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Flat Earth 1

Flat Earth 1

Susan Ralston



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The Vince and Susan Show discusses the controversial topic of Flat Earth. They explore various arguments, such as the idea that water always finds its own level and the inconsistency of flight routes on a globe. They also question the authenticity of NASA's photos and footage, as well as the moon landing. The hosts believe that the truth is often hidden in plain sight, as seen in movies like Capricorn One and The Matrix. They also touch on other conspiracy theories, such as the Twin Towers and Sandy Hook. They argue that even the Bible supports the idea of a flat earth. Welcome to the Vince and Susan Show. Today we're going to talk about the most extremely controversial topic that the world has ever heard of that comes up with so much resistance. But let's be open-minded and keep our hearts open too. We're going to talk about Flat Earth. Now Vince, I've got Vince here. Hello Vince. Hello Susan. Great to be here. Vince never, only until recently, had thought about Flat Earth as his daughter gave him a book to read and he's like, wow, how has this got past me? And so today we're going to talk about... It's not exactly like that. First off, I thought man, oh no, she's joined a cult. That's even worse. Yeah, and I had to do a little research and I was quite astounded with so many things that I was learning. And yeah, so it was an eye-opener. Yeah. Well, one of the most fascinating things about Flat Earth is that I distinctly remember as a child, I just assumed the Earth was flat. It was only when I went to school that they taught me the Earth was round. But I always thought, I remember feeling as a child that the Earth was flat. Yeah. Well, it is flat, isn't it? When we walk outside. I guess the thing that confuse a lot of people is like with the ocean, what keeps the ocean enclosed? Exactly. But then you think about the other idea of it and we're supposed to be spinning at a thousand miles an hour. I don't think so. Yeah. The thing is what happens to water on a spinning ball? It splatters everywhere. And water, it's pretty simple. Water is probably the most common material, mineral matter on the planet. And water, it always finds its own water level. It does, doesn't it? Yeah. So if the Earth was round, there would be no water level. There wouldn't be. No. Yeah. And another thing that gets me is the sun and the moon. If they're so far away and so far apart, why do we get an eclipse? And then when you look at the stark sky, they're exactly the same size. What are the chances of an eclipse of the sun and moon being exactly the same size from millions or hundreds and thousands of miles apart from each other? Well, we've heard about the big bang. How bizarre. It's like, honestly, and when you look at the sky, you can see the sun and the moon at the same time during the day. And if it was like a round ball, you wouldn't see both the sun and the moon. And also, have you studied engineering? Engineers, they never compensate for the curvature of the Earth. They always build in a flat line and somehow, it always works out. Yeah. And people have got, well, pilots. Yeah. They put it on autopilot and the way she goes, but whatever. I mean, they don't compensate for the curvature of the Earth. Well, they reckon the airline companies are all in on this conspiracy because they say if you flatten the Earth, it all makes sense because when you get a plane to America, it does all these stops and it doesn't appear to go in a straight line when you're looking at the flight routes via a globe. But if you flatten the map out and you pattern all the flight logs, that actually makes sense where fuel is more economical and they have designed the flight patterns to be economical in a straight line on a flat Earth model rather than a round Earth model. And it seems like nonsense when you look at the flight logs on a globe. Have you ever seen that on YouTube? I have. Yeah, about the flight patterns? I've actually seen a really funny video where the people who were explaining to it's a comedy kind of video, but real Hollywood actors and they're saying, well, what's that? And they're saying, well, that's Australia and this is Africa and this is Greenland. And they're saying that, well, they're in the wrong place. And no, they're not as big as that. And so even all the maps today are wrong. Yeah. And all the ancient maps reveal a flat Earth. They've only said the Earth is round the last hundred years, pretty much. NASA. It's been NASA, hasn't it? Yeah, pretty. Remember how shocky they are? Yeah, exactly. Apparently, some Greek philosopher 400 years said the Earth was flat and round, but everyone else at that time said it was flat. So unless they drill a hole straight through the planet and the drill bit comes out the other end, I'm not going to believe them. It's not a theory to me. They prove it. Dig a hole and see if you can reach China, you know. Yeah, and Vince, you've been traveling and I'm sure you've looked out the window of the plane. It looks pretty flat, doesn't it? I'm sure there