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TeamNade Ep20

TeamNade PodcastTeamNade Podcast



This week on the TeamNade Podcast, we talk about the new exploits in Halo match making and BryaNoob's journey in Halo Lessons. We also discuss the upcoming fixtures in the CDL this weekend and recent roster moves. Follow us on Twitter! https://twitter.com/TeamNadePod Halo - 8 Mins 30 Seconds till 39 Mins. Cod - 40 Mins till end.

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The podcast hosts discuss the recent eclipse and conspiracy theories surrounding it. They also talk about buying a house and the state of Aberdeen. They mention the decline of the oil industry and the high cost of living. The conversation then shifts to gaming and predictions for future events. They discuss coaching sessions for Halo and the challenges of matchmaking. They also talk about 1v1 matches and the host's struggles with gameplay. What is happening, people? Welcome back to the TeamNade podcast at TeamNadePod on X or Twitter, whatever you want to call it. Today, episode 20. It's the 8th of April, 2024. Big eclipse day, if you're in America, I guess, because it wasn't really happening anywhere else in the world. But what do you know? Joined today by the main man, 4v98. He's got some big news to share with everyone. What are you saying, brother? I'm not too bad. How are you doing? I'm good, man. I'm good. Big news. I survived the eclipse, bro. I'm better than last week. To be honest, I didn't know there was an eclipse until about 20 minutes ago when I started doing my research. Have you not read the book? You know, I ended up on conspiracy theory Twitter. When? When that boat slammed into that bridge. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I clicked on too many things looking for information. And then I got to like nut jobs where tinfoil hats were. They've been they've been planning, preparing for this eclipse. Have they? Yeah. Oh, yeah. Big time. So what is it? What's their theory of this eclipse? No idea. It's going to open some sort of like celestial demon portal because it's linked to like the freaking Hadron Collider. And like just all of this stuff was going to happen. And they were like sweating it because they were like, oh, my God, like. Hospitals are stocking up on medical supplies. I think so. Big's going down. It's like, yeah, it's an eclipse, but you know, I mean, you understand what can happen during an eclipse. But people are going to look at that shit. No sunglasses on. Yeah, people are going to number one. I mean, number one, it's going to go off. Someone's going to smash their car up 100 percent. You know, I mean, someone's going to crash into something. It's going to happen. And just because it's an eclipse, it doesn't mean that all other things stop as well. It was like, yeah, it's like covid was about. It was like everybody fucking panic about covid. Everybody forgot about any other fucking cold ever. Now, I didn't even know about the eclipse until I was like on Twitter or X. And then there was like a call to put an eclipse into rebirth to to symbolize having this eclipse. And then everybody was going on about this eclipse. I was like, right. News to me, I guess. Yeah, I've seen so many people sharing the Eclipse rank emblem from Halo Reach. Right. OK. Although I'd be like, this is the only eclipse I know. Right. I said. To be fair, it is a cool emblem. Yeah, clips are cool. I don't have ever seen an eclipse. I've never seen like a full one. I remember, you know, one in must have been the one in twenty seventeen. Like I was at work and we got to go outside. Well, I didn't want to go, but the office manager made me go outside to look at. How old are you? Twenty seventeen. Twenty. Twenty. You have to go outside to look at this eclipse. Scary man. I want to stay in work. No, you're going outside. You are looking. It wasn't even a way to stay in work. It was just I knew that if I moved, she'd ask me what I was, what I was currently working on. And the answer to that question was for the past three hours, I've just been trying to look busy. You know, I mean, I paid while doing nothing. Yeah, but I mean, they won't pay me a great deal of money for the amount of value they got. Yeah. I'm perfectly blunt, especially after I like made two, three people redundant. My fucking guy. So, you know, seven pound an hour. That's what that's what that buys you. Seven by an hour makes two people redundant. Well, I was on an apprentice wage when I see. But yeah, genuinely, I made the other apprentice redundant. And then. They got rid of some woman as well, who worked in a different department because they were like, well, you can just do all that anyway. So my fucking guy, I know that concludes today's episode of story time with the iron. Well, you get the reason I was busy today. And like you alluded to already big news. I bought a house today. I actually have bought a house. I have the keys. Congratulations, bro. I am in this economy. So when you when you're gonna start running out, never, never. You're washed. I'm washed. You're done. How