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TUT 9/19

TUT 9/19

The D.O.K



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quartering and all that see four three two one last time I check I didn't need no wife they call me snowman I always get a life TV what are you talking about this is all time for them about forecast media haha oh he shouldn't have done that he should have let um he should have let on the computer make his pics like you know when you be playing a video game who I may simulate to the next week he should have simulated them pics last week little John it look good brother did not look good man I be trying to tell y'all man like nobody wanted like listen man all I'm telling y'all is Kelemo is out of the way I'm not out here calling these he's out here in San Diego somewhere messing up Justin Herbert's life more than that in the moment um in the Dallas Cowboys now I will say they were playing against Zach Wilson so we don't know but we'll see um Cowboys this week got oh the Cardinals so we still won't know much and then they got the Patriots we still won't know much I'm telling you right now oh I don't oh man oh man March the calendar Mario October the 8th Sunday night football Sunday night football cow Cowboys 49ers that's a gate that's a game game like this yeah like that's like we may not know much about either team until we get to that point but right now I will say and and you know this is no bias because I know these are my two squads but I mean they look like the top two teams in the not just in their conference but in the league right now and they should and let something strange happen both come into that game at 4-0 like I don't want to jump too far ahead but like that's that's those are the class of the NFC right now and the Philadelphia Eagles I don't know what they got going on offensively right now they just don't look something don't seem in sync and then I don't think anybody else right now is worth mentioning well who they got after the 90s stop me did you see the fact it's Brandon Staley so how many more weeks is Brandon Staley going to be employed well let's start here let's see what did Justin Herbert do Justin Herbert threw for 300 yards two touchdowns no interceptions doesn't sound like Justin Herbert was the problem the defense on the other hand gave up you know I mean they didn't do it wasn't terrible but it was it's like the situational stuff it's also this you paying JC Jackson a lot of money Asante Samuel jr. is supposed to be a very good cornerback you're also paying Khalil Mack a lot of money Joey Bosa is regarded as a quality defensive and even if he's regressed a little bit you also spend a good bit of money at your linebacker position y'all spending a lot of money on defense for your defense to not be dominant especially with the defensive head coach you also spend a lot of money on your offensive coordinator Kellen Moore is not a cheap offensive coordinator most believe that if he has a good year of coaching Justin Herbert then we're looking at him as one of the top candidates for a coaching job as a head coach next year so that is correct so now this just comes down to one thing wins and losses and the charges aren't winning they're on to that can't that should not be the case in a in a conference in which you are going up against the Chiefs yeah you know but again to the point they ain't really played nobody yet so we'll see how that holds up but Michael Parsons has isn't just a defensive player in a year candidate Michael Parsons is an MVP candidate right now have you if you haven't seen this I'm gonna give you some homework there was like a interview with Michael Parsons where he was talking about how he even ended up playing defensive playing defensive in in college but he always thought coming up at high school he was just gonna be a running back and then they cut to his highlights as a running back at high school and my god I would have quit if I was on the other team coach I'm not playing I'm not tackling him what do you imagine Michael Parsons coming at you full speed with the ball that ain't fair yeah Michael Parsons is what Michael Parsons is the evolution of what happened when everybody kept saying we're not gonna pay running backs what shifted is those same athletes just started playing defense and so you're going to see I won't say you'll see more Michael Parsons but you will see more highly athletic skilled players on that side of the ball and not on the offensive side of the ball like he used to like the B. John Robinsons of the world are gonna be rare the Michael Parsons is gonna be like there'll be a Michael Parsons and then there'll be like a tear right below that of guys that you're just like man there's so many great defensive ends and linebackers in the league I give you a great example of that Algier is a good running back when his same team you see the difference when Algier gets subbed back out and B. John comes in a game like the speed of the game is different yeah like Michael Parsons is basically Adrian Peterson playing defensive end by the way like that's what that is Adrian Peterson probably wouldn't have been a running back if he was born several years later he would have been on the defensive side of the ball I heard a lot in the news about how the star of Washington is going to be crushed and I don't know if I agree with that because what I saw was somebody that was going to be the new president of the United States but what I'll say basically is that he's going to be the guy that's probably going to