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Joe Radio Live is a positive and motivational community where repentance is discussed. Repentance means a changing of the mind and direction towards God. There are two types of repentance: foundational and transitional. Foundational repentance is accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior, while transitional repentance is the ongoing process of growing closer to God. Repenting again after sinning is necessary and shows a desire to change. Repentance is a daily practice, as seen in the Lord's Prayer. Repentance brings us closer to God and cleanses us. You're listening to Joe Radio Live, positive and motivational content just for you. Do enjoy and share. Joe Radio Live is a community where you'll find lots of helpful info to positively impact our listeners. You can help by sharing Joe Radio Live daily with at least one person. So what happens when you repent, but then sin again? First of all, we need to understand what the word repentance means. The word repentance means a changing of the mind. In other words, you understand and you recognize that the direction you were heading towards was not pleasing the Lord. It was not taking you closer to God, it was taking you further from the Lord. So you repent and you change direction. That's what the word repentance means. And I also want you to have this in your mind for the whole period of the video. I want you to have two words in your mind about repentance. I want you to divide repentance into two categories. See, a lot of people don't ever say that, but I want you to divide repentance into two categories. One is a foundational repentance, and the second one is a transitional repentance. I'm going to say that again. You have one great repentance that you made in your life, that's a foundational one. What is that great repentance that you made in your life that's foundational? It's when you confess Jesus, the Christ, as your Lord and your Savior, and you repented of your sins, and you asked Him to save you and to enter your life. That's a foundational repentance. That's the repentance that gives us salvation. But now as a Christian, you have transitional repentance. Repentance is more than one, you have one foundational one, only one foundational one. But now you have many transitional repentances that are taking you closer and closer and closer to the Lord every single day. That's also called sanctification. That's just a simple way that I can explain it. You have a foundational repentance, and then you have a transitional repentance, but the transitional repentance is also known as sanctification. What is sanctification? When God is cleansing you and washing you every single day. Let me let you know this. There's things in your life right now that you might not know that you should even repent of. But the more that God sanctifies you in your life, one day you're going to be like, man, the way I was talking to so-and-so, the way I would react, man, the way I would treat so-and-so, man, what I would do, and those things aren't pleasing the Lord. And something that right now you might not see because God is growing you, God is developing you. One day in the future, you might be like, man, that's not right. Let me give you an example. When I was younger, when I was younger, a teenager, I used to use a lot of slang. Now, I didn't use bad words or nothing like that, but I would use slang. But when I started growing in the ways of the Lord and I started preaching the gospel, I started seeing that, man, slang, that slang can be offensive to some people. Or that slang is not wise speaking. And the Bible tells us to stay away from irreverent babble, in other words, disrespectful talk. So I would repent of that slang. I would repent of saying those things and I would say, Lord, help me not to speak like that any longer. Now, it wasn't curse words and it wasn't bad and it wasn't vulgar or anything like that. But they were slang words that weren't wise. You see, that's called sanctification. God is growing you. God is developing you. So you have one foundation of repentance. But then in your life, I do want you to know this, in your life, you will have a transitional repentance where day to day, you're going to be seeing things that don't please the Lord. Day to day, you're going to be seeing things that don't honor the Lord and you're going to be changing direction. You're going to be changing direction. So you need to look at repentance like that as one foundational one, but then you're going to have several transitional ones that are taking you closer and closer to the Lord every day. Let me read you scripture. Look what the Bible says here. Romans chapter 10, verse 9 through 10. We can see an example of what repentance is. Repentance is a change of direction. Repentance is an acknowledgement in your heart and a confession with your mouth. Look what the Bible says. Because if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is the Lord and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you will be saved. That's repentance. You hear the gospel. You believe that Jesus is the son of God, that he was raised from the dead. You believe that you confess that you're repenting of your sins. You're being saved. Now look what verse 10 says. For with the heart one believes and is justified and with the mouth one confesses and is saved. The Bible says when you believe in your heart you are justified. Justification is only something that God can do. He makes us right. He makes us justified in his eyes through what Jesus Christ did for us on the cross. So with the heart we believe in and we are justified and then with the mouth we confess it and we are saved. See that's what repentance is. Repentance doesn't mean that you're bad. It actually means that you got the Holy Spirit because who is the one that brings conviction to our life? The Holy Spirit. Somebody who doesn't have the Holy Spirit is not going to want to repent. So when you have the desire to repent, when you have the desire to confess your sins, that's called conviction and conviction only comes from the Lord. So that's a good thing. So what happens when you repent and then sin again? Repent again? That's what happens. That's what you should do. What happens when you repent and sin? Repent again. What happens when you repent? That's an acknowledgement that the direction you were heading towards, that's an acknowledgement that the word of God is true and the way you were living was wrong or what you did was wrong and you're repenting to the Lord. You're believing in your heart and you're being justified and you're confessing with your mouth and you're being saved. In other words, God is forgiving you. God is washing you of all those sins. So what happens if you repent, sin again, repent again and remember you have one foundation of repentance. That's your salvation. But when you repent again, that's a transitional repentance and it's taking you somewhere. It's taking you closer to the Lord. Let me give you an example through what Jesus said. Matthew chapter 6 