Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
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In a more louder way. Let God hear your voice. He can do it again. Don't allow the devil to cheat you. I heard that voice. And I said, well, it's a word that we need to understand. God registered this word in my heart. He can do it again. So that I'll be able to speak to someone with high expectation for a major miracle in his life. So the topic of today is, ask the target. Who is the target? The target is someone who has high expectation for a major miracle in his life. Someone who has expectation for a major demonstration of the awesome power of God in his life. That is the person who this message is targeting. And I don't know whether you are the one. Are you the one? Perhaps it is you. Perhaps it is me. But I know it is me. Because I have high expectation for a major miracle in my life. He can do it again. Can you say it again? Say it again. He can do what? Again. Now, this topic is just a summary of the testimony and a brief statement of David when he wanted to fight Goliath. That is where the topic is taking. He can do it again. Let us look at it in 1 Samuel verse 17. I will begin to read from verse 32. And David said to Saul, let no man's act fail because of him. Thy servant will go and fight with this Philistine. And Saul said to David, thou art not able to go against this Philistine to fight with him. For thou art but a youth, and he a man of war from his youth. You see, David saw the challenge before his people, the Israelites in the battle front. And he made up his mind to confront that challenge. That is the killing of Goliath. We all know what the brothers of David said, you this naughty boy. But he told them, is that not a curse? Well, we thank God that he was able to persuade the brothers and other people. Here, they now took him to the king, King Saul, who was also there. And when King Saul saw him, look at what he said to him. You this ruddy boy. This man you say you want to go and fight. Look at how he described Goliath here. He said, he a man of war from his youth. Now he is old. Don't you look at his tattoo? Don't look at his armory, all things he put, the armor he put on himself, the weapon. Don't you see that nowhere is exposed? You know, sometimes these are the things that put themselves together and form a challenge to us. What you are passing through can become a monster to you. Can become what is harassing you. It can be on anything. Just as Saul told David, and there will be a mind that will be telling you, if you are not careful, this thing will kill you. If you are not careful, this business will fail. If you are not careful, if you make that journey, this is what is going to happen. All kinds of threats. Details of the threats we may know to you, like Saul made it to David. But look at what David did. Saul told David, a courageous man. He replied, and David said unto Saul, thy servant kept his father's sheep, and there came a lion and a bear, and took a lamb out of the flood. And I went out after him, and smote him, and delivered it out of his mouth. And when he arose against me, I caught him by his bear, I smote him, and slew him. Thy servant slew both the lion and the bear, and this uncircumcised Philistine shall be as one of them, praise the Lord. See, he hath defied the armies of the Lord, of the living God. Whatsoever is threatening your life, is defiling God. And because you want to defy God, God is going to fight for you. In the mighty name of Jesus. You need to be courageous. You need to be bold. He has already told us, in the world we are going to have tribulation. We are going to have challenges. But David was a brave man, a courageous man. He spoke out. He spoke out that, look, one day as I was keeping the sheep of my father, the lion came, the bear came, I dealt with them. The same way by which I dealt with the lion and the bear, that same power that God has invested in me, I am going to use it to knock down these Goliaths. And look at verse 37, David said, Moreover, the Lord that deliver me out of the paw of the lion, and out of the paw of the bear, he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine. And so said unto David, Go, and the Lord be with you. Excuse me, you must learn how to master your language before people. Many of us meditated and easily succumbed to what the enemy is telling us concerning the matter of our life. And that is the reason why many of us, we are timid, we are fearful. Many of us, we are jittery. Many of us, we want to die before death itself comes. But David said, If God can deliver him from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear, that same God will deliver me. Praise the Lord. In fact, Hallelujah. So, David gave a testimony to reveal the awesome power of God and to let them know one of the major acts of God. You see, David, as I put it here, wanted the people to know that God is capable of repeating any of his miracles. One way or the other, in your life, you have witnessed a major awesome power of God in your life. There have been occasions in your life when you think all things have ended. Let's say for example, I know I have mothers in the house. Don't you know that giving birth to a baby is enough to terminate your life? Am I talking to somebody? Eh? I'm not a man, I'm a man, I'm not a woman. But, I know the first baby we gave birth to was my wife's first true. In fact, the doctor called me to labor room in UCH to come and see the pain that my wife was passing through simply because at that time