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Mysteries of Creation: Healthy Creation

Mysteries of Creation: Healthy Creation




Jerry Travers Talks about creation. Aired on: SWM Radio

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The main ideas from this information are: - God's people should understand His creation design and not try to explain it. - The evolution story is a lie that denies God's design and promotes death as a driving force. - The second law of thermodynamics states that all things tend to decay, but this is denied in the evolution story. - Following the laws of health and nature's patterns leads to blessings and harmony. - Ignorance and self-designed pleasure are motives for denying the obvious. - Christians have been deceived into accepting Darwin's theory of evolution. - Nature displays God's blessings and curses based on obedience to His design. - Education and propaganda have kept people ignorant of the truth. - Christians need to fear God and obey His commandments to understand His design. - Sabbath should be a time to review and appreciate God's creation design. - Nature's design shows God's thoughts of peace and harmony for us. - Wisdom comes from understanding God's design and callin God's people are to be the head of understanding God's creation design, and not the tail end of trying to explain what the book of nature is teaching. Nature's lesson book, designed by God as a transcript of His behavior, was the book Adam and Eve studied from to grow in a knowledge of the Heavenly Father. Nature's operations, the way things that God made functioned, tell us about how God thinks. We've been fed lies about God through the evolution story. The evolution fairy tale says all the complex operations of nature's living creatures came about by trial and error. It says death is a driving force that selected how things function. Death becomes our hero in the evolution story because death got rid of the bad designs that developed by chance. In the evolution story, the second law of thermodynamics is denied. That's as foolish as denying the law of gravity and jumping off a ten-story building down to the ground so you can get to your car quicker. The second law of thermodynamics is that all things tend to break down, decay, fall apart rather than come together. We age, we die, and decompose. The closer we obey following the laws that govern good health, the longer it takes to age. The longer the shelf life is for food, we grow. We are happier in our lives when we are healthy, just as we are not very happy when we are sick. Animals are more peaceful when they are healthy. Domestic herds are more cooperative. The peacefulness in nature, seen when helpfulness is achieved, is by design. It is not by random chance that this harmony developed. It has always been understood until the days of Darwin that the complexities seen in nature had a designer. Men have always reasoned the obvious that when something is structured to operate in one way or another, a creator has designed it. As to who that creator was has been an argument for millennia for those who don't want to believe the Bible, those who want to excuse their unpeaceful behavior. Darwin proposed that forces found in nature, like photons streaming to the earth from the sun, have created power. Sunlight is needed to put together oxygen and CO2 to make all the food that feeds the planet's creatures. Sun worshippers thought this force was God. This is why they worshipped on the venerable day of the sun. They were attempting to give glory to the sun. Some worshipped the moon and the stars for the same reason. Planting by the quarters of the moon or by the zodiac signs improves production, just as obeying the laws of health for a plant improves production. To recognize laws that govern better food production or better health is to recognize a design is in place. The reasonable question should be, who is the designer? The unreasonable response is to praise the object, but when you know in the back of your mind that the designer's laws require you to obey them and you don't want to, you can let your mind wander to anything other than the truth. We see this today in the obvious recognition that sexual reproduction is a specific way, but for those who don't want to follow the design, fairy tales suffice for their explanations. Fantasies replace reality and perverted behavior is accepted as reality, all because one does not want to obey the designer's design. Although the sexual question is easily understood by observation of nature operating healthfully, immature minds like children that have not had enough time to study the subject can easily be led astray by perverted minds. With time, children will grow up and have their eyes open to the folly around them. How long this will take depends upon the isolation that has been set in place to contain and maintain folly. Man has learned not only how to herd animals, but how to herd people. The study of herding, like how to shepherd a flock of sheep, requires that one learn the needs of the flock and provide them so the sheep can grow in confidence to follow the leader. Education today has changed from informing young people of what is in creation's design, like its chemicals, called chemistry, its forces, like physics, its mathematical formulas, how people speak, linguistics, how plants develop, plant physiology, etc., etc., to a memorization to whatever the leader says is so. Creation's many designs are no longer the prominent theme of education. Fairy tales designed for the purpose of herding people is the new design of today's education. Training young animals to follow the herd is for the purpose of fleecing them if they are sheep and eventually slaughtering them for meat. For chickens, it's to get them to lay where you can get their eggs and to easily find them when you want to slaughter them. For people, it's to fleece them of their production by having them work a job. They're given only enough for