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Nothing to say, yet
In this podcast episode, the hosts discuss their experiences with the Call of Duty game and the challenges of grinding camos. They talk about their favorite and least favorite weapons, as well as the changes in the camo grind compared to previous years. They also touch on the frustrations of using launchers and share their opinions on the game's mechanics and balance. Overall, they find this year's camo grind to be easier and less tedious. what is happening people all the people that are tuning in to episode four of the team nate podcast joined today by the main man forbes himself what are you saying bruv i'm not too bad how are you doing today uh yeah i'm all right it's not bad it's pretty chilly yeah and i'm not enjoying the uh the short days but it is now the the way he's going to work at night in the dark and coming home in the dark is not the one plus while you've got to work and in the dark and in the cold you're missing out on the camel grind which today we've got a couple of things to talk about but that is going to be the start in tropic the mw3 camel grind start out the camel grind man how are you um how are you finding i got a little bone to pick for you as well bro i can't lie bone with me oh thank you right okay that sounds a bit interesting this is new to me like this guy yeah this guy i've had a week off this week because i'm transitioning career paths so i thought you know what i'll go on get on the new call of duty i'll start grinding the camos i get it done first out of the friend group that'll be sick and then you should come in but this guy three days i'll put into this game yeah and this guy eats up all of my progress in about three minutes right how's it how's it possible bro you have little red boxes lad no no no no no it's a safe place it's a safe place which means a safe place you're here it's not a safe place what are you all about at no point and i have this is on record at no point have i or will i ever hack i'm just better and that's the reality you need to accept he has got sound eq though people so if you challenge him in 2v2 search nobody can hear you breathing before you've even spawned into the lobby sound eq or not you're all shite i'll batter the lawyers 1v1 me i'll be having you there we go it's a challenge thrown down by community everyone undiscovered talent let's go the main stage aka the greatest cod player never to play competitively yeah exactly undiscovered talent i'm that diamond in the rough that they never found shut up darwizy what you saying about it bro like what you what you liking what you're not liking like your opinions of the challenges the different weapons because like obviously you've now got every single weapon platinum you're going through the priceless cameras yeah um so you've got a good time now on every single weapon on the game so like let me let me hear like top three bottom three like okay right bottom three we're going to start off bottom three um sidewinder stone dead last yeah thrash yeah absolute waste of time um second bottom last fr fr 556 oh the fr uh i don't think for a three-round burst weapon it is nothing compared to the the one previous where is it the dg the dg the dg is something else i don't think i've ever used a burst weapon on any game that hits like the dg yeah and i would have thought that the f bar being a farmhouse they would have had that quite high i would have had it quite higher up but no not for me and then number three in that list um i don't know the the last pistol the you know the little like uzi mini pistol thing oh yeah yeah i know the i know which one you mean i can't think it's like wsp oh wsp swarm that's it yeah it's oh no i thought that was the smg is it oh i don't know i don't know i don't remember but i know i know the one you mean yeah it's like a small child's toy when you're using it wsp stinger i've got the game that's it wsp stinger is not good at all takes too many shots to kill people and it's got such a small mag even if you put the new mag on you're like a fool half a mag before you kill somebody yeah i feel like with that weapon specifically like it's really good if you're inside of the enemy that you're trying to kill and you can just point blank them right but you are you are you are using the entire magazine it's even at that rate to get a kill like it's literally like it's not the one uh top three top one the gun i had well the most fun is the wsp9 or the end of the kv inhibitor um so i put dg kv inhibitor wsp is that's my top three in that order top three in that order no mcw because that's just a that's just a no recoil no skill it doesn't take any skill to use a double uh mcw at all and it's big shots today at the cod community bro like you you had the casuals now you're going for anyone that's a pro player like what's going on bro you woke up today and chose violence like oh my day fair enough like for the competitive side that is the best gun for them because it does the damage and it has no recoil that's all they fucking need yeah i get you it's a perfect balance in no why do you think they've got to put a red dot on the fucking gun this year it's ga that you have to have a red dot i feel that's the thing man like every time i run into someone who's using an mcw in like a public club or like in hardcore like i've been playing a lot of hardcore to do these um to do these challenges like yeah it's just it just did every time you get killed by them like i don't know man like i'm just like oh well you didn't learn anything about the game and i didn't learn anything about the game like no one won in that engagement like you just gunned me with a negative recoil ar yeah one shots from across the map like you know i mean like it's sick it doesn't take any effort to use it you've got no recoil or no adjustment for it because it'll just shoot straight constantly and that's all you need um but the i did quite a lot of them non-hardcore which was probably a stupid thing looking at it and that's i don't know if there was well it's now rust 24 7 and terminal 24 7 hardcore um but i don't think there was that i don't know if they had the hardcore before but there was i didn't use um terminal before last week yeah they had terminal um hardcore which was quite good i should have done that but i didn't but that's you you learn on the way do you yeah i mean i feel that's the thing you know like you know doing one of these like mastery camos it's like the whole journey is like learning you know