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a mineral that is slowly killing you calcium sugarmd

a mineral that is slowly killing you calcium sugarmd


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Calcium supplements may not be as beneficial as we think. They can increase the risk of heart diseases, blocked arteries, and kidney issues. Unless you have a condition like hypoparathyroidism, you should avoid taking these supplements. Calcium does not actually help strengthen bones, and serious medications are needed for severe osteoporosis. Instead, focus on getting calcium from vegetables and yogurt. Vitamin K2 is also important for bone health, and low-fat diets can lead to a deficiency. Consult with a doctor before taking any supplements and aim for a calcium-rich, vitamin K2-friendly lifestyle. At Daily Mineral, almost everyone is taking and maybe solely killing you. Hi there, today we are diving into the mysterious world of Calcium. So here's the deal. We're going to spill the beans on why you should care about Calcium. So brace yourself, because it is going to be a wild ride full of heart diseases, blocked arteries, even terrible teeth. And yep, you heard that right. Your pearly whites might actually have a connection to your ticker. Who would have thought, right? Now, I know what you're thinking. Doc, Calcium, what's the deal with osteoporosis, the coronary heart patients and all that? Well, trust me, you're the head scratcher. But after some deep diving into the world of Calcium supplements, I have found some mind-boggling facts for you. Well, actually I knew it, but I wanted to bring it together to present for you. Did you know that those supplements can actually increase your risk of cardiovascular issues by a whopping up to 20-25% if you're taking a bunch of Calcium supplements? It's like playing with fire, my friend. Let's pump the brakes for a moment, by the way. You've got a couple of exceptions here. I can already hear your guess and say, hey Doc, but Calcium, you just said, you know, I'm Dr. Gamer Calcium. I need Calcium. Buckle up. We're going to take a detour into the land of hypoparathyroidism because some of you are hypoparathyroid. Now, in this strange realm, these folks cannot regulate their Calcium levels. So, if you must take Calcium because you cannot regulate your Calcium levels, then you must. So, let's say you have just had a thyroid surgery or a parathyroid surgery. You might need to chow down on some Calcium supplements for a bit to make sure it is all taken care of during that time. But it's like a temporary membership to the Calcium club. Remember, we are talking about the majority of us who pop Calcium like a candy without really needing it or believing that they need it. So, unless you are in this hypoparathyroidism club, keep those supplements on the shelf. But here there's more. We'll uncover the shocking findings from the Women's Health Initiative study. It's a real eye-opener, I tell you. Calcium supplementation not only puts your mortality at stake, but it even affects some kidney patients. Can you believe that? Now, I don't want to spoil the whole video for you, so I will leave you with this. Calcium supplements might just be the tricksters behind clotting and high blood pressure. Sneaky little devils, aren't they? Remember, before you jump on Calcium supplements bandwagon, consult with your doctor. Hopefully, they know what they're talking about. Seriously, talk to them about it. Most of them are really good. Don't really underestimate your doctor. Everyone should avoid these bad boys unless really, really necessary. People think that the Calcium helps the bones. No, it doesn't. Unless you're Calcium deficient, the Calcium is not necessary. All you need is some vitamin D to make sure that you can absorb the Calcium. Now, brace yourself again because you won't believe what I have uncovered and what I will tell you. Are you familiar with the increased mortality dense? Well, it turns out that taking daily Calcium supplements can increase the mortality by up to 15 to 20%. Yes, that's right. And get this, it doesn't matter if you take it with or without the vitamin D. So, even the poor folks with renal failure, already struggling, they had a whopping 22% increased risk just by popping those Calcium pills. So, wait. Why do people take Calcium anyway? To keep their bones healthy, right? That's what they think. Well, here comes the real kicker. You know how we all thought popping Calcium supplements was like giving your bones a big bear hug. Well, again, I hate to break it to you, but that's not the case. Not at all. None. Turns out that those little Calcium tablets that are super hard to swallow to begin with, aren't doing