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The host of the Mindful Budcast discusses the endocannabinoid system (ECS) and its importance in understanding the potential benefits of cannabis. The ECS consists of endocannabinoids, which are molecules produced naturally by the body in response to stress, pain, or injury. These molecules interact with receptors in the brain (CB1) and other bodily tissues (CB2) to maintain balance. Enzymes help create and break down endocannabinoids as needed. The ECS is influenced by factors like stress and age, and understanding this system is crucial in considering how cannabis and other compounds can affect the body. Research on the ECS is ongoing, but it holds therapeutic potential. Welcome back to the Mindful Budcast. My name is Sarie. I am your host, life and wellness coach, as well as cannabis educator Here to just give you a one-stop shop to hear all things about cannabis and just really good to learn the actual information and education Behind it. There's so much more than just getting high. Let's actually talk about the cannabis plant for today's episode We're going to be talking about the endo cannabinoid system E-C-S I'm going to get really scientific and I hope that you guys can hold on with me I'm going to try to keep it as lay language as I possibly can but this is important to know if you need to know about your Endo cannabinoid system so you understand why cannabis is such a powerful plant and has so many potential benefits for you Of course being the advocate that I am for not only mental health but learning disabilities I'm going to go ahead and make a infograph that contains all this information about the endo cannabinoid system E-C-S. We'll break this down into three main categories of the endo cannabinoid system E-C-S and how they work. First, endo cannabinoids are molecules produced naturally by the human body So we already have them in our body They are created when the body needs them in response to things such as stress, pain, or injury These keys play a role in maintaining balance. The second component is called receptors Your body has locks called CB1 and CB2 receptors. CB1 Are like the locks in your brain while CB2 are the locks in other bodily tissue in your central nervous system Keys fit into these locks and they trigger certain actions in your body It's like turning a key in a doorknob, but in this case your body makes it So therefore you don't have to do anything and it keeps everything in balance. The third component is enzymes They are like the janitors of the system. They help by creating and breaking down endo cannabinoids when needed This ensures that the keys are only used when necessary and it's taken away when the job is done What's really interesting about E-C-S is that it's not the same every single day It changes throughout the day, month, year It's influenced by things like how stressed we are, if we're sick, or even as we get older Understanding this system is essential when it comes to considering how cannabis and other compounds that also interact with E-C-S can affect you It's all about working together with your body's natural balance-keeping system So as you continue to explore the world of cannabinoids and the E-C-S Remember that you're working with a dynamic and finely tuned system designed to keep you in balance It's a remarkable and honest We don't have enough science on it just yet But we're still uncovering the secrets and we can look forward to new insights and potential therapeutic opportunities So you guys thank you again for joining me on this journey of discovery and we hope you gained a deeper appreciation for the incredible E-C-S system within you. Stay curious, stay informed, and Explore the wonders of the human body. See you guys next time on the Mindful Budcast