food, clothing, and shelter, and enough entertainment to keep them content. Later in life, it's to end their life when they become an expense to the insurance company. Some people live in pens and in compounds that please them, while others live in squalor. Few anymore live in the countryside's environment God designed for mankind's education and his behavior. Education is a powerful tool, combined with the epigenetic design God put in us to adapt to our environment. Like chickens are trained to come to the same place to roost, so have people been trained to roost in cities and suburbs. Who are the people trainers of today? Who have trained the people how to train others? Who's taken over the training schools? It is we, ourselves. We the people, train ourselves in what we consider wisdom. But who has the power to present wisdom? God is omniscient, all-knowing. That's obvious, since he created all that we see around us. But who else lays claim to wisdom? A talking serpent, whom we know as Satan, Revelation 20 verse 2, told Eve that she could become as wise as God if she disobeyed God's command, Genesis 3, 5 and 6. He claimed to be as wise as God by supposedly exposing God's repression to Eve's advancement in wisdom. She fell for the trap and brought lasting curses down upon herself and her earthly home, Genesis 3, 14 through 19. Satan is the author of deceit. He works on minds until he convinces them that it is reasonable to go against the obvious. For millennia, mankind has reasoned from observing the obvious that creation around us is a result of a designer's handiwork. Everything in creation is of a complex design. Darwin proposed that all design life was not the product of a wise designer, but the product of millions of years of trial and error. How could the idea that millions of years had intelligence enough to select complex design take hold? Darwin proposed that in a world where everything grows old and dies and decays, that nature was the new God. Just as the sun was God, or the moon and stars were God's, nature or Gaia was now the intelligent creator. Nature or Gaia could make wise decisions, given enough time, to even contradict the second law of thermodynamics, that all things are decaying. Nature could break that law over and over and develop complexity beyond all the laws of probability. So what does it take to believe this? Ignorance is one. We are all born ignorant. We fill our minds as we grow. Denying the obvious is the other. This takes a motive for that denial. That motive is self-designed pleasure. God made us all to live in pleasure and delight. Eden means pleasure and delight, but also delicate. Pleasure and delight take upkeep because our planet home is delicately designed. Not all life is play. It takes work to keep up the land of pleasure and delight. When we attempt to increase pleasure, at the decrease of work, the decay rate increases and we lose more pleasure and delight. This is called cursed. You can read Deuteronomy 28 and Leviticus 26. Ignorance is the best way to keep a lie going. How is ignorance encouraged when the obvious is all around us? Goebbels, Hitler's chief of propaganda, said, ìIf you tell a lie over and over again, the sheeple will believe it.î Yes, I said sheeple, not people. Darwinís lie takes propaganda to keep it propped up. But who are the propagandists? Just the anti-God people, the secular schools? They have done a wonderful job of keeping sheeple from investigating the lying facts of evolution, but the enemy of souls has come up with an even better plan. He has gotten Bible-believing Christians to teach the lie. The Bibleís God is the designer of creation. The Bibleís story of creation, the flood, Christís redemption of a fallen people, the destruction of the earth, and an earth made new again is verified in the geologic record, history, and the transcript of Godís character in nature. Lies about the flood record in geology are easy to teach when no one verifies them. The Institute for Creation Research, a group of over 50 scientists, are easily exposing those fables. Historyís record of Jesusí coming are too numerous to eradicate even though the continuous efforts are put forth. Communist Russia strove to develop a godless society, yet dated everything they did from the year of Christís birth, like it is 2023 years from Christís birth. Nature has continuously displayed Godís blessings for man when he follows Godís patterns put in nature for blessings. Deuteronomy 28 and Leviticus 26 will give you the laws of blessing. Nature has continuously displayed the curses that develop when we go against the patterns of nature designed for blessings. Nature continuously displays the redemption of damaged ecosystems when we go back to following the pattern designed to give us blessings. Natureís story, historyís story, and the story in the geologic record all require ignorance of them for fables to create an illusionary reality. When science, falsely so-called, and medicine began to lie about Godís creation design, too few Christians were educated enough to oppose the lies. They had moved from Godís schoolroom of nature, where Godís design was daily educating them to the ignorance of city and suburban life. Here a new classroom was set up, one that taught them how to be economically successful in Babylonís economy, how to make money to buy the dainty and goodly things that they lusted after, Revelation 18.14. In the ignorance of this social structure, far away from the countryside classroom, their children grew to adulthood uneducated in creationís design. All they saw were the designs of men, buildings, streets, parks, factories, tightly packed homes. Thinking the Bible was enough for them to know God, Christians relied upon it alone for salvation. For the generations raised in the country, but now in the city, the Bible brought back to them the knowledge of the Creator seen in nature. So what happens to their children? Why did the great majority of them reject the counsel of the