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16 June 2024 Service 1, Pastor Erik van Rhyn

16 June 2024 Service 1, Pastor Erik van Rhyn

Empower Church Somerset WestEmpower Church Somerset West



16 June 2024 Service 1, Pastor Erik van Rhyn


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The speaker is worshipping and senses a breakthrough in the atmosphere. They talk about the power and authority of Jesus and how He has accomplished everything we need. They emphasize that the biggest breakthrough Jesus gave us was breaking the veil and restoring our relationship with the Father. They encourage a greater revelation of the Father's love and pray for those who struggle to see God as a loving Father. They talk about the sacrifice of Jesus and how the Father's love is shown through sending His Son. They call for a shift in worship from praise to deep adoration of God. They express a desire for a greater revelation of who God is and for lives to be changed. They mention the challenges of time limits in worship and express a desire for God to have His way in the church. As we're worshipping this morning, I don't know if you sense it, but it's like there's this breakthrough that's in the atmosphere. As we sing about Jesus and about His name and about who He is, it's like we become aware of that power that He carries, the authority that's found in Christ, in His name, in who He is. There's so many things that Christ is able to do. But this morning, as I'm worshipping, it felt like the Lord prompts me in my spirit to say, Eric, I have done everything already. Now sometimes we sing these songs, we sing about Jesus and His name and breakthrough and it's like we're contending for something. Yet what He has accomplished already is everything that we need for today. Look, Jesus is able to break open doors, He's able to make a way, He's able to bring that breakthrough, He's able to do all of that. But I tell you the biggest breakthrough that He ever gave us as people is when He broke the veil. There's nothing in our lives that needed shattering more than the veil. It's when Jesus came to restore us back to the Father. That's what we lost in the Garden of Eden, that's what He came to restore. You know, Jesus says in John 14, He says, I am the way, I am the truth, and I am the life. Have you ever asked yourself, the way to what? He says, I am the way, the way to what? No one comes to the Father. He's the way to the Father. Jesus says, whatever I do, whatever I say, it's what I see Him do, it's what I see Him say. I've come to show you the Father. It's Father's Day today. You know, I want to pray over me and over you this morning that we would have a greater revelation of who the Father is. I've come to know God as friend, I've come to know Him as my Savior, I've seen Him as provider, I've seen Him as a healer, but there's nothing that has changed my life more than the revelation that He is dead, the Father. When Jesus taught His disciples to pray, He said, pray like this, He said, our, not our King, not our Judge, not our Creator, not our Provider, our Father. Our greatest privilege is that we can call Him Father, ever. Lord, I want to pray in this day, show us the Father. Give us a greater revelation of who the Father is. I pray for people in this room this morning, God struggles to see the beauty of you as Father, because of the examples that they've seen in their own fathers, or the lack thereof. Let us not be limited by our own understanding or experiences of what a dad should look like, but in this day, let, by the power of your Holy Spirit, every stronghold be broken in the hearts of men and women, that keeps us from seeing ever. May the love of God be revealed to us today. Not just the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, Savior, not just the intimate fellowship of the Holy Spirit as friend, but the love of the Father. Since there's people here this morning, you've never truly encountered that love. You've encountered God in many ways, but that love of the Father, of Abba, you've never experienced that. While we're just standing here with our eyes closed, just put your hand on your heart this morning, if that's you. Let God show me the love of the Father. Show me the love of the Father. Yeah. Knock it in. Yeah. It's so easy for us to see the sacrifice of Christ on the crossing, understand how much He must have loved us to hang Himself on that tree. Sometimes we forget that the Father sent Him. It wasn't just Jesus that gave His life, it was His Father that gave His Son. How great is that love? That He knew that there would come a moment where He would have to turn His face from His Son on that cross. Phew. Mark us with your love, God. Mark us with your love, God. She would have brought you love in our hearts, Romans 5, God, in such a way that you would just wreck us forever, God. I can't ask you to love