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cover of "Compulsory Feather from June 16, 2019 - Part 1"
"Compulsory Feather from June 16, 2019 - Part 1"

"Compulsory Feather from June 16, 2019 - Part 1"




The audio begins with a soft, melodic tune played on a celesta, instantly creating an atmosphere of serenity and calm. The melody mimics the gentle dripping of raindrops, punctuated by the occasional percussive beat that adds a rhythmic undertone to the piece. The melody is cute yet entrancing, slowly drawing you into its comforting embrace. As the audio progresses, the sounds of a steel drum begin to mix in, adding a new layer to the melody. The steel drum's resonance introduces an aquatic element to the audio, making it feel as if one is floating on gentle waves in a vast, peaceful ocean. The ambient sounds in the background, almost imperceptible at first, gradually rise in prominence, further enhancing the atmospheric nature of the audio. The melody weaves in and out, sometimes soft and gentle, at other times more pronounced but always maintaining an alluring charm. The audio concludes with a harmonious blend of the celesta, steel drum,

Sound Effectsmelodiccuteaquaticatmosphericsoftcelestapercussiveambientmelodysteel-drum

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