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cover of "Train Passing through Platform at 14:32 on February 16th"
"Train Passing through Platform at 14:32 on February 16th"

"Train Passing through Platform at 14:32 on February 16th"




The audio begins with the ambient noise of a busy English railway station platform. There's a faint murmur of conversations and the distant shuffle of footsteps, indicating a crowd. Suddenly, an automated announcement comes over the station's tannoy system. The voice is clear, authoritative yet welcoming. It announces the arrival of the 14:32 train, the mechanical hum of the PA system echoing slightly in the vast, open station. As the announcement continues, the distant but growing sound of a locomotive can be heard. The heavy, rhythmic clatter of steel on steel grows louder, filling the station with its resonant thunder. The train is now passing through the platform. There's a rush of wind, the hiss of hydraulics, a momentary increase in the general hubbub as passengers react. Throughout it all, the automated announcement continues, unperturbed, maintaining the calm orderliness of the station. The train's passage ends as quickly as it began. The

Sound Effectsannouncementenglandplatformtrainautomatedstationrailwaytannoy

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