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The transcription discusses a meditation technique where one focuses their attention on the center of the head and observes their thoughts. By turning their attention on themselves, they can become aware of their own observing awareness. The meditation aims to reach a state of pure awareness and formlessness. Thoughts are observed to come from both outside and within. The meditation also explores the concept of personal mind space and the ability to control thoughts. The transcript concludes with the suggestion to concentrate on the top of the head for a deeper experience. Take a slow deep breath and relax your body and relax your mind, let your attention gently drift to the center of the head, somewhere behind the forehead, where you find yourself naturally centered, let all your awareness gradually gather into this pure mental awareness until you feel as if before you the wide mental space and observe, if any thoughts come, just observe them, and perhaps you have a sense of a thought entering from a particular direction, then just observe and ignore the thought you will notice perhaps some thoughts coming from outside, but there are other thoughts which seem to emerge from within, which may say, oh I am not thinking, observe those also become aware now of this region of the mind space, which feels like your space, your mind, which is yours as distinct from things further out which are outside, not yours, just become aware of this sense of a personal mental extension and hold this space in your attention notice that when you hold it with your intentional awareness, there are very few thoughts or perhaps no thoughts which come remain in this observing poise, thoughtless, but simply conscious of your mind space now gradually, we will turn this observing awareness on ourselves who is observing, become conscious of this center from which you are observing and turn your attention on that, become conscious of your own observing awareness and let all else fade away your awareness turning on itself, becoming conscious of the point from which you are aware becoming conscious of your awareness itself as if a circle closing upon itself, until you are your own pure awareness observing yourself and there is no other until you are a ball of pure awareness simply aware of itself and then let this pure awareness as if draw deeper into itself as if drawing back inwards into its own source let this awareness be gently drawn deeper into itself let yourself drift deeper into, as if drawn into the source of this awareness, deeper into the awareness itself until you feel all sense of form, outline fade away and there is only pure awareness, deep, formless perhaps its formlessness even registers in you as a sense of vague, vast emptiness but you are nowhere, nowhere in particular, you simply are aware, awareness there is no particular sense of space or time, just this pure, formless, vast awareness remain immersed in that and now very gently, gradually, let your attention drift back outwards drift back to that narrow focus of the front end as if slowly drifting forward back to that point from which you came somewhere in that place that you call your head observe the passage of transition notice how the sense of form gradually returns until you find yourself once again, somewhere inside the head as this pure awareness, aware only of itself notice now that you can conceive of form, whereas in that deep space you were formless without even conception of form and now you have sense of form, sense of the mind space around you, in front of you and gently turn your attention to this mind space of your personal mind space in front and the larger, wider mind space and now slowly become aware of your relationship with your head and your location somewhere inside the head, the sensations of the head, sensations of the body you may feel your mind awareness becoming slightly dull as the body awareness becomes stronger as if more heavy, less plastic, less free becoming conscious of your breathing and slowly you can let your eyes open there were several things worth noticing the sense of personal mind space which is somewhere like this, but where, in the head, outside the head, it doesn't matter, it's in the mental awareness an outside and an inside which has no particular reason to be except that, that's how it is, by habit, there is a range which you feel is yours you could broaden it, or you could remove the limits completely and experience it all as yours, or none of it as yours which is what happens when you turn upon yourself notice also when you become aware of your personal mind space and claim it thoughts don't enter so easily the fact that you have taken this poise of observer with an intention of holding this as your space itself gives you a certain practical freedom from thoughts and then this point which is observing itself does not have thoughts except in the beginning you may think, oh, this is interesting, there are not many thoughts where are the thoughts coming from? and those are, as if, if you observe the direction of those thoughts, they are as if emerging from below popping into your awareness distinct from thoughts coming from outside in fact, in practice, they say more than 90% of the thoughts enter from outside very few are really your own and those which are your own, you will feel emerging like this, popping up in the way that they see the seat from which the thoughts originate is in the heart, in the ocean of the heart here they are as if felt, not yet in thought substance, not yet closed in thought