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Kay Brown - CVPAWS Foster Advocate

Kay Brown - CVPAWS Foster Advocate

The Dog EnthusiastThe Dog Enthusiast



This week I sit down with Concho Valley PAWS's foster advocate Kay Brown. Join us as we discuss the in & outs of fostering shelter/rescue dogs.

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Kay Brown is a foster for Contrabelly Paws. She grew up on a dairy farm and learned the importance of taking care of animals. She started fostering last year due to a crisis at the shelter. She takes fostering seriously and tries to help the dogs overcome their fears and find the right homes. She has had eight dogs in her house in the past year and has had success with scared dogs. She believes that building trust is the biggest challenge for the dogs. She enjoys meeting new people and being part of a caring community. She believes that highlighting the positivity in dog ownership is important to counteract negativity. She acknowledges the difficult situation shelters face and the need to find a balance between taking in all the animals and ensuring they are properly cared for. My guest this evening is Kay Brown, and you're a foster for Contrabelly Paws? Yes. So before we talk about fostering, just tell everybody a little bit of background, where you're from, what inspired you. Well, I'm a military brat, so I've moved all over the world and seen lots of animals and how different countries handle animals. When I was younger, I grew up on a dairy farm in New Mexico, so every kind of animal. And my grandfather believed that animals, especially like a farm animal or a dairy animal or something was like a gift, he took care of them. Not so much, a lot of times you see people now, they're like a possession, a thing. So we learned every living animal had importance. Little frogs, we'd run out to save them in the morning before the tractors came and rabbits, whatever showed up, we took care of. And then we always had dogs growing up, whatever dog showed up, went into the pack as well. And places that we moved, sometimes they had to go into quarantine a long time, so we had to give up because we made the choice not to leave a dog in quarantine three months or longer. So those were hard decisions to know that those things have to happen, and I saw people that did put their animals in, and the animal that went into quarantine wasn't the animal that came out of quarantine. And of course, probably then they were just in the cage and they fed them, and the families were able to go and walk them in the facility, we'd not take them out. So that was probably traumatizing too, for the dog to see the family and then be back in the cage. For both the family and the dog. Yeah. So I've seen a lot of that, and I always figured that I would do some kind of volunteer work, but I had a daughter and work and other pets and pets that needed a lot of attention. And so that didn't happen until last year when the crisis happened with the shelter. I didn't have a pet, well, I have an ornery cat, but she was the only one in the house. And so I went, I just drove out one day to the shelter and said, I can take one home and ended up with one in Dr. Dickson. Yes. I wasn't sure because then I thought, there's always that thought if you can give it up. But so far, I've been lucky that the families have seemed right for the pets and they've kept in touch. And then the first time that I had to step up and say, oh, no way, I don't think this is the right fit. And I did step up and say, this is not going to happen. And then the right fit did come along, then I knew I have to do this. I don't think I want another pet of my own long-term, but I don't mind giving it up. So I'm up to, number eight is in my house right now, over a year. Number eight. In a year. In a year. Five periods. That's insane. Yeah. Because the crisis for the shelter, that all happened like the end of August, beginning of September and 22. Yeah. And so, yeah, literally it's been like a year and eight dogs. Yes. Some went fast. Some took a little longer. The little guy I have now will probably take quite some time. Yeah. Yes. So tell everybody about some of your fosters and what it's like to be a foster parent. I take it really serious that I just don't have them there. I need to figure out what their baggage is and try to help them be the best pet that they can be going forward. And that's how we met, seeing and knowing. And I also think that when I would take a pet in my house, you just take them in and you get them because that's what you got. And you deal with their baggage or your baggage and you make it work. It's like these guys, you have to do what you have to do fast so that they show well and they'll be successful to go into a new home. So I've had all kinds. Most of them brought baggage. They were super scared and I seem to do better with the super scared. For some reason, they'll take to me a little faster or come out of their shell. They don't necessarily want to chew my arm off. They might bite my daughter. But they do pretty good with me. So I've had a part pit bull puppy that was emaciated when she came in. When I picked her up, she was skin and bones. Most of her bones were showing. And fed her back to getting better and growing. The first dog I got was a healer mix and really good. Went to a young couple that I see at the dog park still with him. And I've had little scared ones that were hiding. So you saw him at the dog park. Are you stalking the people that take your pets? I don't have binoculars at the dog park. See if you're taking care of the dogs. When I've taken other dogs out there, then I've