i mean yeah it's like so many times i've been like um i've got to a challenge and been like oh okay how am i gonna how am i gonna do this like the wall bangs for example right so like you know the wall bangs with the snipers like it was very easy to find ways to do that then you get to the lmgs and it's a completely different kettle of fish well i was i did that that one sniper the amr with the penetration because i was lucky enough to get in there before they changed it the wall bangs through the glass i did it all through the glass but then obviously they changed that but then i found that nearly all the maps have very little to no penetration points yeah like i feel like on the older games like you could definitely get shot through walls a lot more and when i say the older games i mean like last year the year yeah like you know i mean yeah yeah no i understand what you mean and i agree with that um i don't know why they changed the whole shooting glass doesn't count because technically you are penetrating the glass to kill them so that would be a wall bang but they actually changed that are you just yeah that's what i told you no i i tried it yesterday when i went to terminal and it didn't work it's interesting isn't it it's very interesting um the overall the the the camel grind is a lot easier than it was last year the the what is it it's four camels per gun and then you're onto the gold plaque yeah that's far better than modern warfare 2019 that was 10 camels per gun yeah and last year was i think it was four as well per gun i've got the go on sorry i should say that this year you've not got you've got one launcher to do instead of four yeah which four launchers was horrendous yeah no i i can i can imagine that to be fair double kills double kills was one of the challenges it's like well like i'm using a javelin thank god that shipment came in because i was never getting double kills with a javelin on any map and this is situational like this is kind of the thing with like the launchers in call of duty games it's like they they put things like like fair enough right rpg fair enough or like a dumb fire rocket i can get behind that all day like um an anti-air rocket like a stinger or an igloo or something like that like i can get behind that as well because there's so many like aerial kill streaks that having anti-air capability even on like a 6v6 is like a good thing yeah you've got to have it yeah where i don't understand their thinking is the strela p i don't understand what what like niche that is supposed to fit into um unless you're trying to snipe people across the map with it yeah which i don't know i feel you'd be better served with like a sniper rifle personally um and then the javelin like the javelin it makes absolutely zero sense why you would need a javelin in a game where the majority of the time you're not fighting someone in a vehicle you know i mean no i get that i don't like the javelin i can understand for more like ground war and stuff like that like yeah i think that the idea behind the um javelin is for like the like the aerial kill streaks because it comes down on the top and then it takes something from the like the rotors and stuff for like helicopter and stuff and that's i think based on more realistic life stuff that's how that works yeah yeah no i'm not sure i'm not convinced i don't think it's good enough it doesn't it's not good for what it needs um but thank god for this year they're not you don't have to do them for the mw3 camos um for sure that's i enjoy that more there's less grindiness it feels better grindiness um because it's not as heavy yeah i feel like as well just kind of looping back to like the comparison between this year and last year like obviously on the gold camo on the guns last year it was like get three three killstreaks get five three killstreaks get 10 get 15 or whatever it was right like but like it just felt very i don't i don't know if it was because of the way i was trying to do it or like the maps i was trying to do it on or like what was going on right but like those killstreak challenges felt almost impossible last year for me to be able to do oh yeah definitely like and then this year like the same challenges and they're like they're by far my least favorite challenge type to have to deal with like anything streaky i'm not really a fan of it um but i like that they've kind of adapted that style of challenge with like the you know get three with one magazine or get a two without releasing the trigger you know i mean like i think these are these are pretty cool they've released without releasing the trigger one it's a bit fucking weird it's weird but also it creates some amazing gameplay moments when there's donnie's running around the map with 400 round pkms just like blasting holes through walls and the hopes that someone's hiding behind it it's just like you just you pull it you pull the trigger and you're like well that's me i'm locked in i'm just gonna spin in a circle trying to find any spot i'm trying to attract attention with me firing this massive lmg with the hope that somebody goes what the fuck is going on it's just like i don't know i don't know if you experienced this but like every time i was trying to do that specific challenge like at the exact moment that i fired the last shot i'd get peaked like every single time yeah i was just like oh my days i've just spaffed off like 400 rounds of ammunition like for nothing you like what were you doing like where were you like what were you doing like everybody heard you just like waiting around the corner for me to stop shooting and then we're just like get shit on i know like that's not what i said like my guys playing like a campaign mission like you ever play the original medal of honor on pc yeah right you ever play that game no i never have no have you seen you've seen saving private ryan i mean yeah right you know the bit in saving private ryan where they're like the foot of the bunker on the d-day scene and he's like no wait hold up wait for him to switch out the barrels like you know i mean that's what my guy was doing yeah like you know i mean like my guy is just out here like waiting for the for the reload of the quick change barrel like you know i mean it's just like bro like just peek me like just peek me like please i'm fucking begging you just fucking peek me bro like it's not that deep it's not deep if you kill me and it's not deep if i kill you like but just fucking do it just like what are you doing like he quit just to hide around