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The speaker forgot to introduce the restaurant's mascots, Rooney and Denia. Rooney is often mistaken for a fox but is actually a red dog meant to make customers happy. Denia, a black cat, is believed to be a reference to the owner's dead cat. The last mascot, Lonnie, is just a regular animatronic. All the mascots are based on the same endoskeletons, making repairs easier. The restaurant's animatronics are advanced and can walk, which sets them apart from competitors. The designs are kept secret to protect the hard work put into them. No one is allowed in the parts and services room. Hey! You've made it halfway through the week. How's it going? Still good? Well that's perfect because I actually noticed that I completely forgot to present you our two mascots. So first of all we have Rooney, the red one. He's actually meant to represent a dog but people often confuse him with a fox because of his colors. But there's actually a reason for those. Apparently red is meant to make you happier and yellow hungry so when put together they make the customers boring. Or yeah, at least that's the idea behind the colors of the main mascot. Next up we have Denia, the black cat. And there's a bit of history there. It's believed that this animatronic is a direct reference to the owner's dead cat that died shortly before the making of the restaurant. And the last one is Lonnie. There's nothing particularly special about him. It's just an animatronic made for the restaurant as any other. All those characters are based around the same endoskeletons so repairing one is not as hard as before even though they are still quite advanced. And I'm not gonna lie, actually, I don't think any of our competitors are able to make an animatronic like this actually walk. Of course we keep our designs a trade secret. We won't want anyone to steal our hard work. This is actually also part of the reasons why no one is allowed in the parts and services room. Thanks for watching!