The audio titled "Sonic Boom" opens with a deafening bang, immediately capturing your attention. This isn't just a mere sound, it's a sonic representation of a powerful explosion, perhaps triggered by a bomb or a nuclear weapon. The sound isn't uniform - it has layers, each one contributing to its intensity and depth. Following the initial bang, there's a resonating boom that echoes across the audio spectrum, reverberating like a shockwave travelling through an open space. It's a deep, thunderous noise that reflects the power and destructive potential of the explosion depicted. After the boom, there's a gradual decline in intensity, but the sound doesn't fade away completely. Instead, it leaves behind a lingering, ominous hum that serves as a chilling reminder of the explosion's aftermath. It perfectly encapsulates the ghostly silence that follows a nuclear detonation, a silence that is as unsettling as the explosion itself. Throughout the audio, there's a sense of fore