the corner waiting for me to stop shooting just so you can like run around and batter me with a nightstick or something this kind of brings me on to another point right about doing the camos and it's it's not really like um it's kind of like a minor gripe about the game but as with like so when someone kills you with like a an mcw and it leaves that same bad bad taste in your mouth right when someone kills you with a weapon from the previous game oh fills me with the same feeling of just like what is like what's the point you know i mean like because it's like you know these i i think it's just that you know part of it is just the way that i look at playing the game but it's like these people are just using like guts from the last year they're not doing anything with it i mean i guess you could still graft a ryan out if you really wanted to yeah you could do yeah but we're using it because they're good guns yeah and it's just i just don't i don't know like you know i i i agree with that the fact it's just like oh we're just it's fine here we go we're gonna pick out a fucking vase on a new game and then we're gonna sit in a corner sit and watch one angle all game it's a bit it's specialist behavior like it is very specialist behavior like you know i don't understand it i mean if people are having fun then whatever man like i'm just obviously not seeing division yeah we don't find that fun but if anybody else no yeah that's the thing like you know far be it for me to dictate how someone else should play the game even though that's what i've just spent the last five minutes doing but you know i mean like just i don't know like i personally it's not for me i don't understand it i don't get it no i mean it kind of baffles me uh so circling background you asked me my top three and bottom three guns yeah what are your top three and bottom three guns for the camo grind oh for the camo grind well fair well this obviously you've not used all of them because you still have your subs to do yeah i've still got some machine guns to do uh i'll tell you this i'll tell you this now the striker 9 isn't going to be up there i'll tell you that now and the striker 45 isn't up there for me yeah it's not going to be up there either so don't worry about that um which guns that are not i'll start i'll do the same as you i'll start with right um sidewinder is probably the worst gun in the game in terms of like not in terms of like how much like damage output or anything like that just in terms of how difficult it is to use like you put this thing in full auto the fire rate is abysmally slow and the issue isn't the fact that like it's got horrendous vertical recoil it's the fact that like the gun just bounces around horizontally for fun like it's really weird like the only way that i could get to like um any sort of accuracy out of it was like you know um like a micro strafe so like when you're like holding an angle but you're just kind of moving backwards and forwards really quickly so if someone does take a shot the chances of them like doming you are significantly lower in theory right like that was the only way i could find to actually get this thing to shoot straight it was just micro strafe whilst i was shooting and trying to like you know i mean like yeah like literally because it's like i mean i suppose like the benefit is it fires so slow that you can be like if you know the next shot is going to auto correct to the right you can strafe into it and then yeah i mean you can just keep strafing into the like the weird variation but like that that thing is dogshit bro there's a fucking fire rate on it i can we can probably everybody can fire uh yeah yeah yeah a hundred percent it's like why have we got a full gun that is slower than everybody's trigger finger like it's not that shouldn't be a thing no it's it's one of those guns where i'm like i'm not really sure where what niche it fills in the game because the other two weapons in the category are just infinitely better in every single way like the basb is disgusting and the we're still on the mtz 760 um 556 is it not mtz 556 well whatever whatever the the third marksman rifle is yeah it's an mtz pretty good yeah and to be honest with you i i kind of like the fact that they've gone like okay ars what ar platforms would also irl be able to be like upchambered you know i mean so you have like the higher caliber versions of the same platforms like i like that the same with the um that shotgun which is on a m4 platform like i like that i like the fact that like it you know i mean it's something a little bit different something that i feel like you know we haven't seen before like you know i mean you have we've had this sort of like um changeable platforms in the old game in mw2 because i remember you had to unlock certain attachments to go into the other guns and that's because they were all oh yeah but like this is the thing like with with that the execution was terrible yeah in my opinion like the fact that like you couldn't unlock certain attachments until you'd gone and used the lmg shotgun version of a bolt-action sniper rifle it's like no i will say though yeah the as much as i like the longbow a bolt-action ak yeah like really like i i the out of all the snipers the amr for the long range shots and then the kv inhibitor for the close range yeah like the amr is going to be disgusted in warzone if it can if well if it can one shot like that's the thing can it one shot like if it can one shot headshot then that's going to be that's going to be really good like i hope they have one shot headshot uh one one shot headshot snipers snipes yeah there was so much snipes that longbow is going to be insane like that's going to be the most fun gun on the game for warzone yeah i don't i don't i think they're just going to it'll just be a continuation of the wars and we already have which doesn't have the one shots unless you've got the explosive ammo but then they'll take that out for ranked and then it's like well yeah i understand you don't want people just to have their game instantly ruined by a sniper yeah but if you're a sniper and hit shots takes a lot of skill because that's that's the thing man right it's literally just removing skill expression but you know i mean um i mean i guess maybe maybe they wanted to change the way snipers behaved because they had data which showed that the majority of cheaters were using sniper rifles to win games you know i mean maybe that's something to do with it because in those instances yes it's very irritating