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Deadleigh Bluelips

Deadleigh Bluelips




Deadleigh's take

PodcastTHHBBlue LipsSchoolboy Q

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done it's recording right now I had hit allow though okay yeah yeah yeah yeah can I hear anything oh what do you mean no I cannot oh okay just make sure my my little meter is okay recording it's in the it's in the good range yeah ski bring my dollars out of the cage low-key bro he could have been at one point he could have been you're not no more that's not my fault I'm sorry look I was only doing lean-ups all my friends are dead push me to the edge all my friends are dead yeah I just took a Richard overseas all my friends are dead yeah welcome back y'all to another episode hip-hop babies now we're going right now where I was good just say the line hmm give up give up give up give up pop pop pop you a Rico defender we know he's like guys stop being mean to her I play with Cardi's concert oh man you were in the surveillance state for sure brother all right you ready hmm give them five more minutes three two one welcome back y'all to another episode hip-hop babies boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo you know it is your host dad Lee I got my boy Ray with me and we got to get into this new schoolboy Q blue lips yes sir yes sir what y'all know about schoolboy Q y'all y'all ain't never seen schoolboy Q review on this channel have you they've never seen him sorry lagging okay hold on give up it is selected you would be able to tell if it wasn't I'm gonna be honest this shit smells that shit sounds like ass mm-hmm take side give up give up give up give up give up we get into this new schoolboy Q blue lips what is it man y'all ever y'all ever even heard of schoolboy Q I doubt it cuz you didn't hear it from us now yeah you didn't hear it from us man we ain't record we ain't fucking talk shit about schoolboy Q ever bro on this channel so it's a THB THHB first right here little exclusive yeah man we got so much to say about this I mean shit it's like one of the first artists that we bonded over right you was wearing you was wearing ski masks in the middle in the middle of you know our little study hall that we had and I was like bro why you got that on bro and he said man I just I really got I'm about to break the bank bro I'm about to you know you know I'm really in my bag and he put a bucket hat on and I knew what time it was bro I knew what time it was so but yeah no we we got into oxymoron I mean back when I was like 14 in 2014 seems like ages ago that was really where it started you know I checked out setbacks and habits contradictions from that point you know hands on the wheel timeless classic you know you got tons of stuff here man so just to dive in dive into the to the history a little bit this is my first schoolboy Q album that I have really really really really liked since oxymoron be honest this is the first time I feel like he's really gotten back into that type of bag now I have liked some of the stuff from before but but not me not as much as I liked what was initially there I felt like the only exception to the rule that I have is Blankface you know Blankface can can be seen as like one of his better albums I put it personally in the top three of his albums I got it ranked just behind oxymoron and then I got blue lips actually as my first on my favorite schoolboy Q albums I don't know about you bro but I got this one shot up the list immediately I mean you have to listen that much to be like yeah it's on here bro yeah yeah yeah nope thank God yeah I mean I can only do so many studios until I go crazy you know I just I just feel like there's a there's a lot of pressure from his his label and stuff on like what he should and shouldn't be dropping I feel like this was really like the first time that we've kind of seen him uninhibited by like you know the noise he's just kind of doing what he wants to do it seems like he's having a lot of fun doing it I mean I I was if you see him on social media I mean he's all over it with this rollout and he actually put this one as his top album as well for him personally I mean that's just type of vibe he's on you know he's definitely heard this one a lot more than we have but I mean I just think that that speaks on the headspace that he was in when he dropped this album when he and when he was making this album I think it was just a very positive thing overall and if schoolboys happy I'm happy bro like come on man it don't get it didn't it don't get simpler than that like it's it's just him doing stuff from the heart from what actually made him you know start doing music in the first place I feel like so he's back he's back like you said you yeah yeah and I mean like you talking about just like this album in general like how it seems like it kind of took a long time and I mean that can just be highlighted by the fact that he said that lost times was the first song he recorded off here right I figured he just got out of some lost times you know when he when he wrote that and when he when he started doing that is that song is really just about you know celebrating for all the times when we don't know ourselves or we don't know what's happening around us and we can't recognize our surroundings you know and I feel like he was coming out of a place like that and then he decided to write this album so I think that's just a really this is a really cool thing that's a real powerful thing because uh I don't know I feel like this is his uh his uh November Tyler Tyler Crader got November on flower boy last time lost times is schoolboy Q's November for me it's just nice chill introspective gets you thinking about some things reminiscing over some things but at the end of the day man you know we move