we said there is no cesarean operation. That God told us that she is going to deliver by herself. We have knocked out all avenues by which Satan could cheat us to go for cesarean operation. So we had gone to that. And now the baby came. It's about for the baby to be delivered. And my wife was already in UCH. And we maintained our stand. That is what God said concerning this baby. Praise the Lord. And they called me to the labor room to see the pain that my wife was passing through because of our decision not to go for cesarean operation. Excuse me. I will say I didn't know the time when I said, well, if it's to save my wife, let it be. At least, if I'm not the one carrying the baby, I have seen what she passed through. And I've told us one of her sisters, it was naked in the labor room in her church. And I went to check her if she had delivered. When I got there, she was shouting in the room. The moment she heard my voice, she shouted on the north, said, please allow him, allow him to come in. Allow him to come in. And I came in naked, not my wife. I'm sure he didn't know when she embraced me, a naked woman, undergoing pain. He was not conscious that she was naked. And even myself, I was not yet a pastor at that time. I'm just a brother. I embraced her. I prayed for her. I left her. I ran to the fellowship. Before I came back, she delivered. So if you say you have not experienced any miracle, major miracle in your life, that is all. Even your birth, that you are given birth to, is what is a miracle. So David here, he narrated a testimony that, look, if God can deliver him from the hand, the paw of lion, from the paw of bear, this same God is able to repeat the same miracle for me. That is what God wants to pass across to you today. He can do it again. Can you say that? Say it very well. He can do it again. I don't know what you are passing through. He can do it again. Do you know this was quite different from Gideon? Can we look at it in Georges chapter 6? Look at what Gideon said. He did not understand what David understood about God. Though Gideon was a man of valor, with a great potential, yet he was cowed by the enemy. You must not be like that. Look at it in Georges chapter 6 verse 12. And the angels of the Lord appeared unto him and said unto him, The Lord is with thee, thou mighty man of valor. And Gideon said unto him, O my Lord, if the Lord be with us, why then is all this befalling us? And where beyond is the miracle which our Father hath told us? Saying, Did not the Lord bring us from Egypt? But now the Lord hath forsaken us and delivered us into the hands of the Midianites. You see, we have tendency to act like Gideon here. He said to him, he could not remember what God has done before. And on the basis of that, for him to believe what God was telling him. That is the situation of many of us. I think God, in the time of I.E. Babalola, we heard that this thing happened. But I don't think it can happen again. Oh, I have read much about Spodio. I know the work of God manifested Himself during the time of Spodio. Oh, I know great men of God. They have passed on. So the miracle has ceased with them. That was the mentality of Gideon. And that is the reason why he put God to test if he has to go for the battle. Well, we all know what happened later on. That what he said concerning miracle was repeated. But he did not understand initially, like David. So we too, as children of the living God, as you listen to me, we must understand that God can do it again. There is no miracle God has performed in the past that He cannot perform now. Do you understand? There is nothing God has done in your life. He has saved you from accidents. He has saved you from the pains of delivery, for example. He has saved you from armed robbers. He has saved you from many things, sicknesses in the past. May I tell you, that same God is what is in your life. Look at what happened to David. David's conviction came to pass. Your conviction is very important. Your belief is very important. What you know about God is very important. Your ability to draw from the awesome, from the past awesome expression of God in your life is very important in your life, if you want to move forward. So look at what David did. And then said David to the Philistine, Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield, but I come to thee. In what name? I want you to read it. What? In the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou art divine. And this day will the Lord deliver thee into my hands, and I will smite thee, and take thy head from thee, and I will give the carcasses of the host of the Philistine this day unto the fowls of the air and to the wild beasts of the earth. That all the earth, can you say all the earth? Say it loud and clear. May know that there is a God in what? In Israel. The whole world will know there is a God in your life. The whole world will know there is a God in your family. Because he can do it what? Again. And then in verse 47, And all this assembly shall know that the Lord save not with what? Sword and spear, for the battle is the Lord's, and he will give you into what? Our hands. That is the testimony of a man who knows the God he is serving. That is the testimony of someone who believes God can do it again. Excuse me, how do you react when you are faced with the challenges of life? How do you react? What do you normally say? Look at what David said. His conviction about God helped him to fight Goliath. Now the question is, which we all know, what happened thereafter? The Bible says in verse 48, And