Bible and take up fables to explain creation? Worse yet, why did the faithful few use Darwinís godless explanation of how creationís design came about? For a century, Christiansí defense against Darwinís evolutionary theory was to accept the folly of Darwinís theory of mutations and natural selection. Christians agreed with Darwin that natural selection was a driving force behind changes that occurred in nature. They believed that the god of death weeded out mutations or changes that we all have observed in nature. They believed that mutations or changes to Godís design were evolutionarily selected by the survival of the fittest, but not to the extent evolutionists took it. I have even recently succumbed to this lie. I have stated that survival of the fittest has brought about an improvement in the gene poolís traits available for reproduction. The weak, the sick, the injured are taken by predators or parasites, leaving only the strong, the healthy, and the agile. God is the master designer of creation. All creatures function or operate according to his design. They operate perfectly peacefully and harmoniously when the environment is not damaged by us. They operate the way he designed them to function when the environment is damaged by us. Predation, parasitism, weeds, thorns and thistles are all Godís pre-planned and pre-engineered operations in response to environmental changes we brought about. The assumption of evolutionists that given enough time, like millions of years, enough changes accidentally occur through chance and are then selected out for good by nature. God engineered designs for change. The assumption of evolutionists that given enough time, like millions of years, enough changes accidentally occur through chance and are then selected out for good by nature, replacing Godís engineered design for every change that we see in nature. The idea that God was leading all the violent changes was too much for Christians who wanted to paint God as love only. A love only that made up their own definition for it. A definition that no longer allowed God to be creator and designer of curses, nor a God that destroys life on earth when it goes beyond a certain point of disrepair. Think the flood. Christians make-believe concept of God, a God of love according to their definition, blinded them from seeing God as designer of everything on earth, all functions and all operations of nature he designed. Not just the peaceful loving ones, but the violent ones as well. Coupled to the idea that Darwin proposed that nature improved itself by selecting the best and rejecting the rest, this pleased Christians with their new definition of a loving and curseless and non-destroying God. Nature only selecting improvements and nature only getting better as the belief of Christians with the God is love only concept caused them and their children to easily drift away from God as creator. If nature had this power, then God was far removed from man. So far removed we need not even contemplate what he set in motion thousands or maybe millions of years ago. God's pre-designed creation that operates and functions according to his engineered design is lost sight of by a false concept of God. To get back to God requires people to learn to fear God. They must fear to disobey the patterns that teach us healthful living. If they do not fear to disobey God's design for our well-being, they become like the ignorant who don't follow the patterns for healthful living. Both suffer sickness and premature ill health. We all age, but we need not rush to the grave. As John the Apostle said, Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. We must study law, God's law. We must obey them to know God. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom instruction. We must be wise and obey instruction. Solomon said, Fear God and obey his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. He also said, The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the holy is understanding. Understanding God's holy design for us takes a study of God's law. The classroom for that is God's creation. The farther we remove ourselves from God's classroom of nature, the easier it is to forget him. If people had remembered the Sabbath day to keep it holy, they would not have forgotten it. That day keeps fresh our knowledge of him, especially when we spend it reviewing creation's design. Since 80% of Seventh-day Adventist children leave the church, according to the review, our quote, remembering activities on the Sabbath day must be far from what God intended. When pathfinders and A.Y. are games and unhealthy food, games of competition, and food that increases obesity, what can we expect from the children? The world can provide even better games and more dainty than the church. The wonder and amazement of creation's design must be learned by adults who guide children. You can't teach what you have not experienced. To be out in nature was not to be just a Sabbath day occurrence. It was designed by God to be the everyday environment we lived in. Its daily lessons would culminate on Sabbath with praise for his wonderful design for those who obeyed his instructions. Nature's design of pleasure and delight, as it yearly increased for those whose obedience to God's instruction redeemed their environment, is a foundation for praise to God. Seeing what God designed for us showed us what he thought of us. His thoughts for us were of peace and of harmony with all that he created, Jeremiah 29.11. Recognizing God's thoughts towards us is understanding God. It brings us to calling upon him and praying to him, Jeremiah 29.12. This is the wisdom Solomon spoke of when he said, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and a knowledge of the holy is understanding, Proverbs 9.10. Next we will look at more of God's wisdom and compare it to the fable of purposeless changes in God's design evolving into a better design.

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