seen them walk. When I have one at my house, I try to take them someplace every day, every other day. Something to do to get them out there. Socialization. Yes. So I try to do something. So we'll walk to a different park and not too much of the same routine. And you can just go as fast as they let you. Sometimes they're not up for it. We're on him with them. The one I have now is going to be a bit. He's on the extreme side of not liking people. I think that working with dogs with behavioral issues or doing any type of modification, you know, behavioral-wise, it's a gift. It's not something that everybody can do with the dogs. Read them and be able to know. Even when we're talking about socialization and exposure, if you don't do enough, they don't progress. And then if you do too much too fast, they'll, you know, recess. So it's so tricky. For you to be able to just have that, like, intuition, you know, to know is something. What do you think dealing, because you said you had a lot of the fearful dogs, what do you think is, like, the biggest hurdle or biggest challenge, either for you or for the dog itself? I think for the dog, it's for them to trust that I'm going to do the right thing, even if I'm pulling them past their boundary, that either I'm going to back off or we're going to get forward and, oh, it wasn't so bad. So getting their trust, I think, is the toughest thing. For me, it's kind of knowing that I have to figure out if I'm pushing too far or too fast because, like I said, I want them to get to a home. I don't necessarily want them long-term at my house that they get attached and it's a change. It's a struggle, like, how far I'm pushing them or pulling them every single time. And I had a dog that I got as a three-month-old puppy from somebody, and that dog lived for 11 years. She was sickly the whole 11 years, and he would pop in and out of her life, like, when he would come to town or he'd be gone for two years and he'd come back in. At any point that she heard that man's voice, she went ballistic. She never forgot who he was. And so that's a hard thing when I think about them coming through my house or where they've been before because there was no doubt. I mean, she wouldn't see him for two years, six months, three years, and then she'd hear him, and she was crazed to get to him. They don't forget. They don't. So many times they say they just live for now. I know that that's not true. No, they definitely remember because you think of, like, anybody, like military members that serve and they're overseas for a year, so they come back, the dog knows within a couple seconds of getting their smell who that is, and they're crazy. Yes. So they definitely. Yeah, that's the hard thing too. Like, I want them to adjust and to get to a family quick so that it's not too long-term at my house. Have you had any foster fails, like ones that you couldn't let go of? No. So far, I have not. Now, I had a transport foster, the one number seven. And I'm a small dog person, and it was a pretty good-sized dog, and she might have failed if she wasn't going off to transport. She's got to go to Canada. That's okay. Yeah, it's good. But, yeah, she was a pretty spectacular little dog. What would you say is your favorite thing about fostering? The people I've met, the families I've gone to, and the other fosters, the people I've met at Petco at the events or walking a dog and somebody asking questions. I think that's probably the best. But there is a community that does care. There is. And I don't think they get highlighted enough. That is one of my motivations for doing a podcast, is to bring up that there are people in the community that love dogs. There is things that you can do with your dog. There are different professionals in different fields that can help you with your dog. And, you know, sometimes social media is a great tool. You can do a lot of promo on there, but it can also be something that you put it on, and it's just some negative F one after another, and then you start to, you know, if you're on there too much or you get too in-depth, it starts to really, I mean, people can get depressed from it, and then you start to lose faith in your community. So I think having more of the positive end of dog ownership or just dog lovers or enthusiasts in the area, I think it's just, you know, it's something that needs to be out there to kind of counter some of the negativity. I agree. I think that's a really hard time, especially right now where the city is, that when you're talking about a living thing, it's hard to have hard set rules, guidelines, because every situation, every living thing, every family, every dog, every animal, everything's different. So it's a very hard place to be, and the alternative, if somebody's not taking in an animal, is it's suffering. It's outside. It's not getting fed. It's not getting shelter. It's suffering. Then the next side of that is if you took in every one of them that was on the street. You're suffering. No, I'm kidding. Well, the shelter is, what do they do with them? But there's only so many cages, so many bins. Right. And you get overwhelmed, and they and the animals get overwhelmed, and then they're not taken care of right, and then you end up almost with a similar situation or even worse than if they were in the streets. Yeah. It's a very fine line. It's a very ugly line. Yeah. Ugly, fine line. Yeah. Like a wrinkled piece of angel hair pasta. There you are. And, you know, if they have to go to euthanasia. And it's very hard because our shelter is old, and it has hit that very bad stage, so I'm not sure that life is better inside that shelter than on the streets, except