when you say oh absolutely I mean I feel like you know we were talking about this the other night when you have teams like BYU a few years ago that were unbelievable and then you had a little bit of Boise State right we say way back yeah years ago but those teams never get a chance because of where they're located I think the building of those mega conferences will open up the opportunity for some of those teams that don't get the chance to go and I think that even you know watching the national championship game this year and watching and really paying attention I hate to be the person that's saying but Texas should have been there 100% Texas should have been there and what that game was one of the more sad games I've watched in a while does it do that remind you of TCU last year didn't trust by Georgia yeah yeah yeah it was just a believer side and I guess that's kind of part of the thing with my concern with doing the mega conferences would be but you would get the best of each conference right right so here's my thing about mega conferences is our watch this play out and I know I feel like we're being a distracted discussion right now because we keep jumping topics and it's great I absolutely love it but you know also real quick as I'm being distracted I see that our engineer Riley is keeping up with these playoff games and since you guys are going to hear this later I guess you already know what the scores are but it's nice for us still 7 to 13 out there in excuse me I think I said it was 7 to 10 earlier so it's 7 to 13 now Chiefs on top really interesting because the Dolphins I mean these guys down there in Florida I wondered if Tyreek Hill was going to be a popsicle man he's going to go back to catch a pass from through a thunder by Lola and he's just going to freeze in like midair so really interested to see how all that plays out but uh you know again at least they got seven on the board they're doing their thing obviously we're not watching live because we're on here doing this now as far as the conversation about conference realignment here's here's my thing so you brought up a team like Boise or not BYU has a home right BYU is in the big 12 now but let's talk about teams like Boise let's talk about conferences like the Sun Belt and the WAC and the Mac and you know I I love to pick on them but I love to pick on the Arkansas State Red Wolves you know just because they're obviously right to the east right straight to the east we're here in Oklahoma so what happens to teams like them they're in the Sun Belt conference you know they got beat by Oklahoma what 81 to 0 80 to 0 this year my question is you know when you're looking at the Boise States teams like that you know again WAC Mac these other conferences you know conference USA how do those teams not become a feeder if you will and I say that in the sense of are they going to get five-star talent you know can they offer up NIL deals that are going to be attractive to five-star talent I think what you do in a situation like this and we've discussed this before was treating it like soccer you only get so many seasons and if you start to like I hate to think of my own team but Nebraska and Scott Frost Nebraska Scott Frost Nebraska would not in my personal opinion on how I would build this program or the setup is that Scott Frost Nebraska would not get to be there they would not get to be in the division one or break it down whatever division you chose it would be you know if you show that you can play well in the second round you come to the first round every year you could actually lose your spot there and the NIL is already there the scholarships already been given the best players are going to go to the best schools right and so here's my thing though as long as the NCAA is in control it's always going to be about what's fair what's just what's right and my question and so that brings us to another point in this exactly the networks have so much money so are we then going to say that we're coming to a point where college football we're going to see kids with an ABC logo or ESPN logo on their jersey whole process and idea that you know like real softball if you go to SDSU or you go to using California Kings to the from from or USC that's going to be the perfect example of you go to play softball there you know mom and dad can come and watch me there my friends can come to see me play I'm playing teams in my area and then I switch over the big 10 because we're following that because that's what the football team wants then my parents aren't going to get to see me play as many games so I think that plays into what you were just saying as well with that and it creates its own division and I don't know that you can have like you know USC for example is Pac-12 softball and big football I mean it's a possibility that I don't see why they couldn't do that maybe that would help out as well as the mega conference yeah and I want to say it was Lane Kiffin that brought that up SEC media days earlier this year that exact statement that you made right there Lane Kiffin was kind of a prophet on that he was very upset about that very passionate that that exact concern you know how many kids families can legitimately afford to pack up and travel is Rutgers in the Big Ten I believe they are I want to say they are we're gonna take a look at that I feel like Rutgers is in the Big Ten I mentioned that because how far is that I mean if you're at USC you're in the Big Ten you're gonna go from California all the way out to Rutgers University what a haul I mean how many families can afford to just take off yeah yeah yeah that's what I thought yeah and that popped into my head I was as I was saying that I thought wow oh my gosh yeah absolutely absolutely different divisions I think you have to think about the idea that those players are not custom to playing in that type of weather oh sure you know you're not going to see you know it it doesn't make sense those moving of teams into