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The Big Story Ep 3

The Big Story Ep 3

The Big Story



In this third episode of the Big Story, we continue to follow Ruffles on his quest to find the gems to save the world. But what happens when the aliens start interfering with his challenge? And, will a Snake eat him?!? Happy Listening

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The protagonist was captured by aliens but managed to save a gem. He needs six more gems and has a map. He climbed a mountain, found a cave with fake gems, and got the real gems back from the aliens. He now has five gems. He encountered a snake person named Jeremy who was guarding a gem. They discussed the gem and the protagonist's journey. The snake person wanted to eat something tasty and was given a toy horse. The protagonist left the cave and is off to the next adventure. hello everybody we are back on the big story okay so what happened last time is he got captured by aliens he saved the gem and we did some math so he acquired about four so he just needs to get six more gems it says on the scroll there's a map yes is it like is it going the same route yep yeah he's no backtracking yep okay thank you very much for answering my questions okay so he he was going to climb up a mountain he climbed it up he found the cave and the aliens were there they took his jet they took the gems yeah oh no the ones he had already collected yes oh my gosh what was the one that's in that cave uh that it was a trick there wasn't one in that cave yep it was a fake it was a fake tree one how's he gonna get the map oh they didn't take the map okay all right continue with your story so he so he went back to the secret lair what they had and so they were hid with the alien master but he was sleeping so he snuck and snuck and snuck and he got it so and so he he got and he got the other gem what they what they took all four and then he collected one more so he now has five how many more did he have to collect he has to collect about so he has to collect five so everybody he was walking and walking he it was going to get dark so he made up camp so and so when he woke up he he got all the camp supplies and he was off so so he he went to the cave and got another one yes and there was a snake person who was asleep his name was his name was Jeremy now let's ask the snake person some questions so I'm a person who's gonna ask you some questions did you smell or taste anything in the air when you didn't see the gem? Gem? What gem? The gem you were guarding. Oh shoot, I was supposed to guard that one, wasn't I? Yes. I think I was sleeping yeah when I did you taste any dog in the air? No but I smelled something like a six-year-old boy maybe six-year-old boy who had a dog no it was a six-year-old half-human half-dog I've never heard of such a thing. How long have you been sleeping? Oh well do people still go around with horses? No. How do they go around now? They drive flying cars. Whoa what's a car? Something you drive a steering wheel around and you move around. Oh it would just make so much more sense if we all slithered. I don't even understand why you have two legs. So this half-dog half-human how many legs does he have? Four because dogs have four legs. But does he have what does he have for arms? He has arms. So he has six limbs? No he has two of these. Two arms and four legs? Yes. What's two and four? Five. That seems suspicious. Six. Six yes six limbs I can't believe I missed this what a sight to see or smell I'm very very sleepy and hungry it's been a long time since I've eaten. Here eat some fish. Mmm something else smells a little bit better. What is it? Is it me? You smell so tasty. Here get out of my chamber I'll eat you. There's a dead body. It's the same as me man. No you are alive. See it's alive. No I can smell it. It smells dead. It's alive. Well you will be alive soon do. Here maybe you'll eat a snake. How catabolistic of you. Do you want a live horse? Is it one that's going around human? No. It would be a bit big for me to eat I think. It's a baby. A foal? A foal baby? Yeah a little baby. Yes it's a foal. So do you want it or not? Where are you having it? Just right there in your pocket? It smells so good. Here you go. That is a toy and it's not an animal. Okay I'll get my pony. Here. Your little pony is a toy. It's not a toy. Give me a horse. I'm so hungry I could eat a horse. Bring in the horse. Okay. How are you going to eat me? No I'm very full after that horse. I'm going to have another sleep. Please turn the lights off on your way out. Okay. Goodbye everybody. Bye bye. Hey wait. What's going on with Ruffles? We already told the story. So bye bye everybody. So he got out of the cave without the snake noticing. What's he off to now? The next adventure? Yes. Goodbye everybody. And we're going to listen to that in the next episode. Goodbye.

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