do you need to do? Yeah, it's just bang a load of beds in every available room. Right. And turn it into an illegal HMO. Right. All the way to the bank. Right. Okay. Right. A couple of things. Right. One. Why? Two. Who would want to in Aberdeen? I'm sure there's someone, bro. Nah, mate. This fucking place is a dumper. Nah, trust me. What do you mean trust you? Have you ever been here? Maybe. I don't know. We had this conversation the other day. I still don't know if I've ever been to Aberdeen. Back in the day, when I was still in school, it was like a better place to be because the oil industry was booming. So obviously it was like really busy, heaps of people coming and going, lots of money in the place. Oil industry obviously died down when Abu Dhabi and all that started to control the price a lot more because they had a whole lot of oil. So then everything died here and all the oil companies left. Now it's still got fucking massive house prices and the posh houses and then the really nice houses are really expensive and it's really expensive to live. And it's, there's nothing here. Everything's buggered off. The last departments are John Lewis. They've buggered off. That's been like a year. Oh yeah, that's John Lewis, bro. John Lewis is shit. Yeah, it's shit, but like if you don't- Bro, like John Lewis never has anything good in. Yeah, that's fair. But like the older generation, like probably your parents and then my parents and then grandparents, it's like they, that's like their home deep, like their entire story, their entire life was always about John Lewis. John Lewis did everything for them. I can guarantee you, bro, right, that John Lewis was never my parents' entire life. No? As someone that lived with them for a pretty sizable portion of my life, I think they've been said about going to John Lewis like five times in like- Yeah, but that's what you know. I don't know, 20 years? Do you know what everything that goes on in your parents' life? Well, no, but like I can pretty much guarantee that John Lewis was not high on the agenda for a long time where my parents were concerned. Regardless, it's high on a lot of older generations. He's spreading fake news, fake news media. False information. False information. No, no, no, no, no, no. Like, let's fucking behave, right? That's it, false Forbesy, there we go. False Forbesy, along with Brain Dead Brian. Brain Dead Brian. On a dance, let's go. Mate, I told you this last week, and I'll say it again. Team Ney does not give out false information. We talk straight facts. Yeah, what a speaker like that, right? Last week, I went beans to fucking, was it Beans and Pentagram to Boston? And you were like, yeah, we don't deal in rumours, we deal in facts. And then boom, what do you know, next day. Yeah, it was like the 2nd of April, both of them got announced. Proved right. It just adds another fucking feather to our fucking, our quiver. You had Legend SSG? That was Beans and Pentagram to Boston, bro. Beans and Pentagram to Boston. What is there that I can't predict? Oh my God. I'm like the eSports Nostradamus. Right, so what's the next prediction? Let's hear it. I can't just make them up on the spot, bro. I swear that's the entire message. That's how it works, man. That's the entire idea of prediction. I'm a performing monkey, right? You don't just get one when you demand it. It has to come to me through a moment of great clarity. I've been playing too much Elden Ring, bro. I'm not even going to lie, man. My man's been on Elden Ring constantly. It's so good, man. Giving up on the Halo? No, I'm not giving up on the Halo. I've got a big, long list of things that I have to work on. Shut up, Warlord. We'll get into Halo now. I want to hear first of all this week about your coaching sessions. How are they going? What's happening? They're good. They're interesting. It's unfortunate that we couldn't get any games in because they wouldn't find us one. The matchmaking with the SR. I think so, yeah. I think his account was 1,700 and mine's at 1,500. I think it was struggling to find a balance of levels. It can't put him in a lobby at my level because he'd batter everyone. But then it also can't put me in a lobby at his level because then it would just be playing... You getting battered. Yeah, basically. I almost said to him as well, if it was going to be an oddball game, I'll just hold the ball. If you go and kill everything that you see, I will just hold the ball. I don't have any issues with holding the ball and just rotating it around the map. That's not the reason you buy a coach. No, it's not. It is what it is. It's going okay. We did some 1v1s. I got horrendously smoked. How does that feel for you? This is the thing, man. When we normally do 1v1s, you are not getting horrendously smoked, ever. No, and this is the thing, right? Levels to the game, innit? Yeah. It was literally a case of... I just felt like I... I just didn't know what I was doing. I was constantly getting caught in a situation where I was just dead, pretty much. Straight away. As soon as he saw me, I was dead. Because I was out in