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Protein synthesis, mutation recording

Protein synthesis, mutation recording




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Number one, the shape of a protein molecule is influenced by A, whether it's organic or inorganic, B, the sequence of amino acids in it, C, the number of genes found in a nucleus, D, the number of chromosomes in the cell. Two, the process to the left picture is known as A, digestion by enzymes, B, energy production, C, protein synthesis, D, replication of DNA, that's a ribosome. It says newly formed organic molecules that it's pointing to, and that's a single strand. Three, the diagram to the left illustrates the relationship between A, enzymes and substrates, B, antigens and immunity, C, amino acids and glucose, D, ribosomes and sugars. That says biological catalysts, enzymes, substrates. I just gave you the answer. Four, all chemical breakdown processes in a cell directly involve A, reactions that are controlled by catalysts, B, enzymes that are stored in mitochondria, C, the production of catalysts and vacuoles, D, enzymes that have the same genetic base sequence. Five, use the graphs to the right to answer questions five and six. Five, what two enzymes will function in the region of the body having a neutral PHA? Six, a solution with PH of three contains enzyme A and a substrate. If a base is gradually added to the solution, the rate of action of enzyme C will most likely A, remain constant, B, increase and decrease, C, decrease and increase, D, decrease constantly. Seven, which amino acid sequence will be produced by translation of the mRNA sequence? UAC, UCU, ACC. Eight, which of the following is correctly matched with this function? A, rRNA contains code to make new ribosomes, B, DNA carries amino acids to the ribosome, C, tRNA combines with proteins to make ribosomes, D, mRNA carries genetic code from nucleus to the ribosome, nine, which mRNA codon will halt or stop the production of a protein chain? Ten, use the diagram to the left according to the diagram. In which step is messenger RNA being constructed? One is two-strand, that's a nucleus. Two is a single strand coming out. Three is back double-stranded. Four, single strand with a ribosome, that blob is a ribosome. Eleven, what type of mutation occurs when part of a gene is missing after replication? A, deletion, B, insertion, C, inversion, D, translocation. Twelve, what sequence of DNA bases will pair with the strand shown in the partial? Straight below, ATG, TGA, CAG, A, ATG, TGA, CAG, B, TAC, ACT, GTC, C, GTA, AGT, GAC, D, CAT, TCA, CTG. Thirteen, which of the following is the template for the production of RNA within a cell? DNA, B, ATP, C, protein, D, carbohydrate. Fourteen, which of the following statements is true about the diagram below? X is transcription, Y is polypeptide chain, Y is replication, C is transpiration, W, unzipping, Y, translation, X, translation, Y, transcription. Fifteen, a sequence of DNA is part of a gene. How many amino acids are coded for by this protein, by this segment? Sixteen, translate the DNA code for the normal hemoglobin. Seventeen, which of these are the repeating units that form a DNA and RNA molecule? Fatty acids, nucleotides, amino acids, chromosomes. Eighteen, which nucleotide indicates that a nucleic acid is RNA? Uracil, thymine, cytosine, adenine. Nineteen, which of the following is not a function of proteins? Store and transmit genetic information, control the rate of reactions, help to fight disease, remove substance into and out of the cells. Twenty, replicate the following strand of DNA. Twenty-one, find the transcribed strand of RNA using the answer for number 20, DNA coding strand. Twenty-one, twenty-two, translate the mRNA strand using the answer for number 21. For questions 23 through 27, select true, A, or false for B. So select A or B. Twenty-three, the sugar found in RNA is deoxyribose. Twenty-four, the DNA molecule is double-stranded and RNA molecule is single-stranded. Twenty-five, the process of translation occurs at the ribosome. Twenty-six, the job of mRNA is to pick up amino acids and transport them to the ribosome. Transcription must occur before translation may occur. Twenty-eight, this diagram shows which cellular process, replication, transcription, translation, mutation. Twenty-nine, which of the following changes will be expected if a CAUUUG sequence of bases mutated to CACUUG? The amino acid sequence would be shortly inspected. The identity of one amino acid would change. The identity of more than one amino acid would change. The amino acid sequence will remain unchanged. Use the diagram below for questions 30 through 32. Which of the processes occur in the nucleus? Thirty-one, process two is known as replication, mutation, transcription, translation. Thirty-two, which of the products, what is the product of process three? A strand of DNA, two