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cover of Ambience of a Fire Escape in the Morning
Ambience of a Fire Escape in the Morning

Ambience of a Fire Escape in the Morning




The audio piece titled "Ambience of a Fire Escape in the Morning" offers a calming city ambiance, reminiscent of early morning hours when the world is just starting to stir. It begins with the distant hum of city life, a soothing blend of low muffled sounds that suggest the gentle awakening of a sprawling metropolis. The gentle echo of occasional vehicles passing by serves as a reminder of the city's presence, adding depth and realism to the scene. As the backdrop, the soft, rhythmic cooing of city birds is heard, creating a harmonious contrast to the urban sounds. The chirping is peaceful and light, bringing a touch of nature into the urban environment. The birds seem to be welcoming the day, their songs acting as a gentle alarm clock announcing the morning. The distinct metallic creaking and clanging of a fire escape ladder occasionally punctuates the soundscape. It's a familiar sound in the city, adding an element of authenticity to the audio portrayal. Overall

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