different divisions I don't understand the process there I'm going to get the idea playing potentially better rivals to make your way to the daddy yeah but it just it doesn't make sense for some of the other sports teams there at the school I think we're forgetting that it's still at the end and the moment at the end of the day it is about your education yes yes I want to just a little side note here I'm looking at a picture of Andy Reid's mustache is actively frozen on his face so there's been rumors there's been rumors about Andy Reid and at this point I don't think any of us should be like you know blow me over with a feather or anything because the old guard is really starting to change you know for someone like Pete Carroll who has been around for a long time I think he's in the 70s you know yeah I mean you know for him you know he's he's got a family and this is that he gave a very eloquent speech about that I wish I was in a position where we could play you guys an excerpt that's something that we're gonna be able to do future and I look really forward to be able to throw that stuff in but I would suggest that you hit up the YouTube something like that take a listen to it but you know for that that wasn't it was a surprise obviously but at the same time it makes sense because of age with college you know somebody like Nick Saban making the choice to retire and heck with Bill Belichick obviously that writing was on the wall we'll come back to that because there's a peanut butter jelly reference there but with Nick Saban you know him retiring yeah you know we brought up the other night you about had a meltdown with me but just talking about Cadillac Williams hmm everybody loves Cadillac you can't help but not love the guy and for the uninitiated I'm sorry to interrupt you for the uninitiated can you tell the people who he is where he's from what he does and why he's important okay so Cadillac Williams is the or was the assistant head coach at Auburn but he was the interim head coach before he was fired up and the running back coach yes so the other night well when he was there he led the guys at interim what was it yeah they got they got a couple of wins they definitely got a couple of wins I'm gonna have to pull that up just because that kind of escapes me and I think the most important thing with Cadillac Williams is if he wins are obviously what we want right but at the end of the day he's young he's his energy is massive as the guys pulled in around him big I think that that would have been an amazing hire for Alabama I said that to you the other night and you looked at me like I had grown three heads out of my arm and then funny enough a few hours later we checked Twitter and Cadillac had quit his job at Auburn yeah yes he had real quick Williams went to and to his Auburn's interim head coach in the 2022 season they had a road loss to Mississippi State the Auburn Tigers had just an absolutely dramatic 13 to 10 home win over Texas A&M they fended off basically a fourth-quarter charge from the Aggies it was it was a storybook you want to talk about emotional falling apart everything is going wrong and this person comes in but it says what's that movie the replacement yeah you know it's just a beautiful story I really would like to see it that's why I brought up coaches retiring in the chase the game because do we get to see the opportunity of coaches like Cadillac as head coaches is it time that we see more young coaches so I think yes it is time we see more young coaches obviously because Kingsbury is a younger guy you know I but but I want to say this you know as far as Cadillac Williams goes I think he still needs a few more ice cream seasons on and that that's not to say obviously you know that he doesn't deserve to have an opportunity to coach somewhere I just feel like the this last year you know he's worked under Hugh Freeze and Hugh Freeze man when they brought Hugh Freeze in I was shocked you know when you talk about an emotional win I remember getting emotional watching it on television Cadillac Williams was so poignant so eloquent so eloquent he was emotional you could feel the passion through the TV yes I mean my word I was ready to scream War Eagle and Lord knows I am NOT an Auburn fan by any stretch but I was so fired up for him for them and that's what you want to have in your locker room right you want to have a coach that can literally electrify those kids and get them like you said to buy it you know it's such a buzzword we use it so loosely in sports but the buy-in means everything it means that all if those kids do not believe in that coach if they don't want to go to war if they don't want to battle for that coach you got yourself a disaster on your hands you just take a look at the Raiders right now and where they're at with their interim head coach you know they are my word you got people that are ready to walk away and quit if they don't retain the coach so I think that that's extremely important Antonio Pierce you know I mean what just just it's such a saga but but back to younger coaches or do you think we're going to start to see a whole bunch of coaches start retirement the next few years here's my thing how much is that like with just okay so my brain to stop Nick Saban right he said he wasn't gonna play in the portal he would have believed that he didn't believe any of that you should just want to come to Alabama to play at Alabama so yeah more older head coaches do the same thing I think I think you know I I so obviously there's NIL at Alabama you know he played into that some you know obviously there's good deals to be had at Alabama because of who Alabama is that said I think we have to address as football fans I want to say to any person listening those of you not for say the casual fan though it affects you but the longtime fan the person who has jerseys hung up the person that can right now talk to me about coaches and players that were iconic at their program people that can tell