squat for your skeletal system. What a bummer, right? Well, here's the skinny. If your bones are as brittle as my mother-in-law's fruitcake, then you need some stronger support. What am I talking about here? I mean the kind of support that makes Superman look like a wimp. Yeah, we're talking about some serious medications here. Well, we have sugar on the joint support, which helps naturally. But if your bones are really fragile and you have severe osteoporosis, you will need some serious medication. So, Calcium is not going to help. You might not be thrilled with the idea, but it's like biting the bullet. You have to do it for your own good. At least for a while. And if you are prone to fractures, it is high time you kick those sneaky Calcium supplements to the curb and let the big guns take over. Let's face it, when it comes to keeping your bones top shape, these medications really do work. And most people don't want to take them. Alright, so let's shift gears here and talk about the real heroes of the Calcium world. Your neighborhood veggies and yogurt. Who would have thought that those green leafy guys and that tasty creamy concoction could be the key to keeping your Calcium levels on point? I know it sounds too good to be true, but it is science, baby. And science does not lie. It can change, but it doesn't lie. Now, I see you raising eyebrows there, but let me tell you, there is even a test for it. Yes, you heard that right, a test. Probably not the kind of test you're thinking of, but it's a test nonetheless. Here's a scoop. You pee in a jug for 24 hours. Now, I'm not going to play around, but your doctor can test it to see if you are getting enough Calcium from your diet. Simple as that. Yep, that's it, folks. They can actually determine if you have been sneaking your greens or not. So, a lot of times I look at the labs and I look at the patient and I'm like, yeah, I know you're lying. I don't say that, but I can tell what's going on in their life. So, for all you Calcium junkies out there, take note before you reach for that supplement bottle. Think about chomping down on some tasty veggies and a pot of yogurt every day instead. Trust me, your body and your doctor will love it. So, the next time you're at the supermarket, remember to give your greens and yogurt some love. Not only will they boost your Calcium levels, but they will also keep your taste buds happy and your diabetes happy too. Win-win, right? So, let's ditch those sneaky Calcium supplements and do it the natural way, the veggie and yogurt way. Well, guess what? Calcium supplements might just have a secret career in the art of clotting too. If you want your blood to clot nicely, just add some Calcium to the mix. Voila, instant clot. That's not all, folks. Calcium supplements might also be at fault for some high blood pressure shenanigans, but here's the wild part. These patients weren't experiencing high blood pressure, even though they were gloriously munching on the Calcium candies. So, we are left scratching our heads wondering, what's the deal, Calcium? Speaking of mysteries, let's chat about some vitamin K. It's a fat-soluble vitamin, meaning... Let's go back a little bit here. Okay, so please remove that. Here's the wild part. These patients weren't experiencing high blood pressure, even though they were gloriously munching on the Calcium candies. Remove that part, okay? And also remove the part that I said we are left scratching our heads wondering, what's the deal, Calcium? And now we'll continue from here. Speaking of mysteries, let's chat about the vitamin K2. It is a fat-soluble vitamin, meaning your body won't absorb it unless there's some fats playing along in the background. But vitamin K2 is crucial for good bone metabolism. So, keeping those skeletal structures strong and steady. Now, imagine what happens when you take vitamin K2 away from your body. That's right. Then, that brings the bone disease, my friends. But why? Why? Why are we experiencing this unfortunate vitamin K2 deficiency? Well, ladies and gentlemen, it is time to face the music. Our modern-day lifestyle changes with the whole super-low-fat, high-carb diet left us with an inadequate vitamin K2. It is time to say no to Calcium supplements unless your doctor says otherwise. But don't worry. You'll be fine as long as you consult a trusted doctor. So, what's the takeaway? Let's avoid unnecessary Calcium supplements. If it is in your diet, great. That's enough. Take enough vitamin D. Eat healthy fats. It is time to rock the boat and embrace a Calcium-rich, vitamin K2-friendly lifestyle. So, my friends, stay strong. I will see you in the next video. Thanks for watching.

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