it came to pass, when the Philistine arose, and came and drew near to meet David, that David hasted and ran towards the army to meet the Philistine. And David put his hands in his back, and took then a stone, and slung it, and smote the Philistine in his forehead. And the stone sunk into his forehead, and it fell upon his face towards the earth. Verse 50, So David prevailed over the Philistine with what? A sling and with a stone, and smote the Philistine, and slew him. But there was no sword in the hand of David. Therefore David ran and stood upon the Philistine, and took a sword, and drew it out of the shield thereof, and slew him, and cut off his head therewith. And when the Philistine saw their champion was dead, what did they do? They fled. They what? They fled. Raise up your hands. By the power of the living God, whosoever is threatening your life, will bow down right now. In the mighty name of Jesus, you will prevail over them. In the mighty name of Jesus. So David won the battle by the strength he drew from his testimony of the killing of the lion and the bear. That is what happened. He believed God can do it again. And on the strength of that, upon that conviction, he went to meet Goliath. His action means that he did not listen to what Saul said. Because he knew he has back, he has God that is back. The Philistine harassed him. You have come to me in the name of your God, but I have a greater God. And the Bible says he prevailed. I say it to your life again, you are going to prevail. In the name of Jesus. He believed God can do it again. And God proved himself that he can what? He can do it again. Excuse me as we are hearing me. Do you too believe God can do it again? Are you talking to me? Are you talking to God? Can you say louder? God can what? Can do it again. David was a man of light passion. He believed God can do it again. And it was done. So therefore I want you to think deeply and recollect any of the also works of God in your life. Or think deeply and recollect a major also work of God you have seen or heard. If you can do that, believe he can do it again. That is the message. Believe what? He can what? He can do it again. Before we close, let me just give us, if you have not heard any work, but I believe you have heard. Let me just give us two or three examples, biblical exposition. In addition to the one that we have done. Exodus chapter 14. Look at what happened there. They said to Moses, is it because there is no grace in Egypt? You are making us a way to die in the wilderness? They said a lot of things to Moses. But can you look at verse 15. But God now told Moses, but lift up thy rod and stretch out thy hand over the sea and divide it and the children of Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea. And the Lord said to Moses, wherefore Christ unto me, speak unto the children of Israel that they do what? They go forward. Now what happened? In verse 21. God made a way for them. They were in the sea. You see what? The rod of Moses. Praise the Lord. The rod of Moses what? Was stretched forth to pass the Red Sea. But may I tell us or I want you to know that that same rod also performed another miracle in Exodus chapter 17 verse 5 to 6. When God gave instruction to Moses, pass on before the people, taking with you some of the elders of Israel and taking in your hand the staff. The same rod that you used to pass the Red Sea. Take it now that these people are asking for water. I am going to provide water through that rod. So behold, I will stand before you there on the rock of Urim and you shall strike the rock and water shall come out of it. And the people will drink and Moses did so in the sight of the elders of Israel. What happened? Moses took the rod and he smote the rock. What happened? Water came. Say it again. You can do it again. Say it very well. The same rod that is in the hand of Moses that he used to pass the Red Sea. Again God used that rod to perform another miracle. Another one I want us to know before we move on is the case of Elijah. Let's open our Bible to 2 Kings chapter 2 verse 6 to 8. In 2 Kings chapter 2 verse 6 to 8 is the story of Elijah when God wanted to take him up. And Elijah said unto him, Tari, I pray thee here for the Lord that sent me to Jordan. And he said, As the Lord liveth, that is Elijah. As the soul liveth, I will not leave thee. And they too went on. You know where they were coming from. Now they have reached the brink of river Jordan. And how will they pass river Jordan? What happened? Elijah took his mantle and wrapped it together and smote the waters. And they were divided. So that they too went over what a dry ground. So as they go to river Jordan, how will they go? Elijah persuaded Elijah to go back. But because what Elijah was looking for, he said I will not go back. Eventually he said what are you looking for? He said double portion of your worth of your anointing. Ok that is all you can see me. When God is taking me up. And then before Elijah, now Elijah removed his mantle and used it to part the river Jordan. The Bible says where we have read, both of them they passed across to where Elijah will be taken up. And eventually God took Elijah up. But as God was taking Elijah up, Elijah was very alert. He cut the mantle of what? Of Elijah. And then Elijah parted. After the scene, Elijah was coming back. Before his arrival, river Jordan has closed its mouth again. The water is there. How is it going to pass? Can we look at it? 2 Kings chapter 2. Are you there? Verse 11. Elijah used the same mantle to divide the river to make way for