the open. I had no cover. I would not react fast enough in the right way. It's almost like I wasn't processing the situation quickly enough in order to be like, okay, well, I can go here and I can do this. I can try and go over there and do that. You know what I mean? The one that I'm specifically thinking of is... So it was a live fire, two second respawns. And he was like... I'm just going to be top mid for the entire game. That's all I'm going to do. He was like, you do what you want. I'm going to be top mid for the entire game. Come and kill me. I'm like, okay. Chilling, right? So he spawned at C, I spawned at A. This one time, I was down. It wasn't obviously playing to win. It wasn't that bad, right? But it was literally just like... I spawned in A. I came out of A. And obviously, when you come onto the sandbags, there's that big silver box on the left-hand side. Yeah. Bro, this guy, right? Literally, I checked top mid. He's not there. I take one step forward. He stood on the fucking white wall looking at me. And I'm like... And literally, bro, I just crouched into a corner and got fived. And I was just like, oh my God. Literally, I don't know what to do. I was just so... I just don't know what to do. I don't know how to get out of this situation. But I mean, it's one of them, right? When we were chatting about it afterwards, he was like... The thing with playing better players is that there is no room for you to be lazy. Yeah. He was like, if you want to kill me, you have to be perfect in order to do it. Yeah, and he was like... He said to me that he played a lot against Legend in Halo 5. And that was the mentality that he adopted when he was playing against Legend. It was just like, if this guy is going to do this, I'm going to do that. You know what I mean? If he's approaching this in a certain way, I'm going to think about approaching it in that direction. Yeah. So, yeah, it's good. I mean, some certain skills that I need to definitely work on and add to the arsenal. Yeah. Like certain things that I know within my own game that aren't very strong. Like, generally just playing around cover is definitely a weak point. And then my strafe apparently is also not very good. Oh, yes. You did tell me. What was the quote? Jack of all trades, master of none. Hold that. I know. It's savage. It's absolutely savage. It does. It's nice to get that sort of information. Yeah. No, that's the thing, right? Because this guy is like, number one, he knows what he's doing. He's got credibility. You know what I mean? I know for a first-hand fact that he's got credibility. Yeah. Which is also always nice, right? And the second thing as well is, when he was giving me feedback and stuff, it wasn't derogatory or anything like that. It was very level. You know what I mean? You know me, innit? I appreciate it when people keep it honest. Yeah. You know what I mean? If you just say whatever it is that you want to say, and then we can keep it moving. He wasn't being arsey about it. No, that's the thing. He's genuinely just doing it from like, okay, yeah, you can think about maybe incorporating this. Think about incorporating that. Think about approaching this in this way. How do you feel about this? You could do that. You know what I mean? It's never like him being like, you have to do this or else whatever. It's more like, yeah, you can do better than that by thinking about it, by adding this in, or go in here and do it. You know what I mean? Which was great. It was nice. It's like the time that we were playing the octagon with the sniper and the bandit, and I said to you, every time you spawn up, you go to your left. Yeah, exactly. Your first instant, nearly 80% of the time, you go to your left. It's because I step to the left, and then when I step to the right, I shoot. Yeah. I know that I do that all the time, and it really annoys me, but it's more about getting that, definitely mechanically, I can be a lot better. Yeah, but if you get that sort of credibility from someone who has played at a higher level, than your level, you know that all they're trying to do is give you the tools. All the tools are there, but they're trying to teach you the better ways to use these tools that you've already learned. Yes, exactly. That's the thing, man. I have confidence in the fact that he is going to make me a better player. You know what I mean? Which is good, because I spent a decent whack of money. Oh, yeah. It's nice that already two lessons in, this is the first lesson when we've actually done any sort of playing of the game, that I'm like, okay, cool. I see the vision now. You know what I mean? I'm feeling it, which is always great. You've been looking for that next year. Yeah, that's the thing, man. I feel like, a little bit, I'm like, why didn't I do this sooner? Yeah. But then at the same time, it's just like, that is irrelevant. I've decided I want to get better now, so that's all that is important, is the fact that I want to get better. You know what I mean? It doesn't matter when it actually happens. I feel like it's quite a daunting thing to get coaching, because