substance a feeling, an intention, a sense, which rises into the thought domain gets closed in thought substance and emerges as your thought you actually feel how internal thoughts have this sense of emerging from here when you turn your attention on your own source of awareness it is pure awareness, it is thoughtless this poise we may call the Manomaya Purusha the mental observer, mental person but even this we find is like a frontal projection of the mental person which is somewhat limited, narrow as a front and as we allow ourselves to drift back into its own source there is something which is very different and it's a pure awareness which is still of a mental quality of a mental density but which has a character of self that's why it is Manomaya Purusha it feels as if nowhere in particular, everywhere, but it's like a vast backdrop base but you can't give it a sense of space or time because there is no sense of form or distance or anything it's just formless, and when it's formless, what you call wide so you've had a touch of this, a glimpse of this kind of consciousness which is the real status of the Manomaya Purusha itself a special aspect or a reflection of the self one could remain in that, a kind of an emptiness stop there if you want or you could open from there to the sense of the deeper self behind or above and feel that and feel like a profound dense backdrop behind or above which then gradually can fill into this receptive mind awareness any observations or any questions? at the beginning of the meditation what I was feeling, they were always coming from the left side and then I tried to think something especially to feel if it's coming from another side but it didn't work so I wondered yes, it's interesting she said she felt the thoughts coming particularly from the left side and nothing from any other side not from any direction at the moment it was more from the left side on another occasion from some other side but what's interesting is to observe that there is a side a direction from which the thoughts enter into your own mind space and if there is a side if there is a borderline from which they enter you can shut the gates, so to say refuse to allow them to enter it's interesting anybody would like to share something about that deeper formless mind space so the intention of this was to become aware of these different parts or aspects of mind experience and just exploring gives you a certain degree of control until you might find a day comes when you just choose to be stop your thoughts and thoughts just stop in your personal mind space you choose to step back into the center of the observing consciousness just like that or you choose to withdraw into this formlessness of the backdrop of mental awareness and then from there go other directions, other experiences and you'll find this whole thing as if as easy a skill as you would choose to make your body still or put your body in a different position as you become more proficient in dealing with your own mind substance you will find also a mastery in the way you can cast your thoughts form your thoughts narrow the focus of your thinking keep it only in one direction etc when you have the capacity to not think when you want you can therefore choose to think only of what you want which allows then an exclusive focus also of your concentration and thought energy this was more like a play and experimentation we will now do something which is more important, more useful and that is from this center of the in the head we will turn upwards and concentrate on this point at the top of the head from where we open to the wider presence if it helps you you can lightly touch the top of the head once in the center of the head just as a sensation point, that's all just a light touch is enough later you can use that as a reference to hold your attention there we could straight away begin by putting our attention there or we could begin by centering ourselves in the head first and then turning up so we will just start with putting our attention directly there close your eyes take a slow deep breath and as you breathe out, relax your body and relax your mind let all your awareness gradually drift upwards to this point at the top of the head use the sensation or the memory of the sensation to gather all of your awareness use the sensation or the memory of the sensation to gather all of your awareness until you feel yourself almost entirely centered in this region generally and perhaps where you feel the sense of sensation tingling, cooling, sensation you can allow that portion of the head as if to open as if a hole forms there, a passage and let yourself gently drift through this passage your awareness gently drifting up until you feel most of yourself just above the head and let yourself open out upwards like petals of a flower opening to become conscious of this vast, wide being remain aware of this vast perhaps you have the sense of a vast space of illumination, awareness or presence dwell on its sense of vastness dwell on the sense of its as if a space lit up, awareness, glow, something like that whatever the sense you have most naturally the sense of light or illumination that is this vast the sense of light or illumination that is this vast the sense of light or illumination that is this vast observe the sense of stillness or peace that fills this vast almost as if that stillness and peace is dense as if it is a power all these things are as if facets, aspects of that and whatever you turn your attention to becomes more concrete, more intense

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