The audio begins with the familiar hum of a bustling town, echoing with urban life. The central character of this audio piece, aptly titled "Road Cleaner", comes into play. A mechanical whirring sound gradually grows stronger, clearly indicating the approach of a street-sweeper, diligently performing its duty. The rhythmic sound of the sweeper's rotating brushes against the city's concrete streets forms a constant undertone. The sweeper's engine purrs in a steady, monotonous rhythm, a testament to its tireless efforts in keeping the city clean. Every so often, you can hear the distinct whoosh of the vacuum function, suctioning up debris from the streets. The audio paints a vivid picture of the street-sweeper moving methodically through the city streets, leaving a trail of cleanliness in its wake. Intermittent sounds of the city, such as distant car horns, footsteps, and faint conversations, punctuate the audio, serving as a reminder of the