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cover of Obedience



Wonderful testimony of NFL QB D. Carr. He and his brother attending a worship event. During an alter call, the Lord told Carr to grab the microphone and step out! Praise God he listened and was obedient to God. Lives were not only saved through salvation, but also through the blood of Jesus and no suicide message would succeed.

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The speaker discusses the theme of obedience to the Lord and shares a powerful testimony from an NFL player. The player felt prompted by the Holy Spirit to speak up during an altar call and prevent someone from committing suicide. The player's obedience led to two people being saved from despair. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being obedient to God's promptings and encourages listeners to trust in God's love and plan for their lives. If you've been walking the same old road for miles and miles If you've been hearing the same old voice at the same old light If you're trying to feel the same old hope inside There's a better life, there's a better life If you've got faith, he's a pain taker If you feel lost, he's a way maker If you need freedom, save it He's a finger shaking savior If you've got shame, he's a shame breaker Oh, friends, how true is that? We've all searched for the light of day in the dead of night Welcome to Testimonies of the Goodness of God We've all found ourselves worn out from the same old fight We've all run to things we know just ain't right And there's a better life, there's a better life If you've got faith, he's a pain taker If you feel lost, he's a way maker If you need freedom, save it He's a finger shaking savior If you've got shame, he's a shame breaker Yes, welcome back to Testimonies of the Goodness of God Wonderful to have you with us today And first and foremost, let me start by saying Welcome back to Testimonies of the Goodness of God We've been away for a little bit We had some medical issues going on we had to take care of Then I had a nasty, nasty case of bronchitis Where I couldn't have been on a microphone or anything else for that matter And we just got stuck for a little bit And I've been working on an interview with a really, really good friend of mine And I think I'm going to have this coming up next week I know I've been talking about it for a while But anyway, welcome back to Testimonies of the Goodness of God So glad to have you today And I have a wonderful testimony in line for you today And the theme of the day will be about obedience to the Lord Before we dig into that though Let's get the usual stuff out of the way Thank you to everyone who's been listening and subscribing on audio.com to our channel Even when we've been off for a few weeks, a little over a month now We have some faithful listeners listening to our podcast And we do appreciate you I appreciate those that's reached out In our church family and other areas where we release our podcast And wanting to know, when is the next one coming? Hey, we missed your podcast No friends, you haven't missed anything We just haven't been able to produce any And we just appreciate you waiting for us to come back And put together something good for you And I think what we have for you today is going to be wonderful As usual, if you've got any testimony you would like to give, let us know Drop us a line there on our email tgoodnessofgod at gmail.com tgoodnessofgod at gmail.com Or we have our own little Facebook page Testimonies of the Goodness of God If you haven't already liked and followed that, please do so Like and share it as many times as you can We have daily verses and other inspirational quotes from various people throughout history Most of it is in the Bible, or from the Bible And we hope that it helps you Just like and share it and enjoy the page And we also have several others posting on the page on our behalf Several different areas of interest Today's testimony, friends, is from an NFL quarterback He played for the Las Vegas Raiders last year And I think this year he is playing for the New Orleans Saints His brother also played, was the first round draft pick for the Houston Texans back in the day And it's the Carr family David Carr and Derrick Carr The testimony we're going to hear is from David Carr A wonderful, wonderful testimony About prayer, about listening to what God has ready for you About listening and being obedient Obedience to God is wonderful Have you ever been in prayer or in study Or just doing whatever it is you're doing Going to an event or coming home from an event And have the Lord speak to you about something Telling you through the Holy Spirit to do something I've experienced that a few times And most of the time I am obedient To what I feel that the Lord needs or wants me to do And I'll certainly pray about it more And move upon it One time in particular we had a revival at the church It was a Monday night and the sermon was good The music was great The spirit of the Lord was upon us But it was more like we were just going through the motions And during testimony there at the end of the service They asked if anyone had testimony I couldn't sit still anymore I finally raised my hand and I raised my voice And I said I'm sorry that the Lord has told me That I can't be silent any longer And I needed to shout I needed to praise I needed to praise God Praise God and seek His glory And oh friends how that service erupted I don't know how long it lasted afterward But we had another altar call We had a lot of praise and worship going on Wonderful, wonderful service But to be obedient to the Lord Imagine if I hadn't been Imagine if I would have said let's just go home I would have stood on that all night I would have prayed about it And I would have missed a moment That was right before me And my question is to you today How many times did we miss that moment? How many times How many times did we miss those moments? That can make a difference Not only in our life But in the life of another That other person that's been praying steadfastly To the Lord at that time So as you listen to today's testimony Just remember What if he hadn't done what he was asked to do? I'm sure there's others that would have been asked to do the same thing Say