me all about the stadium those are people I'm talking to right now this is a very difficult thing for me to say tradition is dying tradition is literally dying before our eyes there's a mausoleum being erected to it and we have to accept it what do I mean by that you know when you think about it at base right back in the day kids were so proud look at the movie Rudy the movie Rudy is a great example you know wants to play for Notre Dame ready to wear the goal you know just the gold and just just it means so much today that's not to say that there's not a kid out there who would love to play at X school especially if they're a legacy but depending on their skill level depending on if they're a four-star or a five-star recruit they're gonna wonder what the NIL deal is there that they can get because if they can get a better deal someplace else that could be life-changing money for themselves for their family etc and so while that kid may think man Notre Dame would mean everything to me to go there if Ohio State can offer me you know seven hundred thousand dollars and Notre Dame is offering me two hundred thousand dollars let me ask you a question Cassie if you made let's say you made two hundred thousand dollars a year at your job today and someone offered you seven hundred thousand dollars you know would you take it that would be really hard for me especially at my job because I love my team can't take my whole team okay that then I guess I know I get what you're saying though I hundred percent get what you're saying just because the fact of the money involved but you know I think that's gonna depend on the kid under percent because with Dylan Rayola yeah he is only going to Nebraska because his dad went to Nebraska true legacy kid he is still gonna have your legacy kids I mean that's still gonna happen he was committed to Georgia before though it didn't matter it didn't matter and then it didn't matter so I get what you're saying about tradition is gone which I hate to hear because there's so much of that well there was so much of that but I have to agree with you on that well and look there is still tradition I'll use my Texas Longhorns for example Big Bertha is a massive drum you know that gets beat a million times of a cannon or you know all those things are going to continue to be in existence you know but I just as far as the kids go the human element that what's the word that longevity that you used to see and you know those kids that are ready to come back to the program constantly and consistently you know that's going to be different and that's the part that I think that we have to learn how to accept we have to figure out how we're going to to be able to leverage that with our love for our team I've talked to several people who have said I don't I just I just don't watch anymore you know because at the end of the season it's bowl game time then between opt-outs and people that have hopped into the transfer portal you know they just feel like their team has turned over completely and they don't you know now they don't know where they stand yeah I think that's definitely a fair statement to make um because what's the kid he was at Texas then he was in Nebraska then he was at FAU. Casey Thompson. Now Casey Thompson is going to OU. I think he's a perfect example of that you know just bounce bounce bounce grab that money grab that money grab the money. He has family ties here he has family here so I can kind of see he's on a seventh year of eligibility so he's like a 42 year old quarterback you know getting the 401k yeah yeah got himself an apartment a 401k two kids you know just kind of hanging out playing old college football and I think there's another kid doing that right now that's you yeah that's up in Utah. His name ends in a Y. I almost said Bo Nix but Cam Rising Cam Rising is doing that on his umpteenth year of eligibility and I'm sure there's somebody oh the kid from OSU the Alan Bowman is just got himself another year of eligibility I mean these guys are running around every week everywhere the COVID years have a lot to do with that too everybody got granted two free years of eligibility because of COVID so you ended up with a lot of kids that were older you know the kind of were able to drag around the league which isn't the worst thing in the world for a lot of teams because these kids have so many ice cream seasons on you know they've been around you know they've seen so much they played so much and so they're seasoned vets so that's been a real blessing for a lot of folks excuse me for a lot of these kids so really special really special but this is great conversation let me stop and let me remind you guys about our of course signature sponsor Sugar Llamas Westmoor you got to get out there out to Sugar Llamas Westmoor they have a little bit of everything oh my gosh they have some of the best mini donuts they drizzle a little bit everything on top they have amazing coffee ice cream is outstanding I'm gonna keep telling you guys that macchiato you got to get you some of that cold brew frappes lattes and by the way they can do all this coffee whole milk skim milk you know almond milk oat milk coconut it just goes on and on the sausage rolls are just outstanding they have amazing Red Bull mixers drink flavors it goes on and on please get out there and check out Sugar Llamas Westmoor and of course let me give you guys an address 12501 Southwestern Avenue in Oklahoma City it's funny for those of you that are Oklahoma City residents or you live in the suburbs you probably think it's weird that I keep saying Westmoor because you know Moore's in Oklahoma well some of you guys have more schools you know but you live let's say in Oklahoma City technically proper so you know just kind of one of those things but it is still considered Sugar Llamas Westmoor give them a follow on Facebook please support them we absolutely love them and while I'm talking about it it's just gonna be a little bit off topic but I wanna