you're talking to this person you've never talked to before, and you're being told how to play a game that you already have a knowledge of how to play. Oh, yeah, for sure. And it's difficult, because I have to go into it and be like, I mean, you know how much content around competitive Halo that I consume, whether that's watching games, or the sort of videos that Shyway puts out, or clips, or, you know what I mean? What's he called? Broadclips has mad jump tutorials. You know what I mean? Watching all of these things. So I feel like I kind of know what I'm on about, but then this is a guy who really does know what he's on about. You know what I mean? So it was a little bit difficult at the start for me to kind of be like, separate what I think I know, and then be able to take on board what he knows, if that makes sense. No, no, no. It's kind of like dropping the ego, right? Which obviously is like, it can be difficult sometimes, but then at the same time, I'm there for one reason, which is to learn from someone who knows what they're doing. You're a fiend for knowledge. Yeah, 100%, man. I think that's the thing. Even if it doesn't make a massive improvement to me as a player, it will improve my understanding of something that I genuinely enjoy to watch as well. Oh, yeah. You know what I mean? So even at a base level, it's going to give me a better understanding of what people are doing, why they're doing it. You know what I mean? All of that stuff, which is like, that's fantastic. Yeah. Deepening the knowledge that you already have into a more higher standard. Yeah, exactly. I think that's the thing as well. The other thing that I kind of found a little bit intimidating was the fact that I genuinely, I don't know why, but I genuinely thought that this guy was going to be like, when we were 1v1ing and stuff, that he was just going to be like, you are so fucking bad. You know what I mean? And like, at no point did I even get the impression that he was thinking that. You know what I mean? Like, at no point. Like, the guy is just like... I think he's just quite happy to make you feel better. I think that's the thing. He clearly knows that like, he clearly wants to help. Now, whether that's because he wants to do it for his own benefit or because he's doing it for financial benefit, I don't know. You know what I mean? I don't know which way round it would go, but at the end of the day, it's like, does it even really fucking matter? Like, it's a quality service. You know what I mean? It's a quality service. Like, I feel there's value coming from it already. Yeah. I mean, I am like now a quarter of the way through the course. So it's like... How much? How many hours was it? Eight. Eight hours of somebody's time at that sort of level, like, you're going to take away stuff that you always need. Always to get to that next level. You know what I mean? Yeah, exactly. Exactly. I mean, and like, we haven't even started on any of the like, the big stuff yet. Yeah. So I think like the next, the next session is all about spawns and like spawn control and stuff, which is like, you know, again, an area where I feel pretty comfortable being able to go like, well, if we're here, then they're going to be over there. And then like, if we're over here and we want this thing, then we need to get this spawn. And like, you know what I mean? But also, sometimes I'm just completely wrong. Like sometimes I just really read the situation completely wrong. Like, always seems to be in oddball games where I'll pick the ball up and be like, oh, sick. I'll just start pushing towards this. And then like, boom, the entire team is just on you and you've just played the ball. Yeah. And it's like, ah, class. I misread that so offensively badly that like, this was genuinely the worst play I think I've ever made. That happens like literally once every like three days. You know what I mean? No, yeah, yeah. But like, it's good, man. Like, it's good. I'm enjoying it. Like, I would honestly recommend. I think also another good thing that he has on his thing is Mattify site is you can have like a free 30 minute consultation, quote unquote. Okay. It's not called a consultation, but it would be like a consultation. Like where it's like, you can literally just go and you can chat to him and be like, this is what I want to do. Like, what do you recommend? You know what I mean? Like, what service would you recommend that I go for? Like, how would you, you know, this is my situation. Like, whatever it is that you want to speak to him about, like the 30 minutes is there. You know what I mean? He's willing to talk to you before you spend your money on it. Exactly. Which I think is like, for me, like the fact that he's willing to go and do that is like next level. You know what I mean? Like the fact that he's going to go like, oh, so you're interested in buying. Now let me, now like, you know what I mean? Now let me tell you why you should buy it. But yeah. I mean, shout out Ward. That's a goat. I want to steer it ground. I want to steer it ground. Speaking of legend as well. Did you happen