verse 9 and 13. Jesus wants you to repent every single day. See, the goal isn't to get to a level to where we never need to repent again. That's not the goal. That's not the goal. The goal is to get to a place to where we can much more easily come to the Father and repent. The goal is to where we can come to the Lord sooner and repent sooner. The goal isn't to get to a place where you never need to repent again. No. The goal is to get to a place where we can come to the Lord quicker, sooner, not letting pride stop us, not letting shame stop us and we can come to the Lord sooner and say, Lord, here it is. And we begin to confess what's inside of us. Let me give you this example of what Jesus said in the Lord's prayer. He said we should pray like this. This is a daily prayer that we should pray and look what's in it. Repentance is in it. Repentance is in the Lord's prayer. This is a daily prayer that we should pray maybe even several times a day and guess what's in there? Repentance. Repentance is in the Lord's prayer, a prayer that we should pray once a day at least or several times a day. Repentance is in there, meaning we should repent to the Lord daily. And look what Jesus said. Pray then like this. Our Father who is in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and here it is, verse 12, repentance, and forgive us our debts, meaning sins, and forgive us our debts as we also have forgiven our debtors. So Jesus says, forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Every day in the Lord's prayer, we should repent and we should say, Lord, forgive us our sins. And when you remember your sins, confess them to the Lord. He says, forgive me my sins as I forgive those who sin against me. In the Lord's prayer, repentance is established in the Lord's prayer. Remember, repentance isn't something that we never want to get to. Repentance isn't something that finally I'm at a place where I don't need to repent of anything. No, that's not the goal. The goal is that we can come to the Father sooner. We can come to the Father more confident and we can begin to confess and repent what's in our life, what's in our mind. Remember, because that's a transition of repentance. When we repent, we're not getting further from the Lord. Don't think that. A lot of people think, oh, I'm repenting my sins. I'm getting further from the Lord when I repent or confess. No, when you repent of your sins, when you confess your sins to God, you're not getting further from Him. You're getting closer to Him. You're getting closer to Him. Because a person that repents of their sins is a person that doesn't want to stay the same. It's a person that acknowledges that God is in heaven, that God is holy, and they're confessing what they have inside of them to that holy God, and they're trusting Him. A person who repents of their sins is a person who trusts the Lord. Remember that. Let's continue to read. Look what the Bible says here. I want to give you this example in the book of Romans, chapter 6, verse 12 and 13. Look what repentance does to a Christian's life. It's a way that we cleanse ourselves and wash ourselves. See, people take showers every day. People cleanse the house every day. People wash cups and wash spoons and wash forks and wash plates. Can you imagine? Can you imagine going to a restaurant that they never wash the plates and cups and spoons and forks, and you're going to get there and you're going to eat your meal, and they just grab one of the plates that was off another table, and they just scrape the food off, and they use that plate to serve your food on top? How would you feel about that restaurant? First of all, that restaurant would get condemned. That restaurant wouldn't pass a health inspection. See, when we repent, that's a way that we're washing and we're cleansing ourselves. You're not getting more dirty when you repent. You're washing and you're cleansing yourself. Repentance is something good. What happens when you repent and sin again? You repent again, and you get closer to the Lord. Remember, repentance is a symbol that we need the Lord, that we trust the Lord, that we depend on the Lord. So look what it says here in Romans, chapter 6, verse 12 and 13. Look what repentance does. Look what Paul tells us to have a mentality of repentance of, let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body to make you obey its passions. Do not present your members to sin as instruments for unrighteousness, but present yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life, and your members to God as instruments. There's that word again, second time instruments. And present your members, meaning your body, and present your members to God as instruments of righteousness. You know what instrument that he's speaking about? He's not talking about a saxophone. He's talking about a vessel. He's talking about cups or spoons or plates or forks and something that God can use because in the temple, in the Old Testament, they had vessels. They had the instruments of the temple and they were used to serve the Lord in the temple. So he's saying, don't let yourself be used as an instrument, as a vessel for sin. Let yourself be used as a vessel for the Lord. When you repent, it's like if you grab a cup that got dirty, and when you repent, it's like if it's being washed. When you repent, it's like if a plate is dirty and filthy, and when you repent, it's like the plate is being washed. Remember that. Repentance doesn't take you further from the Lord. Repentance brings you closer to the Lord. And repentance isn't something that we want to get to never doing again, like, finally, I reached the place. I don't need to repent ever again. No. Repentance is a place that we want to reach sooner. We want to get to sooner. We want to acknowledge it sooner because it symbolizes that we depend on the Lord. Let me read you this. Look what the Bible says here. Proverbs chapter 25, verse 4. We're talking about those vessels, right? We're talking about those vessels, right? We're talking about those vessels, right? 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Repentance isn't a place that we want to get to that we never need to repent again. No. Repentance is a place that we need to be at every single day. It's in the Lord's prayer every single day. And repentance is a symbol of your acknowledgement for the Lord. So, what happens if you sin, repent, but then sin again? You repent again. You repent again. And God will wash you and cleanse you. And the silver will be useful for honorable purposes. When you repent, you are not getting further from the Lord. When you repent, you are getting nearer to the Lord. Remember that. I hope this video was a great blessing to your life. If it was, do me a favor. If you're not subscribed, subscribe. I post weekly videos that I hope and pray will be a great encouragement to your life. And also, I have some exciting news. I just activated something in my channel called Channel Memberships. When you become a channel member, you receive exclusive badges. 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