him in verse 12. And Elijah saw it and he cried, my father, my father, the chariot of Israel and the horsemen thereof. And he saw him no more. And he took hold of his clothes and ran them into what? Into pieces. He took up also the mantle of Elijah that fell from him and went back and stood by the bank of Jordan. I can just imagine how he was thinking at that time. And there are 50 sons of prophets at the other side ready to mock him. What is he going to do? But he remembered that God can do it again. Can you look at it again? In verse 13. He took up also the mantle of Elijah that fell from him and went back and stood by the bank of Jordan. And he took up also the mantle of Elijah that fell from him and smote the waters and said, where is the Lord God of Elijah? And when he also smote the waters, they parted and went over. In other words, he crossed the Red Sea. He crossed river what? River Jordan to the other side. I speak to your life, you will cross over. A better amen. Whatsoever is a barrier between you and your destiny, by the power of the living God that parted river Jordan before Elijah, such thing will give way. In the mighty name of Jesus. So by this, the hope of the son of prophet that was waiting to ridicule Elijah was dashed. Because they said he should not go. Oh, let me go there to say this to you. Those who are waiting to ridicule you, they will do so endlessly. A better amen. They are going to be put to shame. In the mighty name of Jesus. Second thing that they did, they bowed down before Elijah. Your adversary will bow down before you. Can you see it in verse 15? And when the sons of the prophet which were to view at Jericho saw him, they said, the feet of Elijah do not rest on Elijah. And they came to meet him and bowed themselves to the ground before him. So, look at what God is saying. The stone that was rejected became the cornerstone of the house. Raise up your hands. I speak to your life as you are hearing me and with the raising of your hands. Where you have been rejected, you are going to become the cornerstone. In the mighty name of Jesus. So, those who have castrated you, those who have insulted you, by the time they see God walking again in your life, they will bow down before you. In the mighty name of Jesus. This is what happened. God did it again. Of course, you have heard the story of David. How God again performed miracles in his life. Your major miracle is coming your way. In the mighty name of Jesus. Let me quickly tell you this before we close. Number one, the same rod was used by Moses to perform miracles at different instances. Do you agree with that? May I tell you Jesus is the rod. Who is the rod? Jesus what? Jesus is the rod. Forever. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and what? And forever. If the name of Jesus worked for you yesterday, it can still work for you today. Do you agree with that? If the name of Jesus worked for you yesterday, it can still work for you today. Believe that. Number two, this rod is the word of God. And that is why the family say, forever, oh Lord, your word is what? Is set to in heaven. May I tell us? I want you to believe me. If the word of God worked for you yesterday, it will work for you today and forever. This is the faith God wants you to have this morning. The Matthew represents the anointing. And the Bible says by the anointing, the yoke walk shall be broken. I speak, the anointing of the Holy Spirit in your life will break every yoke in your life in the mighty name of Jesus. So God can repeat the same miracles anytime. That is your take home. God can do what? Repeat the same miracles what? Anytime. He can use the same medium, He can use the same method to repeat the miracles depending on the choice. But it is important for you to know when these miracles are repeated. They are repeated on higher level. On what? Higher level. So in other words, the miracle coming your way is going to be greater than the one you have ever experienced. All what you need to know that it can work, it can do it again. It can do it again. You can see that David killed Lion, and what? And Bear. When God wants to repeat that same miracle, whom did he kill? He killed Goliath. It cut his head and that was the end of the battle. The battle of your life is ending today. A better amen? In the mighty name of Jesus. If God has to do it again, there are three requirements I want to leave with us. How many requirements? You have responsibility. Number one, forget not. What is first number one? Forget what? Not. David did not forget the past victories he had with Lion and the Bear. So many of us, what happens to us is that we easily forget how God has saved us in the past. You easily forget the testimony of delivery. Most times you forget the miracle of provision God has performed in your life. So I want to encourage us to continue to enjoy repetition of that miracle. Number two, forget what? Forget what? Forget not. Forget what? Forget not. And that is what the scripture told us, I think in Psalm 103. It says, bless the Lord, O my heart, O my soul, and forget not all it was, its benefits. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all is within me, and forget not what? Its benefits. Excuse me. We should not join the gestural generation. Forget not. Do whatsoever you can do to keep yourself fresh of the miracle of yesterday. Define that you slept yesterday and woke up. Is it not a miracle? Talk to me. Now why are you not crying? Because you need some money to do something. Why are you crying? If God will not perform the same miracle in your life or greater one, He will have allowed you to pass away. Why are you afraid that the problem you are facing now is going to consume you? Don't you know God can do it? He can do it again. Jesus, in John chapter 11, when He goes to the tomb of Lazarus. Are you there? John chapter 11 verse 41. When Jesus goes to the grave of Lazarus, look at what He did. Read it from verse 41. So they took away the stone and Jesus lifted up His eyes and said, Father, I thank you that you have heard me. Now look at verse 42. Can we read verse 42 together once we go? I knew that you always would hear me. I knew. How many of us often do that? You forget. Rather you begin to lament. Jesus tells you to say, I know. I know that you always would hear me. Has God asked you any prayer before? Wave your hand if God has asked you any prayer before. Are you sure? All of you. Then why are you afraid? On what you have prayed and you are expecting? Say it again, He can do it again. You will hear my prayer again. Number two, obedience. Obedience. We must learn to obey precisely the instruction of God even when it seems unreasonable to us. We must learn to obey the instruction of God even when that instruction seems or was unreasonable. This is what Ephesus in the two instances that are cited for us. Obedience to instruction. Red Sea ahead of them, the chariot and the horse of Pharaoh behind them. And God told him, use your rod, just point it to the Red Sea. And he did so and the Red Sea parted. Obedience. That sounds unreasonable, but he obeyed God. At the same time, when the people were crying for water, give us water, that is what we need. God told him, where is that your rod? He said, Father this is the rod. Straight forth the rod. Use it to smite the rock. And he used it to smite the rock. What came out? Water gushed out. And they drank to their satisfaction. Obedience. Can you say obedience? Say it very well. When God gives you instruction, excuse me, learn to obey. Learn to what? Obey. I think there is a thing in Chronicles chapter 20, Jehoshaphat, can you remember? God gave him a reasonable instruction. Instead of him looking for armory, guns, missiles to fight the battle, God said he should raise his fingers. And raising fingers alone, the battle was a walk over. Look at it, 2 Chronicles chapter 20 on the screen. And as they were just singing and praising God, God fought for them. I speak to your life today, God is going to fight for you. But what do you need? What do you need? Simple obedience. Simple obedience. And finally, no, not finally, but three, courage. For God to do it again in our life, we need what? Courage. Be courageous like Elisha. When he go to the river Jordan, he would have said, Ah! If I had known, I would have followed my master. But he was so courageous that he used a mantle that he got from Elijah to pass the water, the river into two. Courage, excuse me, this here have courage. What you have? Huh? Courage. Courage is not absence of fear, but it is your ability to go ahead even when there is fear. Do you understand that? Courage is not what? In every one of us, we have fear. Let me tell you, fear is those who have fear. Fear what? They are those who have fear. But you have come by courage. So be courageous. The path is not going to consume you. I say the path is not going to consume you. In the name of Jesus, and finally, exercise faith in God. Do what? Exercise what? Faith in God. What kind of faith are we talking? Faith is a positive response to the word of God and from the word of God. Faith is a positive response to the word of God and from the word of God. There are two things I have mentioned there. There are things you have read in the Bible, like the message you are hearing now. And there are messages God will tell you specifically that this is what you need to do. Please, I want you to exercise faith. And Mark chapter 9 verse 23, and Jesus said unto him, If you can, all things are possible for one who believes. If you believe God, there is nothing he cannot do for you. If you believe God, he is going to repeat that miracle in your life. If you believe God, that the awesomeness that he has expressed in your life, in your family, he is going to repeat it again. And that is what David said. He said, The Lord who delivered me from the jaw and paw of the lion and bear, will deliver me from the hand of this God of circumcised Philistines. I say with both my hands, the Lord will deliver you. Whatever is buying and selling in your hands, you are thinking about it. Will you be able to pass through? Maybe as a student, I am in 200 level, how am I going to make it to the other level? I speak to your life, provisions shall be made. The Lord who saw you through, or one hundred level, will saw you through in the name of Jesus. The Lord who fed you yesterday will feed you today. He will feed you next tomorrow. Eternally he will continue to feed you in the name of Jesus. So as I conclude this morning, number one, the understanding that God can repeat the demonstration of handsome power in our life, should give us the boldness to face our current challenges and the future ones that will come. Do you get that? This understanding this morning must give you the courage to know that whatever comes your way, you are going to triumph. And I speak, you are going to triumph. In the mighty name of Jesus, once he has done it and you have seen it, you have heard it, and he has done it to somebody else, he can do it again for you. In the name of Jesus, on the strength of our past victories, if we still rely on him, we