win the NFL championship he's the focus of our history he's going to win the USA here's my thing as you talk about Deshaun Watson and I don't want to you know you know my thoughts on this situation when it comes to him but I just want to say this it's not like I know people like trash is a very strong word but what I can say is he is very inaccurate like he is missing like in watching that game because we were subjected to two very sloppy Monday night football games and I would just happen to be watching both at the same time like Deshaun Watson is missing missing people by a lot when he's throwing the ball so I don't know if it's too much time away from football I don't know this other stuff on his mind I don't know if there's been a slight decline in his athleticism and he used to rely on that a lot more and he can't rely on it as much but we gonna see the real Deshaun Watson for the rest of this year because Nick Chubb covers up a lot Nick Chubb is in that Nick Chubb was probably one of the three best running backs in the league and without him you don't because Kareem Hunt's not there anymore so who do they go to well that would be a smart move on the Browns part if they can get him back in because they know he he knows the system but Nick Chubb there's a there's levels there's levels to average running back good running back in Nick Chubb like Nick Chubb was kind of in that class of his own with a couple of people so I I don't I don't feel great if I'm the Brown I really don't what about y'all so who but you know down this week but I just want to say this there's something to be said like about like harmony in team chemistry and Chase Claypool is not a does not come across like he's a good locker room guy Chase Claypool does not come across like he's a guy who brings like positive energy and spirits to your locker room I think that was a mistake to bring him in up to this point and they should move on for him because I don't think he's being supportive of the development of your young quarterback Justin Fields needs nothing but positive energy around him and as I've said on this show about other situations where are the OGs on this team who are the vet who are the leaders in that Chicago locker room as a as a Bears fan who are the leaders in the locker room who's y'all OC I don't like that I don't like nobody named the Guinness Book of World Records calling y'all plays I don't like that but what do you do with what do you do with Justin what a Justin Fields strength Justin Fields strengths are he can't he does let him be a playmaker he does have a big arm and what you typically do with young quarterbacks especially mobile ones as you do what Baltimore did with Lamar Jackson you gotta give him a big target to check the ball down to so that like they pay attention to that so that he can do what he's good at which is throwing the ball down the field DJ more we know can get open downfield but Justin Fields have to have time if they know he's just trying to chuck it every time he ain't gonna have no time cuz y'all y'all line ain't good y'all offensive line is not good I hear you I hear you let me ask you this through these first two weeks of the NFL season whose offenses have looked sharp and then that's not saying nobody's office really looks sharp right now like it's one of those things where I think defenses right now have the advantage we talked about this a little last week I was wrong you were right like defenses usually have the advantage early in the season and now it's about how do you develop your offense to be able to counter what these defenses are doing you're but to your point I don't think the Chicago Bears have the infrastructure to be able to fix this I think it's gonna get worse y'all in trouble man but y'all got two picks like the top five picks in the draft gonna go Cardinals Bears Cardinals Bears like that's the top four picks in the draft I feel like you have more you might be able to fill in some gaps because you know I'm a busy man in my day life so I've already read I haven't read through every document and you had hinted to this last week like hey man there's more details but now you know we we did a pre I did a pre-bund last week on Mel Tucker Michigan former Michigan State coach Mel Tucker who was put on leave as of last week show has now been notified that he will be fired if he hasn't already been fired and long story short Mel Tucker a married man had developed some level from his perspective of inappropriate dialogue slash relationship with a with a member of an organization that the team was working with now this organization advocates for women who have been harassed and I laugh not because it's funny I laugh because of how ridiculous this story is and what Mel Tucker was fired for because he was fired for cause is for what he admitted to Mel Tucker admitted to making inappropriate comments to this woman Mel Tucker admitted to put the children away pleasuring himself while on the phone well with this woman I'm just trying to think like first of all where's your lawyer to advise you number and number two like you just said that to your employer like they come to you be like Mel we heard you doing some wild stuff whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa first of all first of all it was mutual it was back and forth and all I did was wait wait Mel why would you tell us that what Mel why would you tell us that keep your mouth never mind he right in order the Honeybun Hall of Famers are as follows now number one is still Antonio Brown like it ain't no