us more, God. Just ask you this morning that you would give us the capacity to receive more of that love, God. To be able to understand it better. To receive what you freely have given us already, God. Jesus, I thank you for making a way that we can meet the Father. Our greatest privilege is that we can call God Dad, ever. God, we love you. Ever, we love you. Our words sound insignificant if we say it like that. You haven't just said that you love us, God, you've showed us. And we just love you for that, God. Great are you, Lord. Great are you, Lord. Great are you, Lord. Great are you, Lord. Great are you, Lord. Church, from this day forward, every time we gather in this church, we are going to give Him honor and praise. And our worship and our praise will shift from this day forward. It will move from praise to a deep place of adoration. Every song that we're going to sing, we're going to sing about Him. It's going to be about Him. Our God is taking us into something new. It's always been there, it's not new, it's just new to us. It's a great revelation of who He is. And every time I have that revelation of who He is, it changes everything about me. And I pray in this day, God, over in Pahoa Church, Cape Town, that our lives will continue to change as we continue to see more of You. Behold the beauty of Christ, the majesty of God, the love of the Father. Wow us every day that we gather, God, in this place, every home, everywhere in this city. Wherever we come together, shed abroad in our hearts more of Your love, God. Show us more of Yourself, reveal to us, God, that we may say like Paul said, I count everything else as rubbish in my life. But that I will know Him. That I will conceive Him. God, that we will not live our lives based on the experience or idea that we have of who You are. Show us Yourself, God. I ask You ever on this day, in the powerful name of Jesus, show us Yourself. God, reveal Yourself to us in this church in a new way, God. Take us deeper, God. Show us more. Change us, God. If that you pray this morning, say, God, show me more. Show me more, God. In the name of Jesus. Are You Lord? Though the earth will shout Your praise, Our hearts will cry, These thoughts will say, Where are You, Lord? Though the earth will shout Your praise, Our hearts will cry, These thoughts will say, Where are You, Lord? Though the earth will shout Your praise, Our hearts will cry, These thoughts will say, Where are You, Lord? Though the earth will shout Your praise, Our hearts will cry, These thoughts will say, Where are You, Lord? Though the earth will shout Your praise, Our hearts will cry, These thoughts will say, Where are You, Lord? Yet though the earth will shout Your praise, These thoughts will say, Where are You, Lord? There's no grace, There's no grace in our love, Though we pour our love, Pour our love away, There's no grace in our love, Though we pour our love away, There's no grace, There's no grace in our love, Though we pour our love away, Pour our love away, There's no grace in our love, Though we pour our love away, There's no grace in our love, There's no grace in our love, There's no grace in our love, There's no grace in our love, There's no grace in our love, There's no grace in our love, There's no grace in our love, There's no grace in our love, There's no grace in our love, Are You Lord? Let's lift Him high this morning. And though the earth will shout Your praise, Our hearts shall cry, These thoughts will say, Where are You, Lord? Come on, let's lift Him higher this morning. And though the earth will shout Your praise, Our hearts shall cry, These thoughts will say, Where are You, Lord? And though the earth will shout Your praise, Our hearts shall cry, These thoughts will say, Where are You, Lord? And though the earth will shout Your praise, Our hearts shall cry, These thoughts will say, Where are You, Lord? There's no grace in our love, Though we pour out our praise, Pour out our praise, There's no grace in our love, Though we pour out our praise to You only. Come on, let's pour out our praise. Why don't you just give Him a big praise with me this morning? Come on, let's lift the name of Jesus. Let's love our Father this morning. Gracious Holy Spirit, God, we love You. We bless You. Only You Lord. Amen and Amen. Thank you. You're welcome to be seated. As you take your seats, can we just appreciate our worship team this morning? Can we just love them for a bit? Church, I tell you, our biggest challenge is the time limits that we give ourselves and God in these mornings. And I want to say this, I really want to respect everybody's time and our commitments on a day like this. But I tell you, we're moving to a place where we are going to change some things. We're either going to start doing an evening service, or we're going to do four services on a morning. I don't know what we're going to do. But I tell