would be a vanishing point because you're above and when you look down, it's flat, right, because you don't have the same vanishing point. When we look across over the horizon, because our eyes are round, it's like a triangle and the point meets because of our round lenses on our eyes, there's a vanishing point. But that's just our design, the design of our eyes. It doesn't actually mean there is a vanishing point, like in reality, because we perceive the world through our eyes, which are, you know, they're a fish lens. Yes, and apparently they give fish eyeglasses if they want to. Yeah, that's a feature guy photo. Yeah, and one thing that I've discovered recently as well is all of NASA's photos of the Earth and the planet are photo shots. It doesn't get any more. Admitted by NASA, the artists have actually designed a photo. Yeah, it's not even real and we haven't even seen a real photo from space. Like, how ridiculous is that? That just astounds me. All that funding and we don't even get a photo, we just get CGI. How come these spaceships or whatever they are, I mean, it's a comedy. Yeah, it's just a cartoon. To think of Richard Nixon was speaking not Buzz Aldrin. Oh, Armstrong. Speaking to him on the moon there. By telephone. I wouldn't cheat. And then China, China had their fake moon landing. I just can't believe it. And India recently had one. They had a foil box for their voyager. And people were calling it like, it was like a video game. It was so poorly done. It couldn't get any more fake. I reckon they spent about $50 on cardboard boxes and aluminium foil to build that spacecraft. Yeah. For the NASA footage. Oh, and some fishing wire to, you know. And what a tragedy because the greatest feat ever known to mankind and NASA accidentally taped over all the video. Oh, the greatest feat of mankind. And they taped over it. Yeah, right. And who was there? They just must think we're stupid. Oh, yeah. So with that, all the photos from space that photoshopped. Yeah. All the planets photoshopped. Yeah. They taped over all the footage. And then they decided to destroy the technology so they can't go back. Have you ever heard of a failure to destroy technology? Oh, my goodness. I don't even lose my, you know, computer USBs, let alone footage of the moon. Yeah. For those who have dug a little deeper in the NASA, their origins that were Jack Parsons and Satanism. Oh, really? It's pretty sinister stuff. It's intense. Well, the whole logo, the Flat Earth logo. And then they got that, you know, the bee, the reptilian tongue going through the logo. Oh, I wonder who that relates to. How bizarre. What about the moon too? Like how I was reading, I was watching. You can't land on plasma, can you? Yeah, exactly. Like the moon is reflective, like the same concept as an x-ray. And it's upside down because we're in the southern hemisphere. It's upside down. It's actually a reflection of the Earth. Right, yeah. It's reflective. It's like a mirror. And according to ancient maps from explorers, say 600, 500 years ago, even earlier, they discovered more land, much larger continents than even America itself. Like beyond Antarctica. Yeah, beyond the wall. When you say the wall, that whole... That ice wall is Antarctica. Ice wall that holds the oceans in. Yeah, and it sounds like fiction, but there's so much truth in it. If you know the philosophy of hidden in plain sight, it's part of the karmic effects of their Kabbalistic religion to tell you the truth, even if it's in joke or sarcasm, but they still told you. And then it gives them permission to carry on with their obstinance. Well, they've done that with a movie, Capricorn One. Have you ever heard of the movie or seen the movie Capricorn One? No, but tell me about it. It's all about where NASA astronauts go up in a rocket to, I think it's Mars or the moon, and it's all fake. And then they try to assassinate the astronauts. Great movie. And it's a reality. It's probably even in plain sight. Yeah, even that movie Interstellar, where they fake the old moon landing and whatever. So like you say, yeah, they often tell you these things, but most people are too stupid to take it seriously. Yeah, they've got blinded. Well, they're living in the matrix. Yeah, they told us about that, didn't they? That movie's big, The Matrix. And it's just uncanny. It's not a matter of questioning it anymore. It is a reality. They expose all the truth in entertainment or in some form of media, even from good things to bad things, like the whole Batman shooting at the cinema, like in America, Sandy Hawk. Uh-huh. Yes. Yeah. Well, you're getting into some controversy now. Yeah. And how about the Twin Towers in New York? I haven't watched a documentary, but I've heard enough to know that that was an inside job. Yeah, it is. You can pull that argument a bit. So much trading going on before that. Ridiculous. And the person who owned the Twin Towers only just purchased it and then sold it for astronomical amounts before it came down the air. There must be so much corruption in America. I think it's just global. Yeah, global. But I guess in the West, we hear mostly about... Just getting back to Flat Earth, though, even