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The radio program discusses the importance of passion in one's work. The host shares personal experiences of working in a job he didn't enjoy solely for the paycheck. He emphasizes that when people are passionate about their work, they are more likely to excel and improve in that field. Passion can also lead to opportunities and connections that can be beneficial in various ways. The host encourages listeners to reflect on their passions and consider if they are in jobs that align with those passions. He warns against staying in dead-end jobs solely for financial gain, as it can lead to unhappiness and a desire for more. The host concludes by stating that passion is crucial for success and growth in any endeavor. You are listening to Joe Radio. Radio. Listen. Advertise. Share. Good day. We are back with another Joe Radio Live program. And this one is entitled Passion Over Profits. Alright. Today's program, Passion Over Profits. Right. But just before we get into that, we have to go to our Hithyer Scripture. Today's Hithyer Scripture is taken from Psalms 119 verse 18. And it says, Open thou mine eyes that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law. I'll read it again. Open thou mine eyes that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law. Alright. And that was taken from Psalms 119 verse 18. That was your Hithyer Scripture for this program. Alright. So, getting back to it, today's topic, Passion Over Profits. And we are going to go straight into it. Now, a lot of times, and I'm going to start off here with drugs and stuff like that. A lot of times, people, because of their situation, right. Some people, I'm going to say, some people, do things just for the sake of money. Just to get by, to survive. You know, they really don't like what they're doing, right. They don't like what they're doing. But they do it because of the paycheck. Because it pays the bills. Because it keeps food on the table. And I can tell you from my own personal experience, for years, right. I was in the security industry, right, for years. And I really didn't like the job. As a matter of fact, even when I went in, the same thing that I just said at the beginning. That is what caused me to get into the security industry. Things were tough, you know, right. And I needed a job. I needed to survive and get things done. And, well, you know, the security industry is one of the easiest industries, at least in our part of the world here, to get into, right. And that is how I got into the security industry. And I was in it for years. And I remember going to work. I worked for different companies and going to work and, you know, you're dreading going to work, you know. You're dreading going to work and you know you're going to a 12-hour shift, in some cases 24, depending on your location, right. And you're just dreading going to work. And you're on the job and, you know, you just can't wait to finish. You can't wait to go home, you know, and that kind of thing, right. And that is not passion. That is not somebody that is really, you know, you're good at your job and everything, you know. You might be good at your job and everything, but you're just not really passionate about it, right. And so you have a lot, a lot of people in situations like that where they are in jobs, they are in situations where, you know, they're just in it for the, most of the time, the financial benefit, right, the financial benefit. You have, for example, you have women who enter prostitution just to survive. I mean, you have those that are forced into it, but then the ones that go into it willingly and voluntarily, they really, most of the times, they're in it because, you know, the financial gain, right. Money to do this, pay the bills, mind the children, you know, these kind of things, right. But the thing about it is, if you're not passionate about something, you are not going to do it well. You may do it good, but you may not do it as well as you could, right. You may do it good, but if you're passionate about something, you will always get better at it because you love what you do. And when you love what you do, you're always trying to improve on whatever it is that you're doing when you love what you do, right. And the thing about it is, when you're passionate about something, the other thing about it, when you're passionate about something, right, the Bible says, your gift shall make way for you. And your gift can make way for you in different ways, not just financially, right, but your gift can make way for you in different ways. Your gift can bring you into opportunities that you otherwise may not have come across, right. And it can lead you to people that could turn out to be a huge blessing to you in more ways than one, right. And that is what passion does. When you're passionate and you love what you do, even if you're not getting paid for it, you do it still. If you are, for example, for people who are passionate about helping people, it really doesn't matter to them whether they get paid or not because they love what they do. And that is the principle, how to put it, the principle of passion, if you want to call it that. When you love what you do, it doesn't matter if you're not getting paid for it, because you love what you do. So, and what tends to happen, if you are doing a job that you love, right, when you're passionate about it, it doesn't even, you don't even see it as a job anymore because you love what you do. Especially, you know, if you're a self-employed person, that kind of thing. You know what I mean? You don't really see it as a job. Because why? Because your heart and soul is in it. So, my question to you, the listener, is, at this juncture in the program, what are you passionate about? There must be something. Now, the thing about it is, we are all passionate about something. Whether it be good, whether it be bad. Right? We are all passionate about something, whether we recognize it or not. We are all passionate about something, because God made us a particular way. God made us a particular way. Right? And my question is, what are you passionate about? Have you ever thought about what are your passions? What are you passionate about? What it is that you love to do, that even if you weren't getting paid for it, you would still do it? Right? Have you ever asked yourself that question? Maybe you are in a job, in a dead-end job, a job that really isn't taking you anywhere. It's just giving you