make sure I put this out there there's a lot of different things we're gonna be doing with this podcast and one of them is that we are mobile so we're talking to you right now again I have the best engineer ever Riley is right here he's running the boards he's on the computer he's doing his thing but we have invested in equipment that is mobile so our board is mobile and we consider Sugar Llamas Westmoor our home away from home that's home to our mobile studio so there's gonna be lots of times where we're gonna be set up right there we're gonna be broadcasting the podcast the radio show everything from right there at Sugar Llamas Westmoor and one of the things that's gonna happen while we're there I want to tell you guys so I played football right I played arena football that's the highest level that I made it to those were very special times in my life I absolutely love playing football I have a heck of a story about it and that got me thinking just recently in these last couple of weeks there are so many people who play different sports not just football all genders everybody you know that have just played sports and they have a story something that I want to be able to do is be able to highlight those stories almost like a 30 for 30 the good the bad the amazing the failures and so we're gonna have some different segments where we're gonna sit down with somebody out there at our mobile studio and we're going to talk with them about their journey and we're going to highlight that as just just a very special just trust me on this but I'm looking for people so those of you out there in radio land that are listening make sure you go to Facebook make sure you go to prior PR YOR to the snap shoot me a message if you're interested in being involved I have some folks that are already lined up I know my old coach and people that I played with we're going to be doing a round table just a discussion about trends and football what it was like for us obviously we've played at a different time targeting didn't exist all of that so it's just it's may have been was 2012 was my last year playing which I think is the same year as the infamous Kenny Bell hit and I don't remember if Kenny Bell got caught I know we got a flag I don't remember got flagged for targeting or not or if it was just a foul if he it had to be targeted because they said that the guy was a defenseless receiver but that was just becoming a thing and so I'm really really interested again to just come to share that so please you know if that speaks to your soul and the thought of you didn't listen to those stories like I said please shoot me a message we'll be at the sugar llama mobile studios so I I mentioned peanut butter and jelly earlier because I was talking about Bill Belichick and you know Bill Belichick has left the Patriots he's been with the Patriots I mean I remember when Drew Bledsoe was the quarterback I mean I'm spinning the clock way back but I think there's a peanut butter and jelly jelly element that ended up missing and Cassie I want to really get your opinion on this thing you know Tom Brady was the peanut butter to Bill Belichick's jelly I feel like Bill Belichick being a GM as well as head coach and you know he made a lot of player moves some good some bad do you think that the writing was on the wall to everyone especially the fans out there after Tom Brady left and the Patriots started having these rough seasons I mean this season is rough do you think that people started to turn and think that maybe Bill Belichick wasn't the coach that we all thought he was oh 100% yeah 157 thousand percent I mean I think it was um you know I am so I am the worst I am totally the fan that likes to watch the really good teams dive off that's my favorite I love what's up with me so happy well you know what I want everybody else's team to suck for as long as my team oh my word you know I'm saying like Nebraska has been garbage for years and I just want everybody else get a little taste of that you know humble yourself a little bit we're gonna talk about I'm sorry I feel like it's it's super I understand as a Patriots fan when you're used to having winning season after winning season to just bomb like you've been bombing but obviously Bill Belichick's not the guy he just got lucky with an incredible quarterback yeah yeah interestingly enough I was just looking at off the staff on Twitter just recently I think I sent you one of them and it has to do with McCarthy the and Tom Brady let me see if I can get that real quick yeah while you're doing that I want to remind everybody that Jared Mayo was hired to replace Bill Belichick now that obviously I I feel like I have to bring up the Rooney rule I know a lot of people were pretty surprised a blackhead coach as you guys may or may not know of course the Rooney rule exists that in the NFL you know that they have to interview at least at least interview a blackhead coach so seeing another blackhead coach really really interesting of course makes you think about names like Eric the enemy out there at Washington what's going to happen with him now that Ron Rivera's gone so many different things so but again just want to put that out there 24 seasons though that he was out there almost a quarter of a century that Bill Belichick has been the has been the head coach of the Patriots so I did find it and if anybody wants to if you if you have a Twitter and I refuse to call it X because Twitter is my favorite it's called the office stats since the advent of Ford Pass only two quarterbacks NFL or SBS have won a title while having five or fewer turnovers for the entire season in 15 or more starts that was Tom Brady in 2016 and J.J. McCarthy in 2023 Wow both of which played for the University of Michigan. Pretty cool stat we were talking about that earlier and I was like that's just crazy I mean to think that J.J. McCarthy is pulling that. Do you realize what school what school was Tom Brady a quarterback at? What college? They