Antonio Brown is a pure one of the Honeybun Hall of Fame Mel Tucker is right underneath him now though Mel you deserve every bit of that firing and unlike oh go ahead no because they find you for cause you you you developed an inappropriate relationship with somebody because that's just not something you do this this is what I was alluding to last week is this this is this is this is my cuz I feel like everybody has to learn you have to learn from other people's mistakes the biggest issue I have is is not the infidelity and it is not the inappropriate relationship it's the fact that you do them both at work you are on the clock when you are Mel Tucker when you are a person in a position of leadership you are always on the clock and when you are on the clock you shouldn't be doing these types of things with people you work with like even if they're a contract person an outside agency you're consulting with like this is your job so you decided to jeopardize your livelihood because you could not control yourself and that that that's the issue so the man might need therapy the man might just need you know I don't know I don't know what he needs but that was not the right choice that none of none of what he decided to do is right and I know there was a lot of argument on the other side of well we heard she sent him pictures it don't matter you had work and so if she get fired in the process she get fired in the process too but you have Mel Tucker 80 million dollars is what you just threw down the drain for this I and I don't see a situation in which it is worth it and here's the thing here's the other thing about it and you we've talked about this over and over on this show unlike some others no Tucker will not get another chance and that's just the truth of the matter and you ain't good enough he's not good enough at his job like he I mean like we talk about I'm you don't but I'm you don't it was a good coach and he wasn't doing bad at Michigan State I remember I was hyping him up um a couple years ago when they got a big win but but you won't you gonna have to as they said um when Martin was in the DMV you gotta go back to scratch now next time we see Mel Tucker Mel Tucker is probably gonna be a coach of like one of them HBCUs or one of them one of them divisions he ain't gonna be at a power five school no time soon you don't gotta worry about hearing his name no time soon and it's gonna be a full apology tour if he ever gets back into this space again you don't get these opportunities often and I don't say this out of envy I say this out of fact you don't get these opportunities often and so when you blow it you don't just blow it for you you blow it for a lot of people think about all the people Mel Tucker hired think about all the people Mel Tucker hired you think when they bring in the next coach they're gonna leave in the Mel Tucker guys no they won't be in that one you to even get in the room to even get in the room they didn't want the man to win 10 you gotta understand Mario they criticize the man for winning 10 but we can't do nothing we can't do nothing here's a shift here's a shift in a sport in a sport in which the majority of the athletes are african-american there's not been a single african-american head coach to win a national championship I don't think there's been a single african-american head coach to have a team play in the national championship like it just don't like we don't get those opportunities so for when you're Mel Tucker coach of a big team school you can't be out here playing pocket pool while you talking on the phone with somebody that's just not something you can do you you relate you have a responsibility greater than yourself and I know there's a separate conversation that has to be had where other people cannot hear it specifically with him and I hope that conversation is being had but we don't get that leeway to do those types of things don't bring up all these other people I don't want to hear about Urban Meyer I don't want to hear about Bobby Petrino I don't want to hear about um Rick Pitino like I don't want to hear about them because they them we us we can't and that's just the way it go yeah that's all you on that tear I still don't put you above Antonio Brown but you up there brother you you up there and he admitted to it too that's not it's you but no no no you you don't have to say never mind you got you there's things you can there's things you can say and there's things you cannot say you could say here's a carefully crafted statement I made some decisions that I'm not proud of and you know as a married man and a man of faith I recognize now that I made some mistakes and what I would like to do is to work as hard as I can to you know make that up to the people that I love and the players that I work every day to serve and make sure that I improve their lives to make sure that they are great student-athletes would you like to expound any more mail no thank you I'm telling them I'm not telling a lesson you guys show me the evidence I was gonna try to at least get out here with something you got get out of there with some of that check now can you even go see that money ever again that's it I accidentally went to an Ohio State watch party yeah so I'm out I'm out and about with my family and then we were like all right let's let's go somewhere and you know get a little bite to eat and so I was like can we at least go somewhere we can watch the game so we go to a little spot in Charlotte and yeah I'm in Ballantyne and I walk in and I'm just like I'm just sitting