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Discover the secret to waking up to a normal blood sugar

Discover the secret to waking up to a normal blood sugar


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To wake up with normal blood sugar levels, check your blood sugar at night and after waking up. If it increases by more than 20 mg/dL, you may have insulin resistance. Diet, exercise, and supplements can help. The keto diet may not be best; try vegetables and shirataki rice. Avoid eating after 6pm. Exercise to keep your heart rate above 120 bpm. Supplements like berberine, cinnamon, alpha lipoic acid, and benfotiamine can help. Medications like metformin and pioglitazone can also improve morning numbers. If needed, consult an endocrinologist and consider the SugarMD app or book for more information. Discover the secret to waking up with normal blood sugar levels every morning. So, start by checking your blood sugar at night and then recheck it right after you wake up. This will help determine how much it increases, right? It's good to know. Next, leave your blood sugar unchecked for two hours after waking up without breakfast and observe how much it rises during that time. So, make sure you check it, wake up, wait two hours without eating breakfast, see what happens. That is to determine how much dawn effect is affecting you. By following these steps, you will gain valuable insights into your blood sugar levels. And if your blood sugar increases by more than 20 mg per deciliter overnight or after you wake up, don't worry. We have some tips to help you out. If your blood sugar rises during the night, it may be a sign of insulin resistance, which most of you probably have. This means that your liver is not responding to insulin, which normally regulates the release of glucose, right? That liver works with your insulin to determine how much glucose to give at night. And the liver becomes insulin resistant. Or if there isn't enough insulin to contract the resistance, it can lead to excess production of the sugar. Well, understanding how insulin resistance affects your blood sugar levels can help you be proactive and take proactive steps toward managing your glucose levels and your overall health. Now, let's dive into how to tackle that insulin resistance. There are three key approaches. Diet, exercise, medications and supplements. You will delve into each one to provide a comprehensive understanding and to make sure that you get this done. Don't worry, it's not a huge, long video. We know diet plays a crucial role in our lives, and here's some food for thought. The keto diet might not be your best option for you. Surprising, right? Well, it turns out it can actually mess up your morning glucose levels. Now, listen up. Excessive meat consumption can swiftly lead to insulin resistance and clog up your liver with fat. Yikes. Instead, let's turn to our leafy companions, vegetables. One vegetable worth considering is bitter melon, which you might find in several supplements, but here's the juicy part. Focusing on vegetables can really do wonders for your health. Now, let's pull carbs. Or should we say, fake carbs? Why not replace regular rice with trendy shirataki rice, if you're a rice eater? Lastly, let's picture this. Not eating after 6pm. I would say it's a game changer. Oh, and don't forget to drizzle your evening salad with some splash of extra virgin oil. Olive oil. Trust me, that's going to be worth it. So, get rid of the rice, use shirataki rice, eat salad, add olive oil, don't eat after 6pm. Do you like walnuts? Well, add some walnuts to every salad as well. That's the diet part. Alright, let's talk about the exercise. It is time to get that heart rate pumping. I mean over 120 beats per minute. No exceptions. Now, you gotta get creative here. Whether it is through dancing, running, or even seated workouts for those with back pain. The key is to keep moving, otherwise your body might start gathering rust. Trust me, that's not a good look. If you stay idle, your liver will definitely notice that and go into glucose pumping overdrive. Day in and day out. Let's keep that engine revving, shall we? Alright, buckle up. You've got some exciting options for you as well. Let's dive into the world of supplements first. But wait, I know you're not a fan of medicines. So, we'll save that for later, but I'll talk about it as a last resort. Now, when it comes to supplements, you've got two power hounds for you. Berberine and Ceylon cinnamon. Now, these babies are your secret weapons. For the best results, I would suggest checking out our super berberine at sugarmd.com. And if you are feeling adventurous, you can actually combine it with some regular berberine as well, which we also have on our website. Trust me, if you use super berberine and regular berberine, that's going to be a winning combo. Sometimes you just need a higher dose with supplements. But that's not all. To maximize your gains and dodge those sneaky diabetes complications, you'll need to add a pinch of alpha lipoic acid and benfetiamine to the mix. Are you ready to supercharge your health? Well, let's do this. In addition to using your alpha lipoic acid and benfetiamine, again available at our website, well, guess what? I don't even care. If you know a company that gets or does better supplements or higher quality supplements than mine, go for it. I can testify for the quality of my supplements. We don't sell cheapy stuff that you find on Walgreens or CVS. But anyway, did you know that medications like metformin and piagiltazone actually can improve your morning numbers? Well, some of you don't believe in supplements or herbs. That's okay. Some of you cannot afford it. That's okay. And the only thing you can afford is these genetic medications. Well, if that's the case, I understand that. And taking medications may not be your favorite thing, but metformin and piagiltazone can actually help you if you're struggling with the high morning numbers. And if you cannot tolerate these, then if you cannot tolerate those pills or don't want to take pills, then you're looking for insulin. Now, believe me, using even a medication is better than using nothing. Letting your blood sugar high just because you're stubborn, just because you cannot afford a medicine or supplement is not a good idea. Yes, work on your diet and everything, but eventually if your blood sugars are not coming down, you've got to do something. You can speak with your endocrinologist. That would be your first wise step to get your best foot forward. And hopefully an endocrinologist that understands the holistic side of things. Some traditional doctors will just throw you medications only or try to put you on insulin before everything else. It may not be the best idea. Now, if you want to learn and want to be a really educated patient and impress your endocrinologist, don't forget to check out my book, which is absolutely free at sugarmds.com. Unless you want to buy the fancy schmancy, we have this thick, very nice color book that you want to keep in your library. It's a book that you can use for decades. Then go for that hardcover book that's also available. But also remember to subscribe to our newsletter for the latest and greatest information. So, I think that's it for today. I think you can do it. If not, we have a new app called SugarMD App. It's not new, but we improved it. Now it's a social app. You can socialize there. You can post photos. You can talk to diabetes educators. We hired a full-time educator. So, we have a lot of things going on. So, I know we are not perfect, but we are really trying for you. So, stay with us. Check out things we offer. And don't give up hope. And don't give up on us. Because we are together in this. I'll see you in the next video. Bye.

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