that they get food regular. I think water, too. Yeah. But that's, so it's a hard, we're in a very hard time in the city. So the dogs in the shelter, when you foster, do you go in and pick which dog, or are they assigned to you? How does that process work? So it can work both ways. If you're interested in being a foster, you can look online and see the adoptable dogs that are available and ask for that dog and meet it. And I can only speak for paws. That's who I've volunteered with. They do ask you questions and your family questions, and they try to make sure that it's a good fit, maybe how experienced that you are. In my case, because they've kind of gotten to know me and I would like to see all the sad faces that I have to say no to and walk past, I'm like a bad day and a bad decision away from being a Pat Porter. That's a nice episode of Pat Porter. I don't want to look past that. So I don't want to have to see those sad faces. And they've got to know, they know I like the smaller dogs, and so they'll actually call and say, hey, can I have a great dinner for you? I've got a great dog. It won't get out of its kennel. But if you could come dinner, that's going to be good. That seems to be your main focus, though, is the fearful dogs, or some kind of anxiety or trauma that's held them back. Because I seem to be able to do that, and so a small dog gets adopted faster than a big dog, or the pets, the breeds that have those stigmas. So the little ones get adopted fast. So it's not like I have to go take one and foster it to get adopted. It probably would get adopted. But the fearful ones that are scared and won't come out or won't show or back up on their leash, they don't really have a fighting chance. I know a lot of people will see them and be like, oh, I don't want that dog. He's not friendly or he's not playful. And if you have kids, you can appreciate that. You don't know what you're taking in your house and how quick something could go wrong. So that's why I want to make a difference. I don't want to foster fail. I want to make a difference. And so that seems to be the niche that I can make a difference at, one dog at a time that's fearful, that feels safe and can come out of its shell, and it has a fighting chance. I think that's really awesome. I think we need more fosters like that. I think we need more fosters in general. But it is a lot to ask for somebody. You have to bring an animal in, and then you can get emotionally attached easy, and then you have to say goodbye to them. And then you have to trust that where they're going is going to be a good place, and they're not going to end up either being abused or back on the street or back in the shelter. Emotionally testing. It also takes time because – and I guess some of the dogs might not take as much time. You have to put in the work and then go Saturday to the events, the adoption events, to make sure people are seeing the dogs because, you know, if you're having them but there's no one seeing them, then – Yes. So what do you think, for anybody that wants to get into fostering or is maybe curious about it, what is the best advice that you would give? And, again, since I've really only fostered for paws, I can only speak for them. But I know that if you go in and talk to them and you tell them you're interested in being a foster, they're pretty good about picking out one that might be easy and may be adoptable and ask the questions so that you can start. And also the commitment is to not give up. So if you go to the first Saturday adoption at Petco and the dog doesn't get adopted, you can't just stop coming. You have to keep getting it out and not give up. And I feel like a lot of times – It's the commitment and patience and being consistent. True, true. So along those lines, also a person that's considering fostering, what do you think are the qualities that they should possess? Like what would help them be a good foster? I always think that a lot of times, except for the commitment and knowing their family, they have other pets, most animals adopt to this house. They're not that picky about most food. They'll adopt to your way of life. And so you just kind of have to open your arms and let that happen sometimes. And the next thing is just the commitment. And you find your niche. You kind of find which animals work better for you or work better for your family. But you can't just do that once and give up. And one adoption is it, and give up. And since you're a foster for Contra Colons, is there any programs that they offer to help fosters? Like any training or classes? They have some classes. And any time that I've had any kind of trouble, I've always just called, asked. That's how I found out about you. They were happy to give that number. But they will talk. They're busy, and so a lot of times I know a lot of people say, I call out there and they don't answer. Go to that door one minute and stand in that front door and see their phone is ringing off the wall, somebody's carrying in. One time I was there and they came in with a dog that got stabbed someplace. They're rushing off, trying to figure out which vet they're going to get to, because their hands are full. And so sometimes it is a text and wait it out, or it's an emergency or something else and you just have to go there. It is just a crazy crisis every minute out there, unfortunately. But they will try to figure out. They offer the crates. They offer the food. If you have other pets, they'll do their vaccinations and things like that. Even your other? Your personal pets. If you have a personal pet and you're fostering for them for their yearly vaccines, they'll. All right, Jen, I'm