yeah i mean like if you've got someone who's got aimbot cross mapping you with a one-shot snipe there's nothing you can do to fight that but the thing is if their worry is having hackers using that guns or whatever else they should just stop it at the fucking problem which is the hackers yeah they should just have an actual working anti-cheat yeah don't don't affect every other player that's playing legitimately and having fun with a certain way of playing and having one-shot snipers to then just because you've got a small collective of people who are ruining the game yeah exactly like it makes no sense to me um sorry back on back on back on the topic yeah uh mtv no sorry uh sidewinder trash yeah um i didn't there was one of the head and g's i didn't really like either um the d the dg the the yeah i know which one you mean the um the one that i think it's it's it's not the pkm it's not the bruin and it's not the one that is holder 26 no i liked the holger it's the fourth one um was that a dg 58 uh that was the second one dg 56 lsw whichever one it is yeah it's it's the one that isn't the holger the one that isn't the bruin and the one that isn't pkm yeah that one is terrible like that's shocking i was using that in hardcore and it was still bad yeah we're still getting hit markers like that that is terrible um yeah it shouldn't be a thing i'm not in love with the snipers on this game like no like that's that's fun and like each one has a different sort of like thing but it's just like the amr is way too slow yeah to be used in 6v6 the longbow is too many hit markers yeah and the kv inhibitor whilst a really fun gun to use kind of like for me anyway isn't really a sniper rifle because it's semi-auto you know i mean i feel like they could have put that in the marksman rifle category i know it hits harder but also at the same time it's like i'm i'm not sure yeah the way i kind of judge it is i'm like well if i see someone hitting a clip with a kv inhibitor am i going to be impressed you know i mean yeah if i see someone hitting a clip with an amr i'm going to be a lot more impressed because of how slow it is yeah like um like third least favorite gun on the game ar shotguns it's still i think what did i have like a lot of issues with i don't know but i feel like the shotguns the shotguns are weird as well like i'll put actually yeah the um the sidewinder shotgun i didn't really enjoy the sidewinder shotgun yeah is it a sidewinder no lockwood haymaker haymaker that's it i knew it was some sidewinder the haymaker shotgun like that's like i knew it was the sidewinder shock mate it's entirely different sidewinder haymaker they kind of sound the same it's supposed to shoot your throat right like regardless of the fact that i got it wrong yeah it's a stupid name that they're using to avoid some fucking copyright bullshit or something i don't know um yeah they'll just get done by fucking david hay being like you're not allowed to use the word you're not allowed to use haymaker that may i i that would be so funny like david hey if you're listening yeah they're infringing on your copyright bro get out i believe you can take down the combined financial and therefore legal might of activision and microsoft together mate you haven't been able to take anybody down for this since like 2008 so i'm just i'm just thinking about that one clip you know whatever like how one-sided is it going to be and he issued that very famous reply like that's how one-sided it's going to be if he attempts to sue them it's one side on the activision side it's just so one-sided like it's ridiculous how much like illegal protection these people have see they're not actually a little talking point from when we were playing before the crown raceway map is obviously in the game um yeah on the mw2 mosh pit playlist i do think it is interesting that they've been allowed to keep it because of what you were saying about the legal trouble that they had originally with it yeah because it's based off the singapore grand prix and they didn't actually have the legalization to make that map it was the same it was the same a hotel remember hotel is based on hotel and they didn't have the legalization to do it and then they finally got that one but i don't know what was it like the the image rights or something i guess um i don't know what i think it was just the the use of the area like the use of their real world i don't know what it would go under cat like legally it was like do you remember the museum map that was in the beta for mw2 well that was in like the um it was all like sandstone and stuff yeah yeah yeah that's also based off of a real museum and then that got taken out until i don't know how long into the game cycle and then they finally got it in because they got the legalization to use it but it's the fact they just went to these places like this will be a really good map we're going to design all this yada yada yada there you go half that and didn't actually do any of the legal background being like oh can we use this for our maps to be honest with you though that doesn't surprise me like yes and no fucking activision is it they'll do whatever they fucking want and don't care but that's the thing man like i feel like as a i feel like like as a as a people now collectively everyone i mean in this but like living in the time of entities that are just too big to fail like drake for example way too big to fail at this point has way too many loyal fans like i feel like activision when they approach things they do it with the same mindset of like we are we can do what we want like people are going to buy this regardless you know what i mean and that's a problem in itself because it's no matter what shit they put out there's always gonna be people to buy it and that's i feel like that's partially a problem with well what we're doing now and talking and have it we need to play it to talk about it yeah three men we need to be to stream it and you are known as a fucking cod streamer or whatever you've got to put you gotta buy it to play it and people are always going to want to see well when the new games comes out people are going to want to see the new game i mean exactly but then if you revert back because um one of the people uh was bread man do you know bread man bb bread man yeah yeah he used to dream with a slice of bread over his face yeah then he got done for hacking or something i swear he was accused of hacking by call of shame but then he went to right okay do you remember do you remember the warzone event