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cover of General_hypnosis_experience


Tamie Lobel



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Make sure you're someplace where you won't be disturbed for a while, and then settle back in whatever way is most comfortable for you. You might like to put your hands at your sides or on your lap. You might like to just let your feet relax and stretch out. And as you rest back, just notice what it is that you're feeling right now. Notice what ways your experience changes from moment to moment. And as you continue to hear what I'm saying to you, pay attention to your breath and how your breath breathes itself on its own. Notice for instance that when you breathe in, there's a different quality to the physical sensations in your chest. And notice how as you exhale, those physical sensations change. And as you breathe in again, feel the air coming into your body and filling your lungs. And as you breathe out, feel the warmth of the air leaving you comfortably and easily. And there isn't any particular way you really need to breathe right now. Just notice and pay attention to the feelings associated with every breath you take. And as you continue to relax and to breathe, I'd like you to just let your eyelids close if they're not already relaxing down. Let them close all the way down. Notice how you can relax your eyelids so much so that they feel as if they just won't open. You can let them stay closed now. With your eyelids closed, you can continue paying attention to the many nuances of your breathing and to notice the physical sensations associated with every breath you take. And as you continue, I'd like you to just notice each time you exhale, you might feel a little more relaxed. And each time you exhale, I wonder if you'd notice that you might feel a kind of warmth across your back and your chest, a very pleasant kind of warmth, a very natural kind of warmth. This can occur as you allow yourself to relax more and more. Allow your blood vessels to relax. Allow your blood to flow freely and easily through your system. And it's almost as if your body is just beginning to rest, perhaps as deeply as it's ever rested before. Breathing easily and slowly and deeply, allowing yourself to notice your experience from one moment to the next. And as you continue, I want you to know that you don't have to listen to what I'm saying to you. You'll hear everything I'm saying. That's inevitable because you have good ears and I'm speaking loudly enough and clearly enough. You don't have to listen to what I'm saying to you. Because at one level, you can hear what I'm saying. You hear the sound of my voice. I'm making words that may or may not have meaning for you. My words make sentences that may or may not have any meaning for you. But you don't have to pay attention to anything that I say. If you don't want to, there's no need to. Because your unconscious mind is hearing everything I say. There's really no need for you consciously to pay attention at all. You might prefer instead to let your mind wander and drift. You may enjoy having a pleasant fantasy. Dreaming about something you've enjoyed in the past. Or perhaps something you'd like to do in the future. Maybe you feel best listening carefully and critically to what I'm saying. I don't know how you'd prefer to be here right now. It really doesn't matter whether I know that. Because for the next while, you aren't going to have to do anything at all in any way. Your conscious mind certainly doesn't have to do anything of any importance right now. There's nobody needing you right now. Nothing needing your attention. All that matters is that you rest and realize just how simple this can be. All that matters is that your unconscious mind is interested in what I'm saying. That you use the words that you hear that I'm saying in your own way. In whatever way that might benefit you. I might give you some more of what it is that you'd like or need in your life right now. Or of all the things that you could be feeling differently or better about right now. And I also want you to know that even as we continue talking and listening, that you're free to do anything that you need to do to take care of yourself. Whether it's clear your throat, or swallow, or adjust your body. You can feel completely able to do whatever it's necessary for you to do for your comfort and well-being. Nothing to bother you and nothing to disturb you. And I wonder if you've already begun to notice that the sounds around you, any sounds if you hear any, become more and more a part of your experience of comfort and well-being. Nothing will bother you, nothing will disturb you. In fact, every sensation that you can feel, every feeling that you notice, also become more and more a part of your experience of comfort and well-being. Nothing to bother you, nothing to disturb you now. And it may be that you've already become aware of certain physical changes associated with your increasing comfort. I don't know for sure if you're aware of any changes that you're experiencing. It doesn't matter that I do know. All that matters is that you're growing more and more able to feel deeper levels of rest and peace. In spite of anything that might or might have been disturbing you before. I wonder, for instance, if you're already aware of a kind of tingling in your fingers. A similar pleasant kind of tingling around your mouth and lips and along the soles of your feet. You may be aware of a kind of warmth extending across your chest and back. You may become aware of a gentle heaviness in the muscles of your arms and legs. Perhaps you're feeling an experience of lightness, floating sensation. Whatever you're experiencing right now, all that really matters is that you enjoy this experience in whatever way you can allow yourself to. All that really matters is that you can witness how to create this kind of comfort for yourself. At this time, nothing can bother or disturb you. As we continue, it may seem to you as if nothing at all is really happening right now. It may feel as if I'm simply talking to you and you're sometimes listening and sometimes not. And that time is passing and