Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker reminisces about being captivated by their imagination as a child. They vividly remember being immersed in the world of Mr. Mole, Badger, Ratty, and Toad, and feeling like they were a part of their adventures. The speaker expresses gratitude to Mr. Graham for writing the book, as it allowed them to not only read the story but also live it. I was captivated in my ten-year-old imagination. I was there, on the riverbank, smelling the ridges along the water's edge, seeing the shaking feathers of the ducks. It did not seem strange to me at all. I was Mr. Mole, with my busy little paws, spring-cleaning my cosy home, or hearing the conversations of the twinkling-eyed ratty. I walked with Badger in the wildwood, twigs crackling beneath my feet, reclining in his chair, toasting my feet on a cold winter's night. Sitting alongside Toad in his car, oh, what a treat, enjoying the adventures of the day. To me, their little world seemed perfect, for a time I was part of that too, lost in the wonder of nature and wildlife which still lives inside me today. Long may their adventures live on in the minds of other children today, for the stories of these riverbank friends has no end. Thank you, Mr. Graham, for this wonderful book, and for the messages within, for I not only read this book, I lived it.