you, even yesterday with the youth, my biggest challenge as a minister of the gospel is to try and stop God when my watch says it's time to stop. And He's not done doing what He's doing. And being conscious of the fact that we sit with people that's got a commitment in time. But how do I tell God that you've done enough now? It's time for us to stop. And I tell you, it's mornings like this, I'll just worship. I'll just continue. And He'll find me on the carpet like one o'clock in the morning or the afternoon and bring me KFC or something. But I want to say this in short, church, this church, for as long as I have the privilege to pastor it, this will be His church. I have made up my mind long ago that I'm not going to try and facilitate the program for God. I'm not in that. I don't want to play church. He's going to have His way in this place. He's going to have His way. Absolute freedom. Holy Spirit chaos. Perfect Godly order. Is that okay? Can we ask Him for absolute Holy Spirit chaos in Godly order. That He will be the one that navigates us. That He will be the one that guides us. I want to share with you this morning, and I'm going to do it short, because there's something that I believe the Lord wants to do for men this morning. And we're going to spend some time praying for men this morning. Can I just, before we do that, ask all our dads, just to, let's do that towards the end. We're going to appreciate them. We've got something for them. So let me not do it now, but I just want to say Happy Father's Day. Is that okay? To all the dads, come on, let's just love them this morning. Men, I want to share a word with you this morning. Every man, whether you're a dad or not, I want to share a word with you. Even if you're young, and you're not even sure if you want to be a dad, I want to share a word with you. Can we have that scripture? Numbers chapter number one. A year after Israel's departure from Egypt, the Lord spoke to Moses. Please note, this is a year after they've left Egypt. The Lord spoke to Moses in the tabernacle in the wilderness of Sinai. On the first day of the second month of that year, He said, From the whole community of Israel, record the names of all the warriors. Say with me, warriors. By clans and families. List all the men. Say with me, men. Twenty years or older, who are able to go to war. You and Aaron must register the troops. What a powerful scripture. Let me give you some background. They've been in the wilderness for a year now. They've left Egypt. They're on their way to the promised land now. This is going to be the first time that they will take a census of all the men. Battle ready. We see, due to their disobedience, that 38 years later, there's another census taken just before they enter the promised land. But these were the men that were supposed to go to war. Some of them never saw the war because of their own disobedience, because of fear, because of unbelief. But God says, I want you to count all the men that's battle ready. They had an age bracket of 20 years old. In our setting, where we are today, there's no age bracket for the men that's ready to go to war. And God says, I want you to go into the promised land and I want you to go and defeat the tribes. We call them the seven Canaanite tribes that was occupying the promised land. We've got to understand something here, that God, and we're going to go a bit forward and then backward. God calls the men and says, Men, I want you to enter this promised land. Let's take in our day and age where we live in today. There's something that I want you to possess, Clint. I want to take you into a promise. We're not occupying a promised land. We live in the promised land already. My goodness. Cape Town is the promised land. I tell you, we live in the promised land already. So God wants us to possess a promise that He has given you, that He has set before you. He says, I want you to be battle ready for what I want to do in and through your life. And the question we've got to ask ourselves as men today is what is it that God wants us to fight? Because I can tell you, I've heard some sermons out there about preachers trying to sweep up men to fight this and fight that. And I tell you, many a men out there are fighting battles and it's not even theirs to fight. God has, for one, not called you to fight against flesh and blood. So let's get that straight. Your fight is not against your brother sitting next to you, number one. Your fight is also not against the devil. Your fight is not against the devil. He's been defeated already. He's been defeated already. Come on, let's not try and defeat something that Jesus Christ has defeated already. there's not one scripture that says fight the devil. It says resist him. You've got the power to resist him. But there are some things that you need to war against. Paul makes it clear, book of Ephesians, he says there