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Q Research Welcome Page Truncated Silence

Q Research Welcome Page Truncated Silence

swordy & SHEILD



Welcome to the Global War You are now entering the mind of Patriots worldwide, and to our fight we welcome you. Since late 2017, Q Clearance Patriot, more commonly known as Q, has tasked us with compiling events and evidence of the world-changing circumstances that have, and have yet to transpire. We are anonymous; We are your friends, your family, your co-workers, and strangers alike. Just like you, we knew there was something wrong with the world around us.

Voice OverQResearchQQ Research8kunAnonymousQAnonQ Clearance PatriotNSAo7swordy AND SHEILD

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Welcome to the global war. You are now entering the mind of patriots worldwide, and to our fight we welcome you. Since late 2017, Q Clearance Patriot, more commonly known as Q, has tasked us with compiling events and evidence of the world-changing circumstances that have, and have yet to transpire. We are anonymous. We are your friends, your family, your co-workers, and strangers alike. Just like you, we knew there was something wrong with the world around us. Like you, we had a desire for our world to achieve peace. And like you, we found ourselves here in the forefront of information warfare. We stand for truth. Will you join the fight? Will you brave the depths of the unknown with bravery and courage? Know that the corruption that you are about to unravel is not the fault of any one person. The pervasive systems of evil being unveiled and dismantled here have pitted us against one another since before your birth. Be strong, stand together, and stay united. We are with you. Together we are unstoppable. United we are invincible. Show no fear, as now is the time for we the people to make our final stand in this battle between good and evil. Love shall prevail. May your thoughts be clear, your wits be sharp, and your heart be strong. For in this digital age, the mind is a battlefield, and it can be your strongest ally or the greatest enemy. For those new to 8connewfax, we are happy you joined us. However, you need to be aware you are entering a free speech board. 99.95% of the internet is tailored to high civility and slash, or mainstream speech. The chants are the one public forum where uncensored participation is allowed with no barriers to entry. You must understand how precious that is. If you don't, please reflect that QMost certainly does, and that we made this board what it is. This can make you feel disoriented, because you are probably coming off internet areas where censorship is the jackboot rule of the day. But the reverse is true here. Illegal content and spam is the only accession, and will be removed by a board moderator or global moderator. We know it can be tough. There is no one lurking behind the scenes to decide for you what you should see and shouldn't see. It is up to you to decide for yourself, and look or not look. You will be expected to use your own brain and filter those things you don't wish to see by not looking at them. It's a very adult concept, but no one is here to make you happy. You do not have a right not to be offended. You do not have a right to be comfortable. Everyone has a guaranteed right to freedom of speech. Inappropriate, offensive, and problematic are words that do not exist here. You are responsible for what you look at and how you feel about it. No one else is. You can choose to look or not look, read or not read. If you do read something you don't like, then remove it from behind your eyeballs yourself and move on. It is your fault if you allow a thing you don't like to sit in your head and take root and make you feel offended. We do not care if you are offended. We don't want to hear about it. Do not tell us if you are offended. Everyone here is anonymous. We care about your ideas and your words and the value of what you say. We value your contributions. We don't care who you are, what your race or gender is, and we do not want to know. The game of identity politics is not played here. Here, we really are equal and equally anonymous. 8Con is different than the rest of the internet. You will probably feel shell-shocked. We know. That's why we're giving you advice. Steady yourself and hang on to something. And get ready to remember how amazing it is to be master of your own experience. We came here for a reason, Q. Only Marxist nonsense has convinced you that it's okay to enter someone else's space and immediately start demanding they rearrange the furniture to suit you. Be gracious and recognize you have a lot to learn. If you aren't contributing in a meaningful way, reconsider your posts. If your early attempts don't a euro-stray-tee get recognition or get new fags-slash-shill-smackdowns, take the note and go back to lurking. Most important, keep up on the notables, read all old crumbs, and post digs of new research not already discussed on the board. Key that you chat is for anons that have already earned that status via digs. If that sounds like a lot of work before you get any feels of recognition, welcome to the world where not everyone gets a fucking participation trophy. You'll be glad you joined up though, because when you finally do have something to add, everyone here knows. Earn comfy as best humpy. Be humble. Be patient. That is the foundation of being an effective patriot. Do you imagine Q started out by skipping those steps? Along the way, lurk with agency. Study the boards. Advance the culture. Track ID when you're confused who's just a grumpy anonymous salty autist generally short of patience for shallow stupidity and who's a shill. If you're confused what the hell everyone's talking about, then google shit before making an ass of yourself asking the people here. Would you walk into a NASA meeting and ask help with your algebra homework? Do you think Q would choose a collection of idiots who have an ideology of hating people for no reason? If you do, what the hell are you doing here? Remember that Hippolgash was here before any of you, and Q came to Hippolgash, not the other way around. This is a political research board, a war room, whose occupants likely have a higher than average level of intelligence. You have little to teach the anons who work here, but they have much to teach you if you just listen. You'll hear straight talk and heavy locker room bants, because high competition