if you look at the Bible, what does creation say? Exactly. There's so many scriptures. Yeah, like Genesis there, God created the earth on the first day. Yeah. First day. And then on the fourth day, he created the sun and the moon. Yeah. So there was already light on the earth before the sun and the moon. Yeah. And then there are four pillars of the earth, the four corners of the earth. And a canopy over the earth. Yeah, the firmament. Yeah, well, God specifically in the creation, he talks about the firmament. It's a big deal. And then in Noah, is it Genesis 6? Yeah, Noah's flood, the waters of the deep from underneath the earth opened up and from above the earth opened up. So, you know, we're surrounded by water from above and beneath. Yes. Yeah. So what you're saying, then, is God is a flat earther? I think he is. The earth is his footstool. And it's beneath him, which means it's not floating. Yeah. That's according to the scriptures. Yeah, it's pretty obvious. Start reading your Bible, Christian. Not long ago, there were these two pastors having a debate over flat earth. And it was funny because they ended up in a ball throwing microphones at each other. Sounds very Christian. And the pastor of the church that hosted the event was a globalist. And the guest was a flat earther. So he was totally mistreated the guest by the end of it. And the host actually kicked out the flat earther, says you're a Bible denier, accused him of being a Bible denier for being a flat earth. Because he said, doesn't the sun rise from the east to the west, the sun rises? It's an expression of language, the sun rising. It doesn't mean the Bible's saying that the earth is round by saying the sun rose, because it's talking from our perspective of a vanishing point that appears as if the sun is rising as it's overhead above. And this is the scripture. There's probably only one scripture or a couple of scriptures that you could manipulate into a globalist view. But predominantly, most of the biblical scriptures describe a flat earth. Hmm. And if you go and research ancient... That's the way it's always been though, you take one or two scriptures and make a whole... Pull it out of context, make a sermon out of context, it doesn't even... Make a whole religion out of a couple of scriptures. Yeah, I doubt even the pastor of that church when he even looked into the linguistic background of the Hebrew vocabulary, and he's just taking it at face value in the English translation, no doubt. And he was using this to mistreat this flat earther. And there's been a lot of research into flat earth, and until recently, that was science, flat earth. Yeah, there was a guy in, what is it, the 1930s or something, and he went high, high up into the atmosphere. Oh yeah, the giant rocket. Oh, with a balloon as well. Yeah. Yeah, and he filmed, he got it on camera. It was as flat as a pancake. We go in planes and it's as flat as a pancake. It doesn't get any more flat looking out the plane window. Yeah, and people have filmed the ocean from, say, Chicago, 40 miles from Chicago over the ocean, and she's completely flat, and they can still see the buildings. Which they shouldn't see. Which they shouldn't see, and the global people are saying, what, that that's a mirage? They're coming up with all kinds of things, and they can't use all these figures and numbers about the solar system model, and they just make it so complicated. You've got to go to uni and study it, and it doesn't even make sense, it's all just a theory. Yeah. Like, I want proof if they're going to make such a great claim, because I'm pretty sure, your senses, we've got senses for a reason, and they're causing us to question our own reality. Yeah, and wouldn't you be feeling a bit dizzy if you're spinning around at a thousand miles an hour? Exactly. You know, I've often wondered that if you drop something out of a car or a plane, you'll leave it behind or- You'll leave it behind and you'll have to spin more. Yeah, exactly, because you're spinning so fast. And if the earth was spinning, the birds and their migration, how could they fly against the spinning of the planet? With those tiny little wings and bodies they've got? I don't think so. If they were spinning in the opposite, anti-clockwise, against the- imagine if the earth was spinning and the bird is flying in the opposite direction of the spin. Yeah, yeah. So, theoretically, Susan, you can jump up in the air- And yeah, land it another foot. I should be like- You'll be a thousand miles away from me in an hour. Exactly. How high up do you have to go? How high? So that you'll be coming down a thousand miles away. Yeah, and I'm sure if the earth was spinning, the clouds would be moving a lot faster than they are. You know? Uh-huh, yeah, yeah. That's because they just sit above in the same place. And then like, you know, also the satellites, right? If earth was spinning, how come they can video record one spot the whole time for years on end and not- They should be going zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom. The camera should be like- it wouldn't be in one spot, it would be like moving constantly, but the