the same thing Pray the same thing But had he not acted on behalf of the Lord What would have happened? So here is Derek Carr Again he's an NFL player Not that that means a lot But in the eyes of many in the world A celebrity if you will And just listen to his wonderful testimony Sitting there and it's all over It was awesome There's like hundreds of people there It was cool It was really fun And they actually did an altar call at the end The pastor did He wanted to do it for his church So I thought it was awesome So he's sitting there And we're done We're sitting here And it's clear as day The Holy Spirit tells me Someone here is going to commit suicide Unless you say something I'm questioning myself Am I really going to stand up here While the pastor is trying to give an altar call And grab the mic and be like Hey someone here is going to commit suicide And no one comes up And then I look silly Like these are all going through my head And I'm sitting there thinking about it Like okay hold on And I know what I'm supposed to do But I'm trying to question myself Because that's a big step That's a lot of obedience To step out there and do that So I asked the pastor Would you please I'm sorry I just got to say something real quick If you don't mind I grabbed the mic and I said Someone in here It got so hard To where you were going to end your life And you're going to kill yourself And commit suicide tonight And I'm just here to tell you That Jesus loves you That I love you That he has a plan for your life And I'm sitting here All of a sudden this guy There's like 300 people Up in this altar This guy is pointing at himself like this And I began to like Start to tear up again And I said is it you And he said yes He came up And he was bawling his eyes out Just standing there And I was able to hug him And tell him how much I loved him And tell him how much God loves him How much Jesus loves him How much of a plan God has for his life And as I prayed for him And was done speaking with him I gave him a hug And I turned around And my brother was praying with another kid Who was crying so much That there was like a five foot puddle Of just tears underneath him And we were able to go there And just love on him And pray for him right there And I was like wow Two people That was amazing And I sat down And I never felt so exhausted I played football games all my life Never felt so exhausted I sat there and I was just tired For whatever reason I was just exhausted After we prayed for them And it was amazing I go to get in my car And I'm putting Dallas in And I'm walking around Just to get in my car to leave This kid who was just standing there He had his phone out He was like That suicide thing That you were talking about That was me He said I was going to kill myself tonight And I again I just hugged him I hugged the kid I never met these three people in my life And I just told them how much I loved them I told them how much God loved them How much Jesus loved them And I just told them Whatever you're going to do Don't do that Whatever you were thinking about doing Don't do that Because God has allowed you to be here tonight To hear his message And to take a different path with your life Wow Imagine You're in an auditorium There's been a sermon An audio call And the Lord tells you to step out And grab that microphone I don't think it really matters Whether this guy is an NFL player Or who he is To be quite honest with you Because that can happen to any of us And I hope it does happen to all of us At some point in our life Where we have to be obedient to the Lord And to what he tells us How wonderful would that be To know that the Lord had you And used you as his vessel Used you as his vessel To lead another Not only to Christ and salvation But to lead them away from death To lead them away from suicide To lead them away from something That will be a devastation Not only to the person obviously Who would commit the suicide But to all the people in the world That love them That cherish them That want them around Oh praise God Thank you Jesus Thank you Lord for everything you do for us Praise God Praise God What a wonderful testimony friends And friends if you're listening to this And you are having issues You're having trials and tribulations Or you're stuck In something you don't think you can get out of Listen Jesus loves you He loves you with everything And all things He loves you He loves you He wants what's best for you He wants you To fellowship with him He wants you to believe in him He wants you to live a life full of blessings A life full of wonderful Wonderful cherished memories Precious memories He wants you to live the best life That you can live on this earth And all he wants from you is praise Glory Prayer And a friend He just wants to fellowship with you He wants that personal relationship with you He wants you to give him all those burdens Pick up your cross Oh hallelujah Thank you Lord Thank you for all that you do for us I hope you enjoyed today's testimony friend As much as I enjoyed bringing it to you Oh I just love hearing how the Lord moves upon another I love hearing how being obedient to our Savior Can do so many wonderful and wondrous things Share this friends With as many as you can Share it with those that are lost Share it with those that don't know Jesus Christ as their Savior And hopefully they'll enjoy it as much as we have And maybe it'll turn them around to want a relationship with the Lord And friend if you're listening to this for the first time Or any of the podcasts that we offer And you don't know Jesus Christ Send me a message on messenger Through testimonies of the goodness of God Or through our email tgoodnessofgod at gmail.com And I'll guarantee you Me and many others will get back with you We'll answer any questions that you have We will pray for you We will pray with you And hopefully the Lord will come into your heart And you can trust Him and start building that relationship That He wants to have with you That's all we ask friends Is for that relationship with Christ So as we go throughout the day today Lord Be with us, lead us and guide us Help us in all aspects of your will We ask all this in Jesus' name Amen As always friends stay blessed

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