are certain things that you will have to stand against. There is a sword needed in your life. There's a breastplate of righteousness that you need to understand. What that means, how do you wear it? There is a belt of truth. There's a specific set of shoes that you need to put on your feet. There's a shield that I've given you. There's a helmet that protects something in your mind. Do you understand? There's something that you need to fight. And actually, I wish I had more time and maybe we'll go into this in weeks to come, but if we look at the seven Canaanite tribes, it actually shows us such a beautiful picture of what it is that we need to defeat in our day and age. Can I quickly go there just for one minute? If we look at the Canaanite tribes, and I don't want to go into the study of that now, but if we look at the Canaanite tribes, Hittites, it's all the ites, Hittites, Girgashites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites. Sounds like a bunch of parasites. Okay. Hittites, and I'm just going to go through this quickly, means sons of terror, speaks about fear. Girgashites, clay dwellers, speaks about the focus on earthly matters. Number three, Amorites, speaks about the high ones, the rebels, speaks about pride and a focus on self. Canaanites, means traders, merchants, a focus on material things. Perizzites, speaks about the rural, belonging to a village of unprotected, small, apathy, thinking, thinking small, thinking on the things that are insignificant in this life. Hivites, speaks about humanism, enjoying the goods of life, focus on pleasure. Jebusites, means prodding down or the threshers, speaks about guilt, shame and condemnation. Let me tell you, as men, our battles in this day and age is fighting fear, the earthly matters that keeps us busy, the focus on self, the focus on material things and money, apathy and small thinking, the pleasures of this world, and the guilt and the condemnation that the enemy brings upon us. That's what needs to be defeated. Don't fight the devil, man. Don't fight your brother. Fight the fear in your own heart. Fight your own worldly thinking. Fight the mindsets that have begun to form you into somebody that has become small in their thinking. That's one of the things that steals the most from men, is small-minded thinking. That we have stopped dreaming, believing God wants to do and can do and will do significant things through your life. Those that know their God will do small things. Those that know their God will do great and mighty things for God. Dad, men, your families will never dream big if you cannot dream big. Your families will be trapped in fear if you are trapped in fear. If your life is built around the pleasures of this world or the material things around us, that's how you will raise a family. These are the enemies that God wants us to defeat. Now the question is, what has God given us to fight with? And I tell you, that's where it becomes interesting. Man, I have, in my own life, I have given men some weapons of war. That sounds very biblical, but where I am in my life today, I look back on my life and every weapon that I have raised against these enemies and I tell you, there is no weapon greater than the one that I am going to give you this morning. We can speak of praise as a weapon, prayer as a weapon, of course, the Word of the God and the Word of the Lord is a weapon, but all of those things are supposed to do something in me that makes me the weapon. Jeremiah 51.20 Now scripture for today, you are the Lord's battle axe. Please note that God did not say, I am going to give you a battle axe. He said, you are my battle axe. You are my battle axe. You are my battle axe. You are my battle axe. You are my battle axe. He said, you are my battle axe. Ye is the weapon in my hands. You are the weapon. I tell you, I have seen people devote their lives to the usage of a weapon and they have never become the weapon and prayer in itself, the Word in itself, praise in itself, cannot have the power it is supposed to have in your life if it doesn't become who you are in life. You become, those things are supposed to empower God in you to work through you great and mighty exploits. It's when you become prayer, it's when you become the Word, it's when your life becomes praise that you become a weapon. Do you understand what I am saying? Can we backtrack just a couple of years in the Israelite journey here? Let's go back a year. Is that alright? So God leads them out of Egypt and I want you to remember that these men have for hundreds of years been conditioned to slavery. It's important for us to understand. They were slaves. Eric, the brick maker from south of the whatever river in Egypt. Rion, the straw gatherer from the north of Egypt. Catch what I'm saying? That's who they were. That's what they were conditioned to. God leads them out of Egypt. He says, I'm