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Power of Prayer

Power of Prayer

Testimony of the Goodness of GodTestimony of the Goodness of God



Wonderful testimony of the power of prayer. Please enjoy this powerful testimony of Gods greatness and how He helped this family through what could have been a tragedy that was turned around to a blessing and testimony of the greatness of God and the power of prayer.

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A family drops off their two young children at their grandmother's house. The mother feels an urgent need to pray for their safety. The next day, they receive a call that their two-year-old son was found unresponsive at the bottom of the pool. Through the power of prayer, the child is revived and makes a full recovery. The family believes that Jesus saved their son and is grateful for the miracle. The testimony emphasizes the importance of prayer and encourages listeners to seek God's help in all aspects of life. As I went down in the river to pray, Studying about that good old way, And who shall wear the starry crown, Good Lord, show me the way. O sinners, let's go down, Let's go down, come on down. O sinners, let's go down, Down in the river to pray. As I went down in the river to pray, Studying about that good old way, And who shall wear the roving crown, Good Lord, show me the way. Hi, friends, and welcome to Testimony of the Goodness of God. We're happy to have you with us today, and we look forward to sharing a wonderful testimony about the power of prayer. That's the theme of today's podcast, if you couldn't tell by the song we started out with, Going Down to the River to Pray. Of course, that's a golden oldie, and we enjoyed it today through Alison Krauss. And we love that song, and we love to hear about prayer and the power of prayer. And today's testimony is from a wonderful family in Christ who praised together, And they had a tragedy that praise God turned into rejoicing through the power of prayer. And just being a strong family in faith, and I'm sure you will enjoy it. Beforehand, though, if you want to leave us a message or let us know how we're doing, Please contact us at tgoodnessofgod at gmail.com, Or you can go to our Facebook page, Testimony of the Goodness of God. Type that in your search bar, and you should be able to find it. Yeah, just leave us a comment there, or send us a comment through Facebook Messenger from that page, And we will be sure to get back with you as soon as we can. We do enjoy the comments and just your praise reports. I'm doing some research for the podcast for this week. The Lord spoke to me and reminded me of the power of prayer. And I was also reminded, how could I forget, about two events that happened here in the past week, Week and a half, it will be two weeks this Friday, of a wonderful family in Christ here locally. They were celebrating a wedding there at their church, and as they were leaving to go to the reception, The pastor and his family was involved in a terrible, terrible car crash. And immediately, the saints of the Lord and the prayer warriors went to work. Local churches in the area were notified, and prayer chains were lit up, and we began praying. And oh, how the Lord moved. And then a day later, my son-in-law had a really good friend of their family, A young lady who just graduated high school, who has a wonderful work ethic, And started her own little business in landscaping. And she was driving home from a hard day's work and crested a hill, And a tractor was in the middle of the road. And as she swerved amidst the tractor, her vehicle rolled at least twice, And she was found hanging half in and half out of the vehicle, And she was careflighted to the University of Cincinnati. And once again, the prayer chain was lit up, and the prayer was started. And those two events happened not on the same day, but a day apart, I believe, In the power of the prayer warriors in our area. And I know that's not unique just to our area, But living here and seeing the power of our prayer warriors is just a wonderful, wonderful thing. And as bad as the first accident was, I mean, there was a pelvic break, And a bone was hanging off the spine. And I'm not going to get too descriptive. You can just imagine how terrible it is and was. But that person was able to come home from the hospital after surgery, And the power of prayer, and the doctors even told the family that it's obvious that you're a family of faith, And there's a lot of people praying because they've seen things happen, And they just, really the only explanation the doctors even had was, praise God. That's what happened, and that's what moved this child. Now they've got a long road to go in therapy, but praise God they're still here Because it could have been much, much worse. And the young lady with the, she had a skull fracture and other internal injuries, And praise God she was home in two days after being careflighted. And there was a serious concern that she may not be with us either. And both those families, through the power of prayer, through the power of God, Are here with us today with testimony on their lips. And maybe one day I can grab them and get their testimony and share it with you. How wonderful would that be? But that kind of sets up today's testimony from a wonderful family that was facing a horrific tragedy, And immediately, through the power of God, began to pray. And well, you'll see what happens. What we expected to happen is exactly what happened. Praise God. So again, thank you for being with us today. And remember friends, go to the Lord in prayer. If you need it, pray about it. If you've got something going on in your life, pray about it. If you're making a decision about your job, or your family, or relationship, or financial matters, pray about it. Pray about it sincerely, daily, and often. And believe in the power of God and the power of prayer. And I am positive that He will be faithful to you. It tells us that in Scripture. And we believe that as saints of the Lord. And friends, if you don't believe, or if you are a lost soul and you just happen to be given this to listen to, Or you're listening to it with your friends that are saved, think about it. Think about the power of God. What an awesome God we serve. And how powerful He can be for you, and for me, and for others in this world. And one of the most powers He has is to save the lost. Is to bring you to Christ. And guarantee your eternal home in heaven. And not an eternal life in hell. We don't want that for you friends. Pray about it. Seek the face of the Lord through prayer. And I guarantee you that He will