coupling strands of DNA, a strand of RNA, a chain of amino acids. And that's DNA to DNA is one. DNA to RNA is two. RNA to polypeptides is three. Polypeptides to enzymes is four. Polypeptides to cell parts is five. Thirty-three, which provides a codon? A protein that begins transcription by breaking apart H-bonds. That's three-folding base that attaches to an open DNA strand. The genetic code of three bases on mRNA that specify for one amino acid. The strong bond between two complementary nitrogen bases. Thirty-four, the effect of pH on a certain enzyme shown in the graph. At what pH would the enzyme be most effective? Above 10, between 5 and 7, between 8 and 10, and below. Thirty-five, enzymes have an optimum temperature at which they work best. Temperatures above and below this optimum will decrease enzyme activity, which best illustrates the effect of temperature on enzyme activity. Our temperature and enzyme activity. Thirty-six, meat tenderizer contains an enzyme that interacts with meat. If meat is coated with a tenderizer and then placed in the refrigerator for a short period of time, for a short time, how will the enzyme be affected? It will be broken down. Its activity will slow down. Its shape will change. It will no longer act as an enzyme. Thirty-seven, the graph below shows the effect of substrate concentration on the enzyme, the action of enzyme X. This enzyme is functioning at its optimum temperature, 36 degrees Celsius, and its optimum pH, 5.5. When the substrate concentration increases from 0.4 to 0.5 percent, the rate of enzyme reaction decreases, remains the same, increases, increases, then decreases. The effect of substrate concentration on the rate of enzyme action and rate of reaction on the graph. Thirty-eight, a process that occurs in the human body is shown in the diagram below. You have a dipeptide substrate, enzyme, enzyme substrate complex, amino acids, plus an enzyme. What would happen if a temperature change caused the shape of the active site to be altered? A, the peptide would digest faster. B, the peptide would digest slower or not at all. C, the amino acids will combine faster. D, the amino acids will combine slower or not at all. Thirty-nine, a group of specialized cells that collectively work to perform a particular job in the body is known as tissue. Similarly, an organ is a group of tissues working together to accomplish a specific function. Which of the following best describes what would happen if a mutation occurred in the DNA of a group of specialized cells? A, the mutated cells would not affect the function of the organ. The other tissues would be able to maintain the organ's function without the damaged cells. B, the mutated cells would affect the function of the tissue, and therefore the function of the organ would be jeopardized. C, the mutated cells would be able to reverse the damage over time, resulting in minimal effects on the organ's function. D, the mutated cells would not be affected by the mutation in the DNA because they are already specialized, so organ function would be maintained. Jamie inherited a sickle cell trait from her mom and her dad, which resulted in having sickle cell anemia. She required blood transfusions regularly to keep her cells supplied with the oxygen they need to maintain homeostasis. The sequence below shows a part of the genetic code for the HPB gene, which provides instructions for making beta-globin protein that sufficiently binds to oxygen. Which of the following best represents the amino acid sequence found in normal adults with HPB gene? If you look up here, it says DNA, hemoglobin in normal adults, CAC, GTG, GAC, TGA, GGA, CTT, CTC. And below you have the DNA hemoglobin for sickle cell. CAC, GTG, GAC, TGA, GGA, CAT, CTC. 41. The genetic sequence for a HexA protein found in chromosome 15. When the coding for the HexA protein is done correctly, the HexA enzyme is able to break down lipids and keep them from coding nerves, allowing for quick signals from the brain to the body and by the organs. However, when the coding is done incorrectly, the HexA enzyme is not able to break down lipid buildup, resulting in slow signal transmission. Ultimately, the lack of working HexA will stop the signals sent from the brain to the body and vital organs, resulting in progressive and fatal disorder known as case X. 41. Review and push out the normal DNA sequence shown below for the HexA protein. Using the code on chart provided, determine the amino acid sequence necessary for creating a normal HexA protein. A, the normal protein amino acid sequence for the fixture of HexA provided is, that's LEU. B, the normal protein amino acid sequence for the HexA gene provided is, C, the normal protein amino acid sequence for the section of the HexA gene provided is, D, the normal protein amino acid sequence for the section of HexA gene provided is,

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