temporary relief. Pay the bills, make sure you have food on the table, stuff like that. But you really aren't seeing yourself, five, ten years down the road, going anywhere beyond where you are in this job right now. You know what I mean? I remember doing jobs, I passed through a lot of jobs, doing jobs for years. And I remember there was one particular job that really opened my eyes and gave me a reality check. And I went into the job and it was actually the first job that I went into with a plan. All the other jobs before that, I just went in for the money and that was it. But this one, I had actually planned out. I had taken this job and this is the reason, this is the specific reason why I had taken this job. And when I get my salary, this is what I'm going to do with my salary and stuff like that. I had taken this job to support a vision. All the other jobs before that, I had never really planned out anything like that. And I went into this job and the money was good. The money was, you know, the money was good. But the thing about it is, what I discovered is, I was not getting the time to do what I had planned to do with the money. So, I was making the money, but I didn't have time to really spend it and do what I went into the job to accomplish in the first place. And so, eventually, I had to leave the job. But before I left the job, I asked them to change my shift. And they did change my shift. And they had no problems. You know, everything was good. Me and my co-workers, my boss, everybody was getting along good. There were no problems. And they changed my shift. And I realized, even though they changed my shift, the same thing was happening. I still wasn't getting time to do what needed to be done when I get my salary. Right? And eventually, right, after thinking long and hard about it, I realized, you know what? Unfortunately, I have to leave this job because I'm making the money, but I ain't getting time to spend it. You're not getting time for yourself. You're not getting time for yourself to do what you need to do and stuff like that. Right? And so, whatever you're doing in life, there must be a passion. Else, you won't do it properly. You won't do it to your fullest potential. Right? Remember, you may do it good. But when you're passionate about something, you will always find ways to do it better, to improve and improve and get better and get better and get better. But when you're just doing something for profit, especially for monetary gain, then you're just, you know, you're just doing something to get by. Right? So you want to, whatever you're doing in life, whatever job you might be in, and there are lots and lots of people working dead-end jobs, working jobs that they just, they don't even dislike the job, they hate the job, but it's just there for the money. And that's a miserable way to live. That is a miserable way to live because you will not be happy. You will not be happy. Right? Don't think because you're in a job, maybe the job isn't paying well, and you go to parties every weekend, you lime, you hang out, you whatever, maybe your job requires you to travel and stuff. Let me tell you something. If there is no passion in whatever job you are doing, then you're wasting time. Because at some point, you are going to get fed up of what you're doing. At some point, you are going to get fed up of that thing that you are doing that has no passion in it. And you're going to want more. You're going to want more out of life. You're going to want something better. Right? So food for thought is always here on Jewel Radio. Whatever you are doing in life, make sure that you're passionate about it. Make sure that you're passionate about it. If you look at all the inventors who invented all these different things that we use today, the light bulb and all these things, you see, when you're passionate about something, even if you make a mistake, you don't give up easily. Because why? Because there's passion involved. So even if you make a mistake, you get back at it again. You get back at it again. Right? You keep going and going until you get better. You keep going and going until you achieve your goals. You keep going and going until you become the best or one of the best at what you do. That is what passion does. Passion drives you to be better. Passion drives you to keep improving on yourself, improving on what you do, getting better at what you do. That is what passion does. But when you're just studying the paycheck, when you're just studying the monetary profit, then you're short-sighted. You know what I mean? You're limiting yourself. You're limiting yourself. You cannot achieve your fullest potential unless there is passion involved for what you are doing. Alright? So we're not going to be long. Right? Just a little note. Food for Thought is always here on your radio. You know we can't forget to thank you for your listenership. Trust that you would have brought on somebody to listen. And before I go, I cannot close the program without inviting you to accept Jesus Christ into your life. If you have not done so as yet, it's very simple, quick, and easy. Just say, Lord Jesus, I come to you as sinner. I repent of all of my sins. I ask of your mercy and your forgiveness. Come into my life. Change me. I am yours from this day forth. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen. If you said that prayer genuinely meant it from your heart, welcome to the body of Christ. Get, you know what, a King James Version Bible. Begin to study the Word of God and just allow God to do some awesome things in your life. Allow Him to move in a mighty, mighty way. Alright? So I trust that you would have enjoyed today's program. Remember to continue to like, listen, like, and share. Share, share, share, share, share. Right? First time listeners, in case I didn't mention it earlier in the program, special welcome. Thank you for being here. Right? And get interactive. Let us know where you're listening from. Let us know how you're enjoying the program, what you think of the program, how it has been a blessing to you. You know, get interactive. All of our contact information is there. The WhatsApp number, the email. You can message us on whatever platform you would have come across this program on. Right? And get interactive. Alright? So, thank you, Joe Radio family. As I always tell you, don't just exist, but be a blessing. Until the next one, you know what? J.C. Vibes is gone. Applause

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