be faithful to you. Oh, what a powerful and wonderful God we serve. So here's the testimony. It's a wonderful family. It's got a little two-year-old Max. His mom and dad dropped him and his brother off at their mama's or nana's to spend some quality time. And to be able to swim in nana's pool. And just to have a good time during the summer. You know how those grandkids are. We all want them and love them. Mom and dad, as soon as they dropped them off. Well, the Holy Spirit grabbed hold of them and told them they needed to start praying. And well, here's the testimony. And I hope you enjoy it. I'm making a U-turn in the parking lot about to pull off on the highway. And Courtney goes, stop. And right then, Courtney just began to pray for our babies. Protection over our babies. Pleading the blood of Jesus over their lives. Not knowing what event would happen the next day. It was July 2019. Brandon and Courtney McKee had busy work schedules. And decided to take their kids to her mom's house for a few days. Two-year-old Max and his older brother Brody were excited to spend time with their nana. She has a big farm and a pool. And they just wanted to spend a few days with her while we both worked. Immediately after dropping the kids off, Courtney was overwhelmed with an urgent need to pray for their safety. It was just like a presence of the Holy Spirit just prompting me at that moment to pray. Just pray for their protection. It was indescribable. The next day while at work, Courtney received a phone call from her sister-in-law. She was crying and I could hear, you know, sirens in the background and a lot of commotion. And it was at that moment where she told me that they had found Max at the bottom of the swimming pool. Max was unresponsive when pulled from the pool. They called 911 and did what they could to resuscitate Max. His brother Brody remembers the moment and his response. The only thing I could do was pray. So I dropped on my knees and I said, God, can you help my little brother? Can you just save him? Can you put your guardian angels around him, Lord? Can you just help him, protect him, Lord? Max was revived and rushed by ambulance to a nearby trauma center. Brandon and Courtney each began their long drive to the hospital, praying for Max while wrestling with unanswered questions. How long has he been down there? What's the outcome? I can't hear him. I can't talk to him. I can't feel him. I can't touch him. I don't see him. God, please help my baby. I remember just crying out to God, almost like I was begging him. God, I'll do anything. I don't know what you want from me, Lord, but I just beg you, save my baby. Don't take my baby from me. Whatever you do, Lord, don't take my baby. Dr. Marvin Mata, the director of pediatric ICU at Rapides Women's and Children's Hospital, knew the risks Max was facing. He was having a hard time breathing, and every minute mattered. When our brain lacks oxygen, it can have some profound effects. It can cause memory issues. It can cause learning disabilities, and the most worrisome would be brain death. We need to really closely watch Max during that first 24 hours. It's almost like the golden period. If there's going to be complications that would happen, usually we'll see it within that period of time. Max had tubes and wires and cords attached to him and monitors, and they lifted Max, and they put me on the bed, and they put Max on my chest. And I remember when they did, I just started to cry, and I kept saying, Max, it's going to be okay. Mama's here. Mama's here. You're going to be fine. And I just remembered the emotions at that moment. As word spread, hundreds of people from their church and community prayed for Max. Our pastor came. Tons of friends that are prayer warriors came, and they just surrounded his bed, and we grabbed hands, and we prayed. We just brought down the power of the Lord that day. Oh, my goodness. It's just knowing that the community of Christ, believers, and faith come together at a time of need to pray for our baby. I mean, it's just, it means the world to you. After a night of prayer and waiting, they received their answer. The next morning, Max showed signs that he was Max again, and I knew immediately there was no neurological deficits and Max was going to be okay. You knew that at that point that our prayers had been answered and God really stepped in on behalf of our family. I thank you for the prayers. God can do exceedingly and abundantly more than we could ever ask or imagine. So we knew who to call on and how to call on him, and I know he's here with no signs of any complications because of the power of prayer. Max made a full recovery. Sometime after the accident, he revealed something to his parents. He looked at us one day, and he said, When I was in that pool, I wasn't scared. And we were like, That's great, buddy. And he said, When I was in the bottom of that pool, Jesus held me. And my husband and I just kind of looked at each other in shock. And then he stopped and he said, Why does he have scratches on his hands? Jesus got me out of water. He had boboes and scratches on his hands and feet. I can't remember if they are right here. In that moment, you're just sitting there like praising God, just like, Thank you so much. And knowing that he performed a miracle on my baby and that he held my baby at his most vulnerable moment of his two-year-old life. I mean, wow. I was just speechless at that time. It's me and Jesus. And Jesus is holding me like he saved me in the pool. I look back on all he did and how he brought my baby out of that water. He held him in the water. And that's known beyond a shadow of a doubt in my mind. I'm so thankful. I'm eternally grateful. I'm Max, and I'm a miracle. What a wonderful testimony by Max and his family just to show us and give us their testimony of the wonderful power of prayer and how God moves for us through prayer. It's just a wonderful testimony of what God can do for us, friends. I urge you, if you don't know him, know him. Find someone to talk to about him. Pray with him and accept Christ as your Savior. Get down on your knees and talk to him, friends. That's what he wants from us. Pray to him. Be faithful to him, for he is definitely faithful to us. Well, that concludes our testimony of the goodness of God. I hope you enjoyed it and look forward to the next podcast. And if you enjoyed it, please share it with your friends and loved ones and let folks know that we're out there and that these are wonderful testimonies that I'm sure they will enjoy. Until the next episode, friends, remember, stay blessed.

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