that they had recently the one in um in london yeah he went and he was part-time folk so it's like well is he hacking or is he just good and like anyone that call the shame calls out bro like those videos are comedy yeah like they're so funny have you seen the ones where he's like we got our like our tame hacker to go into the lobby and spectate them to prove that they're using warhacks and i basically like this guy goes in like stream snipes with whoever they're accusing of being a hacker um dies to him spectates him and then has like the warhack overlay on i'm like and they were presenting this as unequivocal proof that these people were using warhacks because they were like pre-aiming corners looking exactly where the enemy was jesus that's just not the fucking that is not the game no like that like that literally proves nothing like okay yeah so you look at you look at you know this guy three times through the wall like cool yeah there's probably a reason why as a player you're looking at this spot like you know i mean yeah yeah if i i'm specifically thinking of an instance right you remember the the single dog-like stairs in some of the buildings on al-mazra yes where i'd like go up a flight and then like hard 90 degree right turn and then go up another flight right yeah yeah like in the clip the guy was aiming at the corner and the donnie was like that he was fighting was like stacked on the corner but wasn't pushing no and he was just like aiming at him through the through the wall basically and it's just like whoa and he's like this is this is ridiculous why is he looking here because he's got like game sense yeah you know i mean he knows there's a guy about to push him up the fucking stairs bro like himself and most advantage was centering exactly like he's not a bot bro like he's not gonna be like sightseeing out the fucking window or looking what's going on on the desk waiting for this guy to come up the stairs and just absolutely beaming like no no like bro like come on now it's not amateur hour out here like that might happen call the shit but no like you know what i mean like well i say i see it bro call the same fucking bad boy beaming all of them you're all fucking trash mate like all of you oh no how many more fucking people we're gonna fucking pick on a day man like it's not it's not picking on people if it's true man oh jesus yeah you're just spitting facts you know well no like the the main problem i'll tell you now yeah like the main problem that i have with these people is that they present their findings quote-unquote in a manner that is specifically designed to cause um harassment yeah and then they frame it as oh but is he or isn't he and it's just like well you've provided five minutes worth of dubious footage at best yeah as to why this person is cheating in the game right like i get that your agenda is to try and prove this but at the same time like there's just i don't know like it's just it's just the way it's presented the language that's used like it's just all very just designed just to stir up some like bullshit sentiments within the like you know i mean like rather than like as a content creator yeah right like i feel like if you are in a space you have some kind of like when people come to you and they're like yo what's going on here that's a bit dubious like i don't understand how you knew that guy was there like i don't get this or like you know um in other games like say like halo for example like people being like well how do you know that that guy was going to be in this area of the map because of like as someone who has like a little bit of a platform like would it not be beneficial not just to you but also your viewer to kind of be like yo like look man like this is this is why i knew this guy was here like i knew the guy was going to be in that doorway there at this point because of this this isn't this that happened like rather than you know i mean but then you just get these like these fucking blood-sucking parasites bro which just come out of the woodwork and just level baseless accusations of people like you know i mean and then provide three minutes of footage filmed off a fucking nokia potato phone yeah it's one of those shaky things you can't make anything out on yeah like you know those ufo videos where everything's filmed on like like the person filming it like he has the world's shakiest hands yeah that or the big foot like oh my god look it's bigfoot no i mean that's just your mate in a costume but you're shaking your hands a bit more exactly like you know i mean like no you didn't catch bigfoot on the side of fucking railway like come on bro like you know i mean like bigfoot yeah like there's been evading detection from the human race the human race with its satellite imaging night vision goggles like you know i mean like we like we take this shit seriously bro like we're gonna find something we're finding something yeah like no like bro like we've got the technology like what's bigfoot got a cave with a fire in it like come on now right you want me to believe that bigfoot the master of hiding in the north american wilderness was caught by the side of a railway line whilst a train went past i don't know i don't know if you've ever been anywhere near a train remotely they're not quiet yeah like bigfoot is a wild animal so i would assume he has advanced hearing skills or something i don't know bro i just i call bullshit on that one as well to be fair you know as you as us as human race in the america in general they're not great at finding people hiding in caves i'm just gonna leave that one down let's move on to the next topic of the conversation shut out the bush administration bro don't shut out the bush administration absolutely freaking trash bro we're staying too far off topic here we're getting into realms that we know nothing about our mass market appeal is going by the second back to bread man right oh yeah i remember that conversation so so he went on the new game was out and he was still playing the old war zone it's like well he's clearly not wanting to like go on to the new game but people are still watching him it's like to be new content creators you've got to keep up to the up-to-date so they always know people will buy it regardless of what shit they put out oh sorry which which war zone did he stay playing the original one or war zone 2 war zone 2 when modern warfare 3 came out war zone 2 when modern warfare 3 came out oh that's what and even then when war zone 2 came out other streamers were still