to see what happened on Saturday? Is this the C9 tournament? The C9 tournament. Yeah. C9 5k. I remember you were telling me about it. It was quite good. The standard was pretty high. I mean, as expected, I think like all the top, top American teams competing. A little bit of a shame that it was only NA only. Um, but also I understand that. I mean, America is a big enough place as it is without China. I like it. I can stick more into it. Sticks more for me. You into it or something like that. But like SSG are looking dangerous, bro. They look insane. The fact that they played right now, I think right. I haven't done any research about this up, but I'm pretty sure this is the first time that we've seen one of the top three teams play the other two on their way to win. Um, yeah, it didn't happen. It didn't happen at, um, major one. I'm pretty sure it didn't happen at Worlds. I don't think it happened all of last year. There was always one team, which they never played them. You know what I mean? And it was like, well, you know, so like you actually really knows when the, where the stuff and stuff like that. Right. Um, well, I think SSC got knocked down for the losers bracket early by like an unexpected team. I'm pretty sure. Um, yeah. And then optical knockdowns, but there's a bracket as well, which was kind of strange. Um, and then SSG knocked optic out. Oh, no, they lost the face, didn't they? Yeah. They, um, and then SSG, I don't know who SSG lost to, but I think they were already in the losers bracket. And then SSG played optic, knocked them out of the tournament. Um, SSG go on like the most ridiculous run through the lower bracket, get to the grand finals, reset the bracket. And then when the event, the game five, 46, 50, it's the space station game five slow. Yeah. I was like, I don't know. I feel like SSG, like, I mean, I know it's only online, so I know it's like, how much can you really read into it? And all of this stuff, right? SSG might actually be doing, doing it. You know what I mean? I think we might have a SSG year this year. I mean, SSG was already a good enough team. And then the point where you add in legend, who is an amazing player in himself, she's been proven on brilliant Saturday. You know what I mean? Legend might actually be the best player in the world right now. Yeah. Like that guy is next level, basically. Like just next level. So, yeah. Shout out SSG, I guess. Hopefully see what happens in London. Oh, it's gonna be good. Yeah, it's gonna be good. It's gonna be so sick. It's gonna be so good in London. Yeah, it's gonna be class, man. One person who will not be turning up to London is Faze's newest member, whose name I will not repeat here because well, I'm just not going to repeat it because it just shouldn't be said, but we need to have a conversation about hackers, bro. Cheers. All right. Okay. Ah, yes. Now, apparently it's not even a problem with the AC. No, no, which is why that is so easy to bypass, right? So these, these cheaters now in Halo, they have like a mad flying hack. Yeah. Like fly around the map, right? We're watching world to stream yesterday and he matched this phase. He's a, whose name will go unspoken. Um, and this guy literally just speed run the entire game because he just floated from one side of the rapid, like floating. It's not floating. It's not even the correct term, right? You basically teleported from one base to the other, grab the flag and teleported back. I felt fast. He was moving and just scored three, you know, his pit flag, right? So like that in and of itself is insane. Yeah. Yeah. But also they've now got this thing where like, um, you, you can shoot every single bullet in the gun with one trigger pull. Oh, really? Yeah. So I saw some boy get like, I saw some boy get like, um, it was a perfect kill, right? But he basically just shotgun the geezer in the head with his bandit. Jesus. And it was just like, what? Like, I've also seen it where like, um, I saw like once a day, he was hiding off the map in one of the DTV maps, but the, the cheetah on walls. And then he had this other like West hack because he, he like fade away, jump shot off the edge of the map to kill this one guy fired one rocket, but killed everyone on the other team. Jesus Christ. And it's just like, you know, I, I, I don't know how they're finding this. I mean, I saw a video of that guy, um, the rapid fire bandit. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Which apparently is something that is possible with the new networking, networking model. Yeah. Um, so this is, this is apparently according to people that know way more about this, this is apparently like the problem with this networking model is it's the same issue as is in MCC where the, the, the flying hack thing was something I've seen in MCC. I've never seen any of these other ones, but like so much to do with the networking model enables these weird, unique interactions to take place, how you do it and whether you need any third party software to be able to do it. I have no idea. Yeah. Um, but it's getting, it's getting pretty rough out there, man. I can't lie. It's like people doing an absolute madness constantly. Are they actually doing anything proactive to try and stop it? Cause that bandit, like the quick fire has been out for a while. Yeah. I mean, I, I, I don't know. I don't know. I'm seeing a lot of people calling for the previous networking model to come back into the game. Okay. Uh, I mean, I'm not overly convinced that that would be the solution to the problem. No, I mean like, yeah. Okay. You get rid of all the hackers. She is. But then we go back to die and run walls yard on solitude, whatever, whatever it was that it did. Yeah. Yeah. Like decent ghost shots. Like, you know what I mean? Blank may lays. I mean, I don't think I've had that many blank mailers since the update. I've had some, not like some, not like when they've happened. I've just been like, ah, yeah, I can kind of see that conceivably that I've missed that. But at the same time, it's been like, never sure about that. Should I, or should I have got the lunge? Right. But like, you know, I don't know. I mean, the same, same, same rule to stream clutch comes into it. The geezer who's had a competitive insights, I think he's had a competitive insights, uh, three, four, three. And he said something to roll to enroll to just went, yeah, well, like rather than coming in there and saying that, why don't you just actually go and find this fucking guy who has this very specific name, which shouldn't be allowed anyway. Uh, and do your fucking job rather than like, why he didn't say that to be far as me paraphrasing. But basically the point was, he was like, you know, like just fucking get rid of this guy. Like what, what's going on? How is this guy allowed to be in the game anyway? Despite the fact that he's cheating, right. And then he's cheating. Um, and it's like, the coach just was like, yeah, yeah, yeah. Like to report him. But it's like, well, it's like people are getting in game reported and reports aren't going anywhere or they're not being action fast enough. People won't do them. People won't do them. Like there needs to be like, you know what I mean? If I'm saying this guy's fucking doing the thing, get them out. Like, you know what I mean? Immediately. Like, um, the other problem with that though is as well is that they, um, these people are now spoofing gamer tags. So you, um, so I saw this one, I can't mind the name of the player. Begins with an S. Um, it's basically, there's been multiple clips of them quote unquote, um, cheating, right? Like doing like aim bots, like the whole, the whole nine yards basically of just like the most egregious, obvious cheating you've ever seen in your life. Yeah. But it isn't actually them. Okay. Right. It's, it's the sort of hacker is using their gamer tag in order to go and detect it for longer. Nice. Um, which apparently according to what I was reading in royalties chat yesterday, apparently is something that they can work around on the back end. Because each. Original gamer tag has its own like unique identifier. Um, so no matter what you describe your display name is, it will always link back to your original gamer tag. Right. Okay. Then obviously like, I don't know if I don't know how that works with the in-game report system. I don't know how that works with like reporting things on waypoint. I'm like, this is another thing as well, man. Right. The report system on waypoint is like a fucking 52 question questionnaire. What code evidence? Like where you have to like, you know what I mean? Like you have to upload evidence of what you're a legend. Like. And unequivocally prove beyond all doubt that this guy is actually doing what you say they are, which means that like, rather than just being able to go. Oh, like, you know, you know, like how on my card, it used to be like, oh, you report, you want to block them. Yeah. Right. And you literally just go, yes, I do bang into the game again. You have to spend like five to 10 minutes going and compiling clips and export that into a format that you can then go to like your fucking computer with. And then from the computer, you have to go and log into waypoint, fill out this. Fucking tax return of information. Bangalore clips into it just for them to turn around and go. Maybe we'll look at it. Maybe we won't, but will you be able to, will you ever know? Well, you know what I mean? It's like, I don't, I don't, I don't know. Yeah. It's just like uselessness. Like, you know what I mean? It's not just being a press this button report for this. Yeah. Yeah. You can put a text, you can put some information in if you want. If not, send it away, report and block. I mean like a free to play game. I'm like, they should have always, especially a free to play game of this nature. They should have always expected people like this. Oh yeah. And more hackers and stuff like that. To be fair, I don't feel like Halo's got a massive hacker problem. No, it doesn't. I think the bigger issue is, is that the, the player base that either produces content on it or they stream or they're involved with the community in some way through Twitter is very small. So when one person says, yo, this is going on, everyone knows about it. You know what I mean? Yeah. It travels so quickly, so it makes it seem like it's a bigger issue. I mean, not that I'm taking away from the fact that this is very obviously a fucking problem, but like, it's not as bad as like, Warzone used to be back in the day. I don't know. Yeah. Okay. But I don't know. I mean, it's probably going to get worse before it gets better. 