just said it. Oh you did? Both of them played for Michigan. Okay I didn't hear you say it. I'm sorry for the quiz. That's why it's so crazy. Sorry for the quiz that didn't exist. They both played for Michigan? Yeah, yeah. The quiz that didn't exist. Yeah, no. I kind of feel bad for Bill Belichick but it also makes you wonder did he know that he was just riding Tom Brady's coattails all those years. You know, now I want to be on record as saying I don't think that Bill Belichick is a bad coach okay Not great. I mean he would not have been there for 24 seasons if he was horrid at his job so. Yeah but how many of those 24 seasons was Tom Brady there for? Oh my word come on now you know. I'm just saying, I'm just saying man. Tom Brady was running into players that he was old enough to be their father at this point you know. It is a weird league without Tom Brady you know. It's kind of strange to get used to not seeing Tom Brady playing football in general. I thought it was going to be weird to see him at the Buccaneers and you know him not in a Patriots jersey but now it's just weird he's just not there period. Yeah, yeah. No, he should have done that a few years ago. Oh my word. Yeah. I'm not trying to dredge up the horrible marriage. Well yeah and I'm going to come off of them because I want you to talk about something. I want to, I want to discuss with you. I want to discuss with the people. You brought it up a couple of times and I think anybody out there can tell that you're over salty when it comes to Nebraska football. And so I think that it's worth having a short discussion especially I feel like a lot of people that are going to be listening right now are here in Oklahoma. And those that are here in Oklahoma that have been football fans for a long time are familiar with the Big Eight. And so those of you that are familiar with the Big Eight you know you probably could spin your clock back to Barry Switzer. You could probably spin your clock back to Wishbone Football. You know a completely different time in football. And so I want to ask that you just kind of give us a brief history of how this happened to Nebraska because it's not normal for a program to be in the position that Nebraska is. Obviously Matt Rule is there. Everybody knows that he's known as a builder of programs. You know Temple and Baylor and you know things didn't work out for him the best in the NFL. But I think that he worked for an owner and kind of a dysfunctional group out there. But that's a debate for another day. But just kind of tell us what you know about a brief history of Nebraska and then how they got here. It's so depressing to talk about. It's not one of those things that's like you know. So I remember watching Nebraska football in the 90s with my brother. My brother had a Nebraska Cornhusker starter jacket that he used to wear all the time. So I grew up watching Nebraska football and USC pretty regularly as a kid. I don't think I cared that much about it back then to be quite honest with you. Nebraska football I can tell you so you know growing up I grew up in San Diego California and I moved to Nebraska in 2008. I lived in Omaha. And I'd always been told that Nebraska fans were like the craziest fans out there. Like you didn't meet another any diehard fan and they were they're going to be from Nebraska. So driving across the state line and getting into Grand Island and I don't know. It's like thinking about it now it's still crazy to me. And I remember looking off to my right and there was a bright red fence with a white N on it. And I remember thinking that's nuts. You know being from San Diego you know people have like Raiders stickers and Chargers stickers. They have shirts and their jerseys but no one would ever paint their house or half their house into something like that. At the time Bo Pelini was the coach. I absolutely loved Bo Pelini. I loved his fire. I loved how mad he would get. Knock stuff over. I think it's wonderful. That's what I love to see. He had some issues with the current AD, not the current AD, the former AD, Sean Eichhorst and it got into a bit of a tit for tat match there and that season that last season. I want to say it was like 15 maybe. And then Nebraska decided that they were going to fire him after Bo Pelini said some choice words in the locker room and everybody heard it. We all heard it. It was not lovely. Now let me ask you this. I'm going to interrupt just to ask a question. What kind of record was Bo Pelini putting up? Sean Eichhorst comes up on the podium and he's telling us how he's going to find us and money is no object and he's going to get us a winning coach and Nebraska is going to go back to winning bowl games and we're going to do all of the things in all of the best ways. A few days later, sitting in the living room, and Nebraska states that they're hiring Mike Riley. Everyone around me was like, oh, who's Mike Riley? And I was like, man, that name is awful familiar. And then I remember who Mike Riley was. They hired Mike Riley, which we all knew was the worst choice they could have made. And the Huskers did worse than okay. And then we all thought the answer was going to be Scott Frost. And then Scott Frost ended up being a terrible drunk that didn't show up and led the Huskers to the worst seasons they've had. And I mean, God, I don't even know how long. Probably the 60s. I don't even know. Not in my lifetime. I haven't seen them this bad. So they recently hired Matt Ruhle. But I have a fear with Matt Ruhle. I'm going to keep it 100% honest with you. Last season was a good season. It wasn't the best, but there was definitely some shining spots where I was like, wow, especially with the defense. So it's the best I've seen Nebraska defense look in a very long time. And even the offense, I mean, obviously, when we started off with Jeff Sims or whatever, whatever his name was, not great. Right. But my concern is, is if Matt Ruhle gets this program together, right, and they have a winning