spurs excellence. If that's too hardcore for you, take it to Reddit. Don't presume to dull the edge of these warriors. They'll skewer you before they let you interfere with the fighting force they've created. The chans are a boot camp for the mind. Being called a faggot is a mark of having submitted to the training. Do you see why military Q would relate? There are little to teach the anons who work here, but they have much to teach you if you just listen. If you start bossing people around about racism or not having enough love in their hearts, we will all join them in busting your balls. We do it for two reasons. One, make better anons. Two, get your whiny ass out of the way, because women and children don't belong in a war zone. If you are gender female, then shut the fuck up about it and be an anon. Recognize that the culture of the boars and of warriors is metaphysically male. Women and SJWs have claimed every damn corner of the world, but this one is ours. Who is Q? Q Clearance Patriot, where Q has been given the task of bringing everyone up to speed about the wrongdoings and evil that almost took over our world. They have held the evidence to bring down a worldwide ring of blackmail, and Admiral Rogers gave Trump the key. Combined with military and navy intelligence, Trump has gone full Andrew Jackson and America has been in a state of national emergency since December 21, 2017 when the executive order blocking the property of persons involved in serious human rights abuse or corruption was signed. Trump, Q, Sessions, and all the other named and unnamed patriots in the intelligence communities and the boots on the ground have put their lives on the line to restore America to her rightful beauty in the world. These patriots have watched as the world burned around them waiting for the day their plan will come to be to set things right. Welcome to Slash Q Research Slash. You're in for a hell of a project, so get comfy, because if you shine the light on the truth, the rest will set us free. The success of this entire operation rests on our backs to take the information that has been gained by the Q posts and the anons that have come up at the end and I will prove the case and share that with the general population that Eurozintel already has all the facts. Our job, in its beautiful simplicity, is to communicate it to our friends and families. Q has made this crystal clear. The code is not complicated. The code is not complicated because the target audience is you, the worker, the family, the wonderful soul that you are. Your great awakening is our great awakening. We're in this together and there's no stopping our tidal wave of truth. We're not doing this to start something. We're here to ease the chaos that's about to erupt without violating the very laws that are being brought back into this world today. Q-Jerk has losed out with his felony of an assailant over against a zeningly ingenious evil who strangled our world through unimaginable means. The FBI has been gutted. The CIA has been shattered. And the DOJ cleansed of those who stood in the way of our freedom. Who is next? Let's find out. All content written above was contributed by you. What we need are sincere patriots who do the voodoo they do best in this mission. So dig, meme, pray, or morally support a nonce that struck a chord of truth in you. Anyone going against this train is wittingly or unknowingly eroding our momentum and dividing our success to ease our own families and friends during this upcoming social chaos or otherwise known as shills. Shills will post and that is a part of A-Kon. If we are under heavy fire by shills they will be taken care of. Otherwise let their seeds of doubt sharpen your resolve. When does a beast lash out? When it's cornered. Be vigilant. A-Kon global rules always apply. Rule zero. Please avoid linking directly to this board whether it is on your YouTube channel, Twitter accounts, website, slash, blog, etc. The influx of new fags has only caused problems for the hard workers of this board as well as the staff members. We are not here to babysit or cuddle you and we are not here to accommodate you. This board is for Q and the autists. Take what you learn from here and spread it to the other platforms without getting in our way. Rules for users. Rule one. Doxing others is not tolerated here. All patriots who work here are to operate within the law. Publicly available information is not considered doxing. However, since this is a somewhat grey area mods will delete potentially doxing posts at their discretion. And nonce are strongly urged to leave the name and email fields blank to avoid self-doxing and report others who do fill them in. Not only is fame picking highly frowned upon in any anonymous community but it is unsafe to leave your personal details on such a board. Rule two. There are two types of breads that are acceptable on Q Research and only two. Bread creation is restricted to general breads and topical breads. The general breads which are handled by the bakers are the core of this board and are the only place where Q tends to interact with the nonce. The purpose of topical breads is to focus on a specific subject or research. There must also be a reasonable amount of content to start the bread off with research topic, description of topic, sources or articles. Breads created to directly ask you questions, respond to other anon, post unstossed claims, or useless shit may be deleted or bump block TT the staff's discretion. Rule three. This is a NSFW board. Deal with it. Reports for nudity slash language slash racism slash antisemitism slash sexism will most likely be ignored. NSFW images usually gore will be deleted immediately if it is determined that spamming the bread is the intent of the poster. Rules for board volunteers. Rule one. Do not ban people for their opinions even if they do not align with your own. Rule two. Enforce the global and local rules. Contact. Q-team has been able to utilize their board to safeguard tricked changes and verify authenticity. The BO can be reached for board issues and meta-threads. See top line of slash Q-research slash catalog. You can also post technical issues for the site there including requests for IP hash releases. Lens. 8 con fact. Refer to this page for any general technical questions you might have. Catalog. Notables. Quick links to notable posts by bread. Archives. All threads that have been

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