fuck it we go all so mm-hmm I think so too bro yeah I was just gonna say that like you were saying that it's gonna last for a while and I'm like yeah I'm thinking in my head you can even look at the the single that he dropped you're in one-on-one that's that's not like a regular radio track bro this that is a track so that the schoolboy Q fans hear that and they're like oh this is the type of energy he's coming with okay let me tap back in because we wasn't getting that for a while we was getting chopsticks yeah now get that shit on my face right get that shit on my face I need that hard gangsta rap flow bro like I need that real shit and you're in one-on-one I mean that's that's what that was bro it was back to the basics right one-on-one back to the basics yeah yeah I mean I had the same kind of notes for thank God for me I said this is a teak form for schoolboy Q and I mean I just really liked the the way that you know like he's back and like he's he's celebrating himself and even with like the instrumentation bro like you got the nice little soft horn leading into that and just chill and now and also then like trumpets come in you know what do you hear what do you think when you hear like some trumpets like that that's like that's like victory music bro I'm like circling the fucking stadium after I just won type music right there you know and I don't know just like something that's so genuine about it that I feel like it's been missing from my schoolboy Q albums for a little bit that you know it's just so mentionable at this point I it's like it's the elephant in the room you know and he I think the way that he addressed it on socials and the way that he addressed it with this album just like with the meanings and the purpose purposes of this album I think was just so perfect and perfectly executed for you know everybody who likes schoolboy Q man everybody who likes him like you you and I immediately on the same wavelength when we heard like this shit like there was no delay there was no delay because it's it's just what we what we already liked the most about him and he's just doing it again and how perfect for you know us like oxymoron came out ten years ago like you know and we get a decade later another classic it seems it seems could be you know I'm not but I love it I love this album bro this album is great I think that the way that the way there is is just such a good like slice of life album like you know touching on so many different topics so many different like modern things that we grapple with I feel like he's just able to put it into words so effortlessly and always be on you know the right side of things or always be you know having that confidence where even if he isn't he's still able to talk this shit cuz I mean look at where he's at at this point look at where he's at that's that's basically what he's doing on this it's not even like flexing he's just like bro I came from nothing I'm here now and y'all really can't say shit and I'm like yeah you right down to the lyrics on the Apple music if you go and look up the lyrics you you good I mean you could use it to like just at the end of the day you know just close your skin it's good for you yeah I'm saying at the end of the day you don't even have to know if you sunburned you can just put it on all right you were getting a point off you lock the fuck in you big buddy big band big buddy big band you yeah yeah he's definitely you you and it's full you marijuana hot show pussyhole ass titties crazy bro they don't get it girl I acknowledge that I treated you bad come on Lance come on Lance kill that shit bro they was killing it the whole way I thought all the all the features throughout you know we're great I love that I love Freddie Gibbs on Ohio I thought that was like a great like dream pairing you know I never thought I would I would hear and you know I got it and I was like damn bro like they really did that and you know we also got the Rico on pop you know and he went like full like rock rock star type shit you know like the gangsta gangsta rock I really fucked with that bro I thought that was really dope I thought that all the stuff that he was trying to do worked well and even when he couldn't do it you know he put it on there I mean I feel like movie is a tribute to just like California type music in general like he wasn't even he wasn't even rapping on there he let you know AZ go on there and just rip that thing you know he's like I got hoes I got bricks no AZ Cheekay yeah man you talking about uh talking about Devin Devin Malik he was on he was on no not really but I mean I heard him on you know lovebirds and I was like oh it don't sound like you I was like who is that okay he doing his shit on there I like that I like the way that you know he ended his his track too because he was like doing a little singing and a little rapping you know he was like show myself the world again I don't know how to do that shit but he was like showing him you know show myself the world again and I thought that was really cool one just lovebirds in general I thought was really cool track talking about you know you know you have relationship issues you know you you acknowledge you didn't treat her well but you know you still you still got to move on we gonna you know stay together am I gonna show myself to the world again like you know type shit and I just thought that yeah it was it was I think that a lot of his stuff was just chaotic in general just like the way that he was going from highs to lows but I think that that was overall like a good metaphor for what this life what this album is really about and I feel like it's a metaphor for just life in general you know different different parts of life you know sometimes it's high sometimes it's really low that's just how it goes and