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cover of "Plastic Object Dropped into a Glass of Water on February 8, 2020 - Audio File 6"
"Plastic Object Dropped into a Glass of Water on February 8, 2020 - Audio File 6"

"Plastic Object Dropped into a Glass of Water on February 8, 2020 - Audio File 6"




In this audio recording titled "Plastic Object Dropped into a Glass of Water on February 8, 2020 - Audio File 6", the main event is the distinct sound of a plastic item being dropped into a glass filled with water. The sound begins with a sharp, resonating clink as the object makes contact with the glass. This is quickly followed by the gentle splash of water, indicating the plastic item's descent into the liquid. Subtle echoes of these sounds can be heard, suggesting the close proximity of surrounding walls. The audio concludes with a soft, lingering ripple sound, painting a vivid picture of the final water waves gently hitting the inner surface of the glass. The recording excellently captures the simplicity yet richness of everyday sounds, in this case, a plastic object being dropped into a glass of water.

Sound Effectsplasticitemglasswater

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