Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The podcast episode discusses how to use your gifts and talents to build wealth and success. It emphasizes the importance of taking action and not waiting for opportunities to come to you. The host encourages listeners to light their own match and become advocates for their talents. They also highlight the need to surround yourself with motivated and vibrant people. The episode suggests buying materials that fuel your passion and setting ambitious goals. Attending events related to your passion is recommended for networking and connecting with like-minded individuals. The host concludes by emphasizing the importance of starting somewhere and not comparing oneself to others. There is no shortcut to success. You have to awaken your millionaire mindset and use your talents, gifts, and that God gave you to produce substantial success. Hello, guys. Welcome back to another episode of the Sweet Millionaire Podcast. Today, we're going to be discussing how is it that you can use your gifts, your talents, your words, and put them towards energy that is directed towards building a generation of wealth. A lot of the times, we look over the fact that we are blessed with the gift of gas, the gift of art, the gift of thinking, creating, and using our hands to create substantial success for ourselves. Because we don't have the blueprint, doesn't mean that we cannot use our passions and purposes and gifts to start to elaborate and establish what it is that God has for us. I feel like you find out what does and doesn't work for you when you start to work. When you're not working and you're just letting your gifts go idle, you lose the electricity that you had for your gifts because you're letting them go to waste. Now, there is a difference between finding out what your gift is and trying to be a jack-of-all-trades. They say that when you're a jack-of-all-trades, you're a master of none. I believe that you can master a few jacks, a few trades, but you have to tailor the experiences that you're having in life towards maximizing the potency and the effectiveness of what that trade may be. For example, if a person is gifted with the gift of art, but they work a nine-to-five job, right? Chances are you're working a nine-to-five job, you're earning your income, you're taking care of your family, but you have this deep burning desire in you to start to paint and to get back into art. And art doesn't necessarily have to be painting, it could be photography, it could be painting, it could be clothing making, whatever that deep desire is. I feel like you're one opportunity away from sparking your interest, but you have to at least light your own match. You cannot expect that the world is just going to light your match for you and go be like, hey, you're working this regular nine-to-five job, aren't you an artist? No, that's not how it's going to work. So you're going to have to light your own match and become your own best advocate for what your talents and what your gifts are. One of the main reasons why people die with so many of their dreams unfulfilled is because they become trapped in the cycle, and that's what we do here at The Sweet Millionaire Formula. We're going to give you the momentum because you need someone to tell you, you are a millionaire, your ideas do work, you do have the tenacity, you can get back up from this. The setbacks are only set up to make you a stronger comeback. Don't allow life circumstances to separate you from what you're potent at. And when I say potent, I'm meaning when you go and you see some people or you watch people, they're dry as a bone, but then you'll go and switch to another channel and they have vibrancy, they have life, they have energy. You want to be where the energy is because that energy is going to attract you, it's going to motivate you. But if you're around somebody who's dry as a bone, that's close to death. If you're around people that are lazy and are slothful, being lazy in the Bible is next to death. You don't want to associate yourself with people who are lazy. You need to get around people who are vibrant. That's why I'm going to challenge you guys today to subscribe, first subscribe to The Sweet Millionaire Formula private group so that we can have, you can have that community of believers, of self-ambitious people who are creating and using their incomes to fuel their passions and fuel their niches. So one of the things that you need to do, and this is going to help you to turn your income, one of the things about having just one income is that it limits your lifestyle. Now we know from the social media age, the Instagram age, and all of these new social media platforms how people are portraying the lifestyle. Now there's nothing wrong with actually working a nine to five, but if you deeply desire to live the lifestyle and you're going into debt, you're taking out cards, you're financing trips on credit cards that you cannot afford, that's a problem because you're one mindset away, you're one step away from turning your single income into generating three, four, five, six, seven, ten times your passive income and turning that into your lifestyle, which will separate you eventually once you pour enough time, energy, dedication into your passive income. It can turn from you having one income to you generating passive income while keeping your job, if you're there for the benefits, if you're there for whatever reason, you're liking your coworkers, or whatever reason it is that you would stay at your job once you do start to generate passive income, but whatever that reason is, that's up to you. But there is a way to turn your regular income, your only one income, into five times, up to ten times being passive income. One of the ways that I'm going to suggest to you is that you first buy the materials off Amazon that fuel your passion. Now that may sound cliche, it may sound basic, but I'm telling you that Starbucks, those eating out every night, if you look and you are budgeting your money and you see that you're spending $157 a month collectively in 30 days on eating out, and you're like, dang, man, I really want to start my dreams, I really want to start my passions, why don't you start your passions? You've