sometimes the beat is really slow and sometimes that should be noisy as hell and maybe all up in your face you know and I just think that that's that's a really great way to make an album man like literally like the entire thing I feel like um just like how love for rent was you know how love for rent was like one of those albums where I bring you up and bring you down it's a lot like that I don't know what the word for that is like it's like phonic phonically aligned or something but I'm not technical like that I'm not no music teacher bro but the way these scaling up and going down right crazy bro I'm just like I'm locked in all the time it's like it's like the perfect way to get you you know to get an album on repeat cuz it's always fresh I feel like the entire way through it's always fresh pop nah yeah that nigga talking his shit bro that nigga sound like a supervillain on that one fuck that shit is a hook right here yep yeah bro it's better than Ray J's I'll tell you what bro better than Ray J's song I hate it first I hate it come on right get out of here right now that was some real shit talking though it's from Russia yeah yeah he definitely he found the time to you know just reminisce on you know some of the more important things in his life I just I just felt like his like metaphor game and like the shit that he was referencing it was all on point man like you know I keep going like a blue slides you know it's for like one of the ones where the writing on this really just stands out you know like blue slides he's flying through your whole shit you know sounded like Slobey out here I'm like damn okay presidential rollies I took big risks but it's also a risk bro big risk risk nah he going stupid bro with the entendres come on bro and you know what was another one you know try to strike me out that's why I can't miss nigga they don't want you up our own people trying to vulture us you know we were just talking about Kanye we were just we were just talking about that album you know and that was a that was a definition that we didn't bring up you know about like you know people trying to vulture off of the culture you know even our own people type shit so no you brought it up it you brought it up in a different way in a different in a different way than I feel like he went about it you know in a different way we was we was just talking about this I was like damn very topical our sir are we gonna see you on vultures too please I hope so he said my line is open I seen that he said that on Twitter too he said my line is open this nigga ain't hit me Kanye I got my direct line to you I know you subscribe to this channel I just hit 100 subscribers I know you was hundred get schoolboy Q on vultures too you yeah nah yeah it's called being it's called being real bro this is real he's just real and everything that he talks about you know he's never shied away from it you know if it was some you know dangerous shit or or whatever you know shit shit he had to do to get by like you said it's just what he experienced what he had to go through and it's the rawest form of hip-hop that we got like an album like this is like raw hip-hop this is why we love this shit it's why we review it you know that's why I got such high praises for this album that's why I put it so high I feel like oxymoron was my favorite just cuz it was my first version of him that I heard and I could see the potential of like where he could go from here and this is the realization of that potential all right here it's all coming together at the right type of time you know and like I said it just sounds like he blocked out that outside noise and he's making this for him and his fans and he recognized that we recognize that right away and yeah man just getting back to the to the basics the recipe the main recipe what what why is plankton trying to steal the formula bro you know like what is so special about it I only I couldn't even really put it into words for you but he got it he got it on this one this nigga this nigga put up 81 today bro on jail on Jalen Rose's bitch-ass head put up 81 bro I like you you yeah you you yeah it's not what it's about for sure man yeah it's not it's not what it's about I mean like you can make the same type of Bay Area music or LA type music every year and one of those songs like two of those songs are going to get played universally but outside of that man like people really be looking for different music different vibes different type of shit I don't be listening to the same type of shit I mean this isn't party music but I mean when you listen to party music so only at the party I know but like my point is like the party music stays at the party bro what what happens when you're not at a party what happens when you live in regular life man you need music for that too bro you need you need daily driver music and you know this one it hits it hits all the ranges like you saying it is some of it could be party music you know it's but it's it envelopes all of life and I think albums that you know do that where they can get like a an overarching you know type thing where they touch on a bunch of different things different emotions but it's not coming off as like doing too much and it's just coming off as you that's the most relatable thing because we all are you know we have so many different sides to us I mean you know big Jenkins you know pieces of a man bro we have so many different pieces that people that people see and shit that aren't us all the time but yeah I feel like school schoolboy Q is just so good at getting into those parts where we can see the human nature that's inside of him you know the human human aspect of him that's just trying to be the best in all the situations that you can be not necessarily being perfect in them doing what you have to