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cover of "080215_Serving Football on a Large Scale"
"080215_Serving Football on a Large Scale"

"080215_Serving Football on a Large Scale"




This audio begins with the ambiance of a bustling environment, the sfx indicating a large gathering area filled with enthusiastic chatter and the occasional cheer. Suddenly, the focal point shifts to a distinct, metallic clang - a clear sound of a large scale being adjusted. It's a busy day, and the audio title suggests that this is a grand football event, possibly a match or a championship. The highlight of the audio is an intriguing sound - the unique noise of a big plate being placed onto the scale. There's a weighty thud as the large dish hits the metal, followed by the clatter of cutlery and the rustle of napkins. This suggests that a significant amount of food, enough to fill a big plate, is being prepared or served - perhaps to cater to the large crowd gathered for the football event. As the audio progresses, the background noise of the crowd seems to swell in excitement, indicating that the football event is about to begin or has reached an exciting junct

Sound Effectsbig platesfx

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