got to be kidding me, right? You've got to be kidding me, because if you're spending $150 at Starbucks, there is no way that you should not be able to save half of that and put that into an Amazon order and make a list of the things that fuel your passion. If you're a painter, I would be putting aside $150 to buy canvases, art, paint, paintbrushes, and canvases. And then what I would do next is, once you know what your passions are, make a list and make goals that are not basic. When you are writing your goals for your passion, do not write basic goals. Do not write in that book, in one month I want to sell one painting. No. This is how you should write your passions down. In the next six months, I will sell $10,000 worth of paintings via digital platforms and vendor opportunities and events. You have to set your goals and your intentions way above what it is that you would normally do, because if it's normal, it doesn't even excite you. Selling one painting in 30 days, what is exciting about that? And I'm sorry to continue to use creative, but that is one of the easiest, I believe one of the easiest niches that people can figure out. Because some people may be good at making bracelets, selling beads, creating a facial, acting skincare line, gym products, this special yoga mat with secret compartments on the bottom that sticks to the floor. Whatever your niche is, maximize the intention of your passion so that it is fulfilled with tenacity and hunger and momentum. Instead of setting your intentions low, set your intentions high. Write 10 goals down that you normally wouldn't even write and set your intentions high. Because when your intentions are high, you start to attract and surround yourself with people who are leaning in that direction. So after you buy your materials, after you write your goals, the next thing that you're going to do is you're going to attend an Eventbrite event where you can pass out your card and become your own spokesperson, right? So what's wrong with becoming your own spokesperson? What's wrong with being in a restaurant, being at a Starbucks, being at an Eventbrite event where people you probably don't know, never met, or didn't expect to meet, but you are putting towards the effort and you're putting out in the universe your intentions? One of the things that is very important is your network. Your network is your network. And when you are at events like Eventbrite events, you can go in your city. They have plenty of free events in your city. They have plenty of free events in out of town. And guess what? They have plenty of events in other countries. So you have the freedom at your fingertips to set yourself up for success by branching out and going to an Eventbrite event that tailors towards your passion because you're likely to meet people who also are doing the same thing. And you also connect with your community of people who can support you and connect you to more resources that will only enable, enhance, and propel your passion towards becoming more of a reality, right? So that's what you want to do. You want to get your materials. You want to set your goals and to just higher than normal than what you would. And then you want to attend an Eventbrite event tailored towards your passion. Oh, that sounds so good, right? So I'm super proud of you guys. If you are taking the notes right now on how to turn your basic one income into four to five passive incomes, because once you're able to connect yourself to the resources, then the next thing you know, you're going to have this demand to be online, right? You're going to have this demand to create TikTok, to create Instagram videos surrounding your talent. Because now that you've put yourself out there, people want to find you. And how can they find you if you have no website? And it's not for you to go and spend millions of dollars, thousands of dollars, hundreds of thousands of dollars on a website. It's for you to at least start somewhere so that when you look back on a year, instead of you not starting at all, you see yourself starting these small steps towards the bigger picture. And whatever the bigger picture is, that's up to you. Whatever success looks like for you, it happens. It will happen. But you cannot compare yourself because, you know, comparison is the beef of joy. So you want to make sure that you're tailoring your success, your goals, and your intentions towards what's successful and what looks like success for you. One of the most important things about turning your one income into five times passive income is that you get to loosen up the reins on your income flow into your house, okay? Because you have two, you may have children, you may have a wife, you may have feels and desires that you have outside of just your one income. And we know that when we have one income, that income gets zapped up very quickly because of all the demand that's on that one income. If you have 10 demands, 10 bills on one income, then it's going to be sucked up immediately. But when you're setting your attentions on having passive income by creating an extra gym online class, creating a Patreon where people can subscribe to your Patreon and get those workout classes based on your tummy. And if you're doing tummy this week, if you're doing legs the next week, you set up your passive income. I don't care if you have 100 people paying $15 a month. That's $1,500 extra that you didn't have before because you're putting the intention towards setting up your passive income and access to have the income flow from your passive income, you know? So that's what we do here at the Sweet Millionaire Podcast. We are setting you up with a formula to make sure that your regular income is set up so that you have streams of income because we know that God is a guy that creates streams of income. He will open up you a blessing that he will pour you out a blessing that you won't even have room enough to receive, you know? So let's clap it up for yourself. Guys, I want you to leave your comments and leave your intentions in our private group chat. Subscribe to Sweet Millionaire Formula, our private group chat, where you are able to touch base with our private community and be encouraged. Until next time, guys, we love you. See you soon.