satellites, that would be impossible to monitor a screen constantly flying a thousand miles an hour past the camera lens. Yeah, yeah. I said this to one of my friends. You think Elon Musk is lying to us? All this skylink stuff? Yeah, have you seen the rockets hit the ether? Mm, yeah. The liquid oxygen is the ether, which is before the firmament. It's like water. So those rockets, they're leaving a water trail behind them, a wave, and when they hit the ether- Well, most of them never make the ether. They just go up and straight down. Yeah, and you know where they land, all the rockets, where they designate the landing? It's a restricted area, and the area is the Bermuda Triangle. Oh, right. That's where all the rockets land that come out from the firmament, that bounce off out of the ether, that don't go to space, and that's why it's a restricted area. The military monitor any ship that can't go into the Bermuda Triangle because there's a whole pile of wasted rockets down there that should be out of space. Oh, how is it, how is it, you know, somebody could say, hey, we've discovered Atlantis. Oh no, mate, that's all the rockets that are supposed to have gone to the moon. And you know, if you're American, all the funding, all the taxpayers' money that's spent on a space funding act, like, you know, exploration of space, and they haven't even stepped on foot in space. You're going to destroy some, or upset some young kids who have written their comic books all about Space Jackson, or whatever his name is. Yeah, and have you ever, like, studied radiation? And the human beings, like, the higher you get in altitude, the radiate, because on the ground level, radiation is dispersed. But closer to the sun, it's more concentrated. And a lot of the time, because I've had a few friends that were pilots and air hostesses, they have to have compulsory three monthly checks, because they're exposed to extremely high levels of radiation when you're flying. And the thing is about radiation, it's concentrated in rays of light from the sun, and it's very intense as you go up in altitude. And same with gases as well. So a lot of pilots, they have a very short lifespan. Most of them die of cancer at a very young age because of all the radiation in the air. And they recommend you should probably only be a pilot, a commercial pilot. Because they're too close to the ceiling, you mean? Five years of their life. Yeah, because human beings cannot withstand the radiation. Of the sun? Yeah. So if you're an astronaut, your body cannot endure the radiation. That was kind of a pun. When I said they're too close to the ceiling. Oh, yeah, the firmament. Well, they can't even get through the firmament to start off with. But there's no technology that can block radiation like that from the human body. So, yeah, that would be interesting. So- They can't even go in space. Pilots should actually wear all this radiation gear and stuff. Yeah, and astronauts- What would that say to the passengers? Well, you know what? That is a big thing. They should warn. Because my father was terminally ill and they have to tell terminally ill patients that they can't fly. Because flying is such a high risk to your health and you're exposed to a lot of radiation. And if you're sick, it's fatal for anyone who's terminally ill to fly on a plane. Because they ask everyone, even if you have injuries. Even when I went to a doctor, when I broke my arm, it's like, they don't recommend flying. And the airlines don't tell you. It's actually very hard on your body on so many levels and they don't warn you about it. They should. It's like a conspiracy. And I've had so many friends that are pilots and they have got disastrous health effects. Okay. So sometimes it's unavoidable like with the Royal Flying Doctors and doing emergencies. On a job, yeah. Yeah, they have to fly patients. But that's domestic flying. Domestic, they don't fly as high as international. Oh, okay. Yeah, we're talking international flights. Domestic flights aren't that dangerous, but international flights are very toxic for the body. And it's a high level of radiation. Yeah, cloud five, that one. Yeah. And a lot of people probably don't know, that's probably the cause of a lot of cancers is in international flights and being exposed to high levels of radiation at high altitudes. Yeah. Well, you mentioned Elon Musk before. Yeah. Yeah, you did, yeah. And with all this global warming going on, so now we all need electric cars. Yeah. How are we going to power them electric cars when all we got is windmills and whatever, hey? I think it's going to be 15-minute cities for us, no cars. 15-minute cities for all of us. Maybe there's going to be a lot less of us. Maybe that's part of it. A lot less of us to fit in those 15-minute cities. Yeah, I think so. Like half of population reduction. I remember actually, oh, what's that crazy music thing that they have on in Scandinavia? Oh, a music festival? I remember that one where- Oh, the tree- It's a global song contest. Oh, yes. I know. I forgot the name. Anyway, Madonna was singing in one of them and she's singing one of her songs and all the people are cheering. And that's