just to survive how can you not feel this shit bro how can you not feel it I'm just trying to be the best in all the situations that you can be I'm just trying to be the best in all the situations that you can be I'm just trying to be the best in all the situations that you can be I'm just trying to be the best in all the situations that you can be I'm just trying to be the best in all the situations that you can be I'm just trying to be the best in all the situations that you can be I'm just trying to be the best in all the situations that you can be I'm just trying to be the best in all the situations that you can be yeah it can be up there for sure this right now it is for sure oh yeah oh yeah we don't we don't have to see this live for sure it's gonna be up it's gonna be up till I get stuck bro I don't even know what to do bro I don't even know how I'm gonna be feeling but I'm just excited to you know live with this album sit with it longer you know I mean we already got so much enjoyment out of it but this is one of those slow burns man I mean if I wasn't so deeply tapped incredibly locked in all the time I wouldn't know that you know this album is gas I would just be your run-of-the-mill you know regular living like Larry dude but you know I'm I'm invested bro and uh the moment I heard it I was like boom bro I need I need to hear I need to hear more of this I need to hear it throughout life I need to experience stuff with this album because I could already tell it's going I'm gonna get some deep attachment to it I was I was gonna say that to your point earlier about how you know he's going to drop something great after this I think that part of the reason why you think that is because that the reception so far to this album has been so overwhelmingly positive how could he not be so excited to be able to drop something like this I think that's part of the reason why he's so excited to be able to drop something so far to this album has been so overwhelmingly positive how could he not see all this positivity and keep doing what he's doing you know if he was doing if he was searching for his before and he was trying to appease people before and he's making music for them and it didn't pan out wasn't like you know his favorite music he was making his fans weren't really that big of you know fans of those projects either hopefully what he sees now with this reception pushes him further you know along that path of just being himself just making music for him because that's all we really want I don't care what the radio wants to hear I mean that's just us you know because we don't give a fuck about that music I want to hear what what I want to hear so yeah just just I hope that you know our review is part of that positive storm that's coming for this album and pushing that all the way up I hope it is number one on the fucking charts and shit bro because it could be up there bro like it there's nothing that is on those charts that is more quality than this project you know and I can say that without a doubt in my mind like this is a very very thoroughly well well put album like from the production side from the writing from the energy just the overall rapping ability bro got it you got it we getting baby keem on the next project bro and kendrick going kendrick going right for him so yeah on lovebirds that shit was noisy so yeah um oh so not everybody's built for the screaming era man not not yeah and not I just feel like yeah not everybody is not dropping for the right reasons nowadays so it's always a toss-up if you're going to get an artist drop like music for the sake of the music I just feel like it's just so muddy it was a lot of shit a lot of different shit nowadays so I'm glad that this album was made for the music and for the people um for sure that's what I'm most grateful for and I think that it's only up from here man so it could only go up from here I think so I'm ready I'm ready I need more let's get the uh you know I know Kendrick is the biggest rapper in the world but why ain't you working with schoolboy no more bro what's your problem nah nah nah nah ask this man ask this man why he thinks he's so special yeah exactly you ain't you ain't you don't need him so uh so so so yeah Kendrick you ain't gonna give him even a guest verse for it like I don't even know I mean I know I know we had it on it was muted I know we had it on crash talk where you know you had the sample track and you gave it to Travis Scott and you know but come on man nothing all right I'ma lay off I'ma let it slide I'ma let it slide I don't even care like that I was bringing that up because you brought it up but gotta explain your points man you know not everybody not everybody's thinking two steps ahead like you bro you you on another level so um keep doing it as long as it's like this yeah no more no more crash talk right we good we do it I'm good love no I'm good love hey that's for another day man we didn't we didn't review that album bro we review blue blue lips so make sure y'all go stream that one make sure y'all like comment and subscribe for the boy for the one sign bro like don't make me get emotional bro like y'all really got us to 100 subscribers that's crazy y'all are the best you right there in that chair you the best and if you didn't hit that subscribe button I take that shit back I mean I wasn't talking to your bitch ass anyways thank y'all so much make sure you uh hit that patreon link too we got link we got links out the shits man you want to support us man patreon is a great way to do that you can pledge a dollar you know hey man I mean it doesn't that's all I'm gonna say so um I'm gonna I'm gonna let Ray take over uh but thank y'all so much so so peace yeah that was good yeah it was good bro

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