that nothing in particular is happening and that's just fine. It's just fine to feel while you're sitting back and resting and breathing easily and comfortably. That you're sometimes paying attention to my voice and sometimes paying attention to the rising and falling of your chest. Perhaps you're even taking a special kind of enjoyment in your ability to breathe air in so easily and so comfortably. Just to imagine the process of your body taking the oxygen out of the air, using it to fuel all of the systems that your body needs to function properly. And it's doing so, so effectively, naturally, effortlessly. It's to the benefit, not only of your physical functioning, but for your mental functioning. When your lungs expel the air that you've breathed in, there's a kind of warmth, a kind of heaviness, or a kind of lightness. Building on that relaxation that you can feel with each successive breath. And I don't know what kinds of thoughts are flying through your mind or if your thoughts have slowed down to the point that you're not aware of having any thoughts. Nor do I know what images you may be seeing right now. I just hope that you're enjoying whatever images you might see. Whether those images come and go in between my words, come and go in between your breath. And I can't be sure whether you'd enjoy a daydream of walking through the woods on a beautiful spring or autumn day. The branches of the trees look as if they're covered with fir and different shades of green, becoming tipped with red or orange. And some are falling and drifting so slowly down. Or perhaps you'd rather be at the beach walking on a warm, comfortable sand with a cool ocean breeze. You can feel the salt air covering your skin and your hair as you walk. Or you might enjoy walking through a tunnel of shade on a dirt path around a lake. Aware of the sounds of crickets and birds in the bushes and in the trees. Or you on a hike up the side of a mountain right now with a vista of sky peeking through all of the limbs of the trees more and more as you go up and up and up. How the trees begin to thin. Or perhaps you're resting at home in your fantasy, just resting there in your favorite chair. Or for you, you might be bicycling or rollerblading, running outside in the park. Any of all these images might be most enjoyable for you right now. I could be alone or with someone else. I'm sure there are many number of things that you love to do that I haven't thought of. All that really matters here is that you let yourself enjoy the process of resting deeper and deeper. Your own experience of comfort and well-being now. Almost as if you're beginning to doze off ever so slowly. Sometimes returning to awareness and then drifting deeper. Almost as if you're beginning to sleep. Or you can feel as if you're sleeping, beginning to dream. And you can feel as if you're dreaming a pleasant dream where you're enjoying comfort and a sense of well-being. This experience is your experience, whatever it happens to be. And the ability to create this easy drifting is your ability, not mine. In fact, your experience has less to do with me than you may think. I wonder how interested you'll be to learn to use your ability to create this deep rest on your own. At times when it might benefit you. And it doesn't take long, not at all. While your body rests, when your mind rests, there's a way that your unconscious mind is better able to take care of you. It's almost as if the quieter you get, the more energy is available to you. That energy can be used by your unconscious mind to help you achieve whatever it is you most need and want right now. Whatever ways you most need and want right now. Since I can't really know exactly the things that you need to hear, I hope that you'll listen to your own unconscious mind. Because you have the ability to automatically create the words that you need to hear. The ability to automatically hear the words that you most want to hear just by listening to your inner voice. Your own inner wisdom about what you need to do or not to do in order for your life to be better right now. And as you continue breathing easily and quietly, you have to admit it can be such a nice experience to rest back and drift. And it's important to know that two minutes of clock time is all you need to fully absorb whatever it is you need to absorb from this experience. And you have more time to rest here. That can be a very wonderful place to remain for as long as you're able. My voice will go quiet now. And then you'll hear it soon. It'll return again later. And your unconscious mind now has done whatever it needs to do. It's processed. Processed whatever it needs to process. To leave you feeling refreshed and alert. And perhaps you think that you've only been sleeping for all this time. But more likely than that, the feeling that you may confuse with only sleeping comes from being more relaxed than you may have allowed yourself to become in quite a while. And that in this floating place between sleep and wakefulness, something that you haven't noticed that you've experienced before. When you learn the ways to use it to your benefit, you return feeling more comfortable about what the future holds. And you can see that for yourself, whether it's today or tomorrow. Whether you notice it or other people can notice it, it doesn't matter when what's true is simply true. You might find that something very important has shifted. And I don't know when you will notice that that's happened. But you will. And soon you'll be returning comfortably and gently back to the awareness of where you are. Of what's supporting you as you find yourself so physically relaxed and mentally relaxed. And you'll simply be ready to open your eyes on the count of five as I count it. As I count it now, one, two, three, four, five. Your eyes can open and you can feel refreshed and re-energized. And ready to move on differently to whatever it is you need or choose to do for the rest of your day. Wide awake now. And you'll find that my voice will leave you, but my words will have made a very deep and lasting impression on your mind. As I welcome you back.

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