can also have victories over our current challenges, brought by our enemies or by circumstances. Can you be on your feet by the power of the living God? For your financial provision, he can do it again. For your healing, he can do it again. For your safe delivery, he can do it again. For your pregnancy, he can do it again. For your provision of spouse, he can do it again. For your safety and protection, he can do it again. For your guidance, he can do it again. For your success in your application, he can do it again. For your promotion, he will do it again. For a lucrative job, he will do it again. To raise you up from the breakdown you are passing through now, he will do it again. Your breakthrough will come again. I say your breakthrough will come again. In the mighty name of Jesus. You know why Jesus is the same yesterday? Do you agree? Today and what? And forever. What of his word? His word never was, till. And the anointing of God over us is ever fresh. You must understand that. The anointing of God over us is what? Is ever what? Ever fresh. You can never be submerged by the challenges, by the problems, by the trials, by the tests and the temptations that you are passing through now and the world that will come to you in future. God say, I assure anoint to you, your gate and file is not closed yet before God. Yes, I like that word. Hallelujah. I say your gate and your what? And your file is not what? Is not yet closed before God. And he will not close it until he has mentioned it. Do you hold on to that? That is what God say, I assure anoint to you. Belay is not a denier. He can do it again and he will do it again. In the mighty name of Jesus. He can repeat all the victories and all the miraculous intervention you have ever experienced in your life. Can you begin to think of one? Can you begin to think of a past victory that you have? Are you doing that? Think about it. Think about it. If God can do it for you, do you know he can repeat it again? In a greater, in a greater dimension. Can you remember when you were looking for admission like me? And suddenly admission came. Can you remember when you were carrying that tummy? And they even say you are going to die because of that. And now your daughter is pregnant, you are afraid. He can do it again. Can you remember when you don't even have what to eat? You look at it and say, ah Lord, but God made provision. He can still make it today. Oh, can you remember when you find yourself beside the Red Sea of your own life? And the enemy is there, but God made a way for you. Can you think of that? Can you think of that? He can do it again. And I want you to be talking to God. I want you to be like David. I want you to be like David. He can do it again. He said, if God can deliver me from the hand of the lion and the bear, for this uncircumstantiality, oh, I'm going to pull his head down. He was not intimidated by the statues of this man. What is a monster to you right now that is harassing your life, harassing the life of your children, harassing the hand of your spouse? Can you speak to God? Say, Father, I know you can do this. Begin to commit them into the hands of God. I have heard the message at this hour that you can do it again. And it has been proved that you can do it again. You can do it again. In the mighty name of Jesus. They that trust in the Lord are secure. The technical should project that song to us. They that trust in the Lord are secure. That same God is there. If you can just trust Him. I want you to trust Him. I want you to trust Him. Believe in Him. Say, Lord, help me out. Raise my faith. Raise my faith. In the mighty name of Jesus. Courage must come to me now. Courage. I receive courage to forge ahead. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. The anointing of God will be fresh on me. In the mighty name of Jesus. Can you say it better? Amen? In the mighty name of Jesus. In trials and doubts, you will not be dismayed. The grace of God will secure you. In the name of Jesus. The power to stand on the promise that the grace of God is sufficient for you. As you stretch out your hand today, receive that grace now in the name of Jesus. By the power of the living God. If by the power of God, you slept yesterday and you woke up this morning and you are hearing this message, that is one of the greatest miracles. I speak to your life. Throughout your lifetime, God will continue to do so for you. In the mighty name of Jesus. In your life, he will do it again. In providing for you, he will do it again. In the name of Jesus, financial provision, he will do it for you again. Your healing, he will do it again for you. Your safety, he will do it again for you. Pregnancy, he will do it again for you. Provision of a spouse, he will do it again for you. For your safety and protection, he will do it again for you. For your guidance in all the places you go, he will do it again for you. For your success in all applications, he will do it again for you. For your promotion, he will do it again for you. To give you a lucrative job, he will do it again for you. In the name of Jesus, where you have fallen, he has once raised you up, he will raise you up again. In the mighty name of Jesus, thank you our Father, thank you our Father. Can you shout, he will do it again for me. Again, he will do it again for me. It is done in the name of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. In Jesus mighty name, we are praying. Amen. Begin to wave your hands to God to appreciate him. Open your mouth and begin to appreciate him. Father, I thank you.