season, how long does it take before Matt Ruhle runs? Does Matt Ruhle stay? Does he become a 10-year coach at Nebraska? Or does he get them up where they were and then bail? You know, we just talked about Caden DeBoer going from Washington to Alabama and what's happening in Washington right now. Caleb Williams. He was the quarterback at Nebraska. The last day in the transfer portal last year before Matt Ruhle would even have a season, right, was it Caleb Williams? Casey Thompson. I'm just getting a heads up. I don't know why. There's something with the C names, I guess. The last day of the transfer portal, he bailed. The last day. And Matt Ruhle had set his program up for him. And then we ended up with Jeff Sims. Yeah, you know, with Jeff Sims, you bring him up and I feel like we have to talk about it. We have to. Because if there's, you know, again, somebody that has played football, if there is one thing that a coach will drive into the skull of every offensive player on that team, it is ball control. Being in control of the ball, getting your hands on it. Sometimes you may have to treat it like it's got a handle on it, but you have got to be able to control the ball. And I, you know, recently I talked about, or I was talking with a couple of amazing folks. I was talking with Bruce Reinhardt, owner of Rococo here in Oklahoma City. Amazing food. Not better than Sugar Llamas, but amazing food. Maybe Rococo would like to come on as a special sponsor as well so we can tell you guys more. It's more of the amazing Flirtinis. Yes, we can tell you guys more about their food and who they are. But the reason why I bring them up is because there's a high school here, Deer Creek. Will Reinhardt was the center. And I had this whole discussion about how bad I wanted to have them on. You know, they went to the playoffs. I think they lost to Muscovy in the championship. But I wanted to have Will on because I wanted to talk in depth with him about the relationship between the center and the quarterback and why it matters so much. And I was trying to find the name of the quarterback because it escapes me. I apologize for that, guys. But you have to have such an intimate, personal relationship. If you're in high school, I say you need to be having sleepovers at each other's house. I realize you're older kids. You've got to be hanging out together. You guys need to be eating dinner with each other's families. Why does this matter? That relationship has got to be so tight. And the amount of times that there were bad snaps to Jeff Simms or the handoff was bad, I just wondered what was the relationship with his center? Did he know what was coming? Was that a backup center? What was going on? Or was it a case where Jeff Simms just... It wasn't just that. It wasn't just that. He couldn't throw. At all. He came from Georgia Tech where I saw some videos of... Georgia Tech. That's all I need to say. My point is with this kid, and I feel bad for him, right? As a grown adult, I feel bad for him because that had to feel really crummy because you're being talked about everywhere. But to be quite honest, in the nicest way I possibly can, I have never seen a Division I quarterback struggle the way that Jeff Simms did. I can't think of another time I've seen anything like it. Okay. Okay. Well, I was... Yeah, there we go. Good deal. Sorry about that, guys. I got a little bit distracted. I was talking again with the amazing Riley, our engineer. I have to give it up to him again. He does so much from controlling this board. He has the laptop. There's different sound effects that are not playing right now, but he has to load them in. As we discuss things, I'm watching him. He literally looks up different things to get stats, information. There's so much that goes into engineering, a podcast, a radio station even. Again, like I said, I do radio on the radio. Just your producers, your engineers, they don't get enough love for the work they're doing. 7-16 right now. The Chiefs are in the lead, by the way. Again, this isn't live, but it's just interesting to try to watch the progression of this game. I figured this game was going to be a grinder because of that cold. That cold is going to just cut right through you. I have some friends who... I heard tickets were as low as like 30 bucks. I have some friends on Facebook that grouped up, jumped into a van, and they took off to go to Kansas City to buy some of these... They bought the cheap tickets online and took off to go watch the game. They are there now. No way. You couldn't pay me. You could not pay me. I would be miserable. I am not a cold person. I would have a meltdown. Nothing about that sounds good. I tell you, I hope everybody out there is safe. It's hard to believe. At this point, earlier when I looked, it was negative 22. Riley, can you do me a favor? Can you look at the wind chill in Kansas City right now? We all are aware of the ice bowl and all that. Obviously, there isn't like three foot of snow on the ground and all of that. I'm just wondering, how cold is it? He's going to pull that up for us. Again, just my morbid curiosity to let these fans... Negative one is the physical air temperature. Does it show what the wind chill is? Or does it say what the winds are blowing at out there? You see it? Sixteen mile an hour. Sixteen mile an hour winds. I'm going to tell you right now, I don't care if the wind is blowing at five. At negative one for the physical air temperature, my word, it is going to be so cold. And for the guys that... The feel like right now, would you like to guess? The feel like temperature in Kansas City, I'm going to guess that it is... I saw that it was negative 22 earlier. Negative 26. Oh, slowly. We're under the sun. I had to literally pull up my iPhone and add an area just so I could see what that was. The wind speeds are at 14 miles an hour. Oh, my goodness. Yeah, I mean, that's terrible. That is tough on the body. So, hopefully everybody out there again is safe. Kansas City