going to be hitting you up for my $10. Bring all the rest of them in. I've had Gwen now how long? They are a great group there. And there's a minimal number of employees, and they just lost Chastity, who was a really good employee there. And I think, again, social media plays this. It can be a negative thing, and so you're seeing all that, and then you're getting frustrated because you call it ransom, or why aren't they doing this, and it's just understanding how busy they really are and how shorthanded they are. You have this number of employees and this number of dogs and things going on. And dogs that have to be fed. Dogs have to be walked. They have to be inside. They have to have medicine. They have to rotate all of them. All of them have to be rotated. All of them have got to be fed. All of them have got to be pottied. The crates, the kennels have got to be cleaned. It's a lot. It is. So I know that they get a lot of backlash as well as the other rescue groups, but I don't really know anything about those other rescue groups. It's easy with PAWS. They're in the building. It's their name on it. Yes. You know if you drive there and you go in the door, there's going to be somebody there. They're right next to the shelter, too, so everybody's like, ah-ha. Right. The other ones I don't know anything about. So is this something that you see yourself doing long-term? I think it's, yes, is what I would say first. But if I had a foster fail or I was really uncomfortable with the home that they were going to send a dog to, that would probably become my fail if they didn't hear me when I said it. Yes. I would keep them over them going to the home. So you're very protective of your fosters. Or any animal. But, yes, for sure. If I put in the time, I've made them, I want them to have the right home. Like I said, I have some that have kept up with me and send me regular updates or pictures of the dog. Some, after a few months, moved on and didn't say, which you would want. That's fine. That's fine, yeah. They're living their life and all of that. So all of that's good, but I think it would be more that if that's, I wouldn't turn. If I felt a really bad vibe inside that that wasn't the right home and they were saying, this is where the dog's going to go, then I'd say, no, this is coming home with me. Then I don't, and I'm, it takes a lot of time for the pets, and so I don't know that I'm very good. I only had one kid because I didn't know I could split the love. So, I think, and so far she's just had one grandson, so I'm doing good. One's good. Everything. Yes. One cat, one dog. Carrying the tradition. So I don't know if I had my own, if I could give the time. And I've always had, I've had sickly dogs before that, so they did take more time. So some dogs are just easy going and they're happy. Oh, I got a playmate. I got food in my bowl. I'm happy. Go ahead and bring somebody else in. Does it matter to you how old your fosters are? Like, do you prefer seniors, puppies, or? I don't really prefer the puppies because they take more time, you know, potty training. You can't put them in. It's a lot of work with puppies. People don't realize. They think they're so cute. Yes, and they take, you know, like you can't just put them in the crate for three or four hours and come home to get them out if you want to get them potty trained or things like that. So, they take more time. I don't really prefer the puppies because they take more time, you know, potty training. You can't put them in. It's a lot of work with puppies. People don't realize. They think they're so cute. a lot of work with puppies. People don't realize. They think they're so cute. It's a lot of work with puppies. People don't realize. They think they're so cute. It's a lot of work with puppies. People don't realize. They think they're so cute. It's a lot of work with puppies. People don't realize. They think they're so cute. It's a lot of work with puppies. People don't realize. They think they're so cute. It's a lot of work with puppies. People don't realize. They think they're so cute. 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It's a lot of work with puppies. It's a lot of work with puppies. It's a lot of work with puppies. It's a lot of work with puppies. It's a lot of work with puppies. It's a lot of work with puppies. It's a lot of work with puppies. It's a lot of work with puppies. It's a lot of work with puppies. It's a lot of work with puppies. It's a lot of work with puppies. It's a lot of work with puppies. It's a lot of work with puppies. It's a lot of work with puppies. It's a lot of work with puppies. It's a lot of work with puppies. It's a lot of work with puppies. It's a lot of work with puppies. It's a lot of work with puppies. It's a lot of work with puppies. It's a lot of work with puppies. It's a lot of work with puppies. It's a lot of work with puppies. It's a lot of work with puppies. It's a lot of work with puppies. It's a lot of work with puppies. It's a lot of work with puppies. It's a lot of work with puppies. It's a lot of work with puppies. It's a lot of work with puppies. It's a lot of work with puppies. It's a lot of work with puppies. It's a lot of work with puppies. It's a lot of work with puppies. It's a lot of work with puppies. It's a lot of work with puppies. It's a lot of work with puppies. It's a lot of work with puppies. It's a lot of work with puppies. It's a lot of work with puppies. It's a lot of work with puppies. It's a lot of work with puppies. It's a lot of work with puppies. It's a lot of work with puppies. It's a lot of work with puppies.

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