right, the title of the song was Future. Oh, yeah. And if you actually listen to the lyrics- Apocalyptic. Yes. And all the people were- Not everyone's going to make it. And not everybody's coming to the future. Yeah. Not everybody's here is going to last or whatever. And, you know, you're all going to be dying. And meantime, all the dancers have masks on. And that was pre-COVID. Were they gas masks or are those the other masks? I think they were gas masks. I reckon that's not the gas coming. If they were gas masks, I reckon it's chemical. Yeah. Chemical, what do you call it, warfare? Or chemical- Biological. Biological. Yeah, I reckon that might be the case. Yeah, well, COVID- Have you seen Mad Max 2? Have you ever seen the Mad Max series? Mel? Way back. Yeah, Mel Gibson. Oh, yeah. Yeah, and they all wore masks. Yeah, and all of that stuff is pre-programmed. And the 100, have you seen the 100? Oh, I can't recall that one. They come to the earth and they all, the oxygen, they will have to wear oxygen masks because the atmosphere, you couldn't breathe. And it was really high levels of radiation. But these humans, they were mutated. Their DNA was mutated and they all had black blood to withstand the radiation. Oh, okay, good to hear. But even though they were superhuman with enhanced DNA, they still had to wear gas masks. Yeah, and I'm thinking, are they trying to tell us something? Yeah, it's all hidden in plain sight. And there's all this stuff going on today as well about, well, I was just reading another report where all the land now that Bill Gates owns in America. Oh, yeah, they're buying up land like crazy, all the billionaires. Yeah, and apparently he bought up, he started all the artificial eggs. Oh, really? And there was a big egg shortage. Oh, my gosh. Yeah, and they blew up all those factories. All those factories caught on fire. Oh, yeah, that was kind of a global- We're still paying for that because you can't get egg white powder at the moment. There's a shortage all Australia-wide. Yeah, so they're going to buy Bill's artificial stuff now. What else are they going to do? Oh, my goodness. So, yeah, they're creating or shutting down the farms in the Netherlands, Holland. And those poor farmers have been trying so hard to speak out, but they just get muffled. Uh-huh. You know? Yeah, so it's a manufactured crisis, the big shortages and inflation. To get us eating bugs. They're trying to push them out and everyone- I did try and push them out. You did, really? Where were you, China? I was in Amsterdam. Cockroaches for dinner. No, I think mine was a grasshopper. Oh, really? Oh, then I'm sorry, Jeremy. Not something I would recommend. I just can't believe it shouldn't be happening. It's a manufactured crisis, like you said. Yeah, yeah. So, oh, well, so much of it going on, but we have some good news to tell you. Yes. Tell us about the good news today. Well, the good news is that this is all foreseen and Jesus warned us about the end times. But he said, don't be dismayed because our hope is above. You know, we hope our heart and our mind is set on heaven. And we live here, we're not citizens of this earth, we're citizens of heaven. And so, no matter what happens here, no matter what trial, we have hope and faith that we will have a resurrected body at the end of the age when we meet Jesus. We will, everything that was taken from us will get given back to us and we'll have eternal life with Jesus. And this earth is passing away. And the Lord said to us, you know, this earth is passing away. Keep your heart and mind focused on heavenly things, you know. We don't live in ignorance, like, you know, because we're harvesting this earth. It's the harvest time, it's the year of the Lord's favour. And we're bringing as many people to the Lord into the knowledge of the love of God as possible. You know, we're hard at work doing this. But, you know, we have to be open to the deception of this world. That's, you know, we need to hear the truth. That's what, you know, the truth, you know, God opened my eyes to the lies of this world. Because the Lord has been trying to tell us. He's been, you know, screaming, yelling, wake up, wake up for millennia now. You know, the world and its ways and the false idols and the powers and principalities of darkness have been lying to us for hundreds, thousands of years. And in the Bible is the truth. God has told us the truth in the Bible, if we would just read. And I always said to God, I want to know the truth. And bit by bit, God, he gave me an awakening, you know, because there was a time when I was attracted to the world when I was young, you know, like, be successful, be this, be that, a scientist and a doctor until I realized that nearly all of them are fraudsters. And that I'm blessed just knowing the Lord Jesus Christ. You know, I don't need to be a famous scientist. And now that I know that half of the science is like a theory, it's not even proven. And also that it's controlled by and financed by, you know, people like Epstein that have ulterior motives. You're never going to get to the truth. And there's a lot of corruption in education. They don't tell you the