In the audio titled "Aero Audio", we are transported into a world of aviation. The audio begins with the hum of an airplane engine in the distance, a sound that is distinctly associated with airports. The steady drone gradually increases, enveloping listeners in a vivid soundscape. As the audio progresses, the listener finds themselves on the tarmac of Llobregat airport, the buzz of activity at an airport is clearly evident. The unique and specific sounds of airplanes taking off and landing can be heard, the echoic sounds bouncing off the tarmac and filling the listener's senses. There's the faint but distinct noise of air traffic control, providing a sense of authenticity and enhancing the overall experience. The audio further immerses the audience in its setting by incorporating the sounds of the Deltasona, the local area surrounding the airport. The hum of the airplane engine continues throughout, grounding the listener in the world of aviation. The audio ends as it started, w