staying on caldera because it was better for them because obviously all remember the movement issues yeah no that that is true i feel that's the thing though isn't it like you know it's uh whichever game you find most fun personally or whichever is best for your personal situation i feel that that you know content creators of that size that always comes into um into effect yeah um so so all the way back let's rewind even further so that's your bottom three guns yeah top three um i like the tyr pistol i think that's that's really cool reminds me of the rail gun from halo i know we had that conversation when i was trying to graft it but um so much to do with the trigger delay like i don't know why it just reminded me of being like oh you've got to charge it up and then bang like yeah um the dg 58 was incredibly fun again reminded me of a weapon from halo there'll be a theme here i feel um two for three so all right dj dg 58 is really good um i'm not sure to be honest because there's not there's not like another gun where i've been like oh my god this is so fun to use like baz baz b yeah but i also feel like the baz b is like broken it's what yeah it's one of those like like bullshit guns in it you know i mean one where like if you pull that from the from from the loadout it's like oh you kind of like you can you can rinse hobbies and not even try with that with that thing like well no you got fucking three massive games like right what did i have i had like a hundred ninety some 107 and like a 76 or something yeah yeah with the buzzbee hardcore rust and i did have like overwatch heroes and chopper gunners and stuff as well so not all those kills came from the gun yeah but like to get to those you still need to kill food yeah i mean i was i was kind of like there was no skill or thought process involved i just went and stood on one area of the map where i could look at two spawn points at once oh yeah throwbacks when you're having to go with the people sitting in the corner is there hey man i i was moving around though oh yeah there's a difference between like because that spot yeah there is no cover from either of these angles that you're shooting into there is nothing in so if someone comes off spawn and looks at you you're dead yeah you're so dead it's not even funny right but at the same time it's like i don't know it's different man like there's a big difference between that i'm not that i'm condoning what i was doing some boy put in the chat was like you're camping for killstreaks and i was like yeah like low key i'm camping but i'm doing it for camos bro not killstreaks like you know i mean get if you're gonna accuse me of camping that's a that's a big that's a big it's a big accusation to level at someone yeah were you were you playing the objective playing the objective no like maybe i can't remember man like potentially so who do you think you are huh well you know what the contact is bro yeah what would forbes do what would forbes do not play objective not play objective exactly yeah so tyr dg 58 uh you just need one more i do i do quite like the the other pistol man the um the first one i don't know what it's called like that one that's core 45 i like that that was really that was really fun to use i enjoyed the renetti with the aftermarket part on it i thought that was really good that's washed like yeah the thing is though is like i was using that to try and get like my thought process was like oh if i turn it into like a carbine might be better for like single fire like you know i mean like one shot on the target rapid follow-ups like all that stuff right yeah it wasn't it was terrible it was just so bouncy like it'd be good as an smg but as i i you know i mean i was trying to snipe people off headies with them that was my problem that i was trying to solve is like how do i get long shots with this weapon yeah you know i mean um and that didn't serve the purpose at all i mean maybe at some point i'll go back to it give it a little go more than likely not because i'm probably not gonna play call of duty for a while after i've finished the interstellar grind yeah you'll be back on the halo back on the halo the grind does not sleep well it does right now but like yeah it doesn't also which brings us in nicely to talking about halo um because i believe they've got some updates from the previous time we spoke about it ah you wouldn't do me like that bro what do you mean bring this up in front of the people right i'm gonna say this once yeah i of sound body and mind fell for a piece of twitter bait and when i said collect was ssg apparently he's not so that's my bad for that i should have been doing more fact finding no i can't believe it episode three get that i'm gonna pin that episode three baited it's brian who baited it's brian who's got baited bro that's exactly it like i just got baited so hard by the social media team to be fair ssg are doing the absolute most on twitter right now like with their is it isn't it like who are we signing are we not signing interestingly though right i was reading um something last night on reddit i think yeah um and one of the casters from lvt said that ssg had lost stellar and that one of these other players that was available would be good to fill into that role because a stellar was like a slay heavy player right right and then he quickly corrected himself and was like i didn't mean stellar i meant penguin interesting yeah that's what i thought because i'm like well if from from the ambiguous i know something you don't know tweets that have been coming out from most of the people who are up there in na and some european pro players yeah like if this if there was um people outside of the you know like the pro discords and like didn't know these people personally wasn't on you know i mean like if there was any community members this that would i would know about rostamania this guy would be one of them that i would say he knows what's going on yeah i mean like was it a mistake was it a slip up like we don't know you know i mean um native gaming red's roster has dissolved okay they um it's kind of strange about that one actually because obviously they had the two teams native red and native white and i feel that um um given the state of the market in terms of esports as a whole and the direction that the that the industry's kind of like slided in financially it would be difficult for any organization to have one pro level halo team yeah let alone two so it was always kind of a surprise that they managed to keep these two teams