truth. And, you know, I've discovered because I'm at uni now, and I've had a lot of friends, you know, in Adelaide to go to the unis in Adelaide. And they don't, a lot of the courses are outdated. Like, they're like, gone on research from 10, 20 years ago. And you know how expensive it is for them to rewrite a curriculum with updated research? Like a university is a business. It's a big business. You know, most of the money that comes into Adelaide are the universities. So they don't, they just take, take, take money and they don't invest into research. It's all outdated. And everyone's getting taught outdated education. Are they actually getting taught or indoctrinated? They, exactly. And this is Australia, but it's in America as well. They're getting indoctrinated. How do you know what you're learning is even the truth? Like you've got to, you know, the only person that's going to give us the truth is God, is Jesus. And that's where we get the truth from the Spirit, from the Holy Spirit. And that's what I found in my life, because I had scales on my eyes. And when they fell off my eyes, wow, the whole world was a different place. And, you know, it really inspired me to listen to God. Not this world, not the voices of Babylon's spirit or humanistic views or, you know, evolution and all the garbage it teaches about humanity evolving from an ape or whatever they think, a fish or something like that. And, and I can see where they're going. They're trying to alter human DNA and, you know, create... Transhumanism. Transhumanistic. It's like, it's all through, like, you know, it's in plain sight. It's all in the cartoons like X-Men and, you know, the list goes on. There's many transhumanistic expressions of creativity in the media. And my pastor was saying to me, he goes, the media are a private enterprise. They don't owe you the truth. What makes you think they owe you the truth? But most of it is not news today, it's opinion. Yes, and it's a brainwashing. Absolutely. Yes, we can't trust this world. It's never proven to tell us the truth. What about history? Just take a look at history and all the propaganda that goes on. Well, history has always been written by the winners. Yeah, and like... Most of the time it's inaccurate anyway. Oh, exactly. You go to another country and you hear another side, like, you know, the 300 Greeks. Apparently it wasn't the Greeks, it was the Persian with the 300 mighty warriors. And I'm like, what's the truth? Who knows? So my truth is rested in the Lord. Whatever he says. Like, I'm not ignorant. Like, I love to research and, you know, you have to research with an awakening, you know. And to, like, there's a lot of lies and there's a lot of, like, you know, a lot of other false religions weaved into education that we must be mindful of when we research. And what is the, you know, the context of the subject? Like, you know, who's behind it? Who's funding it? You know, you need to... We need to look into all these things because nothing is what it seems in this world. There's so many hidden agendas and that's what they are, hidden. So we really must walk around with discernment and trust our God-given instincts and our God-given intuition. You know, God gave us a heart, a mind, a soul, an intellect, and we need to rest in what God has given us, not what other people are telling us all the time. We have to think for ourselves. Yes. And yeah, and unfortunately, a lot of people have been so dumbed down by today's world, whether it's drinking the water, the fluoride, and physically out of it. But that was a great sharing by you there. And yeah, I would just encourage everybody to listen to what Susan said and apply that to your life and do your research, do your discernment, and seek God for the answers. And work while there's still day because the night comes. And yeah, let's... Yes, it's the time of the Lord's favour right now. We used to, when I used to do the radio programs, I used to finish with this song called We Are Strangers Here. Yes. Only passing through. Yeah, we're citizens of heaven. This is not our home. Thank the Lord for that. And all creation growing, and we're growing along with it. Yes. But it's not our permanent home. Yes. So don't be discouraged. There's a higher hope. And it's an exciting hope because Jesus proved to us the resurrection. He came back and he resurrected. But not only was Jesus resurrected, the saints in the Old Testament were resurrected. Did you hear the reports of, you know, someone saw all the, you know, Old Testament, you know, Abraham, Moses, Elijah walking around Jerusalem with their resurrected bodies. So, you know, Jesus proved it and he encouraged us and he's like, you know, keep the faith. You know, you have eternal life. You have a resurrected body with me. So be excited. Absolutely. Well, this was our very first episode today. So thanks for listening. You're welcome. Thank you, Susan. You're welcome. Thank you, Vince. It's been a pleasure. Been a pleasure. Yes. So, yep, take it all on board and do your research and don't trust anyone. Do your own research. Okay. Thanks. Bye-bye. Bye-bye.

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