100%. I can't lie. What they can do to fix it, I have no idea. I just hope they don't go back to the old networking. And if they do, I hope they redesign the fucking yard on Solitude. And nuke the whole fucking thing off? Yeah, you hate Solitude, don't you? I don't hate it, I just don't enjoy it. You don't enjoy Halo? Not at the moment. I go through, I go through these stages of playing Halo for ages and not playing anything else and then dipping off Halo entirely and playing something else for massive, like all entirety. A skill issue? It's not a skill issue, it's just me as a person. Yeah, okay. Mate, you've been on Elden Ring for the past fucking week, shut up, eh? Yeah, that's because it's addictive. So? Why can't other games not be addictive? It takes it to the ground. What, Elden Ring? Yeah, bro, you have no idea, bro. You spent fucking like a day and a half trying to kill one fucking boss. Bro, she just kept fucking smoking me, I don't know what to tell you. Skill issue? Yeah, I mean, it's 100%, it's a skill issue. That's why I kept at it until I could fucking kill her. I'm so proud of you. And just, just, just when I thought I was getting close, boom, a dragon. I'm just like, oh, again, like again, really, like, oh, now you've turned yourself into a moon, how original. You've turned yourself into a moon, bro, and it throws the moon at you. Nice. That one's easy to get away from, though, you just literally run backwards to run away from it. That's how, that's how, like, I did it, I just ran away from literally everything that could kill me and then just smacked her in the face with like two swords. Nice. And then, like, oh, what's that, you charge up the death beam in a bit, son, off again, running around in a circle. You know what I mean? I was like, Luke, last night going, you can't have a three day boss, I was like, I can not have a three day boss. I can't get off tonight until I've done it. Because if I don't do it, I'm going to have to uninstall the game. See, that's fine until it's like three in the morning and you're like, no, I can't get off. Yeah, but I mean, I mean, luckily I beat her before 12, so it was chill. Yeah. Ah, well, hope it is, at least that's fun. Yeah, it's very true. It's a five day boss for you. Well, this funny turns into like a comet, bruv. When you get into a certain thing and like comes back and tries to set you right off. A fucking comet? Yeah, man, it looks insane. I'm excited to like, I mean, I'm sure that I'm just going to be like fucking shit scared the entire time that he's doing it. We moved, you know what I mean? I know, I know the OP strats. I know what to do. Yeah, my mom's been watching the YouTube videos for it. No, I'm reading the, I'm reading the wiki on the internet, but I mean, you got those fucking, the big manuals. You've gone out and bought a manual. The big manuals. What are they called? What was the company that made them called? It was like orange, wasn't it? I don't fucking remember. I think I had a, I had a, did I have a GTA one? I think I had a GTA manual. I think I did. GTA five manual. What was it? I had a Halo Reach manual because I got it, hoping it would tell me how to forge maps, but it didn't. It didn't tell me how to forge maps, but it didn't tell me how to forge maps, but it didn't tell me how to forge maps. It didn't. What was it? It's not a manual. What is it called? What's the fucking big ass thing? It's like a game guide or something like that. Game walkthrough guide. Isn't it? Yeah. Yeah. Strategy guide. That's it. I had a Halo 2 one as well from back in the day. That's sick, that. Brady Games? Is it orange? Is it orange? Brady Games did the GTA one. Brady Games Signature Series. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Brady Games Signature Series. Mate, I could buy one for seven quid off eBay. Nice. Yeah. The fucking, the Halo Reach one, right? I distinctly remember it having, um, I need to look this up to who, to which, which player it was, right? But there was like, um, a part of it which was entirely dedicated to like competitive play. Right. And it had like, um, probably like, like, I think it was written by one of the, like, big players at the time. Yeah. I can't remember who it was for the life of me. I actually think it might have been Ninja. Like, maybe. I'm going to have to, I'm going to have to do all that. Oh, look at this. A hardback Elden Ring official strategy guide volume two. Charge the shot ring 40 quid. There you go. Nice. Nice. I mean, that's, that's a very expensive gun. Yeah, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, 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