is winning the game, obviously, right now. But, you know, yeah, just what a deal. That is so tough. I remember discussing how the environment can be a part of the game. You know, the... Oh, my God, I almost called them the rooster chickens or something. The rooster chickens? Yeah, well, you know, so 49er fans, when they refer to the Seahawks, they called it like the rooster chickens. The thunder chickens? The thunder chickens, something like that. Yeah. I love it. And I couldn't remember. But I'll tell you why I bring them up is because, as you guys know, you know, they're home of the 12th man, you know, and they believe that the fans are part of what makes that environment so hostile. You know, what a sound. Sorry about that, folks. And so, you know, that makes the environment hostile. And so, you know, I was thinking about games this year where the environment played a part in the outcome of the game. And I was thinking, you know, I'm going to spin the clock back to Oklahoma, OU, and the game they were playing against BYU. And they were playing in... Was that Provo? Was that Provo, Utah, where they played? Is that where they played? I'm unsure. But, yeah, so I remember it was Dylan Gabriel that slipped in that real grass in the rain, wet conditions, and fell. And it's really interesting how, you know, just different environments. So I wonder how this cold, the snow, icy environment, you know, are there going to be ankles turned, ACLs? Hopefully not, obviously, at this point, but just, oh, man. What's it worth? It's worth a ring. That's just crazy. It's worth a ring, you know. But why? It's worth a ring. I get what you're saying, I do. But at the same time, like, I wonder how full that stadium is. Oh, my gosh, I tell you. Yeah, Engineer Riley, if you could do us another favor, if you could just look up, see if you can't find some information on how many people are at that game, how many people have showed up at the Kansas City Dolphins versus the Dolphins game right now. I remember seeing pictures of the stuff like that when I was a kid. Yeah. Growing up. Yeah. I grew up. I was like, these people are insane. Yeah, yeah. I just, I can't. Fanaticism. Oh, my God, I can't wrap my brain around it. And, you know, but, you know, they support the team, they support everything, and just, it means so much. Again, fanaticism. Hey, I'll tell anybody, I'm a huge Texas fan, love me some Steve Sarkisian. You brought up Sean Eichhorst, you know, he's one of our AVs out there, and, you know, it's weird that it's worked out for us with Sean Eichhorst, but not for you guys. You know what it is. Hmm. Bo Plini. He's a polarizing figure. Oh, my God, 100%. Yeah. But, you know what, there's something about, like, one of my issues with Mike Riley, sorry, sidebar, so hard. Hey, I'm over here. It's a hard left turn, right? Hot face. Mike Riley, the game would be going to total pot, and he would just be, big old smile, stand on the sideline, just arms crossed over his chest, just happy to be there. So you want your coach to, like, throw it. Yeah, I want to see you flip a table over. Like, let us know that you're upset about it, and that you're not okay with. Is that acceptable today? To who? I feel like the world has changed a lot. Oh, I agree, 100%. Since we were young. But, I mean, to who? Well, so. I think that would be a generational issue. Well, is it not? It's a more distracted discussion. Yes, this could probably bleed over. It's a distracted discussion, 100%. But I feel like, example, I'm from Chicago, okay? And I'm not a Bears fan. I'm not going to call myself a Bears sympathizer. But, you know, Mike Ditka, you know, the team that won the Super Bowl, you know, just the 85 Bears, Walter Payton, the Fridge, all those guys. You know, Mike Ditka was a polarizing figure as well, and he had no problem with telling you where you could go, how you could get there, and everything else. I just wonder, in today's society, and like you said, this is a conversation for distracted discussions that I think we're going to have. You know, I don't know that people are going to find that as acceptable now to have a coach that reacts that way. Maybe that's the difference between casual fans. Maybe, maybe so. It could be. Is that what it is? Because, I mean, I don't know, man. Shoot us a message. I want to see, yeah, I want to see somebody with passion, you know? And Scott Frost, it was the same problem with him. And then Matt Brolin, the assistant, licking. You know, that's got to be his tick, you know? It has to be. And he only does it when, like, the stress is off. Yeah, when the tick is down. And look, we're not picking on him. I want to make that clear. We're not picking on Matt Rule, especially if that's like a neurological issue or something, but we don't know it. But, you know, it is. I think it's just when he gets stressed out. I think that's what it is. Yeah, yeah. A hundred percent. I feel for the guy, you know. Matt Rule was so close this year where they won five games. Oh, my God, yeah. How many games did they lose by one score? I don't know off the top of my head. But it was every single one of those games. I mean, even the Colorado game. You know, everybody was so hyped on the Colorado Deons. And then when Nebraska played, I was nervous. You know, after seeing them play TCU, I was like, oh, my God, Colorado is insane. And then watching them play Nebraska, I was like, well, either Nebraska is just really good this year and I just had no clue. Or maybe Colorado wasn't as good as we thought. Colorado was exposed because of the strength of the Pac-12 this year, really. Yeah. I mean, the Pac-12, we've had low expectations for them for a while. But the Pac-12 was better than what we expected. I mean, the first half of the season, UFC, now because of Alex Grinch and his defense, in my opinion, you know, they were left having to outscore their opponents, right? They had to, they had no choice but to score insane amounts of points to try to fend off, you