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The information is about living together in harmony and features insects and animals from A to Z. The speaker questions why humans can't live together harmoniously like these creatures. They mention some facts about ducks, such as their waddling and inability to feel cold in their feet. They also talk about groundhogs, their hibernation, survival techniques, and their association with a holiday. For more information, visit Together, the ABCs of living together in harmony. A Morgan's magical media presentation. We are going to tell you about insects and animals from A to Z that can all live together in harmony. So my question to you is, why can't we? D is for duck. Here is a fact about ducks you may choose to tweet. Did you know they cannot feel cold on their feet? Ducks waddle while they walk and they quack instead of talk. Fun facts. One, ducks waddle because of their webbed feet. Two, they cannot feel cold in their feet because their feet have no nerves or blood vessels. G is for groundhog. Every February this very nice groundhog peeks out from inside of his hole and if he sees his shadow he will let us all know how much longer winter will go. Fun facts. One, they are true hibernators. Two, they feast to survive winter. Three, they are very impressive builders. Four, thanks to Puxitani Phil, they have their own holiday. For more information about this book, Together, or about Morgan's magical media, visit our website at