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cover of Dear Mr Fantasy
Dear Mr Fantasy

Dear Mr Fantasy




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The speaker is addressing someone called Mr. Fantasy, accusing him of being a cruel master for planting unrealistic hopes and dreams in their mind. They express their longing for someone they want but can't have, and how it tears them apart emotionally. They want Mr. Reality to step in and bring their love closer. They can't live without this person and hope that one day they will be together, even though they feel guilty about it. Unfortunately, they feel that they met their true soulmate too late. Dear Mr. Fantasy, you are such a cruel master for planting visions in my mind that could lead to disaster. He is all I want, yet he's so far out of my scope. You are the delirious one that instills false hope. Longing claws my soul to tiny shreds of woe, but you continue to push me in ways you wish me to go. Take away this aching to hold him close, my body bleeds, for I can never have what my poor heart needs. You invade my sleepless nights with futile dreams, for a future without him conjures tears in streams. I dare not speak his name, my voice gives my secret away. It drips with bleeding words that my emotions betray. Dear Mr. Fantasy, you are not welcome here. Mr. Reality, step forth and bring my love near. I can't live without him for very much longer. Each day my love for him grows infinitely stronger. I float through time endlessly on a cloud of despair, unless one day I turn around and find him there, his arms open, ready to enfold me tight. Though I feel guilt in my thoughts, it still feels right. For though he is not mine, I have found my true soulmate. Sadly, he passed through my life much too late.

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