know, their rivals. You know, but there was just a lot of power. A lot of teams weren't that bad. I mean, Arizona hung in there way more than I think we expected from them. We just, we saw a lot on the Pac-12 this year. So I think that they got caught up in the regular season and it just kind of snatched them down, man. Those first three games, you know, those non-com games can make you look beast mode. And after that, I also think that that locker room had division that we weren't aware of. Yeah, yeah. That's unfortunate. You know, it was interesting because they sold out, Colorado did. Didn't they sell out this whole season plus like the next three seasons of their games? I don't know if they sold out the next three seasons, but they sold out this season. Yeah, but I think they sold out like the next few seasons. That's all I remember hearing. They may have. They may have. You know, Dion, here's a conversation we're going to have. And some of you are about to start slamming stuff and cussing and fussing. It's time for Hot Take. I'm going to give you guys my hot take on the Colorado Dion's of Dion Sanders. Dion Sanders is, I'm going to say was and is because obviously he's still there. He was the hero we needed that we didn't know we needed. Some of you are like, what does that mean? Dion Sanders is loud, abrasive, polarizing. He has receipts. He loves himself. Who can forget that first press conference after the TCU win? I kept the receipts. He kept the receipts. I remember him sitting down, and as the press conference first started, him looking around. I think he took his glasses off for a second and said, do you believe? Do you believe? Now, obviously, that all didn't hold sway beyond, you know. But the question of do you believe? You know, I love to talk about, probably one of my favorite things that you guys are going to learn as this podcast goes on, is hearing me talk about Mike Leach, the Mike Leach coaching tree, and Air Raid. Okay? We're not going to get deep into Air Raid or any of that right now. It's going to be for a different episode. But let's talk about Mike Leach, the pirate. God rest his soul. He is truly missed. What a polarizing figure. Never knew what he was going to say. That guy was just, I mean, he was something else, but we'd love to see it. We love that. We love to see. Uh-oh. I think I may have to sneeze. A little radio problem there. Sorry. No, we're good. We're good. You don't have to turn the mic down. I appreciate that. I think I got it under control. Tip of the day, if you feel like you're going to sneeze, say banana instead and you won't sneeze. Bonanas. No, not bonanas. Bonanas. B-A-N-A-N-A-S. Oh, my goodness. You know what? Distracted discussions would love to discuss the fact that how many of us learn how to spell banana because of when Gwen Stefani. B-A-N-A-N-A-S. You know, I will never forget how to spell bananas. Gwen Stefani was instrumental. What a core memory. The most important statement here is do you still have to sneeze? No. No. Spelling and saying banana seemed to have worked. And I know I was hearing something there from the producer. What's that? I was going to say, I remember in second grade I was taking like a vocabulary test and it was how to spell bananas and I had to think of a song so I knew how to say it. Yes. Yes. And it sticks with you. You know, I love it. But look, they call it an earworm or just a little sidebar. You're a mnemonic device, right? It's your mnemonic device. It's something that you can remember. So you guys can hold on to that. The mnemonic device today is hook them horns. So I tell you guys what, though. I think that's a good spot for us to stop. I think we're going to stop right here. And I want to say thank you all once again for giving us the opportunity to be in your ears, be in your car, wherever you guys are listening. Again, there's so many things that we have planned for the show. The show is extremely special to us because I know I personally wanted to be able to get my family involved. We have so many amazing discussions here in house and we don't get to put them out to everybody. You know, we want to bring you guys in. It means so much to me especially to know that we're going to be able to go down to the Dramalama, excuse me, take Dramalama Labs down to the Sugar Llamas mobile studios and have those in-person intimate discussions with you. We have guests lined up. I will tell you guys very quietly that we also have phone lines, okay? So we have the ability to be able to take phone calls. Now, I know, like I said, this is going to be on the radio as well. So you guys are going to be able to text in on the Sugar Llama text line. You guys are going to be able to communicate with us. And we're going to be able to talk. We're going to be able to take information from you. And I look very forward to that. There's going to be some giveaways. A lot of different things are going to be happening. But we just really look forward to you guys being on this journey with us and having these sports discussions. Obviously, we cover a lot of material. And we're just thankful, thankful that you're with us. You know, again, I hope that you continue to download. I hope that you guys jump on Distracted Discussions because, as you saw right there, we almost went down the rabbit hole. We almost got distracted, and that's how easy it is. So we'll carry that stuff over to Distracted Discussions. But for Cassie, as a matter of fact, Cassie, is there anything that you want to say and party? Oh, no, just that I'm super excited. Excellent, excellent. I'm going to kick it over to our producer, Riley. Is there anything that you want to add? I'm definitely also excited. I love it. Yeah, I love it. That's what it's all about. Hey, we're fired up. This means a lot to us. So from Cassie, from Riley, from myself, Sean Pryor, we appreciate it. Thanks again for listening to us here at Pryor to the Snack. Thank you.

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