running i mean obviously i don't know what their situation is with ownership by their cash flow anything like that like i don't know how big they are like on socials like anything right so it's difficult to get a gauge as to how big of a player within esports and native gaming is yeah i believe the guy that runs it is incredibly passionate about halo um which is probably why they had two teams in the first place but it's not surprising that they've decided to downsize their operation into one roster um because i feel like at this point if they were announcing native red was dissolved it wasn't a thing anymore then they would also make any announcements concerning their other halo team yeah definitely yeah yeah i mean like maybe not signings or anything like that but like if they were exiting completely then they would make that abundantly clear and now would make sense to do it would now be a good time to do that because they're already making yeah they would do it they would do it as a clump yeah exactly two tweets instead of just being one and then waiting yeah exactly um so that's that's kind of interesting like i mean those four guys so who was on native red sorry so native red was um drunk but obviously had visa issues we couldn't compete with native red at land this year yeah um so they replaced him with suppressed and then it was manny soul snipe and tolic i think and tolic tolic was the player that they this guy was talking about going to ssg um which when it when i read through his reasonings for it and stuff like he could quite easily fit into that penguin role as well so it's more supporting that he did make a mistake but also who knows you know i mean um but like the interesting thing about that that four-man roster with um druk instead of suppressed is that they were obviously originally the kansas city pioneers um they um were signed to a pro contract as a four-man team at the like when halo 5 was like dead so like before halo infinite had even come into it before with any like sort of proceeding halo infinite um and that roster now the the four-man well three-man i guess you could say without druk has just decided that they want to go their separate ways i think um one of the players has already said that he's signed a new contract or he's signing a new contract so he's got something lined up for next season i can't quite remember which way around it was okay um i don't know what's going to happen with the other ones i know suppressed i can imagine getting picked up by i want to say a top six team i know he gets into a lot of these like top um pro level eight lobbies which is normally a good you know i would assume that it's that's a good indication of both his skill level and where his career might be going in terms of like the level of team that he's going to end up on um yeah but like i you know like the top four teams like obviously there's places on two of them but i can't really see or you know i mean if there's two spots and there's three four players there five players so you know only two of them are actually going to get onto optic and ssu you know yeah and that's these these teams haven't already got their rosters sorted i feel like they would because like they wouldn't these teams wouldn't fuck about they would get it done because if they hang around for too long there's other the possibility of other like their other competitors picking them up well that's the thing isn't it you know i mean i feel this roster mania has gone so wild you know i mean it's like in terms of free agents right you've got dead zone slash penguin uh apg um tolic suppressed soul snipe mani i imagine drug still wants to compete but whether he can or not is a different matter you know i mean but so there you go you've got six players six quality players like neptune as well returning from call of duty i don't know what's happening with collect and mcquinn like barcode's apparently back as well so it's you know i mean like these are a lot of really high quality high ceiling players they haven't got anything yet i haven't got any teams like it's literally like if you're a player right now in this market i feel it's it's your it's your world basically it's it's your world it's your world basically you know i mean a lot of people are going to be calling and a lot of people are going to be trying to get signatures like it's going to you know wouldn't surprise me if each of these guys has got two offers at the very least the thing is the thing is it's like the optic and ssg will be able to offer them more money um so it depends on which one offers because as much as you don't put it down to money but these players are going to try and get as best they can oh yeah a hundred percent right so if it's like for if dead zone for example they could be lots of different teams coming for him because he's a top player optic will be putting in there and the thing is the optical offer a certain amount of wage and nobody will be able to compete with it because it's optic and they have more funds to do with the wage and to get whatever they want whilst i'm not disagreeing with you i think the money that optic would put up in terms of wages would obviously be in a line with the um the league average say you know i mean like they're not going to lowball anyone here because it's optic gaming but also like you don't like i feel like you don't sign for optic just for the cash like it's everything else that you get from optic you know i mean like it's uh like look at ghosty bro right like ghosty's first streamers optic ghosty had like 300 viewers are nowhere just because he's now optic ghosty yeah you know i mean like it's like you get so much more like exposure for your personal branding that i feel like that has to factor into it you know i mean it would do but then there's no guarantee that that'll happen you know i mean no but i i just like optic are just like optic fans are just insane bro like they support everything that optic does everything everyone who is optic they support them wholeheartedly like 110 percent yeah there's no there's no um middle ground like there's no either zero or 100 there's nothing yeah exactly like they either love you or hate you like um so you know but then at the same time like it's up to the player themselves if they if they want to have that as like a little bonus onto their contracts you know i mean no i get that um i don't know i feel like apg i feel like apg will join a smaller organization and try to be like the big big time player you know i mean yeah i don't