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cover of Basic Drum Rhythm at 112 Beats Per Minute
Basic Drum Rhythm at 112 Beats Per Minute

Basic Drum Rhythm at 112 Beats Per Minute




The audio titled "Basic Drum Rhythm at 112 Beats Per Minute" is a simplistic yet captivating piece of sound art that draws listeners into its rhythmic essence. The audio is a perfect example of a percussion loop, infused with a consistent rhythm that compels you to tap your feet along. The rhythm is set at a moderate tempo of 112 beats per minute, creating an immersive drumming experience that is neither too fast nor too slow, just the right pace for a calm and composed beat. The drumming pattern exhibits a unique blend of analog and synth sounds that provide a warm, vintage feel, resonating with a sense of familiarity and nostalgia. The snare drum rolls out a steady, pulsating rhythm, creating the backbone of the audio loop. The snare beats are crisp and clear, offering a classic, authentic drumming sound that is both engaging and comforting to the ears. The eurorack, a type of modular synthesizer, contributes to the rhythmic pattern with its

Sound Effectssimpleanalogpercussion-loopeurorack112bpmrhythmsynthsnareloopdrum

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