Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
This presentation is about the Benchmark School Counseling Program at Bratt Elementary. The counselor's belief is that all students need a safe and caring learning environment, excel in teamwork, set academic goals, and develop healthy habits. The school's vision is for every student to succeed and be equipped with the necessary tools for lifelong learning. The mission is to provide a comprehensive counseling program that addresses academic, social-emotional, and career development. The counselor covers topics like cyberbullying, conflict resolution, and healthy eating. They also assist with scheduling, academic concerns, and provide career readiness strategies. Advocacy is promoted by teaching acceptance for diversity and effective communication. Access, attainment, and achievement are important, including special education and gifted programs, passing rates, and attendance. Barriers include attitudes and beliefs of students, teachers, families, and the school culture. Well-being is e Hi, this is Tiffany Fretwell and this is my presentation of the Benchmark School Counseling Parent Teacher Presentation Assignment. Second slide. My belief at Bratt Elementary is that all students need a safe and caring learning environment. All students will excel in teamwork and become great leaders. All students will set academic goals and achieve them. All students will develop healthy habits to create a productive future and I am the facilitator that will help them reach that along with the admin and teachers. Our vision at Bratt Elementary is that we are united for every student to succeed. We strive to provide a stimulating learning environment where students are actively engaged in the learning process and equipped with the necessary tools to become successful lifelong learners and productive community members. Our mission at Bratt Elementary School is that we provide data-driven and a comprehensive school counseling program that addresses the needs and interests of all students in relating to academic, social-emotional, and college and career development. Yes, even at the elementary level. We promote a positive atmosphere that shows an acceptance for diversity, empathy, and perseverance. We advocate for equal access to curriculum for all students so they have the skills needed to achieve success in school and beyond. Slide three. To start off the school year, students will have a Meet the Counselor session. During that session, I will make sure that we go over the ABCs, the Emergency versus a Counseling Request Form, Campus Crime Stoppers or Incident Reports, Guidance Curriculum, Pre-tests administrated to the school body, and some other personal health and safety issues that I talk about throughout the year that is in my program is cyberbullying, bullying, what is bullying, ways to manage stress, conflict resolution and anger management. We do role plays, healthy eating to manage our moods. Children don't know that what we eat affects our behavior and acceptance and tolerance for others. Slide four. The academics that my program demonstrates is I advise students on scheduling concerns, conflicts, classroom placement, academic concerns. We have student conferences. I do first semester group data analysis and presentation, assist with spring registration and planning for the coming fifth, for the fifth graders. Moving into sixth grade, we do a field trip so they can see what the new middle school will be like and then also the testing for kindergartners as they come in. Then I'm also involved in team meetings and RTI meetings. We consult first about students who are struggling to meet our at grade level benchmark. Then we also do second semester group data analysis and presentations. Slide five. Career readiness. Some ways that I address career readiness is first by teaching them good grade strategies. If we are truly trying our best and trying to make the best grades we can make and that does not mean every student is going to make A's and B's because not every student is going to make A's and B's. C's is average and C's are okay if that's all you can do. And that is our benchmark and that's what students need to know that if I don't make A's and B's it's not the end of the world. Yes, in your household if you would like to have a higher standard and you know your child is capable of more than just a C then by all means you and your child have that conversation. But C's are average. But ways to get make good grades is staying organized, using a planner, organizing their backpack regularly, body language in the classroom, taking effective notes, and then we also have at the end of the year career day we have many activities that we do. They get to see different career options out there that they might not have seen and we will have people come on campus and have like a mini field trip on campus for them. Slide six. Advocacy. Advocacy. The ASCA says that I should demonstrate advocacy in a comprehensive school counseling program. As the school counselor I'll work with the staff and our RTI coordinator to ensure proper implementation of our MTSS or RTI. We monitor early warning system data and coordinate mentors and volunteers as needed. I work with classes, small groups, and individuals as needed to ensure social, emotional, and behavioral success. Ways that I promote it is to bring awareness to different cultures that we're not all the same. Teach students that it's okay to be different and differences make us special. The use of verbal and non-verbal communication and again that verbal and non-verbal communication also goes back to am I getting them career ready. And then slide seven, access, attainment, and achievement. Some things that we look at there is special education. Do children have the access, the education that they are needing? Special education or the talented program or enrichment activities that they may need at our school. Special education, you have your IEP and it's different, it's an individualized plan. Some students might get pulled out for certain subjects and others might have an aide come in with them for a certain subject. It just depends on what works best for the child. And then our gifted program is once a week here at this school the children go to a gifted class and they are taught by a teacher in first through fifth grade. And then we also look at our attainment, the passing rate and our attendance rate. Achievements, we like to honor the honor rolls. The state, we look at their state scores, star scores, and our ready scores and we encourage students again to just do their best. Slide eight, some barriers and well-being. Some barriers are students' attitudes, teachers' expectations and attitudes, family culture and beliefs and school culture and beliefs. Here at the school we're trying, of course we believe that all students need a safe and caring learning environment and that's what we are trying to provide here and that's even the teachers. And then I know sometimes students' attitudes, if it's hard for them then they need a reminder that it's okay, as long as I'm trying my best then I'm going to be alright. And then well-being, a student's basic needs have to be met or they can't learn. If they're sick, hungry, anxious, alone, abused, okay, then they're not going to learn. There's too much going on and learning is on the back burner so that would need to be addressed. We have to address a student's basic needs first so that they can be the best learner that they can be. Slide nine is my reference slides. These are from where I got my information and also some of them were used in my brochure and my calendars.