I was like oh they go to Carolina game on TV North Carolina game on TV and I'm just sitting out there and all I hear is OH! Ohio! Michigan! Sucks! and I was like oh I didn't know we was at the Ohio State watch party no I didn't is that what they do that's that's different level of rivalry when you're talking about how much you hate Michigan and y'all don't play him for months that's dedication oh yeah yeah yeah yeah that was bad that was real bad for yeah yeah yeah I'm also subscribing to the Caleb Williams experience I feel like you know this is the time to pull that card and we'll see how things go next week man James Franklin out there rolling the dice now that he got to represent for the entire Big Ten he all we got all we got right now who we got we got James Franklin we got Dion do we have anybody else in the power five we got buddy at Notre Dame we got Marcus Freeman that's it oh we got somebody in Maryland okay he ain't winning no national championship week two picks in first place at 13 and 3 bet the house on me and hacksaw slim thuggin and third place at 12 and 4 never a groomsman and fourth place at 11 and 5 the Doc in ninth place at 10 and 6 the Mario Washington and in 20th place Lampin at 8 and 8 Lil Jon which brings us to our overall standings in first place bet the house on me and hacksaw slim thuggin in third place two games back never a groomsman and fifth place three games back the Doc and in seventh place five games back little John and be Mario Washington no not far back is it the gap gets wider as the year progresses yeah oh yeah you just you just gotta you gotta stay diligent and persistent you well I was good that's good for the 49ers though like you don't want a team coming in like anybody who has to play a team who's coming in at 0-1 to this week be on alert because like that's desperation you do not want to lose your first three games and so I like that situation for the 49ers on but you know the Giants don't look the Giants don't look good at all I'm not I'll just might be right like DeAndre Hopkins I understood I don't know if he was just he must have like an incentive based contract for like catches or touchdowns or something like that and that's why he wanted to be a number one receiver because like the Titans ain't good but neither of the Browns without Nick Chubb so that that's my message if Nick Chubb was playing I would go with the Browns in that situation so but I don't know yeah did you watch Desmond Ritter this week but did you watch Desmond Ritter but did you watch Desmond Ritter no but they they are they don't have a quarterback it's very like 49ers-esque where it's like they got all this talent around a quarterback and it's like my quarterback could just do something we'll be alright and what they've decided is alright this is what we're gonna let him do run so every once in a while they'll let Desmond Ritter like run a draw play or something like that because they don't trust him to throw at all they got receivers it's just they don't have a quarterback who can get him the ball yeah I don't think the Saints I don't think the Saints are good I like Jordan what Jordan Love is doing I think the Green Bay Packers have actually found another quarterback a 3-for-3 out here Jordan Love look good hey well can we jump back to the I think we kind of glossed over this when we were doing like an NFL recap the Dolphins might be the best team in NFL like seriously I know we talked a lot about the NFC but but jumping what was the other game Broncos and who the Broncos versus the Dolphins yeah Cleans probably got to be in that line they don't got a backup he's terrible he's he's terrible like shot and you know Sean Payton don't like him like Sean Payton be looking at him like if I if I had anybody else to put in if I can get Taysom Hill here next week you would be in that line but he's terrible yeah I just don't like him I don't what did the Vikings done you like it like I and if the Chargers don't win this game like again Brandon Sidley why are you here hey the quietest get Anthony Richardson before you got that concussion I don't know how much you watch that game I was like all eight games are on that was the most entertaining game on for a period of time because Anthony Richardson is good TV the coat if they can figure out a way to develop him and keep him healthy and on the field like the Colts are highly entertaining wait that's how much you offer the Bears hold on let's pull five you just said on the show that this is how much I'm off of the Bears I like the Chiefs over the Bears you realize they're playing the Chiefs sir you realize the Chiefs got Patrick Mahomes Travis Kelsey Andy Reid you realize the Bears got Matt Ibrafus just the Matt Nagy revenge game to it Matt Nagy I'm the OC oh they might hang 50 on y'all hey it's gonna get dark I don't know what really Joe was hurt and I think I don't know why he rushed back but he's clearly hurt he didn't look good this past week against the Ravens and if they don't sit him down they don't have a shot like he can't play the whole season like this like he's clearly injured I don't know who's like we lost Aaron Rodgers week one we lose Nick Chubb week two like you don't want to be on that list if you the Bengals right I don't know who they back up is y'all can sit him down yeah that's true that's true too but you still might you still might but what if Aaron Donald get a hold of him you remember what Gino said oh my god nobody's getting the shit out of Gino all right

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