going to give you something of your own. I'm going to give you a promised land. He takes them out and they camp at a mountain called Sinai. And there three months after they've transitioned out of Egypt, God, in what we would understand as like that sort of a time bracket, God gives them the 10 commandments. Some of you have heard me talk on this before but it's important for us to understand what happened there. We see it that God gave them 10 sets of rules. Like, this is what you do, this is what you're not supposed to do. You shall not murder, you shall not steal, you shall not commit adultery. You with me? It's not quite what happened there. God understood that these people that comes out of a background of slavery, remember, it's generations of slavery. The father and the grandfather and the father of the grandfather, they were all slaves. It was a slave mentality. And God understood that if they don't understand who they are in Him, they can possess the promised land yet never possess the promise. So many believers walk in the promised land but they've never possessed it. They still live like slaves in their promised land. I know people that's been in church for 20, 30 years, they're still bound in slavery to mindsets, addictions, pornography, sexual immorality, things that we are not supposed to be bound by at all. Yet how many of us are still bound by those things? Slaves in a promised land, orphans in the father's house. How can we lead sons to God if we ourselves still live as orphans in the father's house? It's my dream, it's my desire, it's what I've devoted myself to, to see people meet the father, encounter the beauty of Jesus, meet the intimate fellowship of the Holy Spirit, realize who they are in Christ, know that God has a purpose for their lives, and live like sons in the father's house. So God calls them to this mountain and we would read it as you are not a murderer, you are not a thief. How that actually reads in the original writing is you are not, sorry, not you shall not murder, you shall not steal, you are not a murderer, you are not a thief, you are not somebody that commits adultery. So God gives them this declaration of who they are. How powerful is that? Man, when I got to know Christ, I was labeled many things by other people and myself. I needed to understand who I am in Christ. And I look back on my life and it's actually been such a long journey and I think that God wants to shorten that journey in the generation that we live in today. That you don't have to sit in church for ten years and then realize who you are in Christ. But that you can be introduced to Jesus within moments, days, weeks, at the longest months and you can start to understand who you are. That I am a rightful heir, I am a son, come on, I am a king, I am a priest, I am a prophet. I mean, we can all quote that, say, men, you are the king, prophet and priest of your home. What does that even mean? Do we understand the power of what that means? Do we live in that? Do we have families like that? And God wants men, women, children, all of us, believers, to arise in identity. What happens here in Numbers chapter number one, let's forward that three months, almost four months after they got out of Egypt, now a year and a month later, since they left Egypt. Interesting that on that year bracket they built a tabernacle, a place of dwelling for God's presence. And now God says, I want you, Moses, to get the men ready for battle. We are going to take the promise here. I want them to possess something. And He says, I want them to come and present themselves by their family and their clan, their family and their tribe. We've got to understand the context of this to understand how powerful this was. Remember, this is me, Irek, the brick maker from the other side of the river. Again, was it north or south? Egypt, I can't remember, but I'm from somewhere in Egypt. Now I need to present myself before the leader before God Himself. Aaron is there as priest as representation of God. And I need to present myself. I am Irek and I need to give Him my Father's name, Son of Arre. Hey, how powerful is that? From the tribe of, let's take Joshua. I am Joshua, Son of Nun. And in this I am Joshua, Son of Nun. I am Joshua, Son of Nun. I am Joshua, Son of Nun. I am Joshua, Son of Nun. I am Joshua, Ernest, not Nun, Son of Nun, from the tribe of Ephraim. You know what happened in that moment? Church, He was me. I told you as I read the Bible, I always see myself there. There comes Joshua. I'm Joshua, Son of Nun, from the tribe of Ephraim. Just in declaring that, there's a sense of identity that settles upon me. I'm not the brick maker from Egypt anymore. I'm the Son of Nun from the tribe of Ephraim. I'm getting better already to possess something of my own, hey? That's where we are in the spirit today. I believe God wants to take men from slavery into