see him joining i don't see him joining ssg um it'll be a smaller team and he'll be the main guy in the main call he'll be he'll look to be like a leader where in optic he wasn't a leader because you had formal or lucid calling shots because of who they are and what they couldn't do on a map so now it's just this is now apg's chance to be a leader of a smaller organization i feel yeah no for sure i do feel like um apg i can see him like ending up on like a team with like mcguinn or something you know i mean like a team like like it'll be like a team that has like vets like two vets on it and then maybe like two new people or something like that or maybe like i don't know ryan hoob's gonna pick him up or something i'm not sure because ryan hoob's on ryan hoob's a free agent as well he's still on the floor for a team as well oh and king nick as well bro i can't forget king nick and who else did they drop tusk although tusk won't go back to coaching which i don't think would be a terrible move for him personally but there you go who did he who did he coach before um so he was the complexity coach in season one i'm pretty sure right okay when so when complexity was like complexity went through so many rosters in season one like i can't even remind i think he was on the i think he was on the roster and then i think he was coaching and then obviously this season he ended up back on the roster like i mean i'm i'm trying to remember this shit off the top of my head i could be completely wrong yeah but it was it was a team like that like you know i mean like a complexity or a smaller team quote-unquote like okay uh well well maybe you'll end up going back there um isn't it with apg as well isn't he the possibility of going back and doing his uni course i think he's doing that anyway um but i think from i can't mind if he tweeted it or if he said in a stream or like how i heard about this right but i'm pretty sure he said that he wants to compete for one more year because there wasn't there was like a reason for it like he was like oh like for the sake of argument this is going to be his 18th year competing yeah right he wants to compete for his 18th year because then that marks like something personal to him you know i mean it's kind of like he wants to prove to himself that he's still capable of being out there doing it yeah i mean and to put it perfectly like to put it bluntly like i think apg was shown up a lot in the optic system um because the way that they played the game made him the easy target often because you would look at the stats and be like oh you know he's he's not yeah he's not doing anything like lucid's dropping this many kills like apgs like on like negative 500 you know i mean and he's got no ball time he's got this and he's not like that you know i mean it's like that's that's a system thing like yeah you don't go to back-to-back world championships with the same roster unless you've got a really good team yeah like that's that's not a thing you know i mean um so he's still very clearly capable of doing it it's just will he believe have the the passion to do it you know i mean like because playing for optic is one thing playing for a different different organization could be a completely different thing yeah you're coming off one of the world's best teams yeah taken off of it because that's the thing with optics like everything that they do seem super slick super professional like you know stuff like that like these other organizations maybe it won't be maybe they won't be maybe they won't have a coach to organize scrims maybe they won't have a coach at all like you know i mean maybe you know it's i don't know it's all kind of up in the air like yeah interesting to see how it shakes out though not oh jasmine it's gonna be very interesting like i think you know there'll be a couple of a couple of super teams on paper um well a lot of shuffling and stuff like that so the pace will slowly start to pick up over the next couple of months when it as the run-up to it coming back happens well that's the thing because i think they said they're announcing the roadmap in january yeah um so people will be looking to get that team down early so they can start passing together early yeah yeah exactly especially considering like new matter and stuff as well i mean it wouldn't even surprise me if some of these teams have already um started forming scrimming things like that you know i mean yeah definitely like in the background yeah exactly but you know we'll have to we'll have to we'll have to wait and see unless anyone wants to bless me with some rostamania knowledge then you know feel free but i wouldn't recommend it because i'll just go telling everyone like you know i mean you'll tell me you'll be like yo don't say this bro like dead zones go in here and i'm just like oh mate i will give next week a pot team then i'll be like yo like bro i found out the maddest thing i can't tell you and then you'll be like no i'll go and say it i'll be like yeah okay exactly bro i can't keep a secret like no not at all i'm i'm terrible i just i just i don't know i love the drama yeah i love the drama i love the drama okay well i think i'll do for this week um i think next week we've got a big week coming because it is the start of the scrims the actual games are starting in december is it yeah is that genuinely next week yeah i thought uh it'll be next oh i don't know if it's next week specifically but it is we're going to january december is going to be next this time next week we're going to be in january so no we're not this time next week we're not going to be in january bro you want a lot here we are it's the 25th i'm excited we don't do that around there bro you have to go on the podcast next week we'll just do a cut here hang on right we'll be in december right yeah because it's like it's um say that fifth of december that the new updates when i season one launches and stuff like that possibly i'm not sure on what date it is but we're going to be in december the actual games start in december yeah i think it'll um so this is this is like the online qualifier things that they do yeah for the for the majors yeah okay yeah i think that would be um i think it's pretty exciting to be honest with you i think it'd be yeah it's going to be exciting and we're going to cover it all here on the wonderful team made podcast greatest show in the galaxy i heard you fucking know let's get it right well thank you very much everybody for listening and we will catch you on another episode shortly