sonship. Where we, where we can present ourselves before God. Say, I am Enoch, Son of Abraham, from the tribe of Empower Church. That's why local church is so important. I wish I had time to dive in this. That's why local church is so important to Jesus. That's your tribe. That's why you can't just hop from one church to the other. Only God moves you. And He moves men and women, absolutely. But if He's planted you somewhere, you've got to plant yourself. I can't be Joshua, Son of Nun, from the tribe of Ephraim today, and then I'm from Judah, and then I'm from Benjamin. Now that's the confusion that many people grow up in because their dads are confused. God wants us to be known. Known as a person. I am not a murderer. I am not a thief. I am not an adulterer. I am a son of my father. It means I've got identity as a son. I have a dad. And number two, I belong to a tribe. I have a clan. I am from Empowered Church, Cape Town. Probably the only pastor in Cape Town that lives in Pretoria for now. But I am from Empowered Church, Cape Town. This is my clan. This is my tribe. This is where God has planted me. This is, and you know, it's beautiful. I wish we had more time. God positions these tribes. He says, I want the Levites to be in the middle. They're going to be in the middle. And then He says, this is how I want the rest of the tribes to encamp around them. Even when the cloud starts moving, God says, this tribe will rise up first, then start to move. Then this tribe will move. Then this tribe will move. God sets in order a pattern of taking promise. Over the last couple of months in this church, God has been setting patterns in place for taking and possessing promise. I tell you, friends, I have never been as excited in my life about what God is doing in a church as what I'm excited about what He's doing in this church. I've said it, you strap yourself in, get yourself ready, and tell them, Lord, pray for me. Lord, hold me tight. I'm going places, I tell you. I've also said, hold my top, and check every move. Hold your cream soda and check every move. We're going. But God is taking you places. Men, God is taking you places. You are the battle axe in His hands. It's not what you can do. It's not the knowledge of the Word. It's not the amount of hours you pray. All of that is supposed to shape you into a greater understanding of who you are. But I cannot wage war with the things of God. I wage war with who I am in God. And I want to say to you men this morning, you are chosen by God, a royal priesthood, kings, priests, and prophets. A holy nation, says God. That's what He calls us. And we've placed such an unnecessary heavy on men to perform and be something that most of them cannot be. And all God wants you to be is to be in Him. The axe in His hand. It's not the axe that lies somewhere. The axe in the air. It's the axe in His hand. The battle axe that He wants to use. The weapon of war that He's chosen to produce life and healing and change in those around you. And in this day I believe men, God wants men to have a revelation of who they are. I've asked the Holy Spirit how He wants to show you. And we're going to do that in a moment. But I believe in this day that God wants men to stand up in three revelations. Number one, the revelation of who you are. I wonder if you've ever asked God to show you how you look like in the Spirit. And if you've never, this morning I'm going to give you an opportunity to ask the Holy Spirit to show you how you look in the Spirit. The day that I saw myself in the Spirit changed everything about my life. It changed the way I pray, it changed the way I read, it changed the way I minister. Often as I stand before people and I preach, I see myself how I look in the Spirit. And it just changes everything about my life, my ministry, the way I live my life, the way I believe. And many men, I believe, is walking around not knowing how incredibly powerful they are in the Spirit. And today God is going to give you a revelation of fatherhood. Joshua the son of Nun. Men, I speak to you as men this morning and here I include ladies as well. You cannot base your revelation of who God is on your earthly father. Even if you had an exceptional earthly dad, he cannot compare to the beauty of God. And you need a revelation of fatherhood, that you are loved by God, that you have a dad. I've used this example before. It was like that in my life and I see it in my little oaky now. He's 6 years old. He's 6 years old. He's 6 years old. He's 6 years old. He's 6 years old. He's 6 years old. He's 6 years old. He's 6 years old. He's 6 years old. He's 6 years old. He's 6 years old. He's 6 years old. He's 6 years old. He's 6 years old. He's 6 years old. He's 6